Dr Karen Ashton staff profile picture

Contact details +6469517445

Dr Karen Ashton BA, BCA, MA, PhD

Senior Lecturer in Linguistics

Doctoral Supervisor
School of Humanities Media and Creative Comm

Karen is a Senior Lecturer (Applied Linguistics, Language Education), and doctoral coordinator for TESOL & Applied Linguistics.

She has expertise and has published in the areas of language teaching, learning and assessment; effective pedagogy; teacher agency; teacher professional development; language education policy; and the 'borrowing' and use of western pedagogical approaches in non-Western contexts.

Karen has a PhD in language assessment (Cambridge) and a MA in Forensic Linguistics (Cardiff). At Cambridge she worked on Asset Languages and was Project Manager for the European Survey on Language Competences.

Karen is immediate past President of ALANZ (Applied Linguistics in Aotearoa New Zealand).


Contact details

  • Location: SGP 4.20, Sir Geoffrey Peren Building
    Campus: Turitea


  • Bachelor of Arts - Victoria University (1997)
  • Bachelor of Commerce and Administration - Victoria University (1998)
  • Master of Arts (Distinction) - University of Wales (2004)
  • Doctor of Philosophy - University of Cambridge (2009)

Certifications and Registrations

  • Licence, Supervisor, Massey University

Research Expertise

Research Interests

  • Language learning and teaching
  • Diverse learners and contexts
  • Language education policy
  • Language assessment (particularly classroom-based assessment, large-scale assessment development projects)
  • Policy borrowing and learning (particularly Western pedagogical and assessment practices in Asian cultures)
  • Teacher agency
  • Teacher professional development
  • Forensic linguistics

Karen has published and presented widely in this field including on the following areas: teacher agency, multi-level language teaching, refugee learner experiences, classroom-based assessment, policy borrowing and learning, comparability of language assessments, alignment of assessments to the CEFR, assessment of non-Latin script and community languages, cross-language comparison of learner reading strategies.

Karen is a member of the Editorial Board for the following journals:



  • MURF funded project titled Court interpreting: Lost in translation [2021]
  • Massey Strategic Research Excellence Fund project titled Accomodating diversity of New Zealand language learners [2020-2021]
  • MURF funded project titled Multi-level languages classrooms: What are the challenges and how do teachers cope? [2016]
  • Project titled A case study of the Japanese programme at Massey University: enrolment patterns and concomitant environmental factors. [2015]
  • A New Zealand Educational Institute (NZEI) funded project titled Investing in Educational Success model: Critical Evidence review. [2014-2015]
  • A Sasakawa Fellowship Foundation project titled Japanese language education in New Zealand: An evaluative literature review of the decline in students since 2005. [2012-2013]
  • Project Manager for the European Survey on Language Competences (UK), (initiated and funded by the European Commission), which tested the language skills of 55,000 secondary school pupils in 14 European countries. [2008-2012]
  • Research lead for Asset Languages, a multilingual assessment project (UK) derived from the UK's National Languages Strategy. Her role included test validation and managing a research agenda including cross-language and framework comparability. [2004-2008]


21st Century Citizenship

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Applied Linguistics and Educational Linguistics (200401):
Comparative and Cross-Cultural Education (130302): Curriculum and Pedagogy (130200): Education (130000): Education Systems (130100):
Languages, Communication And Culture (200000): Linguistics (200400):
LOTE, ESL and TESOL Curriculum and Pedagogy (excl. Maori) (130207): Specialist Studies in Education (130300): Teacher Education and Professional Development of Educators (130313)


Teaching pedagogy

Language Learning and Teaching

Language Assessment

Teacher Agency

Research Outputs


(2024). Pre-service teachers’ belief changes in an English for specific purposes teacher education context. English for Specific Purposes. 73, 110-123
[Journal article]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Sutton, D., Kearney, A., & Ashton, K. (2023). Improving educational inclusion for refugee-background learners through appreciation of diversity. International Journal of Inclusive Education. 27(6), 671-688
[Journal article]Authored by: Ashton, K., Kearney, A.
Puad, LMAZ., & Ashton, K. (2023). A critical analysis of Indonesia's 2013 national curriculum: Tensions between global and local concerns. Curriculum Journal. 34(3), 521-535
[Journal article]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K. (2022). Language teacher agency in emergency online teaching. System. 105
[Journal article]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K. (2021). Novice teacher agency in the multi-level language classroom. Language, Culture and Curriculum. 34(3), 242-256
[Journal article]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Puad, LMAZ., & Ashton, K. (2021). Teachers’ views on classroom-based assessment: an exploratory study at an Islamic boarding school in Indonesia. Asia Pacific Journal of Education. 41(2), 253-265
[Journal article]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K. (2019). Approaches to teaching in the multi-level language classroom. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching. 13(2), 162-177
[Journal article]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K. (2018). Exploring teacher views of multi-level language classes in New Zealand secondary schools. Teaching and Teacher Education. 69, 104-118
[Journal article]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Carusi, FT., Rawlins, P., & Ashton, K. (2018). The ontological politics of evidence and policy enablement. Journal of Education Policy. 33(3), 343-360
[Journal article]Authored by: Ashton, K., Carusi Jr, F., Rawlins, P.
Ashton, K. (2016). Assessing foreign language students' spoken proficiency: Stakeholder perspectives on assessment innovation.. The TESOLANZ Journal. , 93-95
[Book Review]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K. (2016). Read, J. (2015). Assessing English proficiency for university study. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9781137495891. 272 pp. [book review]. New Zealand Studies in Applied Linguistics. 22(1), 59-59
[Book Review]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K. (2019). Reading approach and strategy use across languages in an assessment context: does one-size fit all?. Language Learning Journal. 47(1), 34-48
[Journal article]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K. (2016). Reflections on international comparative education survey methodology: a case study of the European Survey on Language Competences. Compare. 46(3), 414-434
[Journal article]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K. (2014). Using self-assessment to compare learners' reading proficiency in a multilingual assessment framework. System. 42(1), 105-119
[Journal article]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K. (2013). Reflections on the European Survey on language competences: Looking back, looking forwards. Research Notes. (52), 20-23 Retrieved from http://www.cambridgeenglish.org/images/139525-research-notes-52-document.pdf
[Journal article]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Jones, N., & Ashton, K. (2013). The European Survey on language competences. Academic Exchange Quarterly. 17(1), 127-132 Retrieved from http://rapidintellect.com/AEQweb/spr2013.htm
[Journal article]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K., Salamoura, A., & Diaz, E. (2012). The BEDA impact project: A preliminary investigation of a bilingual programme in Spain. Research Notes. 50, 34-42 Retrieved from http://www.cambridgeesol.org/rs_notes/rs_nts50.pdf
[Journal article]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K. (2011). Comparing proficiency levels in an assessment context: The construct of reading for secondary school learners of German, Japanese and Urdu in England. Japanese Language and Literature. 45(2), 347-348
[Journal article]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K. (2010). Comparing proficiency levels in a multi-lingual assessment context. Research Notes. 42, 14-15 Retrieved from http://www.cambridgeesol.org/rs_notes/rs_nts42.pdf
[Journal article]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K. (2006). Asset Languages update. Research Notes. 25, 21-21
[Journal article]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K. (2006). Can Do self-assessment: investigating cross-language comparability in reading. Research Notes. 24, 10-14 Retrieved from http://www.cambridgeesol.org/rs_notes/rs_nts24.pdf
[Journal article]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Jones, N., Green, K., Ashton, K., & Chen, A. (2005). Constructing the languages ladder: Challenges facing the asset languages project. ALTE News. Winter 2004 - Spring 2005, 5-9 Retrieved from http://piaf.ciep.fr/_DELF_DALF/Documents/alte_newsletter.pdf
[Journal article]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Jones, N., Ashton, K., & Shi-Yi Chen, A. (2005). Rising to the challenge of Asset Languages. Research Notes. 19, 2-4 Retrieved from http://research.cambridgeesol.org/research-notes/issue-19-february-2005
[Journal article]Authored by: Ashton, K.


Ashton, K. (2024). Critically Reflecting on Diversity and Learners’ Needs: An Example from Aotearoa New Zealand. In International Perspectives on Critical English Language Teacher Education: Theory and Practice. (pp. 87 - 91).
[Chapter]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K. (2024). Supporting linguistically diverse learners in the mainstream classroom through a focus on language. In R. Erlam (Ed.) Teaching the linguistically diverse learner in Aotearoa New Zealand. (pp. 201 - 217). New Zealand: NZCER
[Chapter]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K., & McKechnie, E. (2023). Continuing Professional Development for Teaching English as an Additional Language in New Zealand Primary Schools. In A. Cirocki, R. Farrelly, & H. Buchanan (Eds.) Continuing Professional Development of TESOL Practitioners. A Global Landscape.. (pp. 151 - 173). Switzerland: Springer Cham
[Chapter]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K. (2018). Bridging the policy/practice divide: A focus on policy learning, pedagogy, and equality. In International Perspectives on Education and Society. (pp. 67 - 73).
[Chapter]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K., & Shino, P. (2016). Table talk: interpreting enrolment patterns in Japanese at Massey University. In M. Ogino, P. Shino, & D. Nesbitt (Eds.) Creating new synergies: Approaches of tertiary Japanese programmes in New Zealand. (pp. 43 - 90). Auckland, New Zealand: Massey University Press
[Chapter]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Jones, N., & Ashton, K. (2015). The European survey on language competences. In A. Franca Plastina, E. Di Martino, B. Di Sabato, & M. Pasqua (Eds.) Language in society and professional domains: Linguistic and educational issues. (pp. 10 - 14). New York: Academic Exchange Quarterly
[Chapter]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Jones, N., Ashton, K., & Walker, T. (2010). Asset languages: A case study of piloting the CEFR Manual. In W. Martyniuk (Ed.) Studies in Language Testing 33. Aligning tests with the CEFR: Reflections on using the Council of Europe's draft manual. (pp. 227 - 246). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press
[Chapter]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K. (2008). The languages ladder and asset languages: A new assessment framework for languages in England. In C. Kenner, & T. Hickey (Eds.) Multilingual Europe: Diversity and learning. (pp. 175 - 177). Staffordshire, UK: Trentham Books
[Chapter]Authored by: Ashton, K.


Ashton, K., Hartnett, M., & Rawlins, P. (2018). Understanding Massey University learners' help-seeking behaviour including the use of Studiosity. Massey University.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Ashton, K., Hartnett, M., Rawlins, P.
Rawlins, P., Ashton, K., Carusi, T., & Lewis, E. (2015). Investing in educational success: An investigation of the evidence base.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Ashton, K., Carusi Jr, F., Rawlins, P.
McGee, A., Ashton, K., Dunn, K., & Taniwaki, T. (2013). Japanese language education in New Zealand: An evaluative literature review of the decline in students since 2005. IPC Tertiary Institution.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K., Jones, N., Maris, G., Schouwstra, S., Verhelst, N., Partchev, I., . . . Ryssevik, J. (2012). Technical report for the first European Survey on Language Competences. European Commission.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Jones, N., Kortes, J., Gille, E., & Ashton, K. (2012). Final report for the first European Survey on Language Competences. European Commission.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K. (2011). The BEDA impact project: A preliminary investigation of a bilingual programme in Spain. FERE-CECA Madrid (Federación Española de Religiosos de la Enseñanza/Federation of Catholic Schools in Madrid).
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Verhelst, N., Jones, N., Ashton, K., Robinson, M., Chattopadhyay, M., Illyes, A., . . . Hideg, G. (2009). Interim report for the European Survey on Language Competences. European Commission.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Verhelst, N., Jones, N., Ashton, K., Robinson, M., Rubini, V., Chattopadhyay, M., . . . Hideg, G. (2008). Inception report for the European Survey on Language Competences. European Commission.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Ashton, K.


Ashton, K. (2024, July). Understanding and responding to diversity in the language classroom. Presented at NZALT/FIPLV World Congress. Auckland.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K. (2023, November). Critically reflecting on practice: Benefits, challenges, ethical responsibilities for language teacher educators. Presented at ALANZ Symposium (Applied linguistics: Looking forward and looking backward). Auckland.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K. (2023, November). Supporting teachers with task-based language teaching through shared reflective practice [online]. Presented at The 3rd VNZ TESOL International Conference 2023. Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K. (2023, June). Workshop: Examining and developing tasks for task-based language teaching. Presented at Task-based Language Teaching Conference: Resilience and Innovation. Khon Kaen, Thailand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K., & Qi, GY. (2022, November). Teacher positioning of language learners: (Re)conceptualising diversity. Presented at ALANZ-ALAA-ALTAANZ Applied linguistics in the Asia-Pacific region. Wellington.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K. (2022, July). Workshop: Differentiation in the language learning classroom. Presented at NZALT 2022. Dunedin.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K. (2021, October). Enacting teacher agency during COVID-19: A small New Zealand study. Presented at Conference for Community Languages and ESOL (CLESOL) 2021
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K. (2021, July). Workshop: Differentiation in the language classroom. Presented at NZALT 2021: Celebrating excellence in language teaching and learning. Wellington.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K., & Qi, GY. (2021, July). Understanding diversity in New Zealand secondary school language classrooms. Presented at NZALT 2021: Celebrating excellence in language teaching and learning. Wellington.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ashton, K., Qi, Y.
Ashton, K., & Qi, GY. (2021, July). Understanding diversity in secondary school language classrooms. Presented at 23rd The Australian Federation of Modern Language Teachers Associations (AFMLTA) International Languages Conference
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ashton, K., Qi, Y.
Ashton, K., & Qi, GY. (2020, November). Understanding diversity in New Zealand secondary school language classrooms. Presented at Applied Linguistics Association of New Zealand (ALANZ) Symposium 2020. Dunedin.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ashton, K., Qi, Y.
Ashton, K. (2020, November). Enacting teacher agency in Covid times. Presented at Applied Linguistics Association of New Zealand (ALANZ) Symposium 2020. Dunedin.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K. (2020, February). Transforming classroom-based assessment practices. Presented at CamTESOL: 21st Century ELT - Approaches for Effective Practices. Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K. (2019, November). Pre-conference workshop (Vietnamese Language Assessment Symposium): Assessment of Speaking and Writing. Presented at Vietnamese Language Assessment Symposium. Hanoi, Vietnam.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K., Duong Thu, M., Sai Cong, H., Nguyen Thi Mai, H., & Nguyen Thi Kim, A. (2019, November). Plenary: High school graduation assessment practices for foreign languages: Trends and future directions. Presented at Vietnamese Language Assessment Symposium. Hanoi, Vietnam.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K. (2017, November). Pedagogy in the multi-level classroom. Presented at ALANZ/ALAA/ALTAANZ Applied Linguistics in the New Millennium: Multiple Theories, Pathways, and Practices. Auckland.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K. (2016, November). It’s a juggling act: Assessing learners in the multi-level language classroom. Presented at ALTAANZ 2016 In the classroom and beyond: Assessing language ability in different contexts. Auckland, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K. (2016, July). Teaching multi-level languages classes: Challenges and coping strategies. Presented at NZ Association for Language Teachers (NZALT) Conference 2016. Nelson, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K. (2015, November). Methodology, policy and practice: A case study of the European Survey on Language Competences. Presented at ALAA/ALANZ/ALTAANZ Learning in a multilingual world. Adelaide, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K. (2015, November). Minding the gap from methodology to policy: The European Survey on Language Competences. Presented at Language, Education and Diversity (LED). Auckland, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K. (2014, January). Large scale international surveys: New methodology needed?. Presented at Conducting Cross-Cultural, Cross-National Research in International Settings. Bangkok, Thailand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K. (2013). The European survey on language competences: Comparing language learning and proficiency across Europe. , ALANZ & ALAA 2013 Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K. (2013, November). The European survey on language competences: Comparing language learning and proficiency across Europe. Presented at ALANZ & ALAA Conference. Victoria University Wellington.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K., Hirata, A., & Taniwaki, T. (2012, December). Sasakawa Japanese Language Education Fund Research Project. Presented at The Tertiary Teaching of Japanese in New Zealand Symposium: Issues in the Asian Century. Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K. (2012, October). Community and ‘foreign’ language learners: Different types of learners with different needs. Presented at Community Languages and English for Speakers of Other Languages (CLESOL): Emerging opportunities in new learning spaces. Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K. (2012). Community and ‘foreign’ language learners: Different types of learners with different needs. In CLESOL Programme Abstracts(pp. 36 - 36). , http://www.clesol.org.nz/2012/CLESOLAbstracts.pdf [CLESOL]: Emerging opportunities in new learning spaces New Zealand: http://www.clesol.org.nz/2012/CLESOLAbstracts.pdf
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K. (2011, November). Researching impact in an educational assessment context. Presented at II CONGRESO DE BILINGÜISMO BEDA, ERE-CECA Madrid (Federación Española de Religiosos de la Enseñanza/Federation of Catholic Schools in Madrid). Madrid, Spain.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K. (2011, July). The European survey on language competences. Presented at Association of Language Testers in Europe 4th International Conference (ALTE). Krakow, Poland.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K., & Jones, N. (2011). SurveyLang and the European survey on language competences. Poster session presented at the meeting of Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE), Krakow. Krakow
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Jones, N., & Ashton, K. (2011, June). The European survey on language competences: Constructing comparable multilingual tests aligned to the CEFR. Presented at Language Testing Research Colloqium (LTRC). Michigan, USA.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K., & Wright, A. (2009, May). Developing a suite of multi-lingual assessments. Presented at Language Teaching Symposium. Ghent, Belgium.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K.(2008, April 10). Studying impact in a new assessment framework. , Association of Language Testers in Europe 3rd International Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K., & May, V. (2007, June). “Small rewarding steps”: Assessing learners and supporting teachers in UK classrooms. Presented at European Association of Language Testers (EALTA). Sitges, Spain.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K. (2006). Cross-language comparability in a new assessment framework for reading. Poster session presented at the meeting of Cambridge Linguistics (CamLing), Cambridge. Cambridge
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K. (2006, June). Can do self-assessment: Investigating cross-language comparability in reading. Presented at Language at the University of Essex Postgraduate Conference (LangUE). Essex, England.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K. (2006, April). Self-assessments for comparing learners' language proficiency. Presented at Cambridge Educational Research Association (CamERA). Cambridge, UK.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Jones, N., & Ashton, K. (2005, June). Adapting the CEFR for Non-Latin script languages. Presented at European Association of Language Testing and Assessment (EALTA). Voss, Norway.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K. (2005, May). Standardising speaking tests for the languages ladder: A case study across 3 languages and levels.. Presented at Association of Language Testers in Europe 2nd International Conference (ALTE). Berlin, Germany.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K., & Jones, N. (2004, November). Constructing a multi-lingual levels system – Asset Languages. Presented at Language Testing Forum. Lancaster, UK.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ashton, K.


Ashton, K. (2018). Workshop (Khon Kaen University): Classroom-based assessment.
[Other]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K. (2016). Multi-level teaching research. : International Languages Exchanges and Pathways (ILEP) Learning Languages Newsletter, Vol. 3
[Internet publication]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Khalifa, H., & Ashton, K. (2012, February). Researching impact in an educational assessment context. In Cambridge Assessment Network, Cambridge, UK.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K. (2011, January). Comparing language learning and proficiency across Europe. In Second Language Education Group (SLEG), University of Cambridge, UK.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K. (2010, December). The European survey on language competences. In Centre for Applied Language Research (CALR) Seminar, University of Southampton, UK.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K. (2007, January). "Can you read what I can read?: Case studies of German, Japanese and Urdu learners". In Second Language Education Group (SLEG), University of Cambridge, UK.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ashton, K.


Ashton, K. (2008). Comparing proficiency levels in an assessment context: The construct of reading for secondary school learners of German, Japanese and Urdu in England. (Doctoral Thesis)
[Doctoral Thesis]Authored by: Ashton, K.
Ashton, K. (2004). Rape media texts: Does the gender of the victim result in a difference in reporting style?. (Master's Thesis, University of Cardiff)
[Masters Thesis]Authored by: Ashton, K.

Teaching and Supervision

Teaching Statement

I teach and contribute to a range of applied linguistics, language education and TESOL courses. I also contribute my expertise to tailored programmes for international groups.

In my teaching, I aim to build a respectful, friendly, inclusive, and supportive learning community which engages all students, and where students feel both supported and challenged to achieve to the best of their ability. Theory and practice are combined in my course design and approach to teaching where I aim to provide a safe space for students to reflect on their learning and practice together. I believe in the importance of providing effective scaffolding to support students in becoming more confident and autonomous with their learning over time.

I enjoy all kinds of teaching whether it is with small groups of students in a face-to-face format or large groups of learners in an online environment. As a reflective practitioner, I am always keen to learn more about teaching and ways to improve my practice.

Graduate Supervision Statement

As an experienced postgraduate supervisor at both Masters and PhD level, my goal is to support students in developing the skills needed to become autonomous and independent researchers. I enjoy the process of working with students to pursue an area they are passionate about and supporting them with refining their research ideas and designing their projects. The most rewarding part of supervising students is seeing them develop their confidence and research skills across the research journey, and becoming experts in their topic.

The concept of ako, reciprocity between the teaching and learning process, and between teacher and student, is an important part of my teaching and supervision philosophy and is evident in the way I work with students.

Dr Karen Ashton is available for Masters and Doctorial supervision.

Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Main Supervisor 3 1
Co-supervisor 3 4

Current Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • Nailul Pamungkas - Doctor of Philosophy
    EFL Teacher Agency in Navigating Changes in Formative Assessment Practices in the Indonesian Secondary School Context
  • ~ Yuliandri - Doctor of Philosophy
    Secondary school English Language teacher agency in the aftermath of COVID 19 Crises: a study from a West Sumatran region, Indonesia
  • Jingwen Gu - Doctor of Philosophy
    Exploring Primary School Teacher Perceptions and Practices Integrating Technology in a Chinese EFL Context

Co-supervisor of:

  • Fangshu Wang - Doctor of Philosophy
    Miao Language, Culture and Identity Maintenance in Rural Families: Case Studies in Guizhou Province, China
  • Vicky Liu - Doctor of Philosophy
    Perceptions and Practices of Second Language Teachers and Learners Using Digital Technologies for Communicative Language Teaching and Learning
  • Kanokphan Tongpong - Doctor of Philosophy
    Language Teacher Agency in English for Medical Purposes in the Thai Tertiary Context

Completed Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • 2020 - Ong-Art Namwong - Doctor of Philosophy
    Learner-centred Approaches in Teaching English in Thailand

Co-supervisor of:

  • 2023 - Hong Nguyen - Doctor of Philosophy
    Positive emotions in English language learning in the Vietnamese tertiary contexts
  • 2022 - Timu-O-Te-Rangi Niwa - Doctor of Education
    Problematizing Māori Achievement in Education Policy: An Exploratory Mixed-Methods Study on Teacher Enactment of Ka Hikitia
  • 2019 - Thi Dang - Doctor of Philosophy
    Changes in beliefs of pre-service teachers in an ESP teacher education program in Vietnam
  • 2017 - Fareeha Javed - Doctor of Philosophy
    Pakistani Learners' Transition into University

Media and Links


  • 30 Jun 2012 - Newspaper
    Call to make learning languages compulsory
    Article for the Manwatu Standard
  • 20 Jul 2012 - Other
    Study encourages early language lessons for kiwis
    Massey University news story
  • 20 Aug 2016 - Magazine
    Language learning: Speak to me
    The Listener
  • 17 May 2016 - Radio
    Maths, science and global competence?
    Radio New Zealand
  • 07 May 2015 - Online
    NZ policy silent on language learning
    Massey University news story
  • 02 Jul 2012 - Newspaper
    Broaden kids horizons by learning languages
    Newspaper column for The Tribune
  • 01 May 2014 - Newspaper
    Going places with languages
    Newspaper column for The Tribune