Haslin, E., Kenyon, PR., Corner-Thomas, RA., Morris, ST., & Blair, HT. (2024). Should lambs born to one-year-old ewes and grown to heavy live weights be retained as replacements and mated at seven months of age?.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research.
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Farrell, LJ., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., & Tozer, PR. (2024). A bio-economic modelling comparison of a Friesian Bull-Beef system and a New Generation Beef system with Friesian bulls slaughtered at 10–14 months old.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research.
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Tozer, P.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Sneddon, NW., Handcock, RC., Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Burnham, DL., Garrick, DJ., . . . Morris, ST. (2024). Wool shedding and lamb fleece weights: first-cross and backcross Wiltshire–Romney sheep scored at lamb, hogget and two-tooth ages.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 67(3), 394-401
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Burnham, D., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Littlejohn, M., Morris, S., Sneddon, N.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Iqbal, MW., Draganova, I., Morel, PCH., & Morris, ST. (2023). Associations of Grazing and Rumination Behaviours with Performance Parameters in Spring-Calving Dairy Cows in a Pasture-Based Grazing System.
Animals. 13(24)
[Journal article]Authored by: Draganova, I., Morel, P., Morris, S.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Cranston, LM., Ramsay, BA., Schoorl, JAAJ., Stayton, KM., Greaves, A., Shanks, RD., . . . Hickson, RE. (2023). Effects of yard weaning and human contact compared to paddock weaning on the liveweight gain and stress reactivity of beef cattle.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research.
[Journal article]Authored by: Beausoleil, N., Cranston, L., Morris, S., Sneddon, N.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Gobilik, J., Baco, H., Kabul, MA., Dollah, S., Morris, ST., & Matthew, C. (2023). Feed profile analysis of oil palm-integrated beef cattle farming systems by metabolic energy budgeting and implications for beef production and pastoral system design.
Grassland Research. 2(1), 56-68
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Addis, AH., Blair, HT., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Schreurs, NM., & Garrick, DJ. (2023). Agent-Based Modelling to Improve Beef Production from Dairy Cattle: Young Beef Production.
Agriculture (Switzerland). 13(4)
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Schreurs, N.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Haslin, E., Pettigrew, EJ., Hickson, RE., Kenyon, PR., Gedye, KR., Lopez-Villalobos, N., . . . Blair, HT. (2023). Genome-Wide Association Studies of Live Weight at First Breeding at Eight Months of Age and Pregnancy Status of Ewe Lambs.
Genes. 14(4)
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Coleman, LW., Schreurs, NM., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., & Hickson, RE. (2023). Growth, carcass and meat quality characteristics of Charolais-sired steers and heifers born to Angus-cross-dairy and Angus breeding cows.
Meat Science. 201
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Schreurs, N.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Moloney, AJ., Tozer, PR., Morris, ST., & Kenyon, PR. (2023). Bigger lambs or more lambs: The conundrum for New Zealand lamb producers.
Livestock Science. 270
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Tozer, P.Read Online:
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Simpson, M., Parks, SE., Morris, S., & Joyce, D. (2023). Use of thinners can increase the fruit size of blueberries in an evergreen system.
New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science. 51(2), 188-197
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Online:
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Iqbal, MW., Draganova, I., Henry Morel, PC., & Todd Morris, S. (2023). Variations in the 24 h temporal patterns and time budgets of grazing, rumination, and idling behaviors in grazing dairy cows in a New Zealand system.
Journal of Animal Science. 101
[Journal article]Authored by: Draganova, I., Morel, P., Morris, S.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Fransen, P., Burkitt, L., Chibuike, G., Bretherton, M., Hickson, R., Morris, S., . . . Roudier, P. (2023). Reducing nutrient and sediment losses in surface runoff by selecting cattle supplement feeding areas based on soil type in New Zealand hill country.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 66(5), 436-453
[Journal article]Authored by: Burkitt, L., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Refshauge, G., Newell, MT., Hopkins, DL., Holman, BWB., Morris, S., & Hayes, RC. (2022). The plasma and urine mineral status of lambs offered diets of perennial wheat or annual wheat, with or without lucerne.
Small Ruminant Research. 209
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Online:
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Addis, AH., Blair, HT., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Schreurs, NM., & Garrick, DJ. (2022). Agent-Based Modeling to Improve Beef Production from Dairy Cattle: Model Description and Evaluation.
Agriculture (Switzerland). 12(10)
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Schreurs, N.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Farrell, LJ., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., & Tozer, PR. (2022). Simulating the profitability of male-sexed semen use in extensively farmed beef cow herds.
Livestock Science. 266
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Tozer, P.Read Online:
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Iqbal, MW., Draganova, I., Morel, PCH., & Morris, ST. (2022). Factors Affecting Grazing and Rumination Behaviours of Dairy Cows in a Pasture-Based System in New Zealand.
Animals. 12(23)
[Journal article]Authored by: Draganova, I., Morel, P., Morris, S.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Martín, NP., Schreurs, NM., Morris, ST., López-Villalobos, N., McDade, J., & Hickson, RE. (2022). Meat quality of beef-cross-dairy cattle from Angus or Hereford sires: A case study in a pasture-based system in New Zealand.
Meat Science. 190
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez-Villalobos, N., Martin, N., Morris, S., Schreurs, N.Read Online:
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Muktasam, A., Dahlanuddin, ., Putra, RA., Sriasih, M., Taufik Fauzi, M., Parta Tanaya, IGL., . . . Morris, ST. (2022). ADOPTION OF A LEUCAENA-BASED CATTLE FATTENING SYSTEM IN THE DOMPU DISTRICT OF NUSA TENGGARA BARAT, INDONESIA.
Asian Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development. 12(2), 82-90
[Journal article]Authored by: Anderson, C., Back, P., Morris, S., Reid, J.Read Online:
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Farrell, LJ., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., & Tozer, PR. (2022). Simulating use of terminal sires in a self-replacing beef suckler herd with varying weaning rate, calf sale policies, and price premiums.
Livestock Science. 260
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Tozer, P.Read Online:
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Farrell, LJ., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., & Tozer, PR. (2022). Simulating the productivity and profitability of a herd of beef-dairy crossbred breeding cows on New Zealand hill country with fixed feed supply.
Livestock Science. 260
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Tozer, P.Read Online:
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Williamson, HR., Schreurs, NM., Morris, ST., & Hickson, RE. (2022). Growth and Carcass Characteristics of Beef-Cross-Dairy-Breed Heifers and Steers Born to Different Dam Breeds.
Animals. 12(7)
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S., Schreurs, N.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Haslin, E., Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Pettigrew, EJ., Hickson, RE., Morris, ST., . . . Blair, HT. (2022). Breeding heavier ewe lambs at seven months of age did not impact their subsequent two and three-year-old ewe live weight and reproductive performance.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 65(2-3), 129-144
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Duranovich, FN., Shadbolt, NM., Draganova, I., López-Villalobos, N., Yule, IJ., & Morris, ST. (2022). Variation of nutritive value, measured by proximal hyperspectral sensing, of herbage offered to grazing dairy cows.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 65(4-5), 395-414
[Journal article]Authored by: Draganova, I., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S., Shadbolt, N.Read Online:
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Haslin, E., Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., & Blair, HT. (2021). Effects of Increased Growth Rates Prior to the First Breeding as Ewe Lambs and Pregnancy Rank on Mammary Glands of Two-Year-Old Ewes.
Ruminants. 1(2), 72-86
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Logan, BG., Hopkins, DL., Schmidtke, LM., Morris, S., & Fowler, SM. (2021). Classification of Southern Australian Grass- and Grain-Fed Beef.
Food Analytical Methods. 14(8), 1730-1743
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Online:
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Alvarenga, TIRC., Hopkins, DL., Morris, S., McGilchrist, P., & Fowler, SM. (2021). Intramuscular fat prediction of the semimembranosus muscle in hot lamb carcases using NIR.
Meat Science. 181
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Online:
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Fowler, SM., Wheeler, D., Morris, S., Mortimer, SI., & Hopkins, DL. (2021). Partial least squares and machine learning for the prediction of intramuscular fat content of lamb loin.
Meat Science. 177
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Online:
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Cox, TE., Matthews, R., Halverson, G., & Morris, S. (2021). Hot stuff in the bushes: Thermal imagers and the detection of burrows in vegetated sites.
Ecology and Evolution. 11(11), 6406-6414
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Taggart, PL., Morris, S., & Caraguel, CGB. (2021). The impact of PIT tags on the growth and survival of pythons is insignificant in randomised controlled trial.
PeerJ. 9, Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Online:
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Haslin, E., Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Pettigrew, EJ., Hickson, RE., Morris, ST., . . . Blair, HT. (2021). Correction: Effects of heavier live weight of ewe lambs at mating on fertility, lambing percentage, subsequent live weight and the performance of their progeny.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 65(2-3), 248-248 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Weik, F., Hickson, RE., Morris, ST., Garrick, DJ., & Archer, JA. (2022). Genetic parameters for growth, ultrasound and carcass traits in new zealand beef cattle and their correlations with maternal performance.
Animals. 12(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Haslin, E., Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Pettigrew, EJ., Hickson, RE., Morris, ST., . . . Blair, HT. (2021). Effect of breeding heavier romney ewe lambs at seven months of age on lamb production and efficiency over their first three breeding seasons.
Animals. 11(12)
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Semakula, J., Corner-Thomas, RA., Morris, ST., Blair, HT., & Kenyon, PR. (2021). Predicting ewe body condition score using adjusted liveweight for conceptus and fleece weight, height at withers, and previous body condition score record.
Translational Animal Science. 5(3)
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Martín, N., Coleman, L., López-Villalobos, N., Schreurs, N., Morris, S., Blair, H., . . . Hickson, R. (2021). Estimated Breeding Values of Beef Sires Can Predict Performance of Beef-Cross-Dairy Progeny.
Frontiers in Genetics. 12
[Journal article]Authored by: Back, P., Blair, H., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Martin, N., Morris, S., Schreurs, N.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Iqbal, MW., Draganova, I., Morel, PCH., & Morris, ST. (2021). Validation of an accelerometer sensor-based collar for monitoring grazing and rumination behaviours in grazing dairy cows.
Animals. 11(9)
[Journal article]Authored by: Draganova, I., Morel, P., Morris, S.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Addis, AH., Blair, HT., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., & Schreurs, NM. (2021). Optimization of profit for pasture-based beef cattle and sheep farming using linear programming: Young beef cattle production in New Zealand.
Agriculture (Switzerland). 11(9)
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Schreurs, N.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Weik, F., Hickson, RE., Morris, ST., Garrick, DJ., & Archer, JA. (2021). Genetic parameters for maternal performance traits in commercially farmed new zealand beef cattle.
Animals. 11(9)
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Haslin, E., Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Peterson, SW., Morris, ST., & Blair, HT. (2021). Associations among mammary ultrasound measurements, milk yield of non-dairy ewe lambs and the growth of their single lambs.
Animals. 11(7)
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Gobilik, J., Morris, ST., & Matthew, C. (2021). Evolution in configuration and productivity of new zealand hill country sheep and beef cattle systems.
Agriculture (Switzerland). 11(6)
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Semakula, J., Corner-Thomas, RA., Morris, ST., Blair, HT., & Kenyon, PR. (2021). The effect of herbage availability, pregnancy stage and rank on the rate of liveweight loss during fasting in ewes.
Agriculture (Switzerland). 11(6)
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Addis, AH., Blair, HT., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., & Schreurs, NM. (2021). Optimization of profit for pasture-based beef cattle and sheep farming using linear programming: Model development and evaluation.
Agriculture (Switzerland). 11(6)
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Schreurs, N.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Zhu, M., Cao, S., Zheng, W., Zhai, M., Wang, M., Blair, HT., . . . Zhao, Z. (2021). miR-509-5p anti-infection response for mycoplasma pneumonia in sheep by targeting NF-κB pathway.
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology. 238
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Duranovich, F., Shadbolt, N., Draganova, I., López-Villalobos, N., Yule, I., & Morris, S. (2021). The relative importance of herbage nutritive value and climate in determining daily performance per cow in a pasture-based dairy farm.
Agriculture (Switzerland). 11(5)
[Journal article]Authored by: Draganova, I., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S., Shadbolt, N.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Farrell, LJ., Kenyon, PR., Tozer, PR., & Morris, ST. (2021). Determining the impact of hogget breeding performance on profitability under a fixed feed supply scenario in New Zealand.
Animals. 11(5)
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Tozer, P.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Weik, F., Archer, JA., Morris, ST., Garrick, DJ., Miller, SP., Boyd, AM., . . . Hickson, RE. (2022). Live weight and body condition score of mixed-aged beef breeding cows on commercial hill country farms in New Zealand.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 65(2-3), 172-187
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Online:
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Haslin, E., Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Molenaar, AJ., Morris, ST., & Blair, HT. (2021). Mammary gland structures are not affected by an increased growth rate of yearling ewes post-weaning but are associated with growth rates of singletons.
Animals. 11(3), 1-31
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Semakula, J., Corner-Thomas, RA., Morris, ST., Blair, HT., & Kenyon, PR. (2021). The effect of herbage availability and season of year on the rate of liveweight loss during weighing of fasting ewe lambs.
Agriculture (Switzerland). 11(2), 1-20
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Pettigrew, E., Hickson, R., Morris, S., Kenyon, P., Corner-Thomas, R., Haslin, E., . . . Blair, H. (2021). The effect of age of dam and birth rank on the reproductive performance of ewes as one-and two-year-olds.
Animals. 11(3), 1-15
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Duranovich, F., López-Villalobos, N., Shadbolt, N., Draganova, I., Yule, I., & Morris, S. (2021). The deviation between dairy cow metabolizable energy requirements and pasture supply on a dairy farm using proximal hyperspectral sensing.
Agriculture (Switzerland). 11(3), 1-15
[Journal article]Authored by: Draganova, I., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S., Shadbolt, N.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Semakula, J., Corner‐thomas, RA., Morris, ST., Blair, HT., & Kenyon, PR. (2021). Application of machine learning algorithms to predict body condition score from liveweight records of mature romney ewes.
Agriculture (Switzerland). 11(2), 1-22
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Martín, N., Schreurs, N., Morris, S., López-Villalobos, N., McDade, J., & Hickson, R. (2021). Sire effects on carcass of beef-cross-dairy cattle: A case study in New Zealand.
Animals. 11(3), 1-12
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez-Villalobos, N., Martin, N., Morris, S., Schreurs, N.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Zhu, M., Nan, Y., Zhai, M., Wang, M., Shao, Y., Blair, HT., . . . Zhang, H. (2021). Comparative profiling of the resistance of different genotypes of mannose-binding lectin to Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection in Chinese Merino sheep based on high-throughput sequencing technology.
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology. 233
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Farrell, LJ., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., & Tozer, PR. (2021). Simulating beef cattle herd productivity with varying cow liveweight and fixed feed supply.
Agriculture (Switzerland). 11(1), 1-16
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Tozer, P.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Zhu, M., Wang, M., Shao, Y., Nan, Y., Blair, HT., Morris, ST., . . . Zhang, H. (2021). Characterization of muscle development and gene expression in early embryos of chicken, quail, and their hybrids.
Gene. 768
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Fowler, SM., Morris, S., & Hopkins, DL. (2020). Assessment of a probe to measure fat depth of lamb carcases.
Meat Science. 159
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Online:
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Logan, BG., Hopkins, DL., Schmidtke, L., Morris, S., & Fowler, SM. (2020). Preliminary investigation into the use of Raman spectroscopy for the verification of Australian grass and grain fed beef.
Meat Science. 160
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Online:
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Biffin, TE., Smith, MA., Bush, RD., Morris, S., & Hopkins, DL. (2020). The effect of whole carcase medium voltage electrical stimulation, tenderstretching and longissimus infusion with actinidin on alpaca meat quality.
Meat Science. 164
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Online:
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Fowler, SM., Morris, S., & Hopkins, DL. (2020). Preliminary investigation for the prediction of intramuscular fat content of lamb in-situ using a hand- held NIR spectroscopic device.
Meat Science. 166
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Online:
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Corner-Thomas, R., Sewell, AM., Kemp, P., Wood, BA., Gray, DI., Morris, ST., . . . Kenyon, PR. (2020). Body condition scoring of sheep: intra- and inter-observer variability.
New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production. 80(1), 107-112 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Somasiri, SC., Kenyon, PR., Morel, PCH., Morris, ST., & Kemp, PD. (2020). Selection by lambs grazing plantain (Plantago lanceolata L.), chicory (Cichorium intybus L.), white clover (Trifolium repens L.), red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) and perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) across seasons.
Animals. 10(12), 1-17
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Duranovich, FN., Yule, IJ., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Shadbolt, NM., Draganova, I., & Morris, ST. (2020). Using proximal hyperspectral sensing to predict herbage nutritive value for dairy farming.
Agronomy. 10(11)
[Journal article]Authored by: Draganova, I., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S., Shadbolt, N.Read Online:
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Martín, N., Schreurs, N., Morris, S., López-Villalobos, N., McDade, J., & Hickson, R. (2020). Sire effects on post-weaning growth of beef-cross-dairy cattle: A case study in New Zealand.
Animals. 10(12), 1-11
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez-Villalobos, N., Martin, N., Morris, S., Schreurs, N.Read Online:
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Farrell, LJ., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., & Tozer, PR. (2020). The impact of hogget and mature flock reproductive success on sheep farm productivity.
Agriculture (Switzerland). 10(11), 1-15
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Tozer, P.Read Online:
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Haslin, E., Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Pettigrew, EJ., Hickson, RE., Morris, ST., . . . Blair, HT. (2022). Effects of heavier live weight of ewe lambs at mating on fertility, lambing percentage, subsequent live weight and the performance of their progeny.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 65(2-3), 114-128
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Farrell, LJ., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., & Tozer, PR. (2020). Modelling a transition from purebred romney to fully shedding wiltshire–romney crossbred.
Animals. 10(11), 1-24
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Tozer, P.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Ekanayake, LJ., Corner-Thomas, RA., Cranston, LM., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., & Pain, SJ. (2020). Pre-exposure of early-weaned lambs to a herb-clover mix does not improve their subsequent growth.
Animals. 10(8), 1-15
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Pain, S.Read Online:
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Parra-Bracamonte, GM., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, ST., & Vázquez-Armijo, JF. (2020). An overview on production, consumer perspectives and quality assurance schemes of beef in Mexico.
Meat Science. 170
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Semakula, J., Corner‐thomas, RA., Morris, ST., Blair, HT., & Kenyon, PR. (2020). Predicting ewe body condition score using lifetime liveweight and liveweight change, and previous body condition score record.
Animals. 10(7), 1-20
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Lv, X., Chen, L., He, S., Liu, C., Han, B., Liu, Z., . . . Liu, M. (2020). Effect of nutritional restriction on the hair follicles development and skin transcriptome of chinese merino sheep.
Animals. 10(6), 1-16
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Semakula, J., Corner-Thomas, RA., Morris, ST., Blair, HT., & Kenyon, PR. (2020). The effect of age, stage of the annual production cycle and pregnancy-rank on the relationship between liveweight and body condition score in extensively managed romney ewes.
Animals. 10(5)
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Ekanayake, LJ., Corner-Thomas, RA., Cranston, LM., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2020). Lambs weaned early onto a herb-clover mix have the potential to grow at a similar rate to unweaned lambs on a grass-predominant pasture.
Animals. 10(4)
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Addis, AH., Blair, HT., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., & Schreurs, NM. (2020). Prediction of the hind-leg muscles weight of yearling dairy-beef steers using carcass weight, wither height and ultrasound carcass measurements.
Animals. 10(4)
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Schreurs, N.Read Online:
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Gronqvist, GV., Hickson, RE., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Stafford, KJ., & Corner-Thomas, RA. (2020). Behaviour of twin- And triplet-born lambs and their dam 3 to 18 hours after birth is not a useful predictor of lamb survival to weaning.
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. 33(11), 1848-1857
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Pettigrew, EJ., Hickson, RE., Blair, HT., Griffiths, KJ., Ridler, AL., Morris, ST., . . . Kenyon, PR. (2021). Differences in lamb production between ewe lambs and mature ewes.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 64(4), 508-521
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.Read Online:
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Holman, BWB., Kerr, MJ., Morris, S., & Hopkins, DL. (2019). The identification of dark cutting beef carcasses in Australia, using Nix Pro Color Sensor™ colour measures, and their relationship to bolar blade, striploin and topside quality traits.
Meat Science. 148, 50-54
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Online:
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Rose, TJ., Kearney, LJ., Morris, S., Van Zwieten, L., & Erler, DV. (2019). Pinto peanut cover crop nitrogen contributions and potential to mitigate nitrous oxide emissions in subtropical coffee plantations.
Science of the Total Environment. 656, 108-117
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Online:
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Fowler, SM., Morris, S., & Hopkins, DL. (2019). Nutritional composition of lamb retail cuts from the carcases of extensively finished lambs.
Meat Science. 154, 126-132
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Online:
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Dahlanuddin, ., Panjaitan, T., Waldron, S., Halliday, MJ., Ash, A., Morris, ST., . . . Shelton, HM. (2019). Adoption of leucaena-based feeding systems in Sumbawa, eastern Indonesia and its impact on cattle productivity and farm profitability.
Tropical Grasslands-Forrajes Tropicales. 7(4), 428-436 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Dahlanuddin, ., Yanuarianto, O., Fauzi, T., Back, PJ., Hickson, R., Morris, ST., . . . Anderson, CWN. (2019). Feed intake, rumen fermentation, digestibility and live weight gain of male Bali cattle (Bos javanicus) fed different mixtures of Gliricidia sepium and Leucaena leucocephala.
Livestock Research for Rural Development. 31(9)
[Journal article]Authored by: Anderson, C., Back, P., Morris, S., Reid, J.Read Abstract:
Herrera-Ojeda, JB., Parra-Bracamonte, GM., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Martínez-González, JC., Magaña-Monforte, JG., Morris, ST., . . . López-Bustamante, LA. (2019). Genetic variances and covariances of live weight traits in Charolais cattle by multi-trait analysis.
Journal of Applied Genetics. 60(3-4), 385-391
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Pettigrew, EJ., Hickson, RE., Morris, ST., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Pain, SJ., Kenyon, PR., . . . Blair, HT. (2019). The effects of birth rank (single or twin) and dam age on the lifetime productive performance of female dual purpose sheep (Ovis aries) offspring in New Zealand.
PLoS ONE. 14(3)
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S., Pain, S.Read Online:
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Rocha, JF., Martínez, R., López-Villalobos, N., & Morris, ST. (2019). Tick burden in Bos taurus cattle and its relationship with heat stress in three agroecological zones in the tropics of Colombia.
Parasites and Vectors. 12(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Ekanayake, WEML., Corner-Thomas, RA., Cranston, LM., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2019). A comparison of liveweight gain of lambs weaned early onto a herb-clover mixed sward and weaned conventionally onto a ryegrass-clover pasture and herb-clover mixed sward.
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. 32(2), 201-208
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Holman, BWB., Coombs, CEO., Morris, S., Bailes, K., & Hopkins, DL. (2018). Effect of long term chilled (up to 5 weeks) then frozen (up to 12 months) storage at two different sub-zero holding temperatures on beef: 2. Lipid oxidation and fatty acid profiles.
Meat Science. 136, 9-15
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Online:
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Coombs, CEO., Holman, BWB., Ponnampalam, EN., Morris, S., Friend, MA., & Hopkins, DL. (2018). Effects of chilled and frozen storage conditions on the lamb M. longissimus lumborum fatty acid and lipid oxidation parameters.
Meat Science. 136, 116-122
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Online:
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Holman, BWB., Coombs, CEO., Morris, S., Kerr, MJ., & Hopkins, DL. (2018). Effect of long term chilled (up to 5 weeks) then frozen (up to 12 months) storage at two different sub-zero holding temperatures on beef: 3. Protein structure degradation and a marker of protein oxidation.
Meat Science. 139, 171-178
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Online:
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Silva, DRG., Holman, BWB., Kerr, MJ., Morris, S., Ramos, EM., & Hopkins, DL. (2018). Effect of homogenisation speed and centrifugation on particle size analysis of beef and the relationship with shear force.
Meat Science. 143, 219-222
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Online:
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Gobilik, J., Adam, L., Abdullah, P., Abas, H., Morris, ST., Matthew, C., . . . Kiat, YB. (2018). Feed profile of a Cut-and-Carry Feedlot Cattle Farming System in Sabah and Implications for Feedlot Management..
Transactions on Science and Technology. 5(2), 93-105 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Cranston, L., Kemp, P., Morris, S., & Wood, B. (2018). An on-farm study of the herbage quality and sward characteristics of plantain-clover mixes during late summer and autumn and resulting lamb growth rates.
Journal of New Zealand Grasslands. 80, 107-112 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Cranston, L., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Corner-Thomas, RA., Cranston, LM., Kemp, PD., Morris, ST., & Kenyon, PR. (2020). The influence of three herbage types on the liveweight change of twin-bearing hoggets and their lambs.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 63(3), 365-378
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Corner-Thomas, RA., Cranston, LM., Kemp, PD., Morris, ST., & Kenyon, PR. (2020). Can herb-clover mixes compensate for the lack of milk in the diet of early-weaned lambs?.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 63(2), 233-245
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Gronqvist, GV., Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Stafford, KJ., Morris, ST., & Hickson, RE. (2018). The effect of nutrition and body condition of triplet-bearing ewes during late pregnancy on the behaviour of ewes and lambs.
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. 31(12), 1991-2000
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Corner-Thomas, RA., Cranston, LM., Kemp, PD., Morris, ST., & Kenyon, PR. (2018). The performance of single-rearing ewes and their lambs offered ryegrass pasture or herb–clover mix during lactation.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 61(1), 67-80
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Han Weng, Z., Van Zwieten, L., Singh, BP., Tavakkoli, E., Joseph, S., Macdonald, LM., . . . Cowie, A. (2017). Biochar built soil carbon over a decade by stabilizing rhizodeposits.
Nature Climate Change. 7(5), 371-376
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Online:
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Scheer, C., Rowlings, D., Firrell, M., Deuter, P., Morris, S., Riches, D., . . . Grace, P. (2017). Nitrification inhibitors can increase post-harvest nitrous oxide emissions in an intensive vegetable production system.
Scientific Reports. 7
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Online:
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Holman, BWB., Coombs, CEO., Morris, S., Kerr, MJ., & Hopkins, DL. (2017). Effect of long term chilled (up to 5 weeks) then frozen (up to 12 months) storage at two different sub-zero holding temperatures on beef: 1. Meat quality and microbial loads.
Meat Science. 133, 133-142
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Online:
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Cranston, LM., Kenyon, PR., Fields, RL., Moot, DJ., Corner-Thomas, RA., Kemp, P., . . . Morris, S. (2017). Lucerne with a high coumestrol content is not a suitable feed for ewes just before and during the early breeding period.
Journal of New Zealand Grasslands. 79, 55-60
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Morris, ST. (2017). Where have all the lambs gone?.
The journal the official publication of The New Zealand Institute of Primary Industry management Incorporated. 21(3), 33-36
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Henwood, R., Wood, B., Sewell, A., Gray, D., Blair, H., Cranston, L., . . . Morris, S. (2017). Engaging with individuality in agricultural learning: a sociocultural study of innovation in a farmer-scientist community.
Rural Extension and Innovation Systems Journal. 13(2), 76-85 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Cranston, L., Hartnett, M., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Henwood,, R., Wood, BA., Sewell, A., Gray, D., Blair, H., Cranston, L., . . . Morris, S. (2017). Engaging with individuality in agricultural learning: A sociocultural study of innovation in a farmer-scientist community.
Rural Extension and Innovation Systems Journal. 13(2), 76-85 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Cranston, L., Hartnett, M., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Kenyon, PR., Morel, PCH., Corner-Thomas, RA., Perez, HL., Somasiri, SC., Kemp, PD., . . . Morris, ST. (2017). Improved per hectare production in a lamb finishing system using mixtures of red and white clover with plantain and chicory compared to ryegrass and white clover.
Small Ruminant Research. 151, 90-97
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Sewell, AM., Hartnett, MK., Gray, DI., Blair, HT., Kemp, PD., Kenyon, PR., . . . Wood, BA. (2017). Using educational theory and research to refine agricultural extension: affordances and barriers for farmers’ learning and practice change.
Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension. 23(4), 313-333
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Hartnett, M., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Ridler, AL., Hickson, RE., Greer, AW., . . . Blair, HT. (2017). Farmer perceptions of the relative usefulness of information providers and technology transfer methods.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 60(3), 245-262
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.Read Online:
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Cranston, LM., Kenyon, PR., Corner-Thomas, RA., & Morris, ST. (2017). The potential interaction between ewe body condition score and nutrition during very late pregnancy and lactation on the performance of twin-bearing ewes and their lambs.
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. 30(9), 1270-1277
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Pettigrew, EJ., Morris, ST., Back, PJ., Kenyon, PR., Berry, J., Donald, AJ., . . . Hickson, RE. (2017). Growth of weaned Friesian bull calves on a herb sward or with concentrate supplementation during late summer and early autumn.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 60(1), 70-79
[Journal article]Authored by: Back, P., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Gronqvist, GV., Hickson, RE., Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Stafford, KJ., & Morris, ST. (2016). The effect of ewe nutrition and body condition during late-pregnancy on the behaviour of twin-bearing ewes and their lambs.
Small Ruminant Research. 145, 94-102
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Gronqvist, G., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Parra-Bracamonte, GM., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, ST., Sifuentes-Rincón, AM., & Lopez-Bustamante, LA. (2016). Genetic trends for live weight traits reflect breeding strategies in registered Charolais Farms in Mexico.
Tropical Animal Health and Production. 48(8), 1729-1738
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Hernández, N., Martínez-González, JC., Parra-Bracamonte, GM., Sifuentes-Rincón, AM., López-Villalobos, N., Morris, ST., . . . Meza-García, LA. (2016). Association of polymorphisms in growth hormone and leptin candidate genes with live weight traits of Brahman cattle.
Genetics and Molecular Research. 15(3)
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Somasiri, SC., Kenyon, PR., Kemp, PD., Morel, PCH., & Morris, ST. (2016). Effect of herb-clover mixes of plantain and chicory on yearling lamb production in the early spring period.
Animal Production Science. 56(10), 1662-1668
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Hickson, RE., Back, PJ., Martin, NP., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2016). The influence of age and breed of cow on colostrum indicators of suckled beef calves.
Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. 76, 163-168
[Journal article]Authored by: Back, P., Kenyon, P., Martin, N., Morris, S.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Ridler, AL., Hickson, RE., Greer, AW., . . . Blair, HT. (2016). The use of farm-management tools by New Zealand sheep farmers: Changes with time.
Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. 76, 78-80
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.Read Abstract:
Morris, ST., Hickson, RE., Martin, NP., & Kenyon, PR. (2016). Days to calving and intercalving interval in beef and dairy-beef crossbred cows.
Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. 76, 31-33
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Martin, N., Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Gronqvist, GV., Hickson, RE., Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Stafford, KJ., & Morris, ST. (2016). Does ewe nutrition during pregnancy affect the neonatal behaviour of twin-born lambs?.
Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. 76, 8-13
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Gronqvist, G., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Coleman, LW., Hickson, RE., Schreurs, NM., Martin, NP., Kenyon, PR., Lopez-Villalobos, N., . . . Morris, ST. (2016). Carcass characteristics and meat quality of Hereford sired steers born to beef-cross-dairy and Angus breeding cows.
Meat Science. 121, 403-408
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Martin, N., Morris, S., Schreurs, N.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Van Welie, LA., Clews, SA., Beausoleil, NJ., Hickson, R., Kongara, K., Kenyon, PR., . . . Morris, ST. (2016). The sucking behaviour and milk intake of one- to three-week-old triplet lambs during natural and competitive suckling situations.
Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 180, 58-64
[Journal article]Authored by: Beausoleil, N., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Somasiri, SC., Kenyon, PR., Kemp, PD., Morel, PCH., & Morris, ST. (2016). Mixtures of clovers with plantain and chicory improve lamb production performance compared to a ryegrass-white clover sward in the late spring and early summer period.
Grass and Forage Science. 71(2), 270-280
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Cranston, LM., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Lopez-Villalobos, N., & Kemp, PD. (2016). Morphological and Physiological Responses of Plantain (Plantago lanceolata) and Chicory (Cichorium intybus) to Water Stress and Defoliation Frequency.
Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. 202(1), 13-24
[Journal article]Authored by: Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Field, H., Jordan, D., Edson, D., Morris, S., Melville, D., Parry-Jones, K., . . . Smith, C. (2015). Spatiotemporal aspects of hendra virus infection in pteropid bats (Flying-Foxes) in Eastern Australia.
PLoS ONE. 10(12)
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Online:
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Lammers, GAC., McConnel, CS., Jordan, D., Ayton, MS., Morris, S., Patterson, EI., . . . Heller, J. (2015). Synchronization of E. Coli O157 shedding in a grass-fed beef herd: A longitudinal study.
Epidemiology and Infection. 143(15), 3244-3255
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Online:
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Cranston, LM., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., & Kemp, PD. (2015). A review of the use of chicory plantain red clover and white clover in a sward mix for increased sheep and beef production.
Journal of New Zealand Grasslands. 77, 89-94 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Ridler, AL., Hickson, RE., Greer, AW., . . . Blair, HT. (2015). Influence of demographic factors on the use of farm management tools by New Zealand farmers.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 58(4), 412-422
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.Read Online:
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Greer, AW., Corner-Thomas, RA., Logan, CM., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Ridler, AL., . . . Blair, HT. (2015). Perceived importance of areas of future research: Results from a survey of sheep farmers.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 58(4), 359-370
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.Read Online:
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Somasiri, SC., Kenyon, PR., Morel, PCH., Kemp, PD., & Morris, ST. (2015). Herb-clover mixes increase lamb live weight gain and carcass weight in the autumn period.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 58(4), 384-396
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Cranston, LM., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Lopez-Villalobos, N., & Kemp, PD. (2015). Effect of post-grazing height on the productivity, population and morphology of a herb and legume mix.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 58(4), 397-411
[Journal article]Authored by: Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.Read Online:
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de Menezes, GCDC., Valadares Filho, SDC., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Ruas, JRM., Detmann, E., Zanetti, D., . . . de Duarte, MDS. (2015). Effect of feeding strategies on weaning weight and milk production of Holstein × Zebu calves in dual purpose milk production systems.
Tropical Animal Health and Production. 47(6), 1095-1100
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Somasiri, SC., Kenyon, PR., Kemp, PD., Morel, PCH., & Morris, ST. (2015). Growth performance and carcass characteristics of lambs grazing forage mixes inclusive of plantain (Plantago lanceolata L.) and chicory (Cichorium intybus L.).
Small Ruminant Research. 127, 20-27
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Corner-Thomas, RA., Hickson, RE., Morris, ST., Back, PJ., Ridler, AL., Stafford, KJ., . . . Kenyon, PR. (2015). Effects of body condition score and nutrition in lactation on twin-bearing ewe and lamb performance to weaning.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 58(2), 156-169
[Journal article]Authored by: Back, P., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.Read Online:
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de Menezes, GCDC., Valadares Filho, SDC., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Ruas, JRM., Detmann, E., Zanetti, D., . . . de Duarte, MDS. (2015). Effect of feeding strategies on weaning weight and milk production of Holstein × Zebu calves in dual purpose milk production systems.
Tropical Animal Health and Production.
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Morris, ST. (2015). Beef cattle industry booming.
Angus New Zealand cattleman. , 9-10 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Corner-Thomas, RA., Ridler, AL., Morris, ST., & Kenyon, PR. (2015). Ewe lamb live weight and body condition scores affect reproductive rates in commercial flocks.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 58(1), 26-34
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.Read Online:
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Corner-Thomas, RA., Hickson, RE., Morris, ST., Back, PJ., Ridler, AL., Stafford, KJ., . . . Kenyon, PR. (2015). Effects of body condition score and nutrition in lactation on twin-bearing ewe and lamb performance to weaning.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research.
[Journal article]Authored by: Back, P., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.Read Online:
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Corner-Thomas, RA., Ridler, AL., Morris, ST., & Kenyon, PR. (2015). Ewe lamb live weight and body condition scores affect reproductive rates in commercial flocks.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research.
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.
Corner-Thomas, RA., Back, PJ., Kenyon, PR., Hickson, RE., Ridler, AL., Stafford, KJ., . . . Morris, ST. (2015). Ad libitum pasture feeding in late pregnancy does not improve the performance of twin-bearing ewes and their lambs.
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. 28(3), 360-368
[Journal article]Authored by: Back, P., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.Read Online:
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Scheer, C., Rowlings, DW., Firrel, M., Deuter, P., Morris, S., & Grace, PR. (2014). Impact of nitrification inhibitor (DMPP) on soil nitrous oxide emissions from an intensive broccoli production system in sub-tropical Australia.
Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 77, 243-251
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Online:
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McIntosh, S., Vancov, T., Palmer, J., & Morris, S. (2014). Ethanol production from cotton gin trash using optimised dilute acid pretreatment and whole slurry fermentation processes.
Bioresource Technology. 173, 42-51
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Online:
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Somasiri, SC., Kenyon, PR., Kemp, PD., Morel, PCH., & Morris, ST. (2014). Growth performance and carcass characteristics of lambs grazing forage mixes inclusive of plantain (Plantago lanceolata L.) and chicory (Cichorium intybus L.).
Small Ruminant Research.
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Pain, SJ., Corkran, JR., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., & Kemp, PD. (2015). The influence of season on lambs' feeding preference for plantain, chicory and red clover.
Animal Production Science. 55(10), 1241-1249
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Pain, S.Read Online:
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Liu, L., Jia, C., Zhao, Z., Li, H., Jia, B., Lin, S., . . . Morris, S. (2014). Identification of SNP within the sheep RXRG gene and the association analysis with twinning trait.
Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances. 13(6), 385-389
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Cave, LM., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Lopez-Villalobos, N., & Kemp, PD. (2015). Ewe lamb diet selection on plantain (Plantago lanceolata) and on a herb and legume mix, including plantain, chicory (Cichorium intybus), red clover (Trifolium pratense) and white clover (Trifolium repens).
Animal Production Science. 55(4), 515-525
[Journal article]Authored by: Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Corner-Thomas, RA., Kemp, PD., Morris, ST., & Kenyon, PR. (2014). Grazing alternative herbages in lactation increases the liveweight of both ewe lambs and their progeny at weaning.
Animal Production Science. 54(10), 1741-1746
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Parra-Bracamonte, GM., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Sifuentes-Rincon, AM., Morris, ST., Moreno-Medina, VR., Arellano-Vera, W., . . . Treviño-Martinez, N. (2014). Revealing the genetic and non-genetic components of variation of survival in farmed White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus, Texanus, Zimmermann, 1780) neonates.
Small Ruminant Research. 121(2-3), 220-224
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Hickson, RE., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2014). Breed effects and heterosis for productivity traits at first calving of Angus, Holstein Friesian, Jersey and crossbred beef cows.
Animal Production Science. 54(9), 1381-1387
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Morris, ST., Chan, FY., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Kenyon, PR., Garrick, DJ., & Blair, HT. (2014). Growth, feed intake and maternal performance of Angus heifers from high and low feed efficiency selection lines.
Animal Production Science. 54(9), 1428-1431
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Wood, BA., Blair, HT., Gray, DI., Kemp, PD., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., . . . Sewell, AM. (2014). Agricultural science in the wild: A social network analysis of farmer knowledge exchange.
PLoS ONE. 9(8)
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Morris, ST., & Kenyon, PR. (2014). Intensive sheep and beef production from pasture - A New Zealand perspective of concerns, opportunities and challenges.
Meat Science. 98(3), 330-335
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Morris, ST., & Kenyon, PR. (2014). Intensive sheep and beef production from pasture - A New Zealand perspective of concerns, opportunities and challenges.
Meat Science.
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Azevedo, EB., Poli, CHEC., David, DB., Amaral, GA., Fonseca, L., Carvalho, PCF., . . . Morris, ST. (2014). Use of faecal components as markers to estimate intake and digestibility of grazing sheep.
Livestock Science. 165(1), 42-50
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Online:
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Azevedo, EB., Poli, CHEC., David, DB., Amaral, GA., Fonseca, L., Carvalho, PCF., . . . Morris, ST. (2014). Use of faecal components as markers to estimate intake and digestibility of grazing sheep.
Livestock Science.
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Thompson, AN., & Morris, ST. (2014). Breeding ewe lambs successfully to improve lifetime performance.
Small Ruminant Research. 118(1-3), 2-15
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Corner-Thomas, RA., Hickson, RE., Morris, ST., & Kenyon, PR. (2014). The influences of live weight and body condition score of ewe lambs from breeding to lambing on the live weight of their singleton lambs to weaning.
Small Ruminant Research. 119(1-3), 16-21
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Sewell, AM., Gray, DI., Blair, HT., Kemp, PD., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., . . . Wood, BA. (2014). Hatching new ideas about herb pastures: Learning together in a community of New Zealand farmers and agricultural scientists.
Agricultural Systems. 125, 63-73
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Parra-Bracamonte, GM., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Sifuentes-Rincon, AM., Morris, S., Lopez-Bustamante, LA., & Meza-Garcia, LA. (2014). Single and composite influence of growth-related candidate gene polymorphisms on additive genetic variation of birth weight in charolais beef cattle.
Tropical Animal Health and Production. 46(3), 509-512
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Kenyon, PR., Thompson, AN., & Morris, ST. (2013). Breeding ewe lambs successfully to improve lifetime performance.
Small Ruminant Research.
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.
Mulvaney, FJ., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., Morel, PCH., West, DM., Viñoles, C., . . . Glover, KMM. (2013). Comparison between the reproductive performance of ewe hoggets and mature ewes following a progesterone-based oestrus synchronization protocol.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 56(4), 288-296
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Craigie, CR., Ross, DW., Maltin, CA., Purchas, RW., Bünger, L., Roehe, R., . . . Morris, ST. (2013). The relationship between video image analysis (VIA), visual classification, and saleable meat yield of sirloin and fillet cuts of beef carcasses differing in breed and gender.
Livestock Science. 158(1-3), 169-178
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Online:
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Mulvaney, FJ., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., Morel, PCH., West, DM., Viñoles, C., . . . Glover, KMM. (2013). Comparison between the reproductive performance of ewe hoggets and mature ewes following a progesterone-based oestrus synchronization protocol.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research.
[Journal article]Authored by: Morel, P., Morris, S.
Craigie, CR., Ross, DW., Maltin, CA., Purchas, RW., Bünger, B., Roehe, R., . . . Morris, ST. (2013). The relationship between video image analysis (VIA), visual classification, and saleable meat yield of sirloin and fillet cuts of beef carcasses differing in breed and gender.
Livestock Science.
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.
Corner, RA., Mulvaney, FJ., Morris, ST., West, DM., Morel, PCH., & Kenyon, PR. (2013). A comparison of the reproductive performance of ewe lambs and mature ewes.
Small Ruminant Research. 114(1), 126-133
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Corner, RA., Mulvaney, FJ., Morris, ST., West, DM., Morel, PCH., & Kenyon, PR. (2013). A comparison of the reproductive performance of ewe lambs and mature ewes.
Small Ruminant Research.
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Takahashi, F., Mochizuki, M., Sato, T., Katayama, K., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., . . . Tazaki, H. (2013). Semiquantitative multi-analysis of plasma obtained from Romney lambs (Ovis aries) by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, and the classification according to feed type.
Animal Science Journal. 84(6), 496-501
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Hickson, RE., Back, PJ., Ridler, AL., Stafford, KJ., . . . West, DM. (2013). The effects of body condition score and nutrition of triplet-bearing ewes in late pregnancy.
Small Ruminant Research. 113(1), 154-161
[Journal article]Authored by: Back, P., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.Read Online:
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Takahashi, F., Mochizuki, M., Sato, T., Katayama, K., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., . . . Tazaki, H. (2013). Semiquantitative multi-analysis of plasma obtained from Romney lambs (Ovis aries) by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, and the classification according to feed type.
Animal Science Journal.
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Jordan, D., Kirkland, P., Morris, S., & Coilparampil, R. (2012). Describing the within laboratory and between laboratory agreement of a serum ELISA in a national laboratory network.
Preventive Veterinary Medicine. 104(3-4), 240-248
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Online:
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Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Hickson, RE., Stafford, KJ., & West, DM. (2012). Nutritional restriction of triplet-bearing ewes and body condition score has minimal impacts.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 55(4), 359-370
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Mulvaney, FJ., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., Morel, PCH., & West, DM. (2012). Effect of nutrition from mid-pregnancy to parturition on the live weight of twin-bearing hoggets and the live weight and survival of their lambs.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 55(4), 385-392
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Kenyon, PR., Viñoles, C., & Morris, ST. (2012). Effect of teasing by the ram on the onset of puberty in Romney ewe lambs.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 55(3), 283-291
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Craigie, CR., Navajas, EA., Purchas, RW., Maltin, CA., Bünger, L., Hoskin, SO., . . . Roehe, R. (2012). A review of the development and use of video image analysis (VIA) for beef carcass evaluation as an alternative to the current EUROP system and other subjective systems.
Meat Science. 92(4), 307-318
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Online:
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Craigie, CR., Navajas, EA., Purchas, RW., Maltin, CA., Bünger, L., Hoskin, SO., . . . Roehe, R. (2012). A review of the development and use of video image analysis (VIA) for beef carcass evaluation as an alternative to the current EUROP system and other subjective systems.
Meat Science.
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Martn, NP., Kenyon, PR., Morel, PCH., Pain, SJ., Jenkinson, CMC., Hutton, PG., . . . Blair, HT. (2012). Ewe nutrition in early and mid-to late pregnancy has few effects on fetal development.
Animal Production Science. 52(7), 533-539
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Martin, N., Morel, P., Morris, S., Pain, S.Read Abstract:
Schreurs, NM., Kenyon, PR., Morel, PCH., & Morris, ST. (2012). Meta-analysis to establish the response of having heavier mature ewes during gestation on the birthweight of the lamb and the weaning weight of the ewe and lamb.
Animal Production Science. 52(7), 540-545
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S., Schreurs, N.Read Online:
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Craigie, CR., Lambe, NR., Richardson, RI., Haresign, W., Maltin, CA., Rehfeldt, C., . . . Bunger, L. (2012). The effect of sex on some carcass and meat quality traits in Texel ewe and ram lambs.
Animal Production Science. 52(7), 601-607
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Online:
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Cave, LM., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2012). Effect of timing of exposure to vasectomised rams and ewe lamb body condition score on the breeding performance of ewe lambs.
Animal Production Science. 52(7), 471-477
[Journal article]Authored by: Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Kenyon, PR., Hickson, RE., Hutton, PG., Morris, ST., Stafford, KJ., & West, DM. (2012). Effect of twin-bearing ewe body condition score and late pregnancy nutrition on lamb performance.
Animal Production Science. 52(7), 483-490
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Hickson, RE., Laven, RL., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2012). Postpartum anoestrous interval in first-lactation beef and dairy-beef crossbred cows.
Animal Production Science. 52(7), 478-482
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Laven, R., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Downie, AE., Van Zwieten, L., Smernik, RJ., Morris, S., & Munroe, PR. (2011). Terra Preta Australis: Reassessing the carbon storage capacity of temperate soils.
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 140(1-2), 137-147
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Online:
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Ohtsuka, H., Mukai, M., Tanami, E., Tokita, M., Hashiba, Y., Kohiruimaki, M., . . . Morris, S. (2011). Relationship between diarrhea and peripheral leukocyte population in neonatal Japanese black calves.
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science. 73(11), 1477-1479
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Online:
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Kenyon, PR., van der Linden, DS., Jenkinson, CMC., Morris, ST., MacKenzie, DDS., Peterson, SW., . . . Blair, HT. (2011). The effect of ewe size and nutritional regimen beginning in early pregnancy on development of singleton foetuses in late pregnancy.
Livestock Science. 142(1-3), 92-98
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Blair, HT., van der Linden, DS., Jenkinson, CMC., Morris, ST., MacKenzie, DDS., Peterson, SW., . . . Kenyon, PR. (2011). Do ewe size and nutrition during pregnancy affect foetus and foetal organ weight in twins?.
Livestock Science. 142(1-3), 99-107
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Kenyon, PR., Van Der Linden, DS., West, DM., & Morris, ST. (2011). The effect of breeding hoggets on lifetime performance.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 54(4), 321-330
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Golding, KP., Wilson, ED., Kemp, PD., Pain, SJ., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., . . . Hutton, PG. (2011). Mixed herb and legume pasture improves the growth of lambs post-weaning.
Animal Production Science. 51(8), 717-723
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Pain, S.Read Online:
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Hickson, RE., Anderson, WJ., Kenyon, PR., Lopez-Villalobos, N., & Morris, ST. (2012). A survey detailing the calving performance of primiparous 2-year-old beef heifers and outcomes of assisted calving.
New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 60(1), 35-41
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Kenyon, PR., van der Linden, DS., Blair, HT., Morris, ST., Jenkinson, CMC., Peterson, SW., . . . Firth, EC. (2011). Effects of dam size and nutritional plane during pregnancy on lamb performance to weaning.
Small Ruminant Research. 97(1-3), 21-27
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Morris, S. (2011). What is an efficient cow?.
The cattleman. 22(1), 105-106
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Stafford, KJ., & West, DM. (2011). Effect of ewe body condition and nutrition in late pregnancy on the performance of triplet-bearing ewes and their progeny.
Animal Production Science. 51(6), 557-564
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Kenyon, PR., Pain, SJ., Hutton, PG., Morris, ST., & Blair, HT. (2011). Does early pregnancy nutrition affect the performance of triplet-bearing ewes and their progeny to weaning?.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 54(2), 115-123
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Pain, S.Read Online:
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Kenyon, PR., Pain, SJ., Hutton, PG., Jenkinson, CMC., Morris, ST., Peterson, SW., . . . Blair, HT. (2011). Effects of twin-bearing ewe nutritional treatments on ewe and lamb performance to weaning.
Animal Production Science. 51(5), 406-415
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Pain, S.Read Online:
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Hutton, PG., Kenyon, PR., Bedi, MK., Kemp, PD., Stafford, KJ., West, DM., . . . Morris, ST. (2011). A herb and legume sward mix increased ewe milk production and ewe and lamb live weight gain to weaning compared to a ryegrass dominant sward.
Animal Feed Science and Technology. 164(1-2), 1-7
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Hung, DV., McConchie, R., & Morris, S. (2010). Pre-harvest Treatment with Aminoethoxyvinylglycine Influences Fruit Ripening and Post-storage Quality of Benzothiadiazole-treated Rockmelon (Cucumis melo L.).
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.
Kemp, PD., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2010). The use of legume and herb forage species to create high performance pastures for sheep and cattle grazing systems.
Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia. 39(SUPPL. 1), 169-174
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Schreurs, NM., Kenyon, PR., Mulvaney, FJ., Morel, PCH., West, DM., & Morris, ST. (2010). Response of additional ewe lamb liveweight during gestation on birth and weaning weight of offspring and liveweight of the ewe lamb at weaning.
Animal Production Science. 50(6), 528-532
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S., Schreurs, N.Read Online:
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Van Reenen, EH., Kenyon, PR., Sherlock, RG., Hickson, RE., & Morris, ST. (2010). Shearing Merino ewes at different stages of pregnancy: Effects on fleece characteristics of progeny.
Animal Production Science. 50(6), 603-607
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Machado, CF., Morris, ST., Hodgson, J., Arroqui, MA., & Mangudo, PA. (2010). A web-based model for simulating whole-farm beef cattle systems.
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 74(1), 129-136
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Online:
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Kerslakea, JI., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Stafford, KJ., & Morel, PCH. (2010). Does offering concentrate supplement during late pregnancy affect twin- and tripletbearing ewe and lamb performance?.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 53(4), 315-325
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Mulvaney, FJ., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., West, DM., & Morel, PCH. (2010). Effect of liveweight at the start of the breeding period and liveweight gain during the breeding period and pregnancy on reproductive performance of hoggets and the liveweight of their lambs.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 53(4), 355-364
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Mulvaney, FJ., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., Morel, PCH., & West, DM. (2010). Effect of nutrition pre-breeding and during pregnancy on breeding performance of ewe lambs.
Animal Production Science. 50(10), 953-960
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Ohtsuka, H., Terasawa, S., Watanabe, C., Kohiruimaki, M., Mukai, M., Ando, T., . . . Morris, S. (2010). Effect of parity on lymphocytes in peripheral blood and colostrum of healthy holstein dairy cows.
Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research. 74(2), 130-135
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Martínez, JM., Morris, ST., & Parkinson, TJ. (2010). Estimation of herbage intake of Angus heifers from growth rate and milk production.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 53(1), 29-35
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Online:
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Kenyon, PR., Kemp, PD., Stafford, KJ., West, DM., & Morris, ST. (2010). Can a herb and white clover mix improve the performance of multiple-bearing ewes and their lambs to weaning?.
Animal Production Science. 50(6), 513-521
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Kemp, PD., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, S. (2010). The use of legume and herb forage species to create high performance pastures for sheep and cattle grazing systems.
Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia. 39, 169-174
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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van Reenen, EH., Kenyon, PR., Sherlock, RG., Hickson, RE., & Morris, ST. (2010). Shearing Merino ewes at different stages of pregnancy: effects on fleece characteristics of progeny.
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Schreurs, NM., Kenyon, PR., Mulvaney, FJ., Morel, PCH., West, DM., & Morris, ST. (2010). Response of additional ewe lamb liveweight during gestation on birth and weaning weight of offspring and liveweight of the ewe lamb at weaning.
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S., Schreurs, N.Read Online:
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Kenyon, PR., Wall, AJ., Burnham, DL., Stafford, KJ., West, DM., & Morris, ST. (2010). Effect of offering concentrate supplement in late pregnancy, under conditions of unrestricted herbage, on the performance of multiple-bearing ewes and their lambs to weaning.
Animal Production Science. 50(6), 485-492
[Journal article]Authored by: Burnham, D., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Schreurs, NM., Kenyon, PR., Mulvaney, FJ., Morel, PCH., West, DM., & Morris, ST. (2010). Effect of birthweight and birth rank on the survival of single and twin lambs born to ewe lambs.
Animal Production Science. 50(6), 460-464
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S., Schreurs, N.Read Online:
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Morris, ST., Garrick, DJ., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Kenyon, PR., Burke, JL., & Blair, HT. (2010). Growth, feed intake and maternal performance of Angus heifers selected for high or low growth and milk production.
Animal Production Science. 50(6), 349-353
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Burke, J., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., & West, DM. (2010). Proportion of rams and the condition of ewe lambs at joining influences their breeding performance.
Animal Production Science. 50(6), 454-459
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Pain, SJ., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., & Blair, HT. (2010). Effects of dam parity and rearing rank on the glucose and fat metabolism, and adrenal function of post-pubertal single and twin-ewe progeny.
Animal Production Science. 50(6), 473-478
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Pain, S.Read Online:
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Hickson, RE., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Kenyon, PR., Ridler, BJ., & Morris, ST. (2010). Profitability of calving heifers at 2 compared with 3 years of age and the effect of incidence of assistance at parturition on profitability.
Animal Production Science. 50(6), 354-358
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Kerslake, JI., Kenyon, PR., Stafford, KJ., Morris, ST., & Morel, PCH. (2010). Does the physiological status of lambs within a twin- and triplet-born litter differ during the first 12 hours of life?.
Animal Production Science. 50(6), 522-527
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Kerslake, JI., Kenyon, PR., Stafford, KJ., Morris, ST., & Morel, PCH. (2010). Can maternal iodine supplementation improve twin-and triplet-born lamb plasma thyroid hormone concentrations and thermoregulation capabilities in the first 24-36 h of life?.
Journal of Agricultural Science. 148(4), 453-463
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Blair, HT., Jenkinson, CM., Peterson, SW., Kenyon, PR., van der Linden, DS., Davenport, LC., . . . Firth, EC. (2010). Dam and granddam feeding during pregnancy in sheep affects milk supply in offspring and reproductive performance in grand-offspring..
Journal of animal science. 88(13 Suppl)
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Corner, RA., Kenyon, PR., Stafford, KJ., West, DM., Morris, ST., & Oliver, MH. (2010). The effects of pasture availability for twin- and triplet-bearing ewes in mid and late pregnancy on ewe and lamb behaviour 12 to 24 h after birth.
Animal. 4(1), 108-115
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Yano, H., Ohtsuka, H., Miyazawa, M., Abiko, S., Ando, T., Watanabe, D., . . . Morris, S. (2009). Relationship between immune function and serum vitamin A in Japanese Black beef cattle.
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science. 71(2), 199-202
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Online:
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Morris, ST. (2009). Economics of sheep production.
Small Ruminant Research. 86(1-3), 59-62
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Online:
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Hickson, RE., Kenyon, PR., Lopez-Villalobos, N., & Morris, ST. (2009). Maternal plasma oestrone sulphate concentration prior to parturition in relation to birth weight of the calf in primiparous, 2-year-old, Angus heifers.
Animal Reproduction Science. 114(1-3), 301-305
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.Read Online:
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West, DM., Pomroy, WE., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Smith, SL., & Burnham, DL. (2009). Estimating the cost of subclinical parasitism in grazing ewes.
Small Ruminant Research. 86(1-3), 84-86
[Journal article]Authored by: Burnham, D., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Ohtsuka, H., Murase, Y., Ando, T., Kohiruimaki, M., Mukai, M., Oikawa, M., . . . Morris, S. (2009). Effect of body condition score of the dairy cow on the in vitro immune response of peripheral blood mononuclear cells to progesterone stimulation.
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science. 71(5), 549-553
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Kenyon, PR., Blair, HT., Jenkinson, CMC., Morris, ST., Mackenzie, DDS., Peterson, SW., . . . Johnston, PL. (2009). The effect of ewe size and nutritional regimen beginning in early pregnancy on ewe and lamb performance to weaning.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 52(2), 203-212
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Kenyon, PR., Smith, SL., Morel, PCH., Morris, ST., & West, DM. (2009). The effect of the maturity and prior breeding activity of rams and body condition score of ewe hoggets on the reproductive performance of ewe hoggets.
New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 57(5), 290-294
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Kerslake, JI., Kenyon, PR., Stafford, KJ., Morris, ST., & Morel, PCH. (2009). The effect of offering concentrate supplement to twin- and triplet-bearing ewes grazing a 60 mm herbage sward height on lamb birth weight, heat production and post-natal growth.
Journal of Agricultural Science. 147(5), 613-624
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Hickson, RE., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2009). Effect of liveweight gain of pregnant 15-month-old Angus heifers on the milk intake of their first calves and the liveweight of their first and second calves.
Animal Production Science. 49(2), 112-120
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Weston, JF., Howe, L., Collett, MG., Pattison, RS., Williamson, NB., West, DM., . . . Kenyon, PR. (2009). Dose-titration challenge of young pregnant sheep with Neospora caninum tachyzoites.
Veterinary Parasitology. 164(2-4), 183-191
[Journal article]Authored by: Howe, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Weston, J.Read Online:
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Hickson, RE., Kenyon, PR., Lopez-Villalobos, N., & Morris, ST. (2009). Effects of liveweight gain of 15-month-old Angus heifers during the first trimester of pregnancy on liveweight and milk intake of their calves.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 52(1), 39-46
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Hickson, RE., Kenyon, PR., Lopez-Villalobos, N., & Morris, ST. (2009). Size of foetuses and placentae from primiparous, 15-month-old, Angus heifers fed for moderate or low liveweight gain for 21 days prior to insemination and for the first trimester of pregnancy.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 52(1), 31-37
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.Read Abstract:
deNicolo, G., Parkinson, TJ., Kenyon, PR., Morel, PCH., & Morris, ST. (2009). Plasma progesterone concentrations during early pregnancy in spring- and autumn-bred ewes.
Animal Reproduction Science. 111(2-4), 279-288
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Phillips, D., Jordan, D., Morris, S., Jenson, I., & Sumner, J. (2008). A national survey of the microbiological quality of retail raw meats in Australia.
Journal of Food Protection. 71(6), 1232-1236
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Online:
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de Nicolo, G., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., Morel, PCH., & Parkinson, TJ. (2008). Out-of-season breeding of Romney sheep using artificially induced long days.
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 48(6-7), 961-965 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Romera, AJ., Burges, JC., Morris, ST., Hodgson, J., & Woodward, SJR. (2008). Modelling spring and autumn calving systems in beef herds of the Salado region of Argentina.
Livestock Science. 115(1), 62-72
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Online:
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DeNicolo, G., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., Morel, PCH., & Parkinson, TJ. (2008). Out-of-season breeding of Romney sheep using artificially induced long days.
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 48(7), 961-965
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Golding, KP., Kemp, PD., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, S. (2008). High weaned lamb live weight gains on herbs.
Agronomy New Zealand: Proceedings of the Thirty-eighth Annual Conference. , 33-39
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., & West, DM. (2008). Can romney ram lambs whose scrotums had been shortened by the use of a rubber ring be used as an alternative to vasectomised perendale rams for inducing early breeding activity in romney ewe lambs?.
New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 56(6), 326-329
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Hickson, RE., Anderson, WJ., Kenyon, PR., Lopez-Villalobos, N., & Morris, ST. (2008). A survey of beef cattle farmers in New Zealand, examining management practices of primiparous breeding heifers.
New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 56(4), 176-183
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.Read Online:
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deNicolo, G., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., Morel, PCH., & Parkinson, TJ. (2008). Melatonin-improved reproductive performance in sheep bred out of season.
Animal Reproduction Science. 109(1-4), 124-133
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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deNicolo, G., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., Kemp, PD., & Morel, PCH. (2008). Ewe reproduction and lambing performance in a five period mating system.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 51(4), 397-407
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.Read Abstract:
deNicolo, G., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., & Morel, PCH. (2008). A comparison of two lamb production systems in New Zealand.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 51(3), 365-375
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Mulvaney, FJ., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., & West, DM. (2008). Ewe lamb nutrition during pregnancy affects pregnancy outcome.
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 48(8), 1085-1089
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Kerslake, JI., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Stafford, KJ., & Morel, PCH. (2008). Effect of concentrate supplement and sward height on twin-bearing ewe body condition and the performance of their offspring.
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 48(7), 988-994
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Morel, PCH., Morris, ST., & Kenyon, PR. (2008). Effect of birthweight on survival in triplet-born lambs.
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 48(7), 984-987
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Blair, HT., & Stafford, KJ. (2008). Does dam parity affect the performance of ewe progeny born to 2-year-old ewes?.
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 48(7), 979-983
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Firth, EC., Rogers, CW., Vickers, M., Kenyon, PR., Jenkinson, CMC., Blair, HT., . . . Morris, ST. (2008). The bone-muscle ratio of fetal lambs is affected more by maternal nutrition during pregnancy than by maternal size.
American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology. 294(6)
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Rogers, C.Read Abstract:
Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Burnham, DL., & West, DM. (2008). Effect of nutrition during pregnancy on hogget pregnancy outcome and birthweight and liveweight of lambs.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 51(2), 77-83
[Journal article]Authored by: Burnham, D., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Corner, RA., Kenyon, PR., Stafford, KJ., West, DM., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, ST., . . . Oliver, MH. (2008). Effect of nutrition from mid to late pregnancy on the performance of twin- and triplet-bearing ewes and their lambs.
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 48(5), 666-671
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Hickson, RE., Kenyon, PR., Lopez-Villalobos, N., & Morris, ST. (2008). Effects of liveweight gain during pregnancy of 15-month-old angus heifers on dystocia and birth weight, body dimensions, estimated milk intake and weaning weight of the calves.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 51(2), 171-180
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Hickson, RE., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2008). Duration of parturition and frequency of abdominal contractions in primiparous, 2-year-old Angus heifers and the relevance of body dimensions of calves to dystocia.
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 48(7), 935-939
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Kenyon, PR., Proctor, L., Morel, PCH., Morris, ST., & West, DM. (2008). The effect of breeding ewe lambs on subsequent two-year-old ewe performance.
Livestock Science. 115(2-3), 206-210
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Kenyon, PR., Morel, PCH., Morris, ST., & West, DM. (2008). A note on the effect of vasectomised rams and short-term exposures to entire rams prior to the breeding period on the reproductive performance of ewe lambs.
Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 110(3-4), 397-403
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Mori, A., Kenyon, PR., Mori, N., Yamamoto, I., Tanaka, Y., Suzuki, N., . . . Arai, T. (2008). Changes in metabolite, energy metabolism related enzyme activities and peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) populations in beef heifers with two differing liveweight change profiles in New Zealand.
Veterinary Research Communications. 32(2), 159-166
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Howe, L., West, DM., Collett, MG., Tattersfield, G., Pattison, RS., Pomroy, WE., . . . Williamson, NB. (2008). The role of Neospora caninum in three cases of unexplained ewe abortions in the southern North Island of New Zealand.
Small Ruminant Research. 75(2-3), 115-122
[Journal article]Authored by: Howe, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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deNicolo, G., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., Morel, PCH., & Parkinson, TJ. (2008). Induced seasonal reproductive performance in two breeds of sheep.
Animal Reproduction Science. 103(3-4), 278-289
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Vancov, T., Jury, K., Rice, N., Van Zwieten, L., & Morris, S. (2007). Enhancing cell survival of atrazine degrading Rhodococcus erythropolis NI86/21 cells encapsulated in alginate beads.
Journal of Applied Microbiology. 102(1), 212-220
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Online:
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Jordan, D., Phillips, D., Sumner, J., Morris, S., & Jenson, I. (2007). Relationships between the density of different indicator organisms on sheep and beef carcasses and in frozen beef and sheep meat.
Journal of Applied Microbiology. 102(1), 57-64
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Online:
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Hickson, RE., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., & Lopez-Villalobos, N. (2007). Erratum: Dystocia in beef heifers: A review of genetic and nutritional influences (New Zealand Veterinary Journal (2006) 54, (256-264)).
New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 55(1), 48
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.
Hickson, RE., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., & Lopez-Villalobos, N. (2007). Re: Dystocia in beef heifers: A review of genetic and nutritional influences (vol 54, pg 256, 2006).
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Stafford, KJ., Jenkinson, CMC., Morris, ST., & West, DM. (2007). The body composition and metabolic status of twin- and triplet-bearing ewes and their fetuses in late pregnancy.
Livestock Science. 107(2-3), 103-112
[Journal article]Authored by: Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Kenyon, PR., Morel, PCH., Morris, ST., Burnham, DL., & West, DM. (2007). Effect of the ratio of teaser rams used prior to breeding on the reproductive performance of ewe hoggets.
New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 55(6), 342-345
[Journal article]Authored by: Burnham, D., Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Mori, A., Urabe, S., Asada, M., Tanaka, Y., Tazaki, H., Yamamoto, I., . . . Arai, T. (2007). Comparison of plasma metabolite concentrations and enzyme activities in beef cattle raised by different feeding systems in Korea, Japan and New Zealand.
Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series A: Physiology Pathology Clinical Medicine. 54(7), 342-345
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Utami, HD., Rauniyar, GP., Bailey, WC., Morris, ST., & Purnomo, H. (2007). Marketing strategy as food processor response towards Malang meatballs.
Journal of Food Products Marketing. 13(4), 79-97
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.
Stafford, KJ., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., & West, DM. (2007). The physical state and metabolic status of lambs of different birth rank soon after birth.
Livestock Science. 111(1-2), 10-15
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Kenyon, PR., Morel, PCH., Morris, ST., & West, DM. (2007). Effect of the age of rams on reproductive performance of ewe hoggets.
New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 55(4), 184-187
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Machado, CF., Morris, ST., Hodgson, J., Matthew, C., & Auza, N. (2007). Seasonal variation in the quality of a lucerne-based pasture and its relationship with morphological and maturity estimates.
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 47(5), 575-582
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Phillips, D., Jordan, D., Morris, S., Jenson, I., & Sumner, J. (2006). Microbiological quality of Australian sheep meat in 2004.
Meat Science. 74(2), 261-266
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Online:
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Phillips, D., Jordan, D., Morris, S., Jenson, I., & Sumner, J. (2006). A national survey of the microbiological quality of beef carcasses and frozen boneless beef in Australia.
Journal of Food Protection. 69(5), 1113-1117
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Online:
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Stafford, KJ., Chambers, JP., Sylvester, SP., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Lizarraga, I., . . . De Nicolo, G. (2006). Stress caused by laparoscopy in sheep and its alleviation.
New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 54(3), 109-113
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Romera, AJ., Morris, ST., Hodgson, J., Stirling, WD., & Woodward, SJR. (2006). The influence of replacement policies on stability of production in a simulated cow-calf farm system.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 49(1), 35-44
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Machado, CF., Morris, ST., Hodgson, J., Berger, H., & Auza, NJ. (2006). Effect of maize grain and herbage allowance on estimated metabolizable energy intake and animal performance in beef cattle finishing systems.
Grass and Forage Science. 61(4), 385-397
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Online:
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Hickson, RE., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., & Lopez-Villalobos, N. (2006). Dystocia in beef heifers: A review of genetic and nutritional influences.
New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 54(6), 256-264
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Kenyon, PR., Sherlock, RG., Morris, ST., & Morel, PCH. (2006). The effect of mid- and late-pregnancy shearing of hoggets on lamb birthweight, weaning weight, survival rate, and wool follicle and fibre characteristics.
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research. 57(8), 877-882
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Kenyon, PR., Morel, PCH., Morris, ST., Burnham, DL., & West, DM. (2006). The effect of length of use of teaser rams prior to mating and individual liveweight on the reproductive performance of ewe hoggets.
New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 54(2), 91-95
[Journal article]Authored by: Burnham, D., Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Kenyon, PR., Morel, PCH., West, DM., & Morris, ST. (2006). Effect of liveweight and teasing of ewe hoggets prior to breeding on lambing pattern and weight of singleton lambs.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 49(3), 341-347
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.Read Abstract:
deNicolo, G., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., & Morel, PCH. (2006). Effect of weaning pre- or post-mating on performance of spring-mated ewes and their lambs in New Zealand.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 49(3), 255-260
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Kenyon, PR., Revell, DK., & Morris, ST. (2006). Mid-pregnancy shearing can increase birthweight and survival to weaning of multiple-born lambs under commercial conditions.
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 46(6-7), 821-825
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Morris, ST., Morel, PCH., & Kenyon, PR. (2006). The effect of individual liveweight and condition of beef cows on their reproductive performance and birth and weaning weights of calves.
New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 54(2), 96-100
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Morris, ST. (2005). Update on Massey's net feed efficiency trial.
The New Zealand Angus Cattleman. 16(1), 101
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.
West, DM., Pomroy, WE., Collett, MG., Hill, FI., Ridler, AL., Kenyon, PR., . . . Pattison, RS. (2005). A possible role for Neospora caninum in ovine abortion in New Zealand.
Small Ruminant Research.
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.Read Online:
Machado, CF., Morris, ST., Hodgson, J., & Fathalla, M. (2005). Seasonal changes of herbage quality within a New Zealand beef cattle finishing pasture.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 48(2), 265-270
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Romera, AJ., Morris, ST., Hodgson, J., Stirling, WD., & Woodward, SJR. (2005). Comparison of haymaking strategies for cow-calf systems in the Salado Region of Argentina using a simulation model. 3. Exploratory risk assessment.
Grass and Forage Science. 60(4), 417-422
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Romera, AJ., Morris, ST., Hodgson, J., Stirling, WD., & Woodward, SJR. (2005). Comparison of haymaking strategies for cow-calf systems in the Salado Region of Argentina using a simulation model. 2. Incorporation of flexibility into the decision rules.
Grass and Forage Science. 60(4), 409-416
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Romera, AJ., Morris, ST., Hodgson, J., Stirling, WD., & Woodward, SJR. (2005). Comparison of haymaking strategies for cow-calf systems in the Salado Region of Argentina using a simulation model. 1. Effect of herbage mass at cutting and cow stocking rate under a rigid system of management.
Grass and Forage Science. 60(4), 399-408
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., & West, DM. (2005). Effect of hogget nutrition in pregnancy on lamb birthweight and survival to weaning.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 48(2), 165-175
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Everett-Hincks, JM., Blair, HT., Stafford, KJ., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2005). The effect of pasture allowance fed to twin- and triplet-bearing ewes in late pregnancy on ewe and lamb behaviour and performance to weaning.
Livestock Production Science. 97(2-3), 253-266
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., & West, DM. (2005). The effect of progesterone supplementation post mating and shearing of ewes in early pregnancy on the reproductive performance of ewes and birthweight of lambs.
New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 53(5), 321-325
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Kenyon, PR., Sherlock, RG., Parkinson, TJ., & Morris, ST. (2005). The effect of maternal shearing and thyroid hormone treatments in mid pregnancy on the birth weight, follicle, and wool characteristics of lambs.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 48(3), 293-300
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Kenyon, PR., Morel, PCH., Morris, ST., & West, DM. (2005). The effect of individual liveweight and use of teaser rams prior to mating on the reproductive performance of ewe hoggets.
New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 53(5), 340-343
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Kenyon, PR., Stafford, KJ., Morel, PCH., & Morris, ST. (2005). Does sward height grazed by ewes in mid- to late-pregnancy affect indices of colostrum intake by twin and triplet lambs?.
New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 53(5), 336-339
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Van Zwieten, L., Rust, J., Kingston, T., Merrington, G., & Morris, S. (2004). Influence of copper fungicide residues on occurrence of earthworms in avocado orchard soils..
Sci Total Environ. 329(1-3), 29-41
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Online:
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Kenyon, PR., Morel, PC., & Morris, ST. (2004). The effect of liveweight and condition score of ewes at mating, and shearing mid-pregnancy, on birthweights and growth rates of twin lambs to weaning.
New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 52(3), 145-149
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Romera, AJ., Morris, ST., Hodgson, J., Stirling, WD., & Woodward, SJR. (2004). A model for simulating rule-based management of cow-calf systems.
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 42(2), 67-86
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Kenyon, PR., Morel, PCH., & Morris, ST. (2004). Effect of liveweight and condition score of ewes at mating, and shearing mid-pregnancy, on birthweights and growth rates of twin lambs to weaning.
New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 52(3), 145-149
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Kenyon, PR., Pinchbeck, GL., Perkins, NR., Morris, ST., & West, DM. (2004). Identifying factors which maximise the lambing performance of hoggets: A cross sectional study.
New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 52(6), 371-377
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Morris, ST., & Kenyon, PR. (2004). The effect of litter size and sward height on ewe and lamb performance.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 47(3), 275-286
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Kenyon, PR., Morel, PCH., & Morris, ST. (2004). The effect of individual liveweight and condition scores of ewes at mating on reproductive and scanning performance.
New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 52(5), 230-235
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Revell, DK., & McCutcheon, SN. (2003). Shearing during pregnancy — review of a policy to increase birthweight and survival of lambs in new zealand pastoral farming systems.
New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 51(5), 200-207
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Morris, S., Anderson, P., & Irwin, DE. (2002). Acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis: A pharmacoeconomic review of antibacterial use.
PharmacoEconomics. 20(3), 153-168
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S.Read Online:
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Revell, DK., Morris, ST., Cottam, YH., Hanna, JE., Thomas, DG., Brown, S., . . . McCutcheon, SN. (2002). Shearing ewes at mid-pregnancy is associated with changes in fetal growth and development.
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research. 53(6), 697-705
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S., Thomas, D.Read Online:
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Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Revell, DK., & McCutcheon, SN. (2002). Nutrition during mid to late pregnancy does not affect the birthweight response to mid pregnancy shearing.
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research. 53(1), 13-20
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Revell, DK., & McCutcheon, SN. (2002). Maternal constraint and the birthweight response to mid-pregnancy shearing.
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research. 53(5), 511-517
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Purchas, RW., Burnham, DL., & Morris, ST. (2002). Effects of growth potential and growth path on tenderness of beef longissimus muscle from bulls and steers.
Journal of Animal Science. 80(12), 3211-3221
[Journal article]Authored by: Burnham, D., Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Revell, DK., Morris, ST., Cottam, YH., Hanna, JE., Thomas, DG., Brown, S., . . . McCutcheon, SN. (2002). Shearing ewes at mid-pregnancy is associated with changes in fetal growth and development.
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, S., Thomas, D.Read Online:
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Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Revell, DK., & McCutcheon, SN. (2002). Maternal constraint and the birthweight response to mid-pregnancy shearing.
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research. 53(5), 511-517
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Abstract: