Ridler, AL., Corner-Thomas, RA., Mote, S., Morgan, S., Kenyon, PR., & Flay, KJ. (2024). Where do all the ewes go? Ewe culling and mortality in 34 sheep flocks in New Zealand.
New Zealand Veterinary Journal.
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Redmond, C., Smit, M., Draganova, I., Corner-Thomas, R., Thomas, D., & Andrews, C. (2024). The Use of Triaxial Accelerometers and Machine Learning Algorithms for Behavioural Identification in Domestic Dogs (Canis familiaris): A Validation Study.
Sensors. 24(18)
[Journal article]Authored by: Andrews, C., Corner-Thomas, R., Draganova, I., Thomas, D.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Corner-Thomas, R., Handcock, R., & Sneddon, N. (2024). A snapshot of research in animal production in New Zealand.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 67(3), 283-284
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Sneddon, N.Read Online:
Smit, M., Corner-Thomas, RA., Draganova, I., Andrews, CJ., & Thomas, DG. (2024). How Lazy Are Pet Cats Really? Using Machine Learning and Accelerometry to Get a Glimpse into the Behaviour of Privately Owned Cats in Different Households.
Sensors. 24(8)
[Journal article]Authored by: Andrews, C., Corner-Thomas, R., Draganova, I., Thomas, D.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Haslin, E., Kenyon, PR., Corner-Thomas, RA., Morris, ST., & Blair, HT. (2024). Should lambs born to one-year-old ewes and grown to heavy live weights be retained as replacements and mated at seven months of age?.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research.
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Sneddon, NW., Handcock, RC., Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Burnham, DL., Garrick, DJ., . . . Morris, ST. (2024). Wool shedding and lamb fleece weights: first-cross and backcross Wiltshire–Romney sheep scored at lamb, hogget and two-tooth ages.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 67(3), 394-401
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Burnham, D., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Littlejohn, M., Morris, S., Sneddon, N.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Corner-Thomas, RA., Shanks, R., & Beausoleil, NJ. (2024). The influence of the number of lambs present on the suckling behaviour of triplet-rearing ewes at pasture.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 67(3), 372-393
[Journal article]Authored by: Beausoleil, N., Corner-Thomas, R.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Ridler, AL., Kenyon, PR., Greer, AW., Logan, CM., Morgan, S., & Corner-Thomas, RA. (2024). Ewe culling in New Zealand: an interview study of 38 farmers.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 67(3), 361-371
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Ridler, A.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Hempstead, MN., Waghorn, TS., Gibson, MJ., Sauermann, CW., Ross, AB., Cave, VM., . . . Sutherland, IA. (2023). Worms and welfare: Behavioural and physiological changes associated with gastrointestinal nematode parasitism in lambs.
Veterinary Parasitology. 324
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Gibson, M.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Smit, M., Ikurior, SJ., Corner-Thomas, RA., Andrews, CJ., Draganova, I., & Thomas, DG. (2023). The Use of Triaxial Accelerometers and Machine Learning Algorithms for Behavioural Identification in Domestic Cats (Felis catus): A Validation Study.
Sensors. 23(16)
[Journal article]Authored by: Andrews, C., Corner-Thomas, R., Draganova, I., Thomas, D.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Bunyaga, A., Corner-Thomas, R., Draganova, I., Kenyon, P., & Burkitt, L. (2023). The Behaviour of Sheep around a Natural Waterway and Impact on Water Quality during Winter in New Zealand.
Animals. 13(9)
[Journal article]Authored by: Burkitt, L., Corner-Thomas, R., Draganova, I., Kenyon, P.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Kongara, K., Corner-Thomas, R., Bruere, S., Lawrence, K., & Gates, MC. (2023). Practices and opinions of New Zealand sheep farmers towards pain management in lambs during castration and/or tail docking.
New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 71(1), 8-17
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Gates, M., Lawrence, K.Read Online:
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Kenyon, PR., & Corner-Thomas, RA. (2022). Breeding Ewe Lambs: An Australasian Perspective.
Animals. 12(22)
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Smit, M., Corner-Thomas, RA., Weidgraaf, K., & Thomas, DG. (2022). Association of age and body condition with physical activity of domestic cats (Felis catus).
Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 248
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Thomas, D.Read Online:
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Ridler, AL., Flay, KJ., Kenyon, PR., Blair, HT., Corner-Thomas, RA., & Pettigrew, EJ. (2022). Factors Associated with Mortality of Lambs Born to Ewe Hoggets.
Animals. 12(3)
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Ridler, A.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Flay, KJ., Ridler, AL., Corner-Thomas, RA., & Kenyon, PR. (2022). Ewe wastage in commercial sheep flocks: a review of current knowledge.
New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 70(4), 187-197
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Ridler, A.Read Online:
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Haslin, E., Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Pettigrew, EJ., Hickson, RE., Morris, ST., . . . Blair, HT. (2022). Breeding heavier ewe lambs at seven months of age did not impact their subsequent two and three-year-old ewe live weight and reproductive performance.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 65(2-3), 129-144
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Capdevila-Ospina, K., Corner-Thomas, RA., Flay, KJ., Kenyon, PR., & Ridler, AL. (2021). Factors Associated with Ewe Death and Casting in an Extensively Farmed Sheep Flock in New Zealand.
Ruminants. 1(2), 87-99
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Ridler, A.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Haslin, E., Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., & Blair, HT. (2021). Effects of Increased Growth Rates Prior to the First Breeding as Ewe Lambs and Pregnancy Rank on Mammary Glands of Two-Year-Old Ewes.
Ruminants. 1(2), 72-86
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Haslin, E., Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Pettigrew, EJ., Hickson, RE., Morris, ST., . . . Blair, HT. (2021). Correction: Effects of heavier live weight of ewe lambs at mating on fertility, lambing percentage, subsequent live weight and the performance of their progeny.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 65(2-3), 248-248 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Haslin, E., Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Pettigrew, EJ., Hickson, RE., Morris, ST., . . . Blair, HT. (2021). Effect of breeding heavier romney ewe lambs at seven months of age on lamb production and efficiency over their first three breeding seasons.
Animals. 11(12)
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Ikurior, SJ., Marquetoux, N., Leu, ST., Corner‐thomas, RA., Scott, I., & Pomroy, WE. (2021). What are sheep doing? Tri‐axial accelerometer sensor data identify the diel activity pattern of ewe lambs on pasture.
Sensors. 21(20)
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Scott, I.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Semakula, J., Corner-Thomas, RA., Morris, ST., Blair, HT., & Kenyon, PR. (2021). Predicting ewe body condition score using adjusted liveweight for conceptus and fleece weight, height at withers, and previous body condition score record.
Translational Animal Science. 5(3)
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Haslin, E., Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Peterson, SW., Morris, ST., & Blair, HT. (2021). Associations among mammary ultrasound measurements, milk yield of non-dairy ewe lambs and the growth of their single lambs.
Animals. 11(7)
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Semakula, J., Corner-Thomas, RA., Morris, ST., Blair, HT., & Kenyon, PR. (2021). The effect of herbage availability, pregnancy stage and rank on the rate of liveweight loss during fasting in ewes.
Agriculture (Switzerland). 11(6)
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Haslin, E., Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Molenaar, AJ., Morris, ST., & Blair, HT. (2021). Mammary gland structures are not affected by an increased growth rate of yearling ewes post-weaning but are associated with growth rates of singletons.
Animals. 11(3), 1-31
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Semakula, J., Corner-Thomas, RA., Morris, ST., Blair, HT., & Kenyon, PR. (2021). The effect of herbage availability and season of year on the rate of liveweight loss during weighing of fasting ewe lambs.
Agriculture (Switzerland). 11(2), 1-20
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Pettigrew, E., Hickson, R., Morris, S., Kenyon, P., Corner-Thomas, R., Haslin, E., . . . Blair, H. (2021). The effect of age of dam and birth rank on the reproductive performance of ewes as one-and two-year-olds.
Animals. 11(3), 1-15
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Semakula, J., Corner‐thomas, RA., Morris, ST., Blair, HT., & Kenyon, PR. (2021). Application of machine learning algorithms to predict body condition score from liveweight records of mature romney ewes.
Agriculture (Switzerland). 11(2), 1-22
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Corner-Thomas, R., Sewell, AM., Kemp, P., Wood, BA., Gray, DI., Morris, ST., . . . Kenyon, PR. (2020). Body condition scoring of sheep: intra- and inter-observer variability.
New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production. 80(1), 107-112 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Haslin, E., Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Pettigrew, EJ., Hickson, RE., Morris, ST., . . . Blair, HT. (2022). Effects of heavier live weight of ewe lambs at mating on fertility, lambing percentage, subsequent live weight and the performance of their progeny.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 65(2-3), 114-128
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Ekanayake, LJ., Corner-Thomas, RA., Cranston, LM., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., & Pain, SJ. (2020). Pre-exposure of early-weaned lambs to a herb-clover mix does not improve their subsequent growth.
Animals. 10(8), 1-15
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Pain, S.Read Online:
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Ikurior, SJ., Pomroy, WE., Scott, I., Corner-Thomas, R., Marquetoux, N., & Leu, ST. (2020). Gastrointestinal nematode infection affects overall activity in young sheep monitored with tri-axial accelerometers.
Veterinary Parasitology. 283
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Scott, I.Read Online:
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Semakula, J., Corner‐thomas, RA., Morris, ST., Blair, HT., & Kenyon, PR. (2020). Predicting ewe body condition score using lifetime liveweight and liveweight change, and previous body condition score record.
Animals. 10(7), 1-20
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Semakula, J., Corner-Thomas, RA., Morris, ST., Blair, HT., & Kenyon, PR. (2020). The effect of age, stage of the annual production cycle and pregnancy-rank on the relationship between liveweight and body condition score in extensively managed romney ewes.
Animals. 10(5)
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Ekanayake, LJ., Corner-Thomas, RA., Cranston, LM., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2020). Lambs weaned early onto a herb-clover mix have the potential to grow at a similar rate to unweaned lambs on a grass-predominant pasture.
Animals. 10(4)
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Gronqvist, GV., Hickson, RE., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Stafford, KJ., & Corner-Thomas, RA. (2020). Behaviour of twin- And triplet-born lambs and their dam 3 to 18 hours after birth is not a useful predictor of lamb survival to weaning.
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. 33(11), 1848-1857
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Ye, Y., Schreurs, NM., Johnson, PL., Corner-Thomas, RA., Agnew, MP., Silcock, P., . . . Realini, CE. (2020). Carcass characteristics and meat quality of commercial lambs reared in different forage systems.
Livestock Science. 232
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Schreurs, N.Read Online:
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Kok, JC., Schreurs, NM., Cranston, LM., Corner-Thomas, RA., Ekanayake, WEMLJ., Morris, ST., . . . Kenyon, PR. (2019). Comparison of meat quality characteristics of lambs weaned at eight or 14 weeks of age grazing perennial ryegrass-white clover or a plantain-clover mix.
New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production. 79(Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 2019, Palmerston North), 159-161 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Schreurs, N.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Griffiths, KJ., Ridler, AL., Compton, CWR., Corner-Thomas, RA., & Kenyon, PR. (2019). Investigating associations between lamb survival to weaning and dam udder and teat scores.
New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 67(4), 163-171
[Journal article]Authored by: Compton, C., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Ridler, A.Read Online:
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Griffiths, KJ., Ridler, AL., Compton, CWR., Corner-Thomas, RA., & Kenyon, PR. (2019). Associations between lamb growth to weaning and dam udder and teat scores.
New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 67(4), 172-179
[Journal article]Authored by: Compton, C., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Ridler, A.Read Online:
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Ekanayake, WEML., Corner-Thomas, RA., Cranston, LM., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2019). A comparison of liveweight gain of lambs weaned early onto a herb-clover mixed sward and weaned conventionally onto a ryegrass-clover pasture and herb-clover mixed sward.
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. 32(2), 201-208
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Corner-Thomas, RA., Cranston, LM., Kemp, PD., Morris, ST., & Kenyon, PR. (2020). The influence of three herbage types on the liveweight change of twin-bearing hoggets and their lambs.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 63(3), 365-378
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Corner-Thomas, RA., Cranston, LM., Kemp, PD., Morris, ST., & Kenyon, PR. (2020). Can herb-clover mixes compensate for the lack of milk in the diet of early-weaned lambs?.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 63(2), 233-245
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Griffiths, K., Ridler, A., Heuer, C., Corner-Thomas, R., & Kenyon, P. (2018). Associations between liveweight, body condition score and previous reproductve outcomes, and the risk of ewes bred at 18-months of age being dry at docking.
New Zealand veterinary journal. 66(6), 290-296
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Ridler, A.Read Online:
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Griffiths, KJ., Ridler, AL., Heuer, C., Corner-Thomas, RA., & Kenyon, PR. (2018). Associations between liveweight, body condition score and previous reproductive outcomes, and the risk of ewes bred at 18-months of age being dry at docking.
New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 66(6), 290-296
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Ridler, A.Read Online:
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Gronqvist, GV., Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Stafford, KJ., Morris, ST., & Hickson, RE. (2018). The effect of nutrition and body condition of triplet-bearing ewes during late pregnancy on the behaviour of ewes and lambs.
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. 31(12), 1991-2000
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Corner-Thomas, RA., Cranston, LM., Kemp, PD., Morris, ST., & Kenyon, PR. (2018). The performance of single-rearing ewes and their lambs offered ryegrass pasture or herb–clover mix during lactation.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 61(1), 67-80
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Cranston, LM., Kenyon, PR., Fields, RL., Moot, DJ., Corner-Thomas, RA., Kemp, P., . . . Morris, S. (2017). Lucerne with a high coumestrol content is not a suitable feed for ewes just before and during the early breeding period.
Journal of New Zealand Grasslands. 79, 55-60
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Henwood, R., Wood, B., Sewell, A., Gray, D., Blair, H., Cranston, L., . . . Morris, S. (2017). Engaging with individuality in agricultural learning: a sociocultural study of innovation in a farmer-scientist community.
Rural Extension and Innovation Systems Journal. 13(2), 76-85 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Cranston, L., Hartnett, M., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Kenyon, PR., Morel, PCH., Corner-Thomas, RA., Perez, HL., Somasiri, SC., Kemp, PD., . . . Morris, ST. (2017). Improved per hectare production in a lamb finishing system using mixtures of red and white clover with plantain and chicory compared to ryegrass and white clover.
Small Ruminant Research. 151, 90-97
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Ridler, AL., Hickson, RE., Greer, AW., . . . Blair, HT. (2017). Farmer perceptions of the relative usefulness of information providers and technology transfer methods.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 60(3), 245-262
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.Read Online:
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Cranston, LM., Kenyon, PR., Corner-Thomas, RA., & Morris, ST. (2017). The potential interaction between ewe body condition score and nutrition during very late pregnancy and lactation on the performance of twin-bearing ewes and their lambs.
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. 30(9), 1270-1277
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Ridler, AL., Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., & Griffiths, KJ. (2017). Investigation of fetal loss in ewe lambs in relation to liveweight changes and progesterone concentrations in early to mid gestation.
New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 65(1), 34-38
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Ridler, A.Read Online:
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Griffiths, KJ., Ridler, AL., Heuer, C., Corner-Thomas, RA., & Kenyon, PR. (2016). The effect of liveweight and body condition score on the ability of ewe lambs to successfully rear their offspring.
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Ridler, A.Read Online:
Griffiths, KJ., Ridler, AL., Heuer, C., Corner-Thomas, RA., & Kenyon, PR. (2016). The effect of liveweight and body condition score on the ability of ewe lambs to successfully rear their offspring.
Small Ruminant Research. 145, 130-135
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Ridler, A.Read Online:
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Gronqvist, GV., Hickson, RE., Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Stafford, KJ., & Morris, ST. (2016). The effect of ewe nutrition and body condition during late-pregnancy on the behaviour of twin-bearing ewes and their lambs.
Small Ruminant Research. 145, 94-102
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Gronqvist, G., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Morel, PCH., Schreurs, NM., Corner-Thomas, RA., Greer, AW., Jenkinson, CMC., Ridler, AL., . . . Kenyon, PR. (2016). Live weight and body composition associated with an increase in body condition score of mature ewes and the relationship to dietary energy requirements.
Small Ruminant Research. 143, 8-14
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Ridler, A., Schreurs, N.Read Online:
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Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Ridler, AL., Hickson, RE., Greer, AW., . . . Blair, HT. (2016). The use of farm-management tools by New Zealand sheep farmers: Changes with time.
Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. 76, 78-80
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.Read Abstract:
Gronqvist, GV., Hickson, RE., Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Stafford, KJ., & Morris, ST. (2016). Does ewe nutrition during pregnancy affect the neonatal behaviour of twin-born lambs?.
Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. 76, 8-13
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Gronqvist, G., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read article at Massey Research Online:
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Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Ridler, AL., Hickson, RE., Greer, AW., . . . Blair, HT. (2015). Influence of demographic factors on the use of farm management tools by New Zealand farmers.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 58(4), 412-422
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.Read Online:
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Greer, AW., Corner-Thomas, RA., Logan, CM., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Ridler, AL., . . . Blair, HT. (2015). Perceived importance of areas of future research: Results from a survey of sheep farmers.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 58(4), 359-370
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.Read Online:
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Corner-Thomas, RA., Hickson, RE., Morris, ST., Back, PJ., Ridler, AL., Stafford, KJ., . . . Kenyon, PR. (2015). Effects of body condition score and nutrition in lactation on twin-bearing ewe and lamb performance to weaning.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 58(2), 156-169
[Journal article]Authored by: Back, P., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.Read Online:
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Ridler, AL., Vallee, E., Corner, RA., Kenyon, PR., & Heuer, C. (2015). Factors associated with fetal losses in ewe lambs on a New Zealand sheep farm.
New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 63(6), 330-334
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Ridler, A., Vallee, E.Read Online:
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Corner-Thomas, RA., Ridler, AL., Morris, ST., & Kenyon, PR. (2015). Ewe lamb live weight and body condition scores affect reproductive rates in commercial flocks.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 58(1), 26-34
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.Read Online:
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Corner-Thomas, RA., Back, PJ., Kenyon, PR., Hickson, RE., Ridler, AL., Stafford, KJ., . . . Morris, ST. (2015). Ad libitum pasture feeding in late pregnancy does not improve the performance of twin-bearing ewes and their lambs.
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. 28(3), 360-368
[Journal article]Authored by: Back, P., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.Read Online:
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Corner-Thomas, RA., Kemp, PD., Morris, ST., & Kenyon, PR. (2014). Grazing alternative herbages in lactation increases the liveweight of both ewe lambs and their progeny at weaning.
Animal Production Science. 54(10), 1741-1746
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Kenyon, PR., Corner-Thomas, RA., Peterson, SW., Pain, SJ., & Blair, HT. (2014). Pregnancy nutrition does not influence lamb liveweight in developmentally programmed ewes.
Animal Production Science. 54(9), 1465-1470
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Pain, S.Read Online:
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Corner-Thomas, RA., Hickson, RE., Morris, ST., & Kenyon, PR. (2014). The influences of live weight and body condition score of ewe lambs from breeding to lambing on the live weight of their singleton lambs to weaning.
Small Ruminant Research. 119(1-3), 16-21
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Corner, RA., Mulvaney, FJ., Morris, ST., West, DM., Morel, PCH., & Kenyon, PR. (2013). A comparison of the reproductive performance of ewe lambs and mature ewes.
Small Ruminant Research. 114(1), 126-133
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
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Corner, RA., Kenyon, PR., Stafford, KJ., West, DM., & Oliver, MH. (2010). The effect of different types of stressors during mid- and late pregnancy on lamb weight and body size at birth.
Animal. 4(12), 2065-2070
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P.Read Online:
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Corner, RA., Kenyon, PR., Stafford, KJ., West, DM., Morris, ST., & Oliver, MH. (2010). The effects of pasture availability for twin- and triplet-bearing ewes in mid and late pregnancy on ewe and lamb behaviour 12 to 24 h after birth.
Animal. 4(1), 108-115
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Online:
Read Abstract:
Corner, RA., Kenyon, PR., Stafford, KJ., West, DM., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, ST., . . . Oliver, MH. (2008). Effect of nutrition from mid to late pregnancy on the performance of twin- and triplet-bearing ewes and their lambs.
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 48(5), 666-671
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.Read Online:
Read Abstract:
Corner, RA., Kenyon, PR., Stafford, KJ., West, DM., & Oliver, MH. (2007). The effect of mid-pregnancy shearing and litter size on lamb birth weight and postnatal plasma cortisol response.
Small Ruminant Research. 73(1-3), 115-121
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P.Read Online:
Read Abstract:
Corner, RA., Kenyon, PR., Stafford, KJ., West, DM., & Oliver, MH. (2007). The effect of mid-pregnancy stressors on twin-lamb live weight and body dimensions at birth.
Livestock Science. 107(2-3), 126-131
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P.Read Online:
Read Abstract:
Corner, RA., Kenyon, PR., Stafford, JK., West, DM., & Oliver, MH. (2006). The effect of mid-pregnancy shearing or yarding stress on ewe post-natal behaviour and the birth weight and post-natal behaviour of their lambs.
Livestock Science. 102(1-2), 121-129
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P.Read Online:
Read Abstract:
Stafford, KJ., Mellor, DJ., & Corner, R. (2005). Sucking behaviour of hand-reared newborn dairy calves.
New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 53(4), 246-248
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R.Read Online:
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Cranston, L., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., & Morris, S. (2021). Early weaning of twin-reared lambs at eight weeks of age onto lucerne.
33rd Biennial Conference of the Australian Society of Animal Production. : 33rd Biennial Conference of the Australian Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Ikurior, S., Scott, I., Corner-Thomas, R., & Pomroy, W. (2020). What are ewe doing? Monitoring activity in pre-mating adult ewes with high and low FEC. In
Conference Programme and Abstracts(pp. 19 - 20). , New Zealand Society for Parasitology Annual Meeting No.48
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Scott, I.
Corner-Thomas, R., Pomroy, W., Kenyon, P., & Stafford, K. (2020). Insecticide use on sheep as reported by farmers in a postal survey on flystrike and lice in 2016. In
Conference Programme and Abstracts(pp. 17 - 17). , New Zealand Society for Parasitology Annual Meeting No.48
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P.Read Abstract:
Ikurior, S., Pomroy, W., Scott, I., Corner-Thomas, R., Leu, S., & Marquetoux, N. (2019). Evaluating on-animal sensors to assess gastrointestinal nematode effects on sheep behaviour. , New Zealand Society for Parasitology Annual Meeting No.47
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Scott, I.Read Abstract:
Ikurior, S., Pomroy, W., Scott, I., Corner-Thomas, R., Leu, S., & Marquetoux, N. (2019). Using remote sensing technologies for the detection of parasitism in sheep. (pp. 53 - 54). , 27th Conference of the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Scott, I.Read Abstract:
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Cranston, L., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., & Morris, S. (2018). Effect of early weaning using lucerne on ewe and lamb live weight gain.
32nd Biennial Conference of the Australian Society of Animal Production. : 32nd Biennial Conference of the Australian Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Wong, HX., Schreurs, NM., Corner-Thomas, RA., Ekanayake, WEMLJ., Cranston, L., Morris, ST., . . . Kenyon, P. (2018). Effects of early weaning onto herb-clover mixes on lamb carcass characteristics. In S. Peterson (Ed.)
Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. (pp. 189 - 193). : 78th Conference of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Schreurs, N.Read Abstract:
Cranston, L., Schreurs, N., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., & Morris, S. (2018). Effects of lamb live weight , sex and forage type (grass or plantain-clover mix) on lamb growth during summer. In S. Peterson (Ed.)
Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 78 (pp. 199 - 203). : 78th Conference of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Schreurs, N.Read Abstract:
Seer, I., Pomroy, W., Scott, I., Corner-Thomas, R., & Leu, S. (2018). Using remote sensing technologies for detection of parasitism in sheep. , New Zealand Society for Parasitology
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Scott, I.Read Abstract:
Corner-Thomas, RA., Pomroy, W., Kenyon, PR., & Stafford, K. (2017). A report on a "survey of aspects of sheep management: flystrike and lice". (pp. 22 - 22). , New Zealand society for parasitology
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P.
Gronqvist, GV., Hickson, RE., Corner-Thomas, RA., Stafford, KJ., Morris, ST., & Kenyon, PR. (2017). The effect of mid-pregnancy nutrition and body condition score on the behaviour of triplet-bearing ewes and their lambs.
Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 77 (pp. 143 - 148).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Corner-Thomas, RA., Panns, JM., Kemp, PD., Morris, ST., & Kenyon, PR. (2017). The effect of grazing ewe lambs on lucerne(medicago sativa) prior to breeding on aspects of reproductive performance.
Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 77 (pp. 55 - 60). : New zealand society of animall production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Ekanayake, WEMLJ., Corner-Thomas, RA., Cranston, LM., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2017). The effect of live weight at weaning on liveweight gain of ealy weaned lambs onto a herb-clover mixed sward.
Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 77 (pp. 37 - 42). : New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Corner-Thomas, RA., Pomroy, WE., Kenyon, PR., & Stafford, KJ. (2017). A report on a "survey of aspects of sheep management: flystrike, lice, tailing and castration".
2017 Conference Proceedings of the Society of Sheep and Beef Cattle Veterinarians and Deer Branch of the NZVA. (pp. 35 - 37). Wellington, New Zealand: Society of Sheep and Beef Cattle Veterinarians and Deer Branch of the NZVA
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P.Read Abstract:
Griffiths, KJ., Ridler, A., Heuer, C., Corner-Thomas, R., & Kenyon, P. (2017). Investigating longevity and wastage in New Zealand commercial ewe flocks. , International Sheep Veterinary Congress
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Ridler, A.
Griffiths, KJ., Ridler, AL., Heuer, C., Corner-Thomas, R., & Kenyon, PR. (2017, May). Investigating longevity and wastage in New Zealand commercial ewe flocks. Presented at
International Sheep Veterinary Congress 2017
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Ridler, A.
Pettigrew, EJ., Hickson, RE., Corner-Thomas, RA., Lee, RL., Bagley, D., Pickering, NK., . . . Blair, HT. (2016). Can farmers select good rams based on phenotype?. In
Australian Society of Animal Production, Australian Society of Animal Production
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Ridler, AL., Hickson, RE., Greer, AW., . . . Blair, HT. (2016). The use of farm-management tools by New Zealand sheep farmers: Changes with time.
Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 76 (pp. 78 - 800). New Zealand
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.Read article at Massey Research Online:
Read Abstract:
Cranston, LM., Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2016). Growth of early weaned lambs on a plantain-clover mix compared with lambs suckling their dam on a plantain-clover mix or a grass based sward.
Proceeding of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 76 (pp. 65 - 68).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read article at Massey Research Online:
Read Abstract:
Corner-Thomas, RA., Morris, ST., & Kenyon, PR. (2015). The influence of hogget liveweight change during their first lactation on pregnancy rates at the subsequent breeding period. In S. Peterson (Ed.)
Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 75 (pp. 247 - 250). : 75th New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P.Read Abstract:
Wilson, RF., Hardwick-Smith, JA., Logan, CM., Corner-Thomas, RA., Bywater, AC., & Greer, AW. (2015). Brief communication: Optimizing a fasting protocol to assess live weight of sheep. In S. Peterson (Ed.)
Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 75 (pp. 223 - 224). New Zealand: 75th New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R.Read Abstract:
Grongvist, GV., Hickson, RE., Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Stafford, KJ., & Morris, ST. (2015). The effect of ewe nutrition and body condition score during very late pregnancy and the perinatal period on the behaviour of twin-bearing ewes and their lambs. In S. Peterson (Ed.)
Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 75 (pp. 219 - 222). : 75th New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Gronqvist, G., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Hickson, RE., Corner-Thomas, RA., Martin, NP., Kenyon, PR., Lopez-Villalobos, N., & Morris, ST. (2015). Stayability of beef-cross-dairy breeding cows to six years of age. In S. Peterson (Ed.)
Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 75 (pp. 159 - 163). : 75th New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Ridler, AL., Hickson, RE., & Blair, HT. (2014, June). Brief Communication: Ewe ultra-sound pregnancy diagnosis and its use by New Zealand farmers. Presented at
New Zealand society of Animal Production. Napier, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.Read Abstract:
Kenyon, PR., Morris, S., & Corner-Thomas, R. (2014). Farmer-learning contract session farmer learning, successful technology transfer and agricultural extension. In S. Peterson (Ed.)
Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 74 (pp. 164 - 165). Palmerston North, New Zealand: New Zealand Society of Animal Production 2014
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A., Hickson, R., Greer, A., . . . Blair, H. (2014). Brief communication: Ewe ultra-sound pregnancy diagnosis and its use by New Zealand farmers. In S. Peterson (Ed.)
Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 74 (pp. 65 - 72). Palmerston North, New Zealand: New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.Read Abstract:
Ridler, AL., Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Paganoni, BL., & Morris, ST. (2014).
Does pregnancy as a ewe lamb and liveweight affect 18-month-old ewe performance?. Poster session presented at the meeting of Joint ISNH/ISRP International Conference 2014. Canberra, Australia
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.Read Abstract:
Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Ridler, AL., Paganoni, BL., & Morris, ST. (2014).
The relationship between breeding liveweight and the fertility and reproductive rates of ewe lambs.. Poster session presented at the meeting of Joint ISNH/ISRP International Conference 2014. Canberra, Australia
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.Read Abstract:
Kenyon, PR., Corner-Thomas, RA., Paganoni, BL., & Morris, ST. (2014).
Percentage of mature liveweight affects reproductive performance in ewe lambs. Poster session presented at the meeting of Joint ISNH/ISRP International Conference 2014. Canberra, Australia
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Kenyon, PR., corner-Thomas, RA., Paganoni, BL., & Morris, ST. (2014). Percentage of mature liveweight affects reproductive performance in ewe lambs. In
Proceedings of the 30th Biennial Conference of the australian Society of Animal Production Vol. 30 (pp. 255). , Joint ISNH/ISRP International Conference 2014: Australian society of Animal Production
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, P., Ridler, A., Paganoni, B., & Morris, S. (2014). The relationship between breeding liveweight and the fertility and reproductive rates of ewe lambs. In
Proceeding of the 30th Biennial Conference of the Australian Society of Animal Production Vol. 30 , Joint ISNH/ ISRP International Conference 2014: Australian Society of Animal Production
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.Read Abstract:
Ridler, AL., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Paganoni, B., & Morris, S. (2014). Does pregnancy as a ewe lamb and liveweight affect 18-month-old ewe performance?. In
Proceedings of the 30th Biennial conference of the Australian Society of Animal Production Vol. 30 , Joint ISNH / ISRP International Conference 2014: australian Society of Animal Production
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.Read Abstract:
Blair, H., Sewell, AM., Corner-Thomas, R., Kemp, P., Wood, B., Gray, D., . . . Kenyon, P. (2013, June). Understanding how farmers learn. Presented at
The Association for the Advancement of Animal Breeding and Genetics. Napier, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.
Corner, RA. (2013, July). Brief communication: A comparison of aspects of the reproductive success of ewe lamb and mixed age ewes joined over the same period. Presented at
New Zealand Society of Animal Production2013. Hamilton, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R.Read Abstract:
Corner-Thomas, RA., Blair, HT., Morris, ST., & Kenyon, PR. (2013). Brief Communication: A comparison of aspects of the reproductive success of ewe lamb and mixed age ewes joined over the same period.. In R. Sumner (Ed.)
Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 73 (pp. 76 - 78). Hamilton, New Zealand: New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Corner, RA. (2013, September). How do New Zealand farmers wish to learn about technologies?. Presented at
Gravida Annual Science Symposium. Auckland, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R.Read Abstract:
Corner, R., Blair, HT., Morris, S., Logan, C., Greer, A., Ridler, A., . . . Kenyon, P. (2013). How do New Zealand farmers wish to learn about technologies?. (pp. 34). , Gravida Annual Science Symposium: Gravida National Centre for Growth and Development
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.Read Abstract:
Corner, R., Ridler, A., Morris, S., & Kenyon, P. (2013, February). Hogget ewe reproductive performance: The effect of body condition and live weight. Presented at
8th International Sheep Veterinary Congress: Connecting Sheep and Science. Rotorua, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.Read Abstract:
Corner, R., Ridler, A., Morris, S., & Kenyon, P. (2013). Hogget ewe reproductive performance: The effect of body condition and live weight. In
8th International Sheep Veterinary Congress: Handbook(pp. 78 - 78). , 8th International Sheep Veterinary Congress: Connecting Sheep and Science New Zealand: International Sheep Veterinary Congress
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.Read Abstract:
Corner, R., Morris, S., & Kenyon, P. (2013, February). The effect of live weight and body condition score on the reproductive performance of two-tooth and mature ewes. Presented at
8th International Sheep Veterinary Congress: Connecting Sheep and Science. Rotorua, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Corner, R., Morris, S., & Kenyon, P. (2013). The effect of live weight and body condition score on the reproductive performance of two-tooth and mature ewes. In
8th International Sheep Veterinary Congress: Handbook(pp. 79 - 79). , 8th International Sheep Veterinary Congress: Connecting Sheep and Science New Zealand: International Sheep Veterinary Congress
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Gronqvist, G., Hickson, R., Corner, R., Kenyon, P., & Stafford, K. (2013, February). Ewe/lamb behaviour and triplet survival. Presented at
8th International Sheep Veterinary Congress: Connecting Sheep and Science. Rotorua, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P.Read Abstract:
Gronqvist, G., Hickson, R., Stafford, K., Corner, R., & Kenyon, P. (2013). Ewe/lamb behaviour and triplet survival. In
8th International Sheep Veterinary Congress: Handbook(pp. 90 - 90). , 8th International Sheep Veterinary Congress: Connecting Sheep and Science New Zealand: International Sheep Veterinary Congress
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P.Read Abstract:
Morris, S., Kerslake, JI., Corner, RA., Kenyon, P., Morel, P., West, DM., . . . Stafford, K. (2007). Nutritional needs of high lambing percentage flocks. In S. Smith (Ed.)
Proceedings from the 37th Seminar of the Society of Sheep and Beef Cattle Veterinarians NZVA. Vol. 260 (pp. 1 - 8). New Zealand: 37th Seminar of the Society of Sheep and Beef Cattle Veterinarians New Zealand Veterinary Association [NZVA]
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Corner, RA., Kenyon, PR., Stafford, KJ., West, DM., & Morris, ST. (2006, June). The effect of maternal nutrition during gestation on the reproductive success of female progeny as 2-tooths. Presented at
Annual Conference of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Napier, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R.Read Abstract:
Corner, RA., Kenyon, PR., Stafford, KJ., West, DM., & Morris, ST. (2006, June). The effect of nutrition during pregnancy on the behaviour of adolescent ewes and their lamb(s) within 12 hrs of birth. Presented at
Annual Conference of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Napier, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R.Read Abstract:
Corner, RA., Kenyon, P., Stafford, K., West, DM., & Oliver, MH. (2006).
Does prenatal stress affect lambs' basal cortisol and postnatal cortisol reponse to a painful stressor?. Poster session presented at the meeting of 10th Annual Congress of the Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand [PSANZ]. Perth, WA, Australia
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P.Read Abstract:
Corner, R., Kenyon, P., Stafford, K., West, DM., & Morris, S. (2006). The effect of nutrition during pregnancy on the behaviour of adolescent ewes and their lamb(s) within 12 hrs of birth.
Proceedings of the 66th New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 66 (pp. 439 - 443). New Zealand: 66th New Zealand Society of Animal Production Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Corner, R., Kenyon, P., Stafford, K., West, DM., & Morris, S. (2006). The effect of maternal nutrition during gestation on the reproductive success of female progeny as 2-tooths.
Proceedings of the 66th New Zealand Society of Animal Production Conference. Vol. 66 (pp. 434 - 438). New Zealand: 66th New Zealand Society of Animal Production Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Corner, RA., Kenyon, P., Stafford, K., West, DM., & Oliver, MH. (2006). Poster: Does prenatal stress affect lambs' basal cortisol and postnatal cortisol response to a painful stressor?. In
PSANZ 2006 Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand 10th Annual Congress: Abstracts and Program(pp. 379 - 379). , 10th Annual Congress of the Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand [PSANZ] Australia: Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P.Read Abstract:
Corner, R., Kenyon, P., Stafford, K., West, DM., & Oliver, MH.(2006, April 7). The effect of mid-pregnancy shearing on lamb birth weights. In
20th National Workshop on Fetal and Neonatal Physiology: Programme and Abstracts(pp. A17 - A17). , 20th National Workshop on Fetal and Neonatal Physiology Australia
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P.Read Abstract:
Morris, S., Kenyon, P., Corner, R., Stafford, K., & West, DM. (2005). The effect of nutrition on the progeny of twin- and triplet-bearing ewes. In GC. Fthenakis, & QA. McKaller (Eds.)
Proceeedings of the 6th International Sheep Veterinary Congress. (pp. 253 - 254). Greece: 6th International Sheep Veterinary Congress
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Corner, R., Stafford, K., Jenkinson, C., & West, DM. (2005). Manipulating triplet lamb survival. In G. Tattersfield (Ed.)
Proceedings of the 35th Society of Sheep and Beef Cattle Veterinarians of the New Zealand Veterinary Association [NZVA]. Vol. 35 (pp. 83 - 90). New Zealand: 35th Seminar of the Society of Sheep and Beef Cattle Veterinarians of the NZVA
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Abstract:
Corner, R., Kenyon, P., Stafford, K., West, DM., Oliver, MH., Morris, S., . . . Blair, H. (2005). Does ewe nutrition during pregnancy affect the metabolism of twin-born lambs?.
Proceedings of the 65th New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 65 (pp. 163 - 167). New Zealand: 65th Conference of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Read Abstract:
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