Contact details +6469519159
Dr Emilie Vallee PhD, MANZCVS (epidemiology)
Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Epidemiology
Doctoral Supervisor School of Veterinary ScienceI am a veterinarian, originally from France, and specialised in epidemiology. I have a masters degree completed with France's CIRAD and a PhD from Massey University.
My research portfolio includes outbreak investigation, evaluation of diagnostic tests in the absence of a gold standard, the relationship between climate and health, disease surveillance and control of zoonotic diseases such as leptospirosis.
As a supervisor I support research students to become independent researchers. I see the supervisor/student relationship as a collaboration and see my role as a mentor to guide the student towards success. I provide plenty of opportunities for students to develop their employability through networking, work experience and subject-specific professional development.
I am the subject lead for veterinary epidemiology and welcome enquiries from veterinarians wanting to upskill in epidemiology. I am also the course coordinator of 2 of postgraduate courses.
I also provide continuous professional development to veterinarians and animal health workers in various countries.
I am a veterinary epidemiologist at the EpiCentre, supporting people, animals and environments to build health and sustainability. I conduct research, support development, teach and supervise students. I am the subject lead for veterinary epidemiology at the Tāwharau Ora School of Veterinary Science.
Contact details
Ph: 069519159
Location: 1.11, Wool Building
Campus: Turitea
- Doctor of Philosophy - Massey University (2016)
Fellowships and Memberships
- Member, The Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists (Member) (2017)
Certifications and Registrations
- Licence, Supervisor, Massey University
Research Expertise
Research Interests
Livestock diseases including causes of production losses (especially dry stock and poultry), infectious disease transmission and economics, zoonoses and veterinary public health, mathematical modelling of infectious disease, temporal and spatial patterns of disease, clinical trials; leptospirosis; latent class analysis; evaluation of diagnostic tests, design and evaluation of disease surveillance systems, rural developement and animal health in developing countries and limited resources context
Resource Development and Management, Health and Well-being, Future Food Systems
Area of Expertise
Field of research codes
Agricultural And Veterinary Sciences (070000):
Animal Production (070200):
Epidemiology (111706):
Medical And Health Sciences (110000):
Public Health and Health Services (111700):
Veterinary Diagnosis and Diagnostics (070703):
Veterinary Epidemiology (070704):
Veterinary Sciences (070700)
Veterinary Sciences
Veterinary Epidemiology
Disease Surveillance
One Health
Animal Health
Climate change
Outbreak investigation
Diagnostic test evaluation
Research Outputs
[Journal article]Authored by: Cogger, N., Compton, C., Isaksen, K., Subharat, S., Vallee, E., Wada, M.
[Journal article]Authored by: Hunter, S., Vallee, E.
[Journal article]Authored by: Benschop, J., Vallee, E.
[Journal article]Authored by: Compton, C., Vallee, E.
[Journal article]Authored by: Compton, C., Vallee, E., Vignes, M.
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez-Villalobos, N., Vallee, E.
[Journal article]Authored by: Aberdein, D., Benschop, J., Collins-Emerson, J., Nisa, S., Vallee, E.
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan, K., Vallee, E.
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez-Villalobos, N., Vallee, E.
[Journal article]Authored by: Benschop, J., Collins-Emerson, J., Douwes, J., Fayaz, A., Littlejohn, S., Marshall, J., Nisa, S., Prinsen, J., Vallee, E., Yeung, P.
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez-Villalobos, N., Vallee, E.
[Journal article]Authored by: Biggs, P., Howe, L., Morgan, K., Vallee, E.
[Journal article]Authored by: Castillo Alcala, F., Hunter, S., Vallee, E.
[Journal article]Authored by: Gartrell, B., Midwinter, A., Roe, W., Vallee, E.
[Journal article]Authored by: Beausoleil, N., Kells, N., Vallee, E.
[Journal article]Authored by: Aberdein, D., Benschop, J., Collins-Emerson, J., Vallee, E.
[Journal article]Authored by: Beausoleil, N., Chidgey, K., Kells, N., Vallee, E.
[Journal article]Authored by: Castillo Alcala, F., Roe, W., Vallee, E.
[Journal article]Authored by: Gartrell, B., Midwinter, A., Roe, W., Vallee, E.
[Journal article]Authored by: Benschop, J., Collins-Emerson, J., Vallee, E., Weston, J.
[Journal article]Authored by: Benschop, J., Collins-Emerson, J., Vallee, E., Weston, J.
[Journal article]Authored by: Howe, L., Morgan, K., Vallee, E.
[Journal article]Authored by: Vallee, E.
[Journal article]Authored by: Benschop, J., Collins-Emerson, J., Vallee, E., Weston, J.
[Journal article]Authored by: Benschop, J., Collins-Emerson, J., Vallee, E., Weston, J.
[Journal article]Authored by: Benschop, J., Collins-Emerson, J., Ridler, A., Vallee, E.
[Journal article]Authored by: Benschop, J., Collins-Emerson, J., Ridler, A., Vallee, E.
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D., Howe, L., Pita, A., Roe, W., Vallee, E., Velathanthiri, N.
[Journal article]Authored by: Benschop, J., Collins-Emerson, J., Ridler, A., Vallee, E.
[Journal article]Authored by: Benschop, J., Collins-Emerson, J., Vallee, E.
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Ridler, A., Vallee, E.
[Journal article]Authored by: Vallee, E.
[Doctoral Thesis]Authored by: Vallee, E.Edited by: Benschop, J., Collins-Emerson, J.

[Technical Report]Authored by: Benschop, J., Cogger, N., Marshall, J., Vallee, E., Wada, M.

[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Benschop, J., Collins-Emerson, J., Fayaz, A., Nisa, S., Vallee, E., Yeung, P.Contributed to by: Collins-Emerson, J.
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Biggs, P., Howe, L., Morgan, K., Vallee, E.

[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Aberdein, D., Benschop, J., Collins-Emerson, J., Nisa, S., Vallee, E., Weston, J.

[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Nisa, S.Contributed to by: Collins-Emerson, J.Edited by: Benschop, J., Collins-Emerson, J., Vallee, E.
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Benschop, J., Collins-Emerson, J., Vallee, E., Weston, J.

[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Collins-Emerson, J., Vallee, E.
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Aberdein, D., Benschop, J., Collins-Emerson, J., Nisa, S., Vallee, E.

[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Collins-Emerson, J., Vallee, E.

[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Benschop, J., Collins-Emerson, J., Vallee, E.

[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Benschop, J., Collins-Emerson, J., Vallee, E.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Benschop, J., Collins-Emerson, J., Vallee, E.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Benschop, J., Collins-Emerson, J., Vallee, E.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Benschop, J., Collins-Emerson, J., Vallee, E.
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Benschop, J., Collins-Emerson, J., Vallee, E.

[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Benschop, J., Collins-Emerson, J., Vallee, E.

[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Benschop, J., Collins-Emerson, J., Vallee, E.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Collins-Emerson, J., Vallee, E.

[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Benschop, J., Collins-Emerson, J., Vallee, E.

[Conference Poster]Authored by: Benschop, J., Collins-Emerson, J., Vallee, E.

[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Benschop, J., Collins-Emerson, J., Vallee, E.

[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Benschop, J., Collins-Emerson, J., Vallee, E.

[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Benschop, J., Collins-Emerson, J., Vallee, E.

[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Benschop, J., Collins-Emerson, J., Vallee, E.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Benschop, J., Collins-Emerson, J., French, N., Midwinter, A., Vallee, E.
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Benschop, J., Collins-Emerson, J., Vallee, E.

[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Benschop, J., Collins-Emerson, J., Ridler, A., Vallee, E.

[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Benschop, J., Collins-Emerson, J., Ridler, A., Vallee, E.

[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Benschop, J., Collins-Emerson, J., Vallee, E.

[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Benschop, J., Collins-Emerson, J., Vallee, E.

[Conference Poster]Authored by: Benschop, J., Collins-Emerson, J., Vallee, E.

[Other]Authored by: Benschop, J., Collins-Emerson, J., Vallee, E., Weston, J.
[Other]Authored by: Benschop, J., Collins-Emerson, J., Vallee, E., Weston, J.

[Other]Authored by: Benschop, J., Collins-Emerson, J., Vallee, E., Weston, J.

[Other]Authored by: Vallee, E.
Consultancy and Languages
Last used: Today
Spoken ability: Excellent
Written ability: Excellent -
Last used: Today
Spoken ability: Excellent
Written ability: Excellent -
Last used: 2015
Spoken ability: Needs work
Written ability: Needs work
Teaching and Supervision
Teaching Statement
I have experience in teaching in the veterinary and the former veterinary technology programmes, on epidemiology and evidence-based practice, as well as mentoring undergraduate research projects. I now teach in our postgraduate degrees, mostly online. I make the best of the small group size to adapt my teaching to the students expectations and background. I pay close attention to the learning environment I provide, with an explicit aim of inclusivity. Students have described me as friendly and accessible. The most stimulating aspect of my job is convincing vets and future vets that epidemiology is useful and statistics are not boring or difficult.
Graduate Supervision Statement
As a supervisor I support research students to become independent researchers. I see the supervisor/student relationship as a collaboration and see my role as a mentor to guide the student towards success. I love learning from and alongside my students. I provide plenty of opportunities for students to develop their employability through networking, work experience and subject-specific professional development.
Dr Emilie Vallee is available for Masters and Doctorial supervision.
Summary of Doctoral Supervision
Position | Current | Completed |
Main Supervisor | 1 | 0 |
Co-supervisor | 4 | 6 |
Current Doctoral Supervision
Main Supervisor of:
Masood Sujau
Doctor of Philosophy
Applications of artificial intelligence methods in veterinary epidemiology
Co-supervisor of:
James Bristow
Doctor of Philosophy
Advancing epidemiological insights of New Zealand under climate change using Bayesian spatiotemporal methods -
Ali Jafari Ghavamabad
Doctor of Philosophy
Assessment of dairy cow welfare in Iran and New Zealand -
Yu Wang
Doctor of Philosophy
Development of evidence-based strategies to control Brucella abortus in dairy herds in Henan Province, China -
Kelly Buckle
Doctor of Philosophy
Journey to the centre of the crypt: subclinical carriage of Mycoplasma bovis within the palatine tonsil of New Zealand cattle
Completed Doctoral Supervision
Co-supervisor of:
Sophia Holdsworth
Doctor of Philosophy
Characterising the responses of farm mammals to a thoracic squeeze and the relationship to tonic immobility -
Natasha Jaques
Doctor of Philosophy
Investigation of lameness and claw disorders in New Zealand dairy goats: a multidisciplinary approach -
Chamindani Meda Gedara
Doctor of Philosophy
Health risks associated with the conservation of kākāpō (Strigops habroptilus) on offshore islands -
Alicia Coupe
Doctor of Philosophy
Investigating Toxoplasma gondii in the marine environment in New Zealand: from cats to kai moana (shellfish) -
Marie Moinet
Doctor of Philosophy
Molecular and eco-epidemiology of Leptospira borgpetersenii serovar Ballum in wild invasive mammals in a farming environment in New Zealand - view more...
Yuni Yupiana
Doctor of Philosophy
Leptospirosis in dairy herds - view less...