Ali Jafari Ghavamabad

Ali Jafari Ghavamabad staff profile picture

School of Veterinary Science
College of Sciences


Thesis Title
Assessment of dairy cow welfare in Iran and New Zealand

Research Description
I will be assessing the level of cattle welfare in Iran and NZ dairy farms. I will specifically focus on the tail condition in the animals as it is an area that has not received enough attention before. I assume I will see a high variation in the prevalence of broken and docked tails within the farms, but the data will be used to set a benchmark for dairy farms and to update cattle welfare protocols.

Research Importance
Animal welfare has been receiving a great deal of attention in the recent years both from the society and industry. Animals deserve to live a happy life. Besides, an animal without welfare is an animal without efficiency.

Research Benefit
The society Cattle farmers Other stakeholders

Personal Description
I studied my bachelor at Karaj Azad University, Iran, and my master at University of Tehran, Iran. I met Richard Laven in a conference in Tehran in 2015 and he kindly helped me and my teammates carry out a fantastic research whose aim was to assess farmers' knowledge, attitude and practice regarding biosecurity and infectious diseases of ruminants. I love working under Richard's supervision and guidance. His expertise in the field and kindness and patience, together with Massey's high reputation in the field urged me to pursue my PhD in Massey University.

Professor Richard Laven
Associate Professor Kristina Mueller
Professor Dehghan Banadaki
Dr Emilie Vallee