Hapeta, J., Palmer, F., & Kuroda, Y. (2019). Cultural identity, leadership and well-being: how indigenous storytelling contributed to well-being in a New Zealand provincial rugby team.
Public Health. 176, 68-76
[Journal article]Authored by: Palmer, F.Read Online:

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Hapeta, J., Palmer, F., Kuroda, Y., & Hermansson, G. (2019). A Kaupapa Māori, culturally progressive, narrative review of literature on sport, ethnicity and inclusion.
Kotuitui. 14(2), 209-229
[Journal article]Authored by: Palmer, F.Read Online:

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Hapeta, J., Stewart-Withers, R., & Palmer, F. (2019). Sport for social change with aotearoa New Zealand youth: Navigating the theory⇓practice nexus through indigenous principles.
Journal of Sport Management. 33(5), 481-492
[Journal article]Authored by: Palmer, F., Stewart-Withers, R.Read Online:

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Hapeta, J., Stewart-Withers, R., & Palmer, F. (2019). Sport for social change with Aotearoa New Zealand youth: Navigating the theory–practice nexus through indigenous principles.
Journal of Sport Management. 33(5), 481-492
[Journal article]Authored by: Palmer, F., Stewart-Withers, R.Read Online:

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Hapeta, J., Palmer, F., Kuroda, Y., & Hermansson, G. (2019). A Kaupapa Māori, culturally progressive, narrative review of literature on sport, ethnicity and inclusion.
Kōtuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online. 14(2), 209-229 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Palmer, F.Read article at Massey Research Online:

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Hapeta, J., Palmer, F., & Kuroda, Y. (2019). Cultural identity, leadership and well-being: how indigenous storytelling contributed to well-being in a New Zealand provincial rugby team.
Public Health. In Press Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Palmer, F.Read Online:

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Batty, RJ., Palmer, F., Nauright, J., & Davies, J. (2018). The Business of Rugby in the Twenty-First Century: An Introduction to this Special Issue.
Journal of Global Sport Management. 3(3), 209-214
[Journal article]Authored by: Batty, R., Palmer, F.Read Online:

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Hapeta, J., Palmer, F., & Kuroda, Y. (2018). Ka Mate: A commodity to trade or taonga to treasure?.
MAI journal: a New Zealand journal of indigenous scholarship. 7(2), 170-185 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Palmer, F.Read article at Massey Research Online:

Read Online:

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Warren, L., Mika, J., & Palmer, F. (2018). How does enterprise assistance support Māori entrepreneurs? An identity approach.
Journal of Management and Organization. 23(6), 873-885 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Palmer, F.Read Online:

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Warren, L., Mika, J., & Palmer, F. (2017). How does enterprise assistance support Māori entrepreneurs? An identity approach.
Journal of Management and Organization. 23(6), 873-885
[Journal article]Authored by: Palmer, F.Read Online:

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Mika, JP., Warren, L., Foley, D., & Palmer, FR. (2017). Perspectives on indigenous entrepreneurship, innovation and enterprise.
Journal of Management and Organization. 23(6), 767-773
[Journal article]Authored by: Palmer, F.Read Online:

Kuroda, Y., Palmer, F., & Nakazawa, M. (2017). Comparison of metamotivational dominance and cultural identity between Japanese national team and Māori All Blacks rugby players.
Heliyon. 3(11), 1-19
[Journal article]Authored by: Palmer, F.Read article at Massey Research Online:

Read Online:

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Palmer, FR. (2016). Stories of Haka and women’s rugby in aotearoa New Zealand: Weaving identities and ideologies together.
International Journal of the History of Sport. 33(17), 2169-2184
[Journal article]Authored by: Palmer, F.Read Online:

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Forster, ME., Palmer, F., & Barnett, S. (2016). Karanga mai ra: Stories of Māori women as leaders.
Leadership. 12(3), 324-345
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnett, S., Palmer, F.Read Online:

Read Abstract:

Erueti, B., & Palmer, FR. (2014). Te Whariki Tuakiri (the identity mat): Maori elite athletes and the expression of ethno-cultural identity in global sport.
Sport in Society: Cultures, Commerce, Media, Politics. 17(8), 1061-1075
[Journal article]Authored by: Erueti, B., Palmer, F.Read Online:

Read Abstract:

Erueti, B., & Palmer, FR. (2014). Te Whariki Tuakiri (the identity mat): Māori elite athletes and the expression of ethno-cultural identity in global sport.
Sport in Society. 17(8), 1061-1075
[Journal article]Authored by: Erueti, B., Palmer, F.Read Online:

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Johnson, T., Martin, A., Palmer, F., Watson, G., & Ramsey, P. (2013). A core value of pride in winning: The All Blacks' team culture and legacy.
International Journal of Sport and Society. 4(1), 1-14 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Martin, A., Palmer, F., Ramsey, P., Watson, G.Read Online:

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Johnson, T., Martin, AJ., Palmer, FR., Watson, G., & Ramsey, PL. (2013). Artefacts and the All Blacks: Rites, rituals, symbols and stories.
Sporting Traditions. 30(1), 43-59
[Journal article]Authored by: Martin, A., Palmer, F., Ramsey, P., Watson, G.Read Abstract:

Johnson, T., Martin, AJ., Palmer, FR., Watson, G., & Ramsey, PL. (2012). Collective leadership: A case study of the All Blacks.
Asia Pacific Management Business Application. 1(1), 53-67 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Martin, A., Palmer, F., Ramsey, P., Watson, G.Read Abstract:

Palmer, FR., & Masters, TM. (2010). Māori feminism and sport leadership: Exploring Māori women's experiences.
Sport Management Review. 13(4), 331-344
[Journal article]Authored by: Palmer, F.Read Online:

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Palmer, FR., & Leberman, SI. (2009). Elite athletes as mothers: Managing multiple identities.
Sport Management Review. 12(4), 241-254
[Journal article]Authored by: Leberman, S., Palmer, F.Read Online:

Read Abstract:

Hapeta, JW., & Palmer, FR. (2009). TŪ TOA - Māori youth 'standing with pride as champions' in sport and education.
Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues. 12, 229-247
[Journal article]Authored by: Palmer, F.Read Abstract:

Leberman, S., & Palmer, F. (2009). Motherhood, sport leadership, and domain theory: Experiences from New Zealand.
Journal of Sport Management. 23(3), 305-334
[Journal article]Authored by: Leberman, S., Palmer, F.Read Abstract:

Palmer, FR. (2007). Body image, hauora and identity: Experiences of Maori girls in sport.
Childrenz Issues. 11(2), 12-19
[Journal article]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Probert, A., Palmer, FR., & Leberman, SI. (2007). The fine line: An insight into 'risky' practices of male and female competitive bodybuilders.
Annals of Leisure Research. 10(3-4), 272-290 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Leberman, S., Palmer, F.Read Online:

Read Abstract:

Probert, A., Leberman, S., & Palmer, F. (2007). New Zealand bodybuilder identities: Beyond homogeneity.
International Review for the Sociology of Sport. 42(1), 5-26
[Journal article]Authored by: Leberman, S., Palmer, F.Read Online:

Read Abstract:

Palmer, FR. (2001). Guest Editorial.
New Zealand Coach. 10(1), 4-5
[Journal article]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Palmer, FR. (2001). Guest Editorial: The future state of sport and coaching in New Zealand.
New Zealand Coach. 10(1), 4-5
[Journal article]Authored by: Palmer, F.
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Palmer, FR. (2017). The Maori All Blacks and ethnicity in Aotearoa/New Zealand in the professional era. In J. Nauright, & T. Collins (Eds.)
The Rugby World in the Professional Era. (pp. 62 - 77). New York: Routledge
[Chapter]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Watson, GD., Palmer, FR., & Ryan, GJ. (2017). Aotearoa/New Zealand. In J. Nauright, & D. Wiggins (Eds.)
Routledge Handbook of Sport, Race and Ethnicity. (pp. 131 - 145). Oxon: Routledge
[Chapter]Authored by: Palmer, F., Watson, G.
Bhide, V., & Palmer, F. (2017). The virtual Maori mentoring programme, Massey business school, New Zealand. In
The Sage Handbook of Mentoring. (pp. 539 - 544). : Sage Reference
[Chapter]Authored by: Palmer, F., Rao, V.Read Online:

Bhide, V., & Palmer, F. (2017). The virtual maori mentoring programme, Massey business school, New Zealand. In DA. Clutterbuck, FK. Kochan, L. Lunsford, N. Dominguez, & J. Haddock-Millar (Eds.)
The Sage Handbook of Mentoring. (pp. 539 - 544). : Sage
[Chapter]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Watson, G., Palmer, F., & Ryan, G. (2016). Aotearoa/New Zealand. In
Routledge Handbook of Sport, Race and Ethnicity. (pp. 131 - 145).
[Chapter]Authored by: Palmer, F.Read Abstract:

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Erueti, BB., & Palmer, FR. (2015). Te Whariki Tuakiri (the identity mat): Māori elite athletes and the expression of ethno-cultural identity in global sport. In K. Liston, & P. Dolan (Eds.)
Sport, race and ethnicity: The scope of belonging?. : Routledge
[Chapter]Authored by: Erueti, B., Palmer, F.Read Abstract:

Palmer, FR. (2014). Winning black ferns. In T. Johnson, AJ. Martin, & G. Watson (Eds.)
Legends in Black: New Zealand rugby greats on why we win. (pp. 260 - 283). Auckland, New Zealand: Penguin
[Chapter]Authored by: Palmer, F.Edited by: Martin, A., Watson, G.Read Abstract:

Hapeta, J., & Palmer, FR. (2014). Maori culture counts: A case study of the Waikato Chiefs. In T. Black (Ed.)
Enhancing Matauranga Maori and Global Indigenous Knowledge. (pp. 101 - 116). Wellington, New Zealand: New Zealand Qualifications Authority
[Chapter]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Palmer, FR., & Adair, D. (2012). Indigeneity, race relations and sport management. In S. Leberman, C. Collins, & L. Trenberth (Eds.)
Sport Business Management in New Zealand and Australia. (pp. 54 - 80). Melbourne, Australia: Cengage Learning Australia
[Chapter]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Leberman, SI., & Palmer, FR. (2008). Mothers realising choices as leaders in sport. In C. Obel, T. Bruce, & S. Thompson (Eds.)
Outstanding research About Women and Sport In New Zealand. (pp. 31 - 50). Hamilton, New Zealand: Wilf Malcolm Institute of Educational Research, University of Waikato
[Chapter]Authored by: Leberman, S., Palmer, F.
Palmer, FR. (2007). Treaty principles and Maori sport: contemporary issues. In C. Collins, & S. Jackson (Eds.)
Sport in Aotearoa/New Zealand society. (pp. 307 - 334). Melbourne, Australia: Thomson Dunmore Press
[Chapter]Authored by: Palmer, F.Read Abstract:

Palmer, FR. (2006). State of Māori Sport. In M. Mulholland (Ed.)
State of the Māori nation. : Raupo
[Chapter]Authored by: Palmer, F.Read Abstract:

Palmer, FR. (2006). IHI Wear Ltd. In M. Mulholland (Ed.)
He Wairere Pakihi: Maori Business Case Studies. (pp. 29 - 40). Palmerston North, NZ: Massey University, Te Au Rangahau, Maori Business Research Centre
[Chapter]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Palmer, FR. (2006). Ebony Espresso Bar (Fat Daddys Ltd). In M. Mulholland (Ed.)
He Wairere Pakihi: Maori Business Case Studies. (pp. 14 - 22). Palmerston North, NZ: Massey University, Te Au Rangahau, Maori Business Research Centre
[Chapter]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Palmer, FR. (2006). New Zealand Sports Academy. In M. Mulholland (Ed.)
He Wairere Pakihi: Maori Business Case Studies. (pp. 43 - 53). Palmerston North, NZ: Massey University, Te Au Rangahau, Maori Business Research Centre
[Chapter]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Palmer, FR. (2006). Maori Touch New Zealand. In M. Mulholland (Ed.)
He Wairere Pakihi: Maori Business Case Studies. (pp. 97 - 101). Palmerston North, NZ: Massey University, Te Au Rangahau, Maori Business Research Centre
[Chapter]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Palmer, FR. (2006). Māori sport and its management. In S. Leberman, C. Collins, & L. Trenberth (Eds.)
Sport Business Management in Aotearoa/New Zealand (2nd Ed.). (pp. 62 - 88). South Melbourne, VIC: Thomson Dunmore Press
[Chapter]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Palmer, FR. (2005). Sport business management in Aotearoa/ New Zealand. In C. Collins, & L. Trenberth (Eds.)
Sport business management in Aotearoa/ New Zealand. : Social Science Press
[Chapter]Authored by: Palmer, F.Read Abstract:

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Mika, JP., Warren, L., Palmer, FR., Jacob, N., & Bradley, C.(2018).
Indigenous entrepreneurial ecosystems. (Report No. 3). Palmerston North, New Zealand: Massey University School of Management
[Technical Report]Authored by: Palmer, F.Read Abstract:

Mika, JP., & Palmer, FR.(2017).
Māori business in Manawatū: An environmental scan of Māori business in Manawatū. (Report No. 1). Palmerston North, New Zealand: Massey University School of Management
[Technical Report]Authored by: Palmer, F.Read Abstract:

Palmer, FR., Graham, M., & Mako, N. (2009).
Ki O Rahi evaluation and scoping project.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Palmer, F.Read Abstract:

Palmer, FR.(2008).
Professional development programme review.
[Technical Report]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Palmer, FR.(2007).
A review and strategic plan for women's rugby in New Zealand.
[Technical Report]Authored by: Palmer, F.
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Tinirau, RS., Tinirau, RP., Gillies, A., Palmer, FR., & Mako, N. (2007).
A draft report prepared for the Ranana Maori Committee.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Palmer, FR. (2007).
Mauri tu, mauri ora, mauri noho, mauri mate: Whanau Maori engagement in the sport sector.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Palmer, F.Read Abstract:

Durie, MH., Black, TT., Cunningham, CW., Durie, AE., Palmer, FR., & Hawkins, C. (2005).
The Parameters of Whanau wellbeing. Massey University.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Black, TT., Jenkins, M., Bennett, AL., Lilley, SC., Christensen, IS., Hemera, RR., . . . White, CJ. (2004).
Matua Reo Kaupapa Report. Matua Reo Kaupapa Working Party.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Bennett, A., Palmer, F., White, C.
Graham, J., Collins, D., Devoy, D., MacKay, J., Palmer, FR., Simmonds, M., . . . Turner, G. (2001).
Getting set for an active nation. Ministry of Sport, Fitness and Leisure.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Palmer, F.
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Mika, JP., Warren, L., Palmer, FR., & Jacob, N.
Entrepreneurial ecosystem efficacy for indigenous entrepreneurs. . Auckland University, Auckand, New Zealand
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Palmer, F.Read Abstract:

Warren, L., Mika, JP., & Palmer, FR.(2017, November). How does enterprise assistance support Maori entrepreneurs? An identity approach.
[Conference]Authored by: Palmer, F.Read Abstract:

Walker, D., Mika, JP., & Palmer, FR.
Mā wai hei kaitiaki matihiko mā tātau? Who shall be our digital guardian as indigenous entreprneuers?. . QUT, Brisbane, Australia
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Palmer, F.Read Abstract:

Kuroda, Y., Palmer, F., Iwamura, S., Nakazawa, M., & Yoshioka, N. (2017, June). The challenge of Japan Rugby Union (JRFU): Developing fans from casual spectators. Presented at
World in Union. International Rugby Conference. Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palmer, F.Read Abstract:

Mika, JP., Palmer, FR., Forster, M., Harmsworth, G., Goff, S., Colliver, R., . . . Vaartjes, V. (2015, April). Indigeneity and natural resource management Seminar. Presented at
Indigeneity and natural resource management, Balancing cultural and commercial imperatives Lessons from Australia and New Zealand cross-cultural researchers and practitioners. Manaaki Whenua, Manawatū Campus, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palmer, F.
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Haar, J., Roche, M., Brougham, D., Mika, JP., & Palmer, FR.(2014).
The benefits of Māori leadership in the development of positive leadership universally: A twofold investigation. . Massey University Albany, New Zealand
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Brougham, D., Haar, J., Palmer, F.Edited by: Brougham, D., Haar, J., Palmer, F.Read Abstract:

Harding, N., Ford, J., Palmer, F., Evans, M., Eyong, J., Gladstone, J., . . . Wilson, S. (2014). The linearity of worlds and oppressions of linearity: Mapping, dreaming and imagining of workplaces. In
74th annual Meeting of the Academy of Management(pp. 216 - 216). , Academy of Management
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Palmer, F., Wilson, S.Contributed to by: Palmer, F.Read Abstract:

Palmer, FR. (2014, August). 'Nga kupu o nga wahine toa: The words of strong women'. Presented at
Academy of Management: The Power of Words. Philadelphia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palmer, F.Contributed to by: Palmer, F.Read Abstract:

Haar, J., Roche, M., Brougham, D., Barney, AR., Mika, J., & Palmer, F. (2014). The benefits of Māori leadership in the development of positive leadership universally. A twofold investigation. In
New Zealand Industrial/Organisational Psychology Conference, 3rd New Zealand Industrial/Organisational Psychology Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Brougham, D., Haar, J., Palmer, F.Read Abstract:

Holland, R., Leberman, S., Palmer, FR., & Walker, R. (2011, February). The browning of New Zealand sport - does it happen at the leadership level?. Presented at
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Conference. AUT University.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Holland, R., Leberman, S., Palmer, FR., & Walker, R.(2011, February 7). The browning of New Zealand sport - does it happen at the leadership level?. , Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Holland, R., Leberman, S., Palmer, F., & Walker, R. (2011, June). Pacifika and Maori leadership in New Zealand sport: Barriers and strategies. Presented at
2011 North American Society for Sport Management Conference. London, ON, Canada.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Leberman, S., Palmer, F.Read Abstract:

Holland, R., Leberman, S., Palmer, F., & Walker, R. (2011). Pacifika and Maori leadership in New Zealand sport: Barriers and strategies. In
2011 North American Society for Sport Management Conference(pp. 103 - 104). : North American Society for Sport Management
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Leberman, S., Palmer, F.Read Abstract:

Johnson, T., Martin, AJ., Palmer, FR., Watson, GD., & Ramsey, P. (2010, November). Organisational factors in developing the All Blacks team culture. Presented at
16th Sport Management Association of Australia and New Zealand [SMAANZ] Conference: Sport Management in Action. Wellington, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Martin, A., Palmer, F., Ramsey, P., Watson, G.Read Abstract:

Holland, R., Leberman, S., Palmer, F., & Walker, R. (2010). Diversity in sport governance/leadership roles in national sport organisations. In
16th Sport Management Association of Australia & New Zealand Conference(pp. 21 - 21). : Sport Management Association of Australia & New Zealand
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Leberman, S., Palmer, F.Read Abstract:

Johnson, T., Martin, A., Palmer, F., Watson, G., & Ramsey, P. (2010, November). Organisational factors in developing the All Blacks team culture. Presented at
16th Sport Management Association of Australia and New Zealand Conference. Wellington, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Martin, A., Palmer, F., Ramsey, P.Read Abstract:

Johnson, T., Martin, AJ., Palmer, F., Watson, G., & Ramsey, P. (2010). Organisational factors in developing the All Blacks team culture. In
Conference Proceedings Programme and Abstracts of the 16th SMAANZ Conference 2010(pp. 22 - 22). , 16th Sport Management Association of Australia and New Zealand [SMAANZ] Conference: Sport Management in Action New Zealand: Sport Management Association of Australia and New Zealand
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Martin, A., Palmer, F., Ramsey, P., Watson, G.Read Abstract:

Palmer, FR. (2008, November). Domain theory and Mana Wahine Māori – weaving an understanding of how Māori women negotiate agency and systems to realise their potential in and through sport. Presented at
Sport Race and Ethnicity Conference. University of Technology, Sydney, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Palmer, FR.(2008, November 30). “Domain theory and Mana Wahine Māori – weaving an understanding of how Māori women negotiate agency and systems to realise their potential in and through sport”. (pp. 57). , Sport, Race and Ethnicity Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Hapeta, JW., & Palmer, FR. (2008, December). TŪ TOA – Māori youth ‘standing with pride like champions’ in sport and education. Presented at
World Indigenous Peoples' Conference: Education. Melbourne, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palmer, F.Read Abstract:

Palmer, FR. (2008, October). Enhancing Maori well-being, realising Maori potential: is sport the answer?. Presented at
National Maori Nutrition and Physical Activity Hui. Auckland, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Palmer, FR., & Gillies, A. (2008, June). He wairere pakihi: surviving and thriving as maori in business research. Presented at
The Mass Conference. Victoria university, Wellington, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Palmer, FR. (2008, September). Maori health in relation to the sport sector: realising whanau potential through sport. Presented at
Tu Kaha Conference. Palmerston North, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Hapeta, JW., & Palmer, FR. (2008). Tu Toa - Maori youth 'standing with pride like champions' in sport and education. In
World Indigenous Peoples Conference on Education(pp. 1 - 1). , World Indigenous Peoples Conference on Education: WIPCE
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Palmer, FR. (2008). Domain theory and mana wahine Maori - weaving an understanding of how Maori women negotiate agency and systems to realise their potential in and through sport. In
Sport, Race and Ethnicity: Building a Global Understanding(pp. 1 - 1). : University of Technology Sydney
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Palmer, FR. (2007, June). Body image, hauora and identity: Cultural issues for Maori girls in sport. Presented at
Body Matters: Children and Young People's Physical Well-being and Rights. Dunedin, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Palmer, FR. (2007). Body image, hauora and identity: Cultural issues for Maori girls in sport. In
Body Matters: Children and Young People's Physical Well-being and Rights(pp. 6). : University of Otago, Children's Issues Centre
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Leberman, SI., & Palmer, FR. (2007, May). Mothers in elite sport: Caring, competitive and capable. Presented at
2007 North American Society for Sport Management Conference. Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Leberman, S., Palmer, F.
Leberman, SI., & Palmer, FR. (2007). Mothers in elite sport: Caring, competitive and capable. In
2007 North American Society for Sport Management Conference(pp. 316 - 317). , 2007 North American Society for Sport Management Conference (NASSM 2007): North American Society for Sport Management
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Leberman, S., Palmer, F.
Palmer, FR. (2006, June). Traditional knowledge and sport. Presented at
Matauranga Taketake: Traditional Knowledge Conference. Wellington, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Palmer, FR. (2006, March). Race, gender, class issues: Understanding culture and communication through sport. Presented at
Indigenous Sports Conference. Rotorua, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Stannard, SR., & Palmer, FR. (2005). Understanding the mix. (pp. 5 - 8). , Sport and Alcohol: Understanding the Mix Palmerston North, NZ: Massey University
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Stannard, SR., Palmer, FR., & Pods Hood, N. (2005). Understanding the mix.
Sport and Alcohol: Understanding the Mix. (pp. 5 - 8). Palmerston North, NZ
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Palmer, FR., & Leberman, SI. (2005, August). Mothers leading the way: A valued resource in New Zealand elite sport. Presented at
15th Congress of the International Association of Physical Education and Sport for Girls and Women: Learning and Leadership. Edmonton, AB.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Leberman, S., Palmer, F.
Palmer, FR. (2005, April). Sport policy makers - advocates or investigators of the sport sector?. Presented at
International Sport Research Forum (ISRF). Canberra, ACT.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Palmer, FR. (2005, May). The value of volunteerism: Developing citizenship through sport. Presented at
Activate Secondary School Sports Conference. Auckland, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Palmer, FR. (2005, November). A multidimensional perspective. Presented at
Leadership in Complex Environments Conference. Massey University, Palmerston North, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Granger, S., Downey, JE., & Palmer, FR.(2004).
Professionalisation and its effects on the 'Grass Roots Rugby' in New Zealand.
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Palmer, FR. (2004, October). Arbitration and Sport. Presented at
Conference of the International Bar Association. Auckland, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Palmer, FR. (2004, September). Sport and alcohol. Presented at
Health-Promoting Schools Conference. Palmerston North, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Palmer, FR. (2004, April). Do gifted Maori children benefit from sport?. Presented at
Gifted Children Conference: Getting it Right!. Auckland, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Palmer, FR. (2004, January). What are our rangatahi learning through sport?. Presented at
Young People, Sport and Physical Activity (YPSPA) Conference. Hamilton, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Granger, S., Downey, JE., & Palmer, FR. (2004, November). Professionalism and the grass roots: Organisational change in amateur sports clubs. Presented at
10th Conference of the Sports Management Association of Australia and New Zealand. Melbourne, VIC.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Palmer, FR. (2003, September). Professional sports women and women in sport. Presented at
NZUSA September women's conference. Palmerston North, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Palmer, FR. (2003, November). The growth of the black fern: Between a rock and a hard place. Presented at
Women's Studies Association Conference 2003. Palmerston North, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Palmer, FR., & Seymour, D. (2003, October). Developing leaders in a cultural context. Presented at
Women and Sport Olympic Forum, New Zealand Olympic Committee. Wellington, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Palmer, FR. (2002, November). The growth of a Black Fern: A personal and social analysis of the role of rugby in empowering a woman/women. Presented at
North American Society for the Sociology of Sport Conference. Indianapolis, IN.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Lind, P., Littleworth, H., & Palmer, FR. (2002, November). A holistic approach to obtaining optimal performance: Case study of the Black Ferns. Presented at
Sport Science Conference. Christchurch, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Palmer, FR. (2001). Maori leadership in sports.
Ka Oho Ake Nga Korero: Still the Conversation Lives - National Symposium on Maori Leadership, Strategic Partnerships and Alliances in the 21st Century. (pp. 35 - 38). Whangarei, NZ
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Palmer, FR. (2001, March). Growing leaders in sport and education. Presented at
Growing Leaders, Te Akatea, New Zealand Maori Principles Conference. Whakatane, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Collins, C., & Palmer, FR. (2001, November). Maori, sport and the law. Presented at
Law and Ethics in Sport: Australian and New Zealand Sports Law Association Conference. Perth, Western Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Palmer, FR. (2000, October). Beam me up Scottie. Presented at
LOOK Wellington 2000: Looking at the Present to Secure the Future, Taking Courage from the Past. Wellington, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palmer, F.
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Mika, JP., Palmer, FR., & Warren, L. (2017, February). Māori entrepreneurship, innovation and enterprise: A movement on the rise. In
Massey University School of Management staff. Presented at Oteha Rohe Campus, Massey University Albany. : Massey University School of Management.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palmer, F.Read Abstract:

Mika, JP., & Palmer, FR. (2014, November). Te Au Rangahau: Developing leaders and transforming Māori business. In
MASS Conference participants. Presented at SSLB, Turitea Campus, Massey University. : Māori Association of Social Science.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palmer, F.Read Abstract:

Johnson, TW., Martin, AJ., Watson, GD., Palmer, FR., & Ramsey, P. (2013, June). Developing a Winning Culture: New Zealand All Blacks Rugby 1950-2010. Presented at You Tube
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Martin, A., Palmer, F., Ramsey, P., Watson, G.Read Abstract:

Palmer, FR. (2008, May). Opportunities for Maori through sport, education and business. In
Piripi Crown: Networking for Maori Business. Presented at Palmerston North.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Palmer, FR. (2008). Developing your capacity as a leader through sport and education. Presented at Massey University, Palmerston North, NZ.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palmer, F.
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Palmer, FR. (2008). Maori graduates 'role model' for future generations. Presented at Takapuna, Auckland, NZ.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Palmer, FR. (2008, June). My experiences as a player transitioning to coaching. Presented at Massey University, Palmerston North, NZ.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Palmer, FR. (2006, May). A players perspective. In
New Zealand Rugby Union Coaching Women Course. Presented at Palmerston North, NZ.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Palmer, FR. (2006, November). Three peat and leadership. In
New Zealand Rugby Union Rangatira Maori Rugby Coaches Workshop. Presented at Palmerston North, NZ.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Palmer, FR. (2006). Maori sport and business initiatives. Presented at Massey University, Palmerston North, NZ.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Palmer, FR. (2006, June). Methods to increase your leadership potential. In
''Reaching the top of your game'': High Performance Workshop for Secondary School Athletes. Presented at Universal College of Learning, Palmerston North, NZ.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Palmer, FR. (2006, December). Leadership and cross cultural communication. In
New Zealand Rugby Union Leadership / Captaincy Course. Presented at Sport and Rugby Institute, Palmerston North, NZ.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Palmer, FR. (2006, June). Women in sport. In
Northland Sports Conference. Presented at Whangarei, NZ.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Palmer, FR. (2005, June). Whānau engagement in sport and recreation. : School of Maori Studies, Massey University.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Palmer, FR. (2005, May). Human rights and the Treaty of Waitangi: My story. : Massey University Students Association.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Palmer, FR. (2004, September). Maori leaders in sport - what sort of leadership do Maori exhibit and what are the consequences for the communities?. : Te Urewera Principals' Association.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Palmer, FR. (2004, September). The health benefits of sport for Maori - What are they?. : School of Physical Education, University of Otago.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Seymour, D., & Palmer, FR. (2003, October). Developing Leaders in a cultural context. : New Zealand Olympic Committee.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palmer, F.
Palmer, FR. (2003, September). Maori and industry: Making it work and working together. : Maori Industry and Training Summit.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palmer, F.