Master of Educational and Developmental Psychology – MEdDevPsych

Massey’s Master of Educational and Developmental Psychology will develop your expertise in working with others to enhance wellbeing for all.

Type of qualification

Master's degree

Level of study

Postgraduate study

Once you’ve graduated with a bachelor’s degree – or have equal experience – you can study at the postgraduate level. Doctoral qualifications require additional entry requirements.

More about study levels

NZQF level 9

Our courses follow the New Zealand Qualification Framework (NZQF) levels.

Find out more about NZQF levels

Time to complete

2 years full-time (240 credits)
Part-time available

Where you can study

Distance and online

International students

International students are not New Zealand citizens or residents.

Definition of New Zealand citizens and residents

Not open to international students
Note: Compulsory block workshops at the Auckland campus.

Study a Master of Educational and Developmental Psychology – MEdDevPsych

If you’re keen to understand your own learning, the multiple dimensions of learners in their formal and informal learning contexts, and the complex environments and settings we learn in, the Master of Educational and Developmental Psychology is for you.

As a leader in education, a teacher, an educator, or someone working in the community, this programme will develop your expertise, understanding and empathy in working alongside others. You’ll use contemporary assessment, learning, and change processes and tools. We have a strong bicultural programme to represent our context of Aotearoa New Zealand and our inclusive multicultural society.

Make a difference to children’s lives

The programme emphasises the need to apply educational psychology critically to make a positive difference to the lives of children and young people, as well as those who work alongside them. There is a strong focus on ‘child voice’, learner identity, and young people’s rights to be involved in matters that affect them. The programme foregrounds a child’s rights focus and adheres to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCROC).

A MEdDevPsych is a good fit if you:

  • are keen to understand a multicultural approach to assessment and learning
  • wish to learn how to support social, cultural and educational development
  • want to know how to work effectively with other professionals.

Entry requirements

Admission to Massey

All students must meet university entrance requirements to be admitted to the University.

Specific requirements

To enter the Master of Educational and Developmental Psychology you will have:

  • been awarded or qualified for a bachelor’s degree in education, psychology, educational psychology, counselling, social work, speech language therapy, or a related relevant discipline, having achieved a grade average of at least a B in the highest level courses (or equivalent), and
  • passed at least 60 credits of approved psychology courses* including at least 45 credits at 200-level or higher, and
  • passed at least 45 credits of approved education courses including at least 30 credits at 200-level or higher, and
  • have completed at least one year of full-time or equivalent part-time professional, learning or community learning experience in a relevant field.

*These courses could include social, health, educational, clinical, indigenous, neuro or developmental psychology, brain and behaviour or memory and cognition.

You will need to provide copies of all official academic transcripts for studies taken at all universities other than Massey University.

Please note: If you are a domestic student currently overseas, it is beneficial for you to be living in New Zealand while you are completing Part 1 but it is compulsory for you to be living in New Zealand while you are completing Part 2. If you have any questions about this please contact us using the Get advice button on this page.  

Successful completion of the Master of Educational Psychology or the Master of Educational and Developmental Psychology will not give automatic entry into the Postgraduate Diploma in Educational and Developmental Psychology (the internship).

Admission to the Postgraduate Diploma in Educational and Developmental Psychology (the internship) is by selected entry only. To be eligible to apply for this internship, you will have a grade average of B+ or higher in your master’s qualification.

English language requirements

To study this qualification you must meet Massey University's English language standards.

Time limits for Honours, Distinction and Merit

Where your qualification is completed within the stated time limit and to a high standard, you may be able to graduate with a class of Honours, Distinction or Merit. 

Prior learning, credit and exemptions

For information on prior learning, exemptions and transfer of credit or other questions:

English language skills

If you need help with your English language skills before you start university, see our English for Academic Purposes (EAP) courses.

Maximum time limits for completion

There are maximum time limits to complete postgraduate qualifications.  If you do not complete within the maximum time, you may be required to re-apply for the qualification if you wish to continue your studies.

Official regulations

To understand what you need to study and must complete to graduate read the official rules and regulations for this qualification.

You should read these together with all other relevant Statutes and Regulations of the University including the General Regulations for Postgraduate Degrees, Postgraduate Diplomas, and Postgraduate Certificates.

Returning students

For returning students, there may be changes to the majors and minors available and the courses you need to take. Go to the section called ‘Transitional Provisions’ in the Regulations to find out more.

In some cases the qualification or specialisation you enrolled in may no longer be taking new enrolments, so may not appear on these web pages. To find information on the regulations for these qualifications go to the Massey University Calendar.

Please contact us through the Get advice button on this page if you have any questions.

Structure of the Master of Educational and Developmental Psychology

The Master of Educational and Developmental Psychology is a parts-based qualification. That means you must complete the first part, before moving to the second.

This qualification is awarded without a subject.

To be able to progress from Part One to Part Two you must have maintained a B+ grade average over Part One courses.

Please note: It is beneficial for you to be living in New Zealand while you are completing Part 1 but it is compulsory for you to be living in New Zealand while you are completing Part 2.   

If you study full-time, you’ll take 120 credits per year or 60 credits per semester. Full-time students should enrol to begin their study in Semester 1, as this provides the best flow of courses. With this start it is possible to complete the qualification in two years; Part One courses in Year 1 and Part Two courses in Year 2 (provided the GPA of B+ for progression is met). While a Semester 2 start is possible (in extenuating circumstances for full-time students), it will mean a delay – typically of a semester – in starting Part 2.

Part-time study

If you are studying part-time, the research methods courses are prerequisites for undertaking research in Part Two of the Master of Educational and Developmental Psychology. It is recommended that you complete your research methods courses just prior to undertaking your research, and following your content courses.

Master of Educational and Developmental Psychology 180-credit qualification

If you have been awarded or qualified for the Postgraduate Diploma Resource Teacher: Learning and Behaviour (RTLB) or the Postgraduate Diploma Resource Teacher: Literacy (RTLit), with a grade average of at least a B, or equivalent, you will follow a flexible course of study which will consist of courses totalling at least 180 credits, comprising:

  • Part Two as specified in the schedule to the degree and 60 credits from Part One;
  • attend contact workshops, block courses, field trips, studios, workshops, tutorials and laboratories as required.

Courses and specialisations

Key terms

Each qualification has its own specific set of courses. Some universities call these papers. You enrol in courses after you get accepted into Massey.
Course code
Each course is numbered using 6 digits. The fourth number shows the level of the course. For example, in course 219206, the fourth number is a 2, so it is a 200-level course (usually studied in the second year of full-time study).
Each course is worth a number of credits. You combine courses (credits) to meet the total number of credits needed for your qualification.
Some qualifications let you choose what subject you'd like to specialise in. Your major or endorsement is what you will take the majority of your courses in.

Credit summary

240 credits

  • Part One compulsory courses – 120 credits
  • Part Two compulsory course selection – 60 credits
  • Part Two compulsory courses and research – 60 credits

Advanced entry: Those who have already completed specified qualifications in advance of the minimum entry requirements may be able to complete this degree in 120 credits.

This is a parts-based qualification. This means there are regulations around your completion of Part One before progressing to Part Two, etc.

Course planning key

Courses that need to be completed before moving onto a course at the next level. For example, a lot of 200-level courses have 100-level prerequisite courses.
Courses that must be completed at the same time as another course are known as corequisite courses.
Some courses are restricted against each other because their content is similar. This means you can only choose one of the offered courses to study and credit to your qualification.

Part One

Compulsory courses (Choose 60 credits from)

Choose 60 credits from
Course code: 256701 Ako: Psychology of Learning and Teaching 15 credits

A study of learning and teaching processes within an ecological and developmental framework emphasising what learners bring to their learning and factors that support and hinder engagement. A focus on the use of psychological tools for learning/teaching (use of language, literacy and numeracy) allows in depth consideration of complex higher order processes and how they can be developed.

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Course code: 256702 Ahurei: The Psychology of Unique Differences 15 credits

A study of how learners and teachers bring their diversity (defined by sociocultural, medical, developmental, and psychological frameworks) to their learning and teaching. A critical analysis of the way society and government systems defines and responds to diversity is central to this course, as is consideration of how contemporary inclusive education and positive psychology can better support learning for all.

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Course code: 267721 Research Methodologies in Education 15 credits

An advanced study of quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods research design in education. Theoretical and practical issues of research are studied under three course themes: context for research, research designs, data collection and analysis.

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Course code: 267741 Indigenous Research Methodologies 15 credits

A study of Māori research frameworks, philosophies and processes and an examination of their contribution to the growing body of indigenous scholarship as relevant to educational settings.

Restrictions: 267790

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Compulsory course selection (Choose 60 credits from)

Choose 60 credits from
Course code: 256703 He Taiao Ako: Psychology of Educational Settings 15 credits

A study of formal and informal educational settings, beginning with the teaching-learning relationship that is parenting, and moving through formal child and adolescent educational contexts into adult education. The psychological frameworks that help us understand the complexity of these settings and the interactions that occur within them are examined, along with how best to approach professional work in these settings.

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Course code: 256704 Waiora: Psychology of Wellbeing and Ako 15 credits

A study of traditional and contemporary positive approaches to understanding and responding to mental health and wellbeing needs. A focus on the roles of schools in promotion and prevention is provided with reference to systemic, whole school, small group, and individual interventions. Evidence-based approaches to intervention are introduced, along with processes for risk-assessment in relation to mental health.

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Course code: 256705 Whanaungatanga: Psychology of Relationships in Ako 15 credits

A study into space for relationships and relationship trust that underpin development and learning. The role of tikanga and psychological approaches that rely on relationships, such as interviewing, counselling, mediation, conflict resolution are explored, along with the multi-disciplinary situations that are inherent in educational and developmental psychology.

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Course code: 256706 Whakapiki: Psychology of Change and Development 15 credits

A study of models and approaches that support the instigation and facilitation of change at the system, classroom, home, or individual levels. Contemporary practice in talking therapies, motivational interviewing, and brief therapy are explored and consideration is also given to specific issues such as disaster response, the impacts of trauma, principles of psychological recovery and the development of resilience.

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Course code: 256707 Mānuka Tākoto - Behaviour Challenges 15 credits

A study of the challenges experienced by teachers, specialists, children and whānau when individual or group behaviours challenge the ability to learn, socialise, retain relationships and impact on culture and identity, and to provide the tools to pick up the challenge for all involved to address these.

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Part Two

Course code: 256847 Applied Research in Educational Psychology 60 credits

A supervised and guided research study presented in a research report.

Prerequisites: 267740 and 267741 or equivalent

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Course code: 256854 Educational and Developmental Psychology Assessment 30 credits

Advanced study in contemporary assessment in educational and developmental psychology.

Restrictions: 186747, 186754, 256754

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Course code: 256855 Educational and Developmental Psychology Practice 30 credits

Advanced study of professional practice in educational and developmental psychology. Principles, frameworks, competencies, attitudes and dispositions that underpin professional practice are critiqued and developed. Particular attention is given to bicultural issues, professional ethics, professional leadership, accountability and reflective practice.

Corequisites: 256854 Restrictions: 186748, 186755, 256755

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Fees and scholarships

Fees, student loans and free fees scheme

Your tuition fees may be different depending on the courses you choose. Your exact fees will show once you have chosen your courses.

There will also be some compulsory non-tuition fees and for some courses, there may also be charges for things such as study resources, software, trips and contact workshops.

Already know which courses you're going to choose?

You can view fees for the courses that make up your qualification on the course details pages.

Student loans (StudyLink) and Fees Free scheme

You may be eligible for a student loan to help towards paying your fees.

The New Zealand Government offers fees-free tertiary study for eligible domestic students. Find out more about the scheme and your eligibility on the Fees Free website. To use the site's eligibility checking tool, you will need your National Student Number.

Current and returning Massey students can find their National Student Number in the student portal.

Fees disclaimer

This information is for estimation purposes only. Actual fees payable will be finalised on confirmation of enrolment. Unless otherwise stated, all fees shown are quoted in New Zealand dollars and include Goods and Services Tax, if any. Before relying on any information on these pages you should also read the University's Disclaimer Notice.

Careers and job opportunities

Your Master of Educational and Developmental Psychology can lead to numerous career opportunities. You could be employed in a leadership role in educational contexts in schools, EC centres, community providers or government bodies.

This master’s degree does not, however, enable you to be registered as an educational psychologist with the New Zealand Psychologists Board. You need to complete this MEdDevPsych as a pathway to the Postgraduate Diploma in Educational and Developmental Psychology (Internship). Upon completion of the Internship, you would be eligible to become a Registered Educational Psychologist with the NZPsychBoard.

Accreditations and rankings

QS Ranking - Education

Massey is ranked in the world's top 250 universities for education in the Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings.

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QS Ranking - Psychology

Massey is ranked in the world's top 300 universities for psychology by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS).

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