Prof Nitha Palakshappa staff profile picture

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Prof Nitha Palakshappa

Associate Head of School and Professor of Marketing and Sustainability

Massey Business School - Deputy PVC's Office

Nitha Palakshappa is Associate Head of School and Professor of Marketing and Sustainability in the School of Communication, Journalism and Marketing. Her research interests sit broadly within an umbrella of sustainability and social responsibility. Nitha adopts qualitative inquiry to understand how sustainability and responsibility manifest in contemporary systems of production and consumption - with a special interest in the fashion and food sectors. She leads the Centre for Responsibility, Ethics and Sustainability (CRES). CRES provides a forum for business, government and society to understand the importance of ethics, social responsibility, and sustainability initiatives/strategies in enhancing reputation, profitability, and competitiveness.  

Research Expertise

Research Interests

  • Sustainability and ethics
  • Corporate social responsibility
  • Social enterprise
  • Social partnerships
  • Collaborative business relationships
  • Services marketing


21st Century Citizenship

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Commerce, Management, Tourism And Services (150000): Marketing (150500)


  • Corporate social responsibility
  • Social enterprise
  • Social partnerships
  • Collaborative business relationships
  • Services marketing

Research Projects

Completed Projects

Project Title: The Development of Social Enterprise in New Zealand

Date Range: 2008 - 2010

Funding Body: Massey University

Project Team:

Research Outputs


Palakshappa, N., Bulmer, S., & Dodds, S. (2024). Co-creating sustainability: transformative power of the brand. Journal of Marketing Management. 40(9-10), 820-850
[Journal article]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Dodds, S., Palakshappa, N.
Dodds, S., Palakshappa, N., Bulmer, S., & Harper, S. (2024). Transformative advertising: well-being Instagram messaging. Journal of Consumer Marketing. 41(4), 378-390
[Journal article]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Dodds, S., Palakshappa, N.
Bulmer, S., Palakshappa, N., Dodds, S., & Harper, S. (2024). Sustainability, brand authenticity and Instagram messaging. Journal of Business Research. 175
[Journal article]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Dodds, S., Palakshappa, N.
Ganesh, S., Harness, D., James, S., Klingelhoefer, J., Schnell, M., & Palakshappa, N. (2024). The Powerpoint Imagination: visualization and managerial vocabularies in sustainability reports. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 67(9), 1886-1908
[Journal article]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Palakshappa, N., Dodds, S., & Stangl, LM. (2024). Understanding sustainable service ecosystems: a meso-level perspective. Journal of Services Marketing. 38(3), 288-300
[Journal article]Authored by: Dodds, S., Palakshappa, N., Stangl, L.
Palakshappa, N., Dodds, S., & Grant, S. (2024). Tension and Paradox in Women-Oriented Sustainable Hybrid Organizations: A Duality of Ethics. Journal of Business Ethics. 190(2), 327-346
[Journal article]Authored by: Dodds, S., Palakshappa, N.
Palakshappa, N., Venkateswar, S., & Ganesh, S. (2023). Broadening the circle: creativity, regeneration and redistribution in value loops. Social Responsibility Journal. 19(10), 1870-1884
[Journal article]Authored by: Palakshappa, N., Venkateswar, S.
Avis, M., Konopka, R., Gregory-Smith, D., & Palakshappa, N. (2022). Disentangling Consumers’ CSR Knowledge Types and Effects. Sustainability (Switzerland). 14(19)
[Journal article]Authored by: Avis, M., Palakshappa, N.
Dodds, S., Palakshappa, N., & Stangl, LM. (2022). Sustainability in retail services: a transformative service research (TSR) perspective. Journal of Service Theory and Practice. 32(4), 521-544
[Journal article]Authored by: Dodds, S., Palakshappa, N., Stangl, L.
Croucher, SM., Kelly, S., Green, M., Homsey, DM., Cullinane, J., Rocker, KT., . . . Palakshappa, N. (2022). The Link Between Supervisor-Subordinate Computer-Mediated Immediate Behaviors and Organizational Identification in U.S., English, and Australian Organizations. Management Communication Quarterly. 36(4), 688-709
[Journal article]Authored by: Ashwell, D., Croucher, S., Cullinane, J., Green, M., Nguyen, T., Palakshappa, N., Wright, M.
Palakshappa, N., Dodds, S., & Bulmer, S. (2022). Cause for pause in retail service: a respond, reimagine, recover framework. Journal of Services Marketing. 36(4), 584-596
[Journal article]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Dodds, S., Palakshappa, N.
Croucher, SM., Kelly, S., Hui, C., Rocker, KJ., Cullinane, J., Homsey, D., . . . Palakshappa, N. (2022). Articulated dissent and immediacy: a cross-national analysis of the effects of COVID-19 lockdowns. International Journal of Conflict Management. 33(2), 181-202
[Journal article]Authored by: Ashwell, D., Croucher, S., Cullinane, J., Green, M., Nguyen, T., Palakshappa, N., Wright, M.
Dodds, S., & Palakshappa, N. (2022). Service inclusion: the role of disability identity in retail. Journal of Services Marketing. 36(2), 143-153
[Journal article]Authored by: Dodds, S., Palakshappa, N.
Palakshappa, N., & Dodds, S. (2021). Mobilising SDG 12: co-creating sustainability through brands. Marketing Intelligence and Planning. 39(2), 265-283
[Journal article]Authored by: Dodds, S., Palakshappa, N.
Martin, D., Palakshappa, N., & Woodside, A. (2019). Consumer metaphoria: Uncovering the automaticity of animal, product/brand, and country meanings. Australasian Marketing Journal. 27(2), 113-125
[Journal article]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Grant, S., & Palakshappa, N. (2018). Social enterprise push or corporate social responsibility pull? The mainstreaming of fair trade. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing. 23(4)
[Journal article]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Palakshappa, N., & Chatterji, M. (2018). Guest editorial. Social Responsibility Journal. 14(2), 249-254
[Journal article]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Palakshappa, N., & Grant, S. (2018). Social enterprise and corporate social responsibility: Toward a deeper understanding of the links and overlaps. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research. 24(3), 606-625
[Journal article]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Lyes, A., Palakshappa, N., & Bulmer, S. (2016). Cause-related events: Fulfilling the objectives of social partnerships. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing. 21(4), 286-301
[Journal article]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Palakshappa, N.
Hooks, J., & Palakshappa, NN. (2014). From monopoly to co-opetition: New Zealand's electricity industry. New Zealand Journal of Applied Business Research. 12(2), 17-32 Retrieved from;res=IELBUS;issn=1175-8007
[Journal article]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Eweje, G., & Palakshappa, N. (2011). Stakeholder collaboration in New Zealand: Adding value and legitimacy. The Journal of Corporate Citizenship. 2011(43), 79-101 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Eweje, R., Palakshappa, N.
Palakshappa, N., Bulmer, S., Eweje, G., & Kitchen, P. (2010). Integrated strategic partnerships between business and not-for-profit organisations: A case study from New Zealand. Journal of Marketing Communications. 16(4), 255-268
[Journal article]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Eweje, R., Palakshappa, N.
Eweje, G., & Palakshappa, N. (2009). Business partnerships with nonprofits: Working to solve mutual problems in New Zealand. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. 16(6), 337-351
[Journal article]Authored by: Eweje, R., Palakshappa, N.
Palakshappa, N., & Gordon, ME. (2009). Trust and commitment in collaborative business relationships involving New Zealand firms. New Zealand Journal of Applied Business Research. 7(2), 47-55 Retrieved from;dn=725015578995055;res=IELBUS
[Journal article]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Hooks, J., & Palakshappa, N. (2009). Co-operation and collaboration: The case of the de-regulated New Zealand electricity industry. International Journal of Public Sector Management. 22(4), 292-309
[Journal article]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Palakshappa, N., & Gordon, ME. (2007). Collaborative business relationships: Helping firms to acquire skills and economies to prosper. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development. 14(2), 264-279
[Journal article]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Palakshappa, N., & Gordon, ME. (2006). Using a multi-method qualitative approach to examine collaborative relationships. Qualitative Market Research. 9(4), 389-403
[Journal article]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Martin, S., & Palakshappa, N. (2005). Critical success factors for small businesses in the outdoor leisure/recreation industry in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Applied Business Research. 4(2), 1-20 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Palakshappa, NN., & Gordon, ME. (2005). Cross-cultural issues facing small firms collaborating with international partners: A case study. New Zealand Journal of Applied Business Research. 4(1), 1-13
[Journal article]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Gordon, ME., & Dolli, N. (2002). Eftpos in New Zealand. Management Case Quarterly. 5(4), 14-17
[Journal article]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Chaney, I., & Dolli, N. (2001). Cause related marketing in New Zealand. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing. 6(2), 156-163 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Dolli, NN. (2000). Charting new directions for marketing. Contemporary Marketing Today: An Overview of Recent Literature. 2(2), 6-11
[Journal article]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Dolli, NN. (2000). Managing marketing relationships. Contemporary Marketing Digest: An Overview of Recent Marketing Literature. 2(2), 32-36
[Journal article]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Dolli, NN. (2000). Change is everyone's job: Managing the enterprise in a globally connected world. Contemporary Marketing Digest: An Overview of Recent Marketing Literature. 2(1), 12-14
[Journal article]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Dolli, NN. (2000). The organisation of the future:Strategic imperatives and core competencies for the 21st century. Contemporary Marketing Digest: An Overview of Recent Marketing Literature. 2(1), 9-11
[Journal article]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.


Illes, K., Palakshappa, N., & Chatterji, M. (2022). Exploring the Centrality and Transformative Power of Spirituality. In Global Perspectives on Indian Spirituality and Management: The Legacy of S. K. Chakraborty. (pp. 401 - 411).
[Chapter]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Illes, K., Palakshappa, N., & Chatterji, M. (2022). Exploring the Centrality and Transformative Power of Spirituality. In S. Mukherjee, & L. Zsolnai (Eds.) Global Perspectives on Indian Spirituality and Management The Legacy of S.K. Chakraborty. (pp. 401 - 411). : Springer
[Chapter]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Martin, D., Palakshappa, N., & Woodside, AG. (2019). COUNTRY-TO-ANIMAL-TO-BRANDTO-CONSEQUENCES UNAIDED EVOCATIONS: Uncovering Consumer-brand DNA Using Zoomorphic Metaphor Elicitation. In Consumer Social Values. (pp. 227 - 240).
[Chapter]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Chatterji, M., & Palakshappa, N. (2016). Going beyond profit: A case study of the CSR initiative of titan, tata group. In Ethical Leadership: Indian and European Spiritual Approaches. (pp. 215 - 238).
[Chapter]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Chatterji, M., & Palakshappa, NN. (2016). Going Beyond Profit: A Case Study of the CSR Initiative of Titan, Tata Group. In M. Chatterji, & Z. László (Eds.) Ethical Leadership Indian and European Spiritual Approaches. (pp. 215 - 238). : Palgrave Macmillan
[Chapter]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Eweje, G., & Palakshappa, N. (2015). Stakeholder collaboration as a catalyst for development: Company-NPO partnerships in New Zealand. In The Routledge Companion to Non-Market Strategy. (pp. 315 - 331).
[Chapter]Authored by: Eweje, R., Palakshappa, N.
Eweje, RG., & Palakshappa, NN. (2015). Stakeholder collaboration as a catalyst for development: Company-NPO partnerships in New Zealand. In TC. Lawton, & TS. Rajwani (Eds.) The Routledge Companion to Non-Market Strategy. (pp. 315 - 331). : Routledge
[Chapter]Authored by: Eweje, R., Palakshappa, N.
Palakshappa, N., & Chatterji, M.(2014). Corporate social responsibility in the Indian context.
[Authored Book]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Palakshappa, NN., & Chatterji, M. (2014). Corporate social responsibility in the Indian context. In G. Eweje (Ed.) Corporate Social Responsibility And Sustainability: Emerging Trends In Developing Economies. (pp. 139 - 162). : Emerald Publishing Group Limited
[Chapter]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Palakshappa, NN., & Eweje, G. (2013). Daffodil day: ANZ national bank and cancer society of NZ. In MG. Edwards, & A. Lee (Eds.) Marketing Strategy Casebook. (pp. 58 - 59). : Cambridge University Press
[Chapter]Authored by: Eweje, R., Palakshappa, N.
Martin, SG., Benson-Rea, M., & Palakshappa, N. (2011). The role of central brokers and their influence on effectiveness in an intentionally created sports professionalization network. In Sport as a Business: International, Professional and Commercial Aspects. (pp. 170 - 193).
[Chapter]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Palakshappa, N., & Eweje, G. (2011). Case 4: Heeting our hearts: Curtains to capture warmth. In S. Jain, G. Haley, R. Voola, & M. Wickham (Eds.) Marketing planning and strategy. (pp. 371 - 374). Australia: Cengage Learning Australia
[Chapter]Authored by: Eweje, R., Palakshappa, N.
Martin, S., Benson Rea, M., & Palakshappa, N. (2011). The role of the central broker and its influence on network effectiveness in an intentionally created sports professionalization network. In H. Dolles, & S. Soderman (Eds.) Sport as a business: International, professional and commercial aspects. (pp. 170 - 193). United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan
[Chapter]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Palakshappa, N., Eweje, G., & Bulmer, S. (2008). Riding the waves together: A successful partnership. In OC. Walker, JJ. Gountas, FT. Mavondo, & JW. Mullins (Eds.) Marketing strategy: A decision-focused approach. (pp. 391 - 395). United Kingdom: McGraw-Hill Australia
[Chapter]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Eweje, R., Palakshappa, N.
Palakshappa, N., & Gordon, ME. (2007). End of part three Case Studies: Carr and Haslam: Keep on truckin'. In P. Quester, & R. McGuiggan (Eds.) Marketing: Creating and delivering value. (pp. 626 - 628). Australia: McGraw-Hill Australia
[Chapter]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Martin, SG., & Palakshappa, N. (2007). End of part one Case Studies: Welcome to the time of your life. In P. Quester, & R. McGuiggan (Eds.) Marketing: Creating and delivering value. (pp. 119 - 122). Australia: McGraw-Hill Australia
[Chapter]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Palakshappa, N., & Gordon, ME. (2004). Case study: Apples renaissance: The agreement that works. In P. Quester, & R. McGuiggan (Eds.) Marketing: Creating and delivering value. (pp. 675 - 680). Australia: McGraw-Hill Australia
[Chapter]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Palakshappa, N. (2003). Case Study: Funny people and fuzzy logic-the art of management traning. In P. Quester, & R. McGuiggan (Eds.) Marketing: Creating and delivering value. (pp. 635 - 638). Australia: McGraw-Hill Australia
[Chapter]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Dolli, N., & Gordon, ME. (2002). Case study: Sansom Contract Services: Size is no barrier. In L. Brown, & R. Fletcher (Eds.) International Marketing: An Asian-Pacific perspective. (pp. 666 - 669). Australia: Pearson Education Australia
[Chapter]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.

Creative Work

Edwards, M., & Palakshappa, N. (2015). Bullying and Harrassment Workshop. (Play) In the Red Corner: Massey University - Albany Campus
[Performance]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.Contributed to by: Palakshappa, N.


Palakshappa, NN. (2003). Collaborative relationships in New Zealand: An exploratory examination. (Doctoral Thesis, University of Canterbury)
[Doctoral Thesis]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.


Murphy, A., Dodds, S., & Palakshappa, N. (2023). Exploring consumer sustainability practices in a retail context. In M. Thyne, & S. Biggemann (Eds.) ANZMAC 2023: Marketing For Good Conference Proceedings. (pp. 601 - 601). Dunedin, NZ: ANZMAC 2023: Marketing For Good
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Dodds, S., Murphy, A., Palakshappa, N.
Bulmer, S., Dodds, S., & Palakshappa, N. (2023). Sustainability and engaging brand experiences on Instagram. In M. Tourky, & V. Theoharakis (Eds.) 27th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications Conference Proceedings. Cranfield , Bedfordshire, UK: 27th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Dodds, S., Palakshappa, N.
Dodds, S., Palakshappa, N., & Bulmer, S. (2022). Social Sustainability and Brand Wellbeing Messaging on Instagram. In P. Harrigan, & G. Brush (Eds.) : ANZMAC Conference 2022
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Dodds, S., Palakshappa, N.
Murphy, A., Dodds, S., & Palakshappa, N. (2022). Understanding Sustainability Domains And Consumer Perceptions In A Retail Context. ANZMAC 2022: Reconnect and Reimagine: Conference Proceedings:. (pp. 510 - 512). Perth, Australia: ANZMAC 2022: Reconnect and Reimagine
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Dodds, S., Murphy, A., Palakshappa, N.
Palakshappa, N., & Dodds, S.(2021, April). Transformation through intangible sustainability. .
[Conference]Authored by: Dodds, S., Palakshappa, N.
Dodds, S., Palakshappa, N., & Murphy, A.(2020, December). Sustainability and consumption moving forward: A snapshot of sustainability consumption in 2020. .
[Conference]Authored by: Dodds, S., Murphy, A., Palakshappa, N.
Palakshappa, N., Dodds, S., & Murphy, A. (2020). Sustainability and Consumption: Understanding Retail Purchase Behaviour. BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 27th Recent Advances in Retailing & Services Science Conference. (pp. 98 - 98). : 27th Recent Advances in Retailing & Services Science Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Dodds, S., Murphy, A., Palakshappa, N.
Dodds, S., & Palakshappa, N. (2020). Inclusivity and Accessibility in Retail: Understanding Consumers’ Experiences. BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 27th Recent Advances in Retailing & Services Science Conference. (pp. 29 - 29). : 27th Recent Advances in Retailing & Services Science Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Dodds, S., Palakshappa, N.
Venkateswar, S., & Palakshappa, N. (2019, September). Asset to Zero Waste: Innovation, Science & Technology in circular waste bioeconomies. Presented at 4S: Innovations, Interruptions, Regenerations. New Orleans.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palakshappa, N., Venkateswar, S.
Venkateswar, S., & Palakshappa, N. (2019, December). Zero waste loops. Embedding equity, ethics and responsibility. Presented at Agri-Food Conference XXVI
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palakshappa, N., Venkateswar, S.
Dodds, S., & Palakshappa, N. (2019). Co-creating sustainability: Understanding the role of marketing practice, brands and consumers. Hamburg: EMAC 48th Annual Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Dodds, S., Palakshappa, N.
Palakshappa, N., & Dodds, S.(2018, December). Marketing and the co-creation of sustainability – harnessing the power of brands. .
[Conference]Authored by: Dodds, S., Palakshappa, N.
Venkateswar, S., & Palakshappa, . (2016, April). Agrarian practices, intrepid entrepreneurs and ethical livelihoods: Deciphering the Appachi Cotton story. Presented at Sustainable Environments in 21st Century India, New Zealand India Research Institute Annual Conference. Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palakshappa, N., Venkateswar, S.Contributed to by: Palakshappa, N.
Grant, S., & Palakshappa, NN. (2014, November). Understanding the SE/CSR overlap: The mainstreaming of fair trade. Presented at 2014 Social Innovation and Research Colloquium. RMIT, Melbourne.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Martin, D., Palakshappa, NN., & Woodside, A.Applying Zoomorphic forced-metaphor-elicitation for surfacing consumers’ unconscious country-brand assessments: Examples with emic interpretations, product applications, and consequences for China, New Zealand, UK, and the USA. . San Francisco, CA
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Palakshappa, NN., & Eweje, G. (2014, March). Social alliances: Revisiting value creation. Presented at Cr3+ Conference. Melbourne, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Eweje, RG., & Palakshappa, N. (2014). Stakeholder collaboration as a catalyst for development. In S. Idowu, & R. Schmidpeter (Eds.): Global Corporate Governance-CSR First Annual Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Eweje, R., Palakshappa, N.
Eweje, RG., Palakshappa, N., & Sarvaiya, H. (2014). Corporate irresponsibility: Is this still happening?. In C. Higgins, J. Hendry, & C. VanSandt (Eds.) Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the International Association for Business and Society (IABS). (pp. 348 - 348). : International Association for Business and Society Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Eweje, R., Palakshappa, N.
Grant, S., & Palakshappa, NN. (2013). Social enterprise and corporate social responsibility: Toward a deeper understanding of the links and overlaps. 4th EMES Conference - EMES-SOCENT Selected Conference Papers (online). : 4 th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Bulmer, SL., Palakshappa, N., & Pham, K. (2013). Exploring consumer responses to nonprofit Facebook pages. Proceedings of ANZMAC 2013 Conference. : ANZMAC 2013
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Palakshappa, N.
Lyes, A., Palakshappa, NN., & Bulmer, S. (2012). Communicating corporate social responsibility using social media: Implications for marketing strategists. In Marketing in the Socially Networked World: Challenges of Emerging, Stagnant & Resurgent Markets, AMA Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference Chicago, illinois: American Marketing Association
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Palakshappa, N.
Lyes, A., Bulmer, S., & Palakshappa, N. (2012). Using Facebook to communicate corporate social responsibility activities. In PJ. Kitchen, & A. Palmer (Eds.) Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Corpor@te and M@rketing Communications Conference. (pp. 27 - 46). Brittany: The 17th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications: Past, Present, Future - Shaping Corporate and Marketing Communications
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Palakshappa, N.
Eweje, RG., & Palakshappa, N.Stakeholder collaboration as a catalyst for development: Business partnership with non-profits in New Zealand. . Nottingham, United Kingdom
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Eweje, R., Palakshappa, N.
Palakshappa, N., Bulmer, S., & Eweje, G. (2008, April). IMC and non-profit organisations: A case study from New Zealand. Presented at 13th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications: Corporate and Marketing Communications as a Strategic Resource; Response to Contemporary use, Challenges and Criticism. Ljubljana, Slovenia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Eweje, R., Palakshappa, N.
Hooks, J., & Palakshappa, N. (2008). Competition and collaboration: The case of the New Zealand electricity industry. In Academy of Management 2008 Annual Meeting Proceedings, Academy of Management 2008 Annual Meeting: The Questions We Ask United States: Academy Of Management
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Hooks, JJ., & Palakshappa, NN. (2008). Competition and collaboration: The case of the New Zealand electricity industry. In Proceedings of the Academy of Management: The Question We Ask: Academy of Management
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Palakshappa, N., Bulmer, S., & Eweje, G. (2008). IMC and non-profit organisations: A case study from New Zealand. In K. Podnar, & Z. Jancic (Eds.) Corporate and Marketing Communications as a Strategic Resource; Response to Contemporary Use, Challenges and Criticism. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications (CMC 2008). (pp. 137 - 144). Slovenia: 13th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications: Corporate and Marketing Communications as a Strategic Resource; Response to Contemporary use, Challenges and Criticism
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Eweje, R., Palakshappa, N.
Palakshappa, N., & Eweje, RG. (2007). Socially responsible partnering: Perspectives on non-profit and business collaboration in New Zealand. In Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Business and Management, International Colloquium on Busines and Management Thailand: Balamand University
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Eweje, R., Palakshappa, N.
Eweje, RG., & Palakshappa, N. (2007). CSR and business partnership with non-profits: Perspectives from New Zealand. In Proceedings of the 2nd ICCA Internationl Conference: Globalization and the Good Corporation, International Centre for Corporate Accountability [ICCA] 2nd International Conference: Globalization and the Good Corporation United States: International Centre for Corporate Accountability
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Eweje, R., Palakshappa, N.
Eweje, RG., & Palakshappa, N. (2007). CSR and business partnership with non-profits: Perspectives from New Zealand. Proceedings of the Globalisation and the Good Corporation 2nd International Conference. (pp. 1 - 28). United States: ICCA's 2nd International Conference Globalisation and the Good Corporation
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Eweje, R., Palakshappa, N.
Palakshappa, N., & Eweje, RG. (2006). Partnering for 'prosperity': Examining the role of business and nonprofit collaboration. Academy of Marketing Conference: Full list of conference papers. United Kingdom: Academy of Marketing Conference 2006 [AM2006]: Marketing Excellence
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Eweje, R., Palakshappa, N.
Palakshappa, N., & Eweje, RG. (2006). Partnering for 'prosperity': Examining the role of business and nonprofit collaboration. In Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Conference, Academy of Marketing Conference: Marketing Excellence United Kingdom: Middlesex University Press
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Eweje, R., Palakshappa, N.
de Bruin, AM., & Palakshappa, NN. (Eds.)(2005). . In Proceedings of the Second Symposium: Massey University, Department of Commerce
[Conference Other]Edited by: Palakshappa, N.
Palakshappa, N., & Gordon, ME. (2005). Trust and commitment in collaborative business relationships involving New Zealand firms. In S. Purchase (Ed.) Proceedings of the Australia New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference: Broadening the Boundaries. (pp. 79 - 84). Australia: Australian and New Zealnad Marketing Academy Conference: Broadening the Boundaries
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Palakshappa, NN., & Gordon, ME. (2005, May). Collaborative business relationships: Helping firms to acquire skills and economies to prosper?. Presented at Marketing and Public Policy Conference: Challenges for an Era of Continuous Change. Washington, DC.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Palakshappa, NN., & Gordon, ME. (2004). Using a multi-method qualitative approach to examine collaborative relationships. In AD. Bruin, & NP. Eds (Eds.) Qualitative Research in Business Symposium. (pp. Unpaged). Auckland, NZ
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Palakshappa, NN., & Gordon, ME. (2004). Cross-cultural issues facing small firms collaborating with international partners: A case study. In . SAESBA, & TUOP. Eds (Eds.) 49th International Council for Small Business World Conference. (pp. unpaged). Johannesburg, South Africa
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Martin, SG., & Palakshappa, NN. (2004). Critical success factors for small businesses in the outdoor leisure/recreation industry in New Zealand. Proceedings of the 49th International Council for Small Business World Conference. (pp. unpaged). Johannesburg, South Africa
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Martin, SG., & Palakshappa, NN. (2004, June). Critical success factors for small businesses in the outdoor leisure/recreation industry in New Zealand. Presented at 49th International Council for Small Business World Conference. Johannesburg, South Africa.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.


Venkateswar, S., Hardy, D., McLeod, H., & Palakshappa, N. (2024). Food for thought: how NZ’s school lunch programme can add learning and local economies to the menu. : The Conversation
[Internet publication]Authored by: Palakshappa, N., Venkateswar, S.
Schnell, M., Palakshappa, N., & Ganesh, S. (2022). Moving beyond organics: Understanding the place and space of brown cotton.
[Internet publication]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Palakshappa, N. (2008, February). Social partnerships: Perspectives from New Zealand.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Hooks, JJ., & Palakshappa, NN. (2008). Relationships in the New Zealand electricity industry - putting Humpty together again. Presented at Massey University, Auckland, NZ.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Eweje, RG., & Palakshappa, N. (2008). Partnering for progress: Business partnerships with non-profits in New Zealand. In Department of Management and International Business Research Working Paper Series(pp. 1 - 22). In New Zealand: Department of Management and International Business,Massey University
[Working Paper]Authored by: Eweje, R., Palakshappa, N.
Palakshappa, NN., & Gordon, ME. (2005). Trust and commitment in collaborative business relationships involving New Zealand firms. In Department of Commerce Working Paper Series: Massey University, Department of Commerce
[Working Paper]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Palakshappa, NN., & Gordon, ME. (2005). Skill acquisition and economies among firms: An investigation of the role of collaboration. In Department of Commerce Working Paper Series: Massey University, Department of Commerce
[Working Paper]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Martin, SG., Arin, KP., Palakshappa, NN., & Chetty, SS. (2005). Do elite sports systems mean more olympic medals?. : Department of Commerce, Massey University
[Working Paper]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Palakshappa, NN., & Gordon, ME. (2004). Cross-cultural issues facing small firms collaborating with international partners: A case study. In Department of Commerce Working Paper Series: Massey University, Department of Commerce
[Working Paper]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Palakshappa, NN., & Gordon, ME. (2004). Cross-cultural issues facing small firms collaborating with international partners: A case study. (pp. 1 - 20). : Massey University, Department of Commerce
[Working Paper]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.
Martin, SG., & Palakshappa, NN. (2003). Critical success factors for small businesses in the outdoor leisure/recreation industry in New Zealand. In Department of Commerce Working Paper Series: Massey University, Department of Commerce
[Working Paper]Authored by: Palakshappa, N.

Teaching and Supervision

Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Main Supervisor 2 2
Co-supervisor 0 1

Current Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • Carnette Pulma - Doctor of Philosophy
    Value Co-Creation and Well-being in the Circular Economy - A Case Study on SMEs in New Zealand and the Philippines
  • Anushka Patara - Doctor of Philosophy
    Value Co-creation in Sustainable Fashion: Exploring How Value Co-Creation in A Circular Modality Can Advance Sustainable Consumption

Completed Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • 2017 - Hua Dong - Doctor of Philosophy
    Collaborating to Develop: A perspective on Current Chinese Social Partnership Development.
  • 2010 - Simon Martin - Doctor of Philosophy
    Networking for Gold: A multi-level analysis to explain network effectiveness

Co-supervisor of:

  • 2024 - Andrea Zorn - Doctor of Philosophy
    Entrepreneurship and its Meanings for Low-Income Women in Aotearoa: A Culture-Centred Approach

Media and Links


  • 03 May 2021 - Newspaper
    Taranaki out to lunch on locally grown fare
    Focus on research related event, convened as a part of community engagement for the Farming to Flourish Pivot project, funded by the Bashford Nicholls Trust. The event was a Long Lunch that profile 5