Regulations for The Bachelor of Design with Honours - BDes(Hons)

Official rules and regulations for the Bachelor of Design with Honours. These regulations are for the 2025 intake to this qualification.

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Qualification Regulations

Part I

These regulations are to be read in conjunction with all other Statutes and Regulations of the University including General Regulations for Undergraduate Degrees, Undergraduate Diplomas, Undergraduate Certificates, Graduate Diplomas, and Graduate Certificates.

Part II


1. Admission to the Degree of Bachelor of Design (Hons) requires that the candidate will:

(a) meet the University admission requirements as specified; and

(b) be selected into the Qualification based partially on the assessment of a portfolio of work submitted by the applicant.

2. An applicant who holds the degree of Bachelor of Design shall not be admitted to the Bachelor of Design with Honours.

Qualification requirements

3. Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Design with Honours shall follow a parts-based programme of study, which shall consist of courses totalling at least 480 credits, comprising:

(a) Part One, Part Two, Part Three and Part Four as specified in Schedules A and B;

(b) Elective courses from Schedule C or other courses from Massey University;

and including

(c) not more than 180 credits at 100 level;

(d) at least 195 credits must be at 300 level or above, with at least 120 credits at 400 level or above.

(e) completion of at least one major.

4. Notwithstanding Regulation 3 holders of a Massey University Diploma in Fashion Design and Technology may be permitted to credit up to 120 credits at 100 level and include up to 195 credits at 100 level in a Bachelor of Design, fashion design major.

5. Notwithstanding Regulation 3 holders of a Massey University Diploma in Photography may be permitted to credit up to 120 credits at 100 level and up to 120 credits at 200 level to the Bachelor of Design, Photography major.

6. The Academic Board may grant exemptions to the requirements of Regulation 3 based on the subjects studied and prior performance of the student.


7. Candidates may complete a single major by passing Parts One, Two, Three, and Four specified for a major selected from: Concept Design, Integrated Design, Fashion Design, Industrial Design, Photography, Spatial Design, Textile Design and Visual Communication Design. The requirements for each major are set out in Schedule B to the Qualification.

8. Candidates may complete a double major in Mātauranga Toi Māori and one other specialisation from Regulation 7 by fulfilling the requirements of the specialisations as set out in Schedule B. Individual courses cannot be counted towards both majors. Such candidates may, however, count up to 120 credits towards both the Mātauranga Toi Māori major and the Core.

9. Candidates may include a minor from any undergraduate degree within the University for which recognised minors are specified, in accordance with the following requirements:

(a) the overall balance of credits as specified in Regulation 3 are maintained;

(b) the minor must be in a different subject area from the major(s);

(c) where the minor is from another undergraduate degree the regulations of that programme for the minor will apply;

(d) no course may be credited to both a major and a minor.

Student progression

10. In order to progress to Part Two the candidate shall have passed a total of 75 credits at 100 level with at least 60 credits from the Part 1 courses including at least 15 credits from one Schedule B course relevant to the major to be taken.

11. For progression to Part Four of the Bachelor of Design with Honours, the candidate must have achieved a weighted grade average of at least a B- across the Part Three Professional Cultures course and the Design Studio 358 course relevant to the major being taken.

12. The Academic Board may grant exemptions to the requirements in Regulation 9 and 10 based on the subjects studied and prior performance of the student.

13. The Degree of Bachelor of Design with Honours may be awarded with First Class Honours or with Second Class Honours Division I or Second Class Honours Division II or with Third Class Honours. The class of Honours awarded shall be determined by the examiners on the performance of the candidate in Part 4 of the programme.

Completion requirements

14. Any timeframes for completion as outlined in the General Regulations for Undergraduate Degrees, Undergraduate Diplomas, and Undergraduate Certificates, and Graduate Diplomas and Graduate Certificates will apply.

15. Candidates may be graduated when they meet the Qualification and Academic requirements within the prescribed timeframes; candidates who do not meet the requirements for graduation may, subject to the approval of Academic Board, be awarded an alternative creative arts qualification should they meet the relevant Qualification requirements.

Unsatisfactory academic progress

16. The general Unsatisfactory Academic Progress regulations will apply.

Transitional provisions

17. Subject to any maximum time to completion and the Abandonment of Studies provisions specified in the Part I regulations for the degree, candidates enrolled in the Bachelor of Design with Honours prior to 1 January 2025 who have completed more than 300 credits will complete the Bachelor of Design with Honours under the 2024 regulations. Candidates enrolled in the Bachelor of Design with Honours prior to 1 January 2025 who have completed up to 300 credits will complete the Bachelor of Design with Honours in accordance with the 2025 regulations and may substitute a course or courses already completed for a course or courses of the same value and at the same or lower level within the Schedule.

18. This transition expires 31 December 2030.

Schedule for the Bachelor of Design with Honours

Course planning key

Courses that need to be completed before moving onto a course at the next level. For example, a lot of 200-level courses have 100-level prerequisite courses.
Courses that must be completed at the same time as another course are known as corequisite courses.
Some courses are restricted against each other because their content is similar. This means you can only choose one of the offered courses to study and credit to your qualification.
Key terms for course planning
Each qualification has its own specific set of courses. Some universities call these papers. You enrol in courses after you get accepted into Massey.
Course code
Each course is numbered using 6 digits. The fourth number shows the level of the course. For example, in course 219206, the fourth number is a 2, so it is a 200-level course (usually studied in the second year of full-time study).
Each course is worth a number of credits. You combine courses (credits) to meet the total number of credits needed for your qualification.
Some qualifications let you choose what subject you'd like to specialise in. Your major or endorsement is what you will take the majority of your courses in.

Schedule A: Core courses

Part One

Professional Cultures (Choose 15 credits from)

Choose 15 credits from
Course code: 133180 Professional Cultures in Commercial Music 1 15 credits

An introduction to the music industry and environment, with specific emphasis on culture, ethics, learning, and positionality.

Restrictions: 298160 289150 197190 213170

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Course code: 197190 Professional Cultures in Design 1 15 credits

An introduction to the design studio environment, with specific emphasis on ethics, studio culture, learning, and positionality.

Restrictions: 298160 289150 133180 213170

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Course code: 213170 Professional Cultures in Art 1 15 credits

An introduction to developing artistic practice, with specific emphasis on ethics, fine art cultures, learning, and positionality.

Restrictions: 298160 289150 197190 133180

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Course code: 289150 Professional Cultures in Screen Arts 1 15 credits

An introduction to professional literacies and industry best practices for building a sustainable and healthy career in the field of Screen Arts. Tauira will also be supported in gaining communication and interpersonal skills and develop their personal growth and engagement in learning.

Restrictions: ringfencing required -- open to any students enrolled in any Creative Arts qualification

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Course code: 298160 Mātauranga Toi Māori 1: Māori Practices as a Māori Creative Practitioner 15 credits

This introductory course provides students with a foundational understanding of customary practices and values within Te Ao Māori and their relevance in contemporary Māori creative practice. Through a combination of theoretical exploration and practical engagement, students will gain insights into the cultural context shaping Māori creative expression and its significance in fostering personal and communal growth.

Restrictions: 133180 213170 197190 289150

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Critical Studies (Choose at least 15 credits from)

Choose at least 15 credits from
Course code: 133154 Music, People, Places 15 credits

An introduction to the people, places, and scholarship of the contemporary music industries. Through the analysis of various issues, trends, and cultural and social contexts, this course supports and encourages students to critically explore the challenges and opportunities of local and global music industries, building awareness of the contemporary commercial music landscape.

Restrictions: 133255

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Course code: 150106 Nga Hanga Whakairo: Traditional Māori Visual Art 15 credits

An introduction to the scope of Māori art with a view to recognising traditional elementary forms and their significance. Social and cultural dimensions will be considered and Māori art forms from pre-contact times to the present will be examined within the context of a dynamic and changing society.

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Course code: 197139 Design, Purpose, People and Place 15 credits

Positionality is a key concept in the creative arts. In this course you will interrogate the concept in relation to how we think about the world we live in, what we see as beautiful or objectionable, and what we believe about who we are. We pay particular attention to our place: in Pukeahu, in Aotearoa, and in the world.

Restrictions: 237130

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Course code: 237131 Art, Culture and Contexts 15 credits

An introduction to critical thinking through key contemporary topics and debates related to the production and reception of art. Students will have the opportunity to investigate a range of contemporary art practices and texts, in order to recognise and gain insights of their own values and processes as creative practitioners. Examples will be drawn from both Aotearoa and international contexts.

Restrictions: 237102

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Course code: 289100 Screen Arts, Creativity and Critical Thinking 15 credits

In this course, tauira are introduced to a range of concepts and theories that provide insight into why artists make screen media, the value of media to those who engage with it, and the impact of media on societies and cultures. Tauira will critically investigate screen practices and texts, gaining a greater understanding of their own values, motivations and processes as creative practitioners.

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Core Studios: 15 credits from (Choose at least 15 credits from)

Choose at least 15 credits from
Course code: 198157 Product and Industrial Design 1.1: An Introduction 15 credits

Focused on the development of product through a sustainability context, shaped by materials exploration, this studio provides an introduction to product and industrial design practice. Students develop creative and analytical thinking, idea generation, visualisation and making, central to three-dimensional design practice. Students will develop techniques and processes in critique, form-giving, problem solving, user-experience and affective design.

Restrictions: 197132

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Course code: 198158 Product and Industrial Design 1.2: Furniture Design 15 credits

In this studio students will develop three-dimensional design skills in making, prototyping, materiality, ergonomics and user-experience as they design and make furniture. Students will gain an understanding of the theoretical, historical and practical applications of these skills in Product and Industrial Design by exploring the development and production of furniture as products in one-off, batch or mass production contexts.

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Course code: 212157 Fashion Design 1.1: Fashioning the Body 15 credits

This course introduces students to the clothing design process, exploring various technical and conceptual skills to inform and support the creative process. Students will explore the relationship between the body and cloth, and the role that clothing plays in constructing identity.

Restrictions: 197135

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Course code: 212158 Fashion Design 1.2: Introduction to Making Clothes 15 credits

This course provides students with introductory patternmaking and garment construction skills, to gain understanding of the garment development process for realising design ideas.

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Course code: 221157 Photography Studio 1.1: What is Photography? 15 credits

How do we photographically ‘see’ the world? How does photography function in your world and the wider culture you live within? Through an introduction to the fundamentals of photography you will consider these questions and acquire specific skills and processes in digital photographic image making. You will use creative and analytical skills and idea generation to develop a practical project.

Restrictions: 221101

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Course code: 221158 Photography Studio 1.2: Introduction to the Darkroom 15 credits

How are analogue darkroom technologies employed in contemporary photographic practice? Through experimentation with materials and engagement with the wider world you will develop a practical project. You will be introduced to selected darkroom and wet-based analogue photographic techniques and consider how you will make them relevant to your practice.

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Course code: 222157 Visual Communication Design 1.1: Introduction to Graphic Design 15 credits

In this course students will be introduced to fundamental graphic design principles, understanding rhetorical approaches and building visual language. Students will explore a specific topic and develop content and compositions that are compelling and persuasive and communicate a clear and engaging message for both print-based, and dynamic interactive/motion graphic outputs. This course introduces core skills for all designers communicating visually.

Restrictions: 197131

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Course code: 222158 Visual Communication Design 1.2: Introduction to Typography 15 credits

In this course students will be introduced to typography, the foundational design skill of arranging type, exploring the interplay of content and meaning. Students will gain an understanding of fonts, the language of letterforms and the power of structuring written words through developing layout systems and information hierarchies to make information accessible and engaging. This course will be instrumental for all designers who deal with words and images for print, screen and beyond.

Restrictions: 197131, 222100

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Course code: 222159 Visual Communication Design 1.3: Introduction to User Experience Design and Interactivity 15 credits

In this course students will be introduced to interaction design, and develop understanding of user experience design (UX) through the design of user interfaces (UI) in a web design context. Students will gain knowledge of prototyping and user testing practices through designing a digital interface, learning how information can be effectively communicated in online media. This course will be useful for all students interested in graphic design for interactive environments.

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Course code: 223157 Textile Design 1.1: Interwoven Structures 15 credits

In this studio course students will be introduced to a range of interlacing techniques to enable exploration of surface, structure and 3D forms. Students will work with a range of hard and soft materials to develop skills in 3-dimensional ideation. This course provides a good grounding for students interested in the material intersections between spatial, fashion, industrial and textile design.

Restrictions: 197133

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Course code: 223158 Textile Design 1.2: Surface Design, Colour and Screen Print 15 credits

In this introductory studio course students will gain access to Textile studio through print processes. They will acquire specific techniques, skills, and processes through the investigation of print practice: through mark-making, colour, composition and drawing for the design and making of textiles. They will learn to discuss and evaluate their work and the work of their peers.

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Course code: 224157 Spatial Design 1.1: An Introduction 15 credits

In this studio course students will be introduced to skills and processes to design physical, temporal, and digital spatial environments. They will explore core spatial design principles of site, time, light, and movement to create a digital spatial design. Students will develop creative and analytical thinking as well as idea generation and visualisation skills for spatial design practice.

Restrictions: 197131

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Course code: 224158 Spatial Design 1.2: Immersive Experiences 15 credits

In this studio course students will be introduced to performance and inhabitation. They will investigate the relationship between individual and collective rituals and the way they shape the interaction between people, places and objects. In a live-lab environment students will engage with moving image technologies, lighting, sound and material making towards the realisation of an immersive spatial experience.

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Course code: 296157 Concept Design 1.1: Imagine 15 credits

In this studio course students will be introduced to creative and analytical thinking skills, idea generation and visualisation central to concept design as a practice. They will begin to acquire specific techniques, skills and processes for investigating and responding to imagined characters and stories through iterative drawing, referencing and digital painting.

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Course code: 296158 Concept Design 1.2: Worldbuilding 15 credits

In this studio course, students will experiment with creative and analytical thinking skills, idea generation and visualisation central to concept design as a practice. They will develop specific techniques, skills and processes for investigating and defining worldbuilding techniques through storytelling and the creative practice of iterative digital modelling, prototyping and digital matte painting.

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Course code: 298157 Toi Ᾱtea 1 15 credits

An introduction to the development of personal forms of expression though an engagement with the values, concepts, traditions, art/design forms and structures of the whare whakairo.

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Explorations: 30 credits from (Choose at least 30 credits from)

Choose at least 30 credits from
Course code: 197123 Explorations in Visualisation 15 credits

Explorations in Visualisation explores how creative practitioners comprehend, generate, and communicate ideas. The course provides students with foundational skills and techniques for representing ideas in traditional and digital media. The course will be valuable for students from any creative area who want to communicate their work and thoughts visually.

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Course code: 197124 Explorations in Materials and Making 15 credits

Explorations in Materials provides students with practices and skills to explore physical materials, surfaces and structures in their making. Students will gain hands-on creative and technical knowledge and understanding of sustainable ecologies of materials. It will appeal to students across the creative arts who want to create and work with physical materials as part of their creative practice.

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Course code: 197191 Explorations in Creative Coding and Media 15 credits

Explorations in Coding and Media explores how creative practitioners leverage computational concepts as a creative tool. Students will acquire basic knowledge and foundational techniques that can be applied across creative practice.

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Course code: 198124 Explorations in Digital Asset Creation 15 credits

Learn foundational skills for creating digital 3d assets. In this course, you will be guided through hands-on creative exercises to develop the skills and knowledge required to produce digital assets that can then be inputted into various software for object-building, world-building and character building across a variety of digital platforms. The approaches and outputs in this course will benefit any creative arts students working in digital technologies. The core 3D skills you will gain include: - Understanding the creative process to make 3D assets - UV mapping – initial process of adding texture/colour to 3D work - Creating textures/colour - Digital lighting - Preparing your assets for animation Explorations in Digital Assets can be used to take your creativity to the next level - especially when paired with other Exploration and studio courses.

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Course code: 213155 Explorations in Drawing 15 credits

Explorations in Drawing introduces students to foundational techniques and practices of observational drawing, drawing as thinking, drawing for ideation. The course guides beginners and skilled practitioners alike through a variety of exercises, introducing students to practices from across the creative arts. Skills taught in this course will be useful for students in all areas creative practice.

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Course code: 293125 Explorations in Narrative 15 credits

Explorations in Narrative introduces students to the processes of analysing, interpreting, and creating stories with the intent of realising the material through various creative practices. With the option of producing written or visual narratives, students will gain a foundation in storytelling that can be applicable to diverse creative practices.

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Course code: 293126 Explorations in Image and Meaning 15 credits

Explorations in Image and Meaning explores how creative practitioners capture, construct and manipulate two-dimensional imagery. The course provides students with foundational skills and techniques to construct and analyse two dimensional images.

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Course code: 293127 Explorations in Colour and Context 15 credits

This course provides students with the foundational knowledge and skills to understand and apply colour in their creative practice. Students will experiment with mixing pigments in analogue and digital environments and consider colour’s cultural, communicative, and evocative potential.

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Part Two

Professional Cultures (Choose 15 credits from)

Choose 15 credits from
Course code: 133280 Professional Cultures in Commercial Music 2 15 credits

A further orientation to the music industry and environment, with specific emphasis on working with and within communities, and practicing within the context of Te Tiriti O Waitangi.

Prerequisites: one of: 298160 289150 197190 213170 133180 Restrictions: 298260 289250 197290 213270

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Course code: 197290 Professional Cultures in Design 2 15 credits

A further orientation to the design studio environment, with specific emphasis on collaboration and working within the context of Te Tiriti O Waitangi.

Prerequisites: One of: 298160 289150 197190 213170 133180 Restrictions: 298260 289250 213270 133280

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Course code: 213270 Professional Cultures in Art 2 15 credits

A further orientation to developing artistic practice, with specific emphasis on working with and within communities, and practicing within the context of Te Tiriti O Waitangi.

Prerequisites: One of: 298160 289150 197190 213170 133180 Restrictions: 298260 289250 197290 133280

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Course code: 289250 Professional Cultures in Screen Arts 2 15 credits

This course further develops concepts related to industry best practice for building a sustainable and healthy career in the field of Screen Arts. Tauira will continue to be supported in developing their communication and interpersonal skills and strengthen personal and growth and engagement in learning at this level.

Prerequisites: 15 credits from 133180, 197190, 213170, 289150

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Course code: 298260 Mātauranga Toi Māori 2: Māori Creative Practices and Cultural Continuity 15 credits

Building upon the foundational concepts introduced in Māori Practices as a Māori Creative Practitioner, this course delves deeper into the intricate relationship between Māori creative practices and cultural continuity within Te Ao Māori. Through an advanced exploration of theoretical frameworks, hands-on creative projects, and community engagement, students will further refine their understanding of the nuanced role of Tikanga Māori in shaping contemporary Māori creative practice.

Prerequisites: One of: 298160 or 289150 or 197190 or 213170 or 133180 Restrictions: 289250 197290 213270 133280

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Critical Studies (Choose at least 15 credits from)

Choose at least 15 credits from
Course code: 133257 Music and Ethics 15 credits

Students will analyse a range of philosophical and critical perspectives on the ethics, social roles, and cultural responsibilities of music and its associated communities. Through exploring theoretical positions to develop tools for the analysis of their own practices, students develop a robust critical understanding of the intersections of music, ethical conduct, and professional practice as these inform their own positionality within creative communities.

Prerequisites: 15 credits from 150106, 133154, 197139, 237131, 289100

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Course code: 150206 Ngā Momo Whakairo: Contemporary Māori Visual Art 15 credits

An interpretation of the design structures that constitute Māori art from a bicultural perspective together with an examination of the factors that determine stylistic change.

Prerequisites: 150106

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Course code: 197239 Design in the Pluriverse 15 credits

Examine how contemporary design evolved from its roots in identity, craft and technology through to its place in contemporary culture and society. From our local perspectives as Tangata Whenua and Tangata te Tiriti to the broader tensions of functioning in a globalised world with a plurality of identities and subject positions, we examine what it means to operate within the pluriverse, always in relation to one another.

Prerequisites: 289100 OR 237131 OR 133154 OR 150106 OR 197139 Restrictions: 237230

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Course code: 237231 Critical Perspectives on Contemporary Art 15 credits

An exploration of diverse perspectives to develop critical responses relevant to contemporary art in Aotearoa. Students will examine cultural, theoretical, political, social, and ethical issues that are contributing to the shaping of contemporary art. The understandings gained will contextualise the student's own practice in relation to local and global shifts in cultural production that have taken place over the past two decades.

Prerequisites: 15 credits from 150106, 237131, 289100, 133154, 197139

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Course code: 289200 Screen Arts, Societies and Cultures 15 credits

In this course, tauira will engage with a range of critical and philosophical concepts and perspectives that provide insight into their developing creative practices and offer a wider understanding of the social and cultural significance of their work. Tauira develop tools for critically assessing and evaluating collaboration and communication within group environments and employ reflective and analytical approaches to their work informed by their growing critical understanding.

Prerequisites: 15 credits from 150106, 133154, 197139, 237131, 289100

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Integrated Design major students must take 15 credits from (Choose 15 credits from)
Choose 15 credits from
Course code: 197290 Professional Cultures in Design 2 15 credits

A further orientation to the design studio environment, with specific emphasis on collaboration and working within the context of Te Tiriti O Waitangi.

Prerequisites: One of: 298160 289150 197190 213170 133180 Restrictions: 298260 289250 213270 133280

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Course code: 298260 Mātauranga Toi Māori 2: Māori Creative Practices and Cultural Continuity 15 credits

Building upon the foundational concepts introduced in Māori Practices as a Māori Creative Practitioner, this course delves deeper into the intricate relationship between Māori creative practices and cultural continuity within Te Ao Māori. Through an advanced exploration of theoretical frameworks, hands-on creative projects, and community engagement, students will further refine their understanding of the nuanced role of Tikanga Māori in shaping contemporary Māori creative practice.

Prerequisites: One of: 298160 or 289150 or 197190 or 213170 or 133180 Restrictions: 289250 197290 213270 133280

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Part Three

Professional Cultures (Choose 15 credits from)

Choose 15 credits from
Course code: 133380 Professional Cultures in Commercial Music 3 15 credits

Develop skills and knowledge for a future career in commercial music. Students will be supported in developing professionalism within the context of the music industry.

Prerequisites: One of: 213270 298260 289250 197290 133280 Restrictions: 289350 298360 197390 213370

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Course code: 197390 Professional Cultures in Design 3 15 credits

Develop skills and knowledge for a future career in design. Students will be supported in developing professionalism within the context of designer-client relationships.

Prerequisites: One of: 213270 298260 289250 197290 133280 Restrictions: 289350 298360 133380 213370

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Course code: 213370 Professional Cultures in Art 3 15 credits

Learn skills and knowledge to develop sustainable art practice within Aotearoa.

Prerequisites: One of: 213270 298260 289250 197290 133280 Restrictions: 289350 298360 197390 133380

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Course code: 289350 Professional Cultures in Screen Arts 3 15 credits

Develop professional skills in preparation for a career in the creative industries. Tauira will be supported in developing professional communication and presentation skills and to continue to strengthen personal growth and engagement in learning at this level.

Prerequisites: 15 credits from 289250, 133280, 197290, 213270, 298260

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Course code: 298360 Mātauranga Toi Māori 3: Creative Innovation and Community Leadership 15 credits

This course propels students into the realm of Māori Arts Innovation and Community Leadership. By synthesizing foundational knowledge with advanced theoretical frameworks, innovative artistic projects, and community leadership principles, students will refine their skills as Māori Arts Practitioners and actively contribute to the evolution of Māori arts practices within a contemporary context.

Prerequisites: one of: 213270 or 298260 or 289250 or 197290 or 133280 Restrictions: 289350 133380 197390 213370

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Critical Studies (Choose at least 15 credits from)

Choose at least 15 credits from
Course code: 133355 Music, Politics, Economies 15 credits

Students explore theoretical approaches to music's intersections with politics and economies to inform an advanced understanding of music as a cultural industry. Students employ strategies of critical reflection, collaboration, and praxis to analyse their situatedness within the social, legal, and industrial landscapes of the contemporary music industries, and engage with the symbiotic relationship between politics and the economy as it shapes their own experiences and professional outlooks.

Prerequisites: 15 credits from 237231, 133257, 289200, 150206, 197239

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Course code: 197339 Transformation: Discourse in Design 15 credits

From the design of serving communities, to processes, to the necessity of embracing the health of our planet, this course encourages students to independently explore and appraise a range of ideas that critically examine how contemporary design is shaped by cultural, ethical, moral, commercial, ecological and technological complexity.

Prerequisites: 197239 OR 289200 OR 237231 OR 133257 OR 150206 Restrictions: 237330

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Course code: 237331 Critical Understandings of Contemporary Art 15 credits

This course examines and appraises ideas that contribute to a critical understanding of contemporary art. Students will evaluate a range of content in relation to their own creative practice as well as the wider contemporary art world. The relation between artists and their processes and approaches will be explored through topics such as race, gender, intersectionality, decolonisation, popular culture, politics, social justice, and others.

Prerequisites: 15 credits from 237231, 289200, 150206, 133257, 197239

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Course code: 289300 Locating a Critical Screen Practice 15 credits

Tauira will engage with concepts and theories that allow them to critically understand their own works, practices, and positionalities as makers in Aotearoa New Zealand. By employing their growing understandings of media ethics, alongside theories of representation, power and ideology, tauira will embed their creative process with critical thinking and consider their roles and responsibilities as media makers and as the producers of screen media.

Prerequisites: 15 credits from 150206, 133257, 237231, 197239, 289200

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Course code: 298330 Cosmological Narratives within Māori Creative Expression 15 credits

This advanced-level course delves into the intricate relationship between Māori cosmological narratives and their dynamic manifestation within contemporary Māori creative expression. Through an interdisciplinary exploration that encompasses art, design, music, theatre, and dance, students will analyse the evolving role of cosmological narratives, connecting traditional wisdom to modern artistic innovation.

Prerequisites: 1 of 150206; 237230; 237231; 133257; 289200

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Integrated Design major students must take 15 credits from (Choose 15 credits from)
Choose 15 credits from
Course code: 197390 Professional Cultures in Design 3 15 credits

Develop skills and knowledge for a future career in design. Students will be supported in developing professionalism within the context of designer-client relationships.

Prerequisites: One of: 213270 298260 289250 197290 133280 Restrictions: 289350 298360 133380 213370

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Course code: 298360 Mātauranga Toi Māori 3: Creative Innovation and Community Leadership 15 credits

This course propels students into the realm of Māori Arts Innovation and Community Leadership. By synthesizing foundational knowledge with advanced theoretical frameworks, innovative artistic projects, and community leadership principles, students will refine their skills as Māori Arts Practitioners and actively contribute to the evolution of Māori arts practices within a contemporary context.

Prerequisites: one of: 213270 or 298260 or 289250 or 197290 or 133280 Restrictions: 289350 133380 197390 213370

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Part Four

Choose 60 credits from
Course code: 197830 Design Research Project: Honours 60 credits

In this course, students further develop, research and resolve the project that they proposed in their honours research development. Completed work is to a high level of resolution, making tangible links between theory and practice appropriate to the design specialization and project parameters. The completion of the research project is complemented by supplementary documentation that will position the student as a design practitioner within their specialization.

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Choose 15 credits from
Course code: 293732 Creative Practice Research Methods 15 credits

Students will advance their understanding of approaches to creative practice research, methods and theory in relation to their specific practice orientation.

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Course code: 298730 Māori Research Methodologies for Creative Practice 15 credits

Students will consider tikanga and methodologies relevant to their own creative practice, which may incorporate the use of customary and/or new technologies, innovations, and knowledge. This will include developing an understanding of tikanga, ethics and accountabilities around the use of mātauranga toi Māori, mātauranga-ā-iwi, mātauranga-ā-hapū and mātauranga-a-whānau in the development of their own creative outputs. Students will be supported to locate and articulate their own creative practice in a continuum of mātauranga toi Māori.

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Schedule B: Majors

Concept Design (165 credits)

Part One

Choose at least 15 credits from
Course code: 296157 Concept Design 1.1: Imagine 15 credits

In this studio course students will be introduced to creative and analytical thinking skills, idea generation and visualisation central to concept design as a practice. They will begin to acquire specific techniques, skills and processes for investigating and responding to imagined characters and stories through iterative drawing, referencing and digital painting.

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Course code: 296158 Concept Design 1.2: Worldbuilding 15 credits

In this studio course, students will experiment with creative and analytical thinking skills, idea generation and visualisation central to concept design as a practice. They will develop specific techniques, skills and processes for investigating and defining worldbuilding techniques through storytelling and the creative practice of iterative digital modelling, prototyping and digital matte painting.

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Part Two

Course code: 296263 Concept Design 2.1: Character and Environment 15 credits

In this studio course, students will explore and articulate creative responses to design challenges through critical awareness of character and environment design, and production. Students will develop and apply core 2D and 3D concept design skills, processes and techniques to create original character and environment designs for an entertainment license.

Prerequisites: 1 of 296157 296158 Restrictions: 296257

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Course code: 296264 Concept Design 2.2: Prop and Creature 15 credits

In this studio course, students will explore and articulate creative responses to design challenges through critical awareness of prop and creature design and production. Students will develop and apply core 2D and 3D concept design skills, processes and techniques to create original prop and creature designs for an entertainment license.

Prerequisites: 1 of: 296157 296158 or permission from the lecturer Restrictions: 296257

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Course code: 296265 Concept Design 2.3: Visualisation 15 credits

In this studio, students will collaborate to explore and articulate the relationship between narrative and design for an animation or game design context. Students will engage critically through tone, genre and aesthetic studies, applying these through their creative responses using core concept design techniques. The final output will be a curated presentation of these finished ideas with consideration of both audience, client and medium.

Prerequisites: 296157 or 296158 or permission course coordinator Restrictions: 296258

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Course code: 296266 Concept Design 2.4 Design for Fabrication 15 credits

In this studio, students will explore the design process from concept through to fabrication. Students will critically engage with the role of designer and fabricator using core concept design techniques, methods of manufacture, digital and physical fabrication techniques, and production drawings to communicate concept intention and realisation. The design will be resolved in the form of a tangible output.

Prerequisites: 296157 or 296158 or permission course coordinator Restrictions: 296258

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Part Three

Course code: 296358 Concept Design 3.3: Developing Imaginary Worlds 30 credits

Students will use worldbuilding and storytelling techniques to generate an original entertainment property that examines a contemporary wicked problem through a Science Fiction or Fantasy lens. Through the development and realisation of an advanced concept design project students will develop an understanding of the culture, ecosystem, technology and inhabitants of their world.

Prerequisites: 296367 or 296368

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Course code: 296367 Concept Design 3.1 Concepting Film and Animation 15 credits

In this studio course, students will develop a proof of concept design proposal for a given text through the comparative lens of Concept for Film and Animation. Students will establish a critical position through individual and collaborative creative exploration and articulation to expand on concept design concepts, techniques, skills and processes in the production of their creative work.

Prerequisites: At least 15 credits at 200 level with a 296 prefix or permission course coordinator Restrictions: 296357

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Course code: 296368 Concept Design 3.2: Concepting Game and Location-Based Experience 15 credits

In this studio course, students will develop a proof of concept design proposal for a given text through the comparative lens of Concept for Game and Location-Based Experience design. Students will establish a critical position through individual and collaborative creative exploration and articulation to expand on concept design concepts, techniques, skills and processes in the production of their creative work.

Prerequisites: 15 credits at 200 level with a 296 prefix or permission course coordinator Restrictions: 296357

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Part Four

Course code: 296453 Concept Design Research and Development 30 credits

Application of research methods and processes to investigate social, cultural, aesthetic and technical issues and strategies in an approved concept design project.

Prerequisites: B- average over 296358 and 237330

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Fashion Design (165 credits)

Part One

Choose at least 15 credits from
Course code: 212157 Fashion Design 1.1: Fashioning the Body 15 credits

This course introduces students to the clothing design process, exploring various technical and conceptual skills to inform and support the creative process. Students will explore the relationship between the body and cloth, and the role that clothing plays in constructing identity.

Restrictions: 197135

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Course code: 212158 Fashion Design 1.2: Introduction to Making Clothes 15 credits

This course provides students with introductory patternmaking and garment construction skills, to gain understanding of the garment development process for realising design ideas.

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Part Two

Course code: 212263 Fashion Design 2.3: Designing with Stretch Knit Fabrics 15 credits

Students will utilise the unique qualities of stretch knit fabrics to generate and realise fashion design outcomes. Through critical analysis, design principles, drawing and sampling processes, students will develop creative responses to a brief. We recommend that students wishing to take this course have a foundation in drawing, such as through 213155 Explorations in Drawing.

Prerequisites: 212157 or 212158 Restrictions: 212257

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Course code: 212264 Fashion Design 2.4: Making Clothing with Stretch Knit Fabrics 15 credits

Students will gain an understanding of the use stretch knit fabrics in fashion industry methods of patternmaking and construction. Students will apply this understanding to realise their designs through practice-based research and creative problem solving.

Prerequisites: 212157 or 212158 Restrictions: 212257

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Course code: 212265 Fashion Design 2.1: Design Development for Woven Fabrics 15 credits

In this studio course students will develop critical inquiry and fashion design practise from historical and contemporary topics. This will focus on fashion research, consumer markets, idea generation processes through communication, drawing and sampling using woven fabrics.

Prerequisites: 212157 or 212158 Restrictions: 212258

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Course code: 212266 Fashion Design 2.2: Technical Design for Woven Garment Realisation 15 credits

In this studio course students will develop their technical design skills using pattern making and construction processes, through design refinement and applied fashion industry methods for woven fabrics.

Prerequisites: 212157 or 212158 Restrictions: 212258

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Part Three

Course code: 212358 Fashion Design 3.3: Creative Fashion Exploration and Refinement 30 credits

Students will establish their critical position as a designer and identify a context that informs the development of their fashion design outcome, using a variety of materials which may include high stretch knit, woven and non-woven fabrics.

Prerequisites: 212367 or 212368 Restrictions: 212310

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Course code: 212367 Fashion Design 3.1: Fashion Industry Processes 15 credits

Students will design a collection for a proposed brand and a specified consumer market, building on their fashion industry knowledge and production development skills.

Prerequisites: 212263 Restrictions: 212357

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Course code: 212368 Fashion Design 3.2: Tailoring Methods 15 credits

Students will build on their structured garment skills through design refinement and tailoring methods to realise tailored garments.

Prerequisites: 212264 Restrictions: 212357

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Part Four

Course code: 212453 Fashion Design Research and Development 30 credits

Research methods, practices and processes for fashion design and their application through a research design project.

Prerequisites: B- average over 212358 and 237330; or B- average over 212381and 212310; or PGDipDes admission

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Industrial Design (165 credits)

Part One

Choose 15 credits from
Course code: 198157 Product and Industrial Design 1.1: An Introduction 15 credits

Focused on the development of product through a sustainability context, shaped by materials exploration, this studio provides an introduction to product and industrial design practice. Students develop creative and analytical thinking, idea generation, visualisation and making, central to three-dimensional design practice. Students will develop techniques and processes in critique, form-giving, problem solving, user-experience and affective design.

Restrictions: 197132

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Course code: 198158 Product and Industrial Design 1.2: Furniture Design 15 credits

In this studio students will develop three-dimensional design skills in making, prototyping, materiality, ergonomics and user-experience as they design and make furniture. Students will gain an understanding of the theoretical, historical and practical applications of these skills in Product and Industrial Design by exploring the development and production of furniture as products in one-off, batch or mass production contexts.

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Part Two

Course code: 198263 Product and Industrial Design 2.1: Experiential Design 15 credits

Successful design development requires the integration of individual features and functions to achieve higher levels of design integrity. In this studio course students will explore and articulate creative responses to design challenges through critical awareness of contextual issues, elevating user-experience and perceived user benefits. Students will develop and apply core techniques, skills and processes in Product and Industrial Design.

Restrictions: 198257

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Course code: 198264 Product and Industrial Design 2.2: Dynamic Workflows 15 credits

Accelerating innovation requires strategy and implementation of a range of design activities. Students will gain knowledge, integrating digital and physical three-dimensional workflows for Product and Industrial Design, used in the visualisation, making and design of tangible products. Skills in CAD modelling, rendering, concept development, output methods and presentation are gained across a range of methods synthesising digital and physical contexts.

Prerequisites: 198157 OR 198158 Restrictions: 198257

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Course code: 198265 Product and Industrial Design 2.3: Empathy, Impact and Consequence 15 credits

In this studio course students will explore and articulate creative responses to design challenges through critical inquiry and responsible design, to examine contemporary issues relevant to Industrial design in global contexts. Students will develop and apply core design techniques, skills and processes, along with an understanding of consumer research and its consequence, within the design context.

Restrictions: 198258

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Course code: 198266 Product and Industrial Design 2.4: Manufacturing Realities 15 credits

Students will move beyond designing product concepts to realisable manufactured batch production by articulating issues and considerations particular to developing products for manufacture. Considerations include robust design, design for recovery, costing, planning and manufacturing standards. Through a design and build project students explore and apply their individual and collaborative practices as required for developing a product within a user-experience context.

Prerequisites: 198157 or 198158 Restrictions: 198258

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Part Three

Course code: 198358 Product and Industrial Design 3.3: Definitive Design Practice 30 credits

In this studio students develop and realise a complex project to demonstrate proficiency in Product and Industrial Design. Students work within a defined thematic using appropriate practice methods to advance and resolve complex design challenges to produce high-quality tangible outputs. In this milestone project students gain independence, demonstrate multifaceted problem solving skills and showcase their design skill set and practice.

Prerequisites: 15 credits from 198367 or 198368 Restrictions: 198355

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Course code: 198367 Product and Industrial Design 3.1: Context Specific Project 15 credits

The landscape of Product and Industrial Design is broad in application and reach. Establishing project scope informs the development of expectations of salient outputs to a design enquiry. Students establish a critical position through individual or collaborative exploration, with opportunities for varied contextual applications. Students consolidate and expand design concepts, techniques, skills and processes in the production of their design.

Prerequisites: 198263 or 198264 or 198265 or 198266 or permission course coordinator Restrictions: 198357

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Course code: 198368 Product and Industrial Design 3.2: Industry Based Project 15 credits

In this studio students will negotiate a critical position through individual or collaborative professional practices, with opportunities to apply their specialist skills to a range of contexts. In addition to advancing Product and Industrial design concepts, techniques, skills and processes in the production of design work, students will develop and apply transferable skills relevant to professional and industry facing environments.

Prerequisites: 198263 or 198264 or 198265 or 198266 or permission course coordinator Restrictions: 198357

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Part Four

Course code: 198453 Industrial Design Research and Development 30 credits

Research methods, processes and practices for industrial design and their application through a research project.

Prerequisites: B- average over 198358 and 237330; or B- average over 198355 and 198380; or PGDipDes admission

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Integrated Design (180 credits)

Choose 15 credits from
Course code: 198157 Product and Industrial Design 1.1: An Introduction 15 credits

Focused on the development of product through a sustainability context, shaped by materials exploration, this studio provides an introduction to product and industrial design practice. Students develop creative and analytical thinking, idea generation, visualisation and making, central to three-dimensional design practice. Students will develop techniques and processes in critique, form-giving, problem solving, user-experience and affective design.

Restrictions: 197132

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Course code: 198158 Product and Industrial Design 1.2: Furniture Design 15 credits

In this studio students will develop three-dimensional design skills in making, prototyping, materiality, ergonomics and user-experience as they design and make furniture. Students will gain an understanding of the theoretical, historical and practical applications of these skills in Product and Industrial Design by exploring the development and production of furniture as products in one-off, batch or mass production contexts.

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Course code: 212157 Fashion Design 1.1: Fashioning the Body 15 credits

This course introduces students to the clothing design process, exploring various technical and conceptual skills to inform and support the creative process. Students will explore the relationship between the body and cloth, and the role that clothing plays in constructing identity.

Restrictions: 197135

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Course code: 212158 Fashion Design 1.2: Introduction to Making Clothes 15 credits

This course provides students with introductory patternmaking and garment construction skills, to gain understanding of the garment development process for realising design ideas.

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Course code: 213157 Fine Arts Studio 1.1: Art Lab 15 credits

In this studio course students will be introduced to a range of art practices. Making artworks in relation to a prescribed project, they will explore specific techniques and processes, idea generation, and creative analytical thinking. They will learn to discuss and evaluate their work and the work of their peers.

Restrictions: 197132

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Course code: 213158 Fine Arts Studio 1.2: Media and Processes 15 credits

In this studio course students will be introduced to a range of art practices. Making artworks in relation to a prescribed project, they will explore art strategies and processes, idea generation and creative and analytical thinking. They will learn to discuss and evaluate their work and the work of their peers.

Restrictions: 197131

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Course code: 221157 Photography Studio 1.1: What is Photography? 15 credits

How do we photographically ‘see’ the world? How does photography function in your world and the wider culture you live within? Through an introduction to the fundamentals of photography you will consider these questions and acquire specific skills and processes in digital photographic image making. You will use creative and analytical skills and idea generation to develop a practical project.

Restrictions: 221101

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Course code: 221158 Photography Studio 1.2: Introduction to the Darkroom 15 credits

How are analogue darkroom technologies employed in contemporary photographic practice? Through experimentation with materials and engagement with the wider world you will develop a practical project. You will be introduced to selected darkroom and wet-based analogue photographic techniques and consider how you will make them relevant to your practice.

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Course code: 222157 Visual Communication Design 1.1: Introduction to Graphic Design 15 credits

In this course students will be introduced to fundamental graphic design principles, understanding rhetorical approaches and building visual language. Students will explore a specific topic and develop content and compositions that are compelling and persuasive and communicate a clear and engaging message for both print-based, and dynamic interactive/motion graphic outputs. This course introduces core skills for all designers communicating visually.

Restrictions: 197131

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Course code: 222158 Visual Communication Design 1.2: Introduction to Typography 15 credits

In this course students will be introduced to typography, the foundational design skill of arranging type, exploring the interplay of content and meaning. Students will gain an understanding of fonts, the language of letterforms and the power of structuring written words through developing layout systems and information hierarchies to make information accessible and engaging. This course will be instrumental for all designers who deal with words and images for print, screen and beyond.

Restrictions: 197131, 222100

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Course code: 222159 Visual Communication Design 1.3: Introduction to User Experience Design and Interactivity 15 credits

In this course students will be introduced to interaction design, and develop understanding of user experience design (UX) through the design of user interfaces (UI) in a web design context. Students will gain knowledge of prototyping and user testing practices through designing a digital interface, learning how information can be effectively communicated in online media. This course will be useful for all students interested in graphic design for interactive environments.

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Course code: 223157 Textile Design 1.1: Interwoven Structures 15 credits

In this studio course students will be introduced to a range of interlacing techniques to enable exploration of surface, structure and 3D forms. Students will work with a range of hard and soft materials to develop skills in 3-dimensional ideation. This course provides a good grounding for students interested in the material intersections between spatial, fashion, industrial and textile design.

Restrictions: 197133

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Course code: 223158 Textile Design 1.2: Surface Design, Colour and Screen Print 15 credits

In this introductory studio course students will gain access to Textile studio through print processes. They will acquire specific techniques, skills, and processes through the investigation of print practice: through mark-making, colour, composition and drawing for the design and making of textiles. They will learn to discuss and evaluate their work and the work of their peers.

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Course code: 224157 Spatial Design 1.1: An Introduction 15 credits

In this studio course students will be introduced to skills and processes to design physical, temporal, and digital spatial environments. They will explore core spatial design principles of site, time, light, and movement to create a digital spatial design. Students will develop creative and analytical thinking as well as idea generation and visualisation skills for spatial design practice.

Restrictions: 197131

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Course code: 224158 Spatial Design 1.2: Immersive Experiences 15 credits

In this studio course students will be introduced to performance and inhabitation. They will investigate the relationship between individual and collective rituals and the way they shape the interaction between people, places and objects. In a live-lab environment students will engage with moving image technologies, lighting, sound and material making towards the realisation of an immersive spatial experience.

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Course code: 296157 Concept Design 1.1: Imagine 15 credits

In this studio course students will be introduced to creative and analytical thinking skills, idea generation and visualisation central to concept design as a practice. They will begin to acquire specific techniques, skills and processes for investigating and responding to imagined characters and stories through iterative drawing, referencing and digital painting.

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Course code: 296158 Concept Design 1.2: Worldbuilding 15 credits

In this studio course, students will experiment with creative and analytical thinking skills, idea generation and visualisation central to concept design as a practice. They will develop specific techniques, skills and processes for investigating and defining worldbuilding techniques through storytelling and the creative practice of iterative digital modelling, prototyping and digital matte painting.

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Course code: 298157 Toi Ᾱtea 1 15 credits

An introduction to the development of personal forms of expression though an engagement with the values, concepts, traditions, art/design forms and structures of the whare whakairo.

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Part Two

Choose 30 credits from
Course code: 198263 Product and Industrial Design 2.1: Experiential Design 15 credits

Successful design development requires the integration of individual features and functions to achieve higher levels of design integrity. In this studio course students will explore and articulate creative responses to design challenges through critical awareness of contextual issues, elevating user-experience and perceived user benefits. Students will develop and apply core techniques, skills and processes in Product and Industrial Design.

Restrictions: 198257

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Course code: 198264 Product and Industrial Design 2.2: Dynamic Workflows 15 credits

Accelerating innovation requires strategy and implementation of a range of design activities. Students will gain knowledge, integrating digital and physical three-dimensional workflows for Product and Industrial Design, used in the visualisation, making and design of tangible products. Skills in CAD modelling, rendering, concept development, output methods and presentation are gained across a range of methods synthesising digital and physical contexts.

Prerequisites: 198157 OR 198158 Restrictions: 198257

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Course code: 212263 Fashion Design 2.3: Designing with Stretch Knit Fabrics 15 credits

Students will utilise the unique qualities of stretch knit fabrics to generate and realise fashion design outcomes. Through critical analysis, design principles, drawing and sampling processes, students will develop creative responses to a brief. We recommend that students wishing to take this course have a foundation in drawing, such as through 213155 Explorations in Drawing.

Prerequisites: 212157 or 212158 Restrictions: 212257

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Course code: 212264 Fashion Design 2.4: Making Clothing with Stretch Knit Fabrics 15 credits

Students will gain an understanding of the use stretch knit fabrics in fashion industry methods of patternmaking and construction. Students will apply this understanding to realise their designs through practice-based research and creative problem solving.

Prerequisites: 212157 or 212158 Restrictions: 212257

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Course code: 221263 Photography Studio 2.1: Attributes of Light 15 credits

By engaging with the attributes of light you will become articulate in understanding and influencing photographic meaning. You will develop skills in conventional and experimental photographic lighting technologies, within and beyond the lighting studio. Through photographic or moving image work, you will employ this knowledge in a self-directed project.

Prerequisites: 221157 or 22158 Restrictions: 221257

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Course code: 221264 Photography Studio 2.2: Fact and Fantasy 15 credits

You will explore how ongoing developments in digital technologies within wider visual culture affect photography and lens-based practice. Working with Photoshop and related technologies, you will apply research and experimentation to your own and others work. You will consider how an understanding of the discourse around digital photographic technologies and how photography functions as a language will impact your practice.

Prerequisites: 221157 Restrictions: 221257

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Course code: 222263 Visual Communication Design 2.1: Graphic Design: Type and Image Systems 15 credits

In this course students will explore strategies for developing a visual language using type and image. Students will design a printed publication using flexible and cohesive graphic systems for the meaningful, logical and consistent organisation of information on a page. This course develops skills that can be applied to any aesthetic, project or media across print and digital outputs.

Prerequisites: 222157 or 222158 or 222159 Restrictions: 222257

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Course code: 222264 Visual Communication Design 2.2: Visualising Information 15 credits

In this course, students will learn narrative and data visualisation techniques to aid audience interpretation of information in compelling and accessible ways. Students will consider different audiences and produce responses across multiple media. This course provides an opportunity to apply and extend typographic, graphic design and illustration skills, and consider how interactivity and narrative can enhance the communication of complex information.

Prerequisites: 222157 or 222158 or 222159 Restrictions: 222257

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Course code: 222265 Visual Communication Design 2.3: User Experience Design in Web and Digital Media 15 credits

In this course students will deepen their knowledge of web design and digital media concepts. Students will design a comprehensive website through a user-centred design practice, including developing information architecture appropriate to a large-scale website. Students will develop their user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design skills further, integrating visual communication design principles into the online environment.

Prerequisites: 222157 or 222158 or 222159 Restrictions: 222257

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Course code: 223263 Textile Design 2.1: Intro to Knit 15 credits

In this course students will gain knowledge in knitted textiles and co-creation concepts. Students will develop a range of knitted samples and be introduced to dye techniques for wool yarns. Students interested in constructed materials will find that the course helps them develop understanding of how interlocking loops can be manipulated for multiple applications.

Restrictions: 223257

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Course code: 223264 Textile Design 2.2: Intro to Print, Colouration and Pattern 15 credits

An introduction to Textile surface pattern design and sustainable and commercial screen print processes. Students will find that this course helps them develop and translate ideas by exploring various colouration processes and textile repeat structures.

Restrictions: 223257

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Course code: 224263 Spatial Design 2.1: Place and Community 15 credits

In this studio course students will explore and design spaces for communities. Through an adaptive reuse project students learn about strategies for community engagement and urban experiences to begin to understand the importance of co-design and the shared nature of public places and facilities. Students are introduced to drawing and mapping techniques for spatial design practice including site analysis, architectural drawing conventions and 3D visualisations.

Prerequisites: 224157 or 224158 Restrictions: 224257

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Course code: 224264 Spatial Design 2.2: Producing Atmospheres 15 credits

In this studio course students will explore sensory perception in physical and digital space. They will develop an understanding of the production of atmospheres and experiences through investigations of bodies, space and light. In a live-lab environment, students will work between physical and digital modalities and apply immersive technologies to generate spatial installations.

Prerequisites: 224157 or 224158 Restrictions: 224257

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Course code: 296263 Concept Design 2.1: Character and Environment 15 credits

In this studio course, students will explore and articulate creative responses to design challenges through critical awareness of character and environment design, and production. Students will develop and apply core 2D and 3D concept design skills, processes and techniques to create original character and environment designs for an entertainment license.

Prerequisites: 1 of 296157 296158 Restrictions: 296257

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Course code: 296264 Concept Design 2.2: Prop and Creature 15 credits

In this studio course, students will explore and articulate creative responses to design challenges through critical awareness of prop and creature design and production. Students will develop and apply core 2D and 3D concept design skills, processes and techniques to create original prop and creature designs for an entertainment license.

Prerequisites: 1 of: 296157 296158 or permission from the lecturer Restrictions: 296257

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Course code: 298263 Toi Atea 2 15 credits

The development of individual work that grows out of the investigation of a select range of Māori concepts, art forms, imagery, values and approaches that reflect a Māori world view.

Prerequisites: 298157

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Choose 30 credits from
Course code: 198265 Product and Industrial Design 2.3: Empathy, Impact and Consequence 15 credits

In this studio course students will explore and articulate creative responses to design challenges through critical inquiry and responsible design, to examine contemporary issues relevant to Industrial design in global contexts. Students will develop and apply core design techniques, skills and processes, along with an understanding of consumer research and its consequence, within the design context.

Restrictions: 198258

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Course code: 198266 Product and Industrial Design 2.4: Manufacturing Realities 15 credits

Students will move beyond designing product concepts to realisable manufactured batch production by articulating issues and considerations particular to developing products for manufacture. Considerations include robust design, design for recovery, costing, planning and manufacturing standards. Through a design and build project students explore and apply their individual and collaborative practices as required for developing a product within a user-experience context.

Prerequisites: 198157 or 198158 Restrictions: 198258

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Course code: 212265 Fashion Design 2.1: Design Development for Woven Fabrics 15 credits

In this studio course students will develop critical inquiry and fashion design practise from historical and contemporary topics. This will focus on fashion research, consumer markets, idea generation processes through communication, drawing and sampling using woven fabrics.

Prerequisites: 212157 or 212158 Restrictions: 212258

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Course code: 212266 Fashion Design 2.2: Technical Design for Woven Garment Realisation 15 credits

In this studio course students will develop their technical design skills using pattern making and construction processes, through design refinement and applied fashion industry methods for woven fabrics.

Prerequisites: 212157 or 212158 Restrictions: 212258

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Course code: 221265 Photography Studio 2.3: The Living Archive 15 credits

Engaging with practice-based learning informed by research and experimentation you will explore the photographic archive as a cultural repository. Investigating social, political, personal, and historical uses of photography you will respond to an archive through a creative photographic project. Content includes principles of archival collection and management, film scanning and creative use of archival material.

Restrictions: 221258

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Course code: 221266 Photography Studio 2.4: Photography, Representation and the Gaze 15 credits

How can creative practitioners formulate positions on critical issues associated with photographic representation and agency? You will develop strategic and ethically based explorations for a practical photographic outcome honouring the complexities of your chosen subject. You consider issues specific to making photographs in 21st century Aotearoa, including Te Tiriti, the gendered gaze and representation of people and whenua.

Restrictions: 221258

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Course code: 222266 Visual Communication Design 2.4: Brand Communication 15 credits

This course explores a designer’s role in creating, developing, positioning and implementing a brand. Students will create a visual identity system applied across print, packaging and promotional touchpoints. Learn about brand positioning, audience profiling and persuasive strategies alongside processes for logo identity design.

Prerequisites: 222157 or 222158 or 222159 Restrictions: 222258

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Course code: 222267 Visual Communication Design 2.5: Illustration Practice 15 credits

In this course students will explore illustration as both art form and as a powerful medium for design communication and storytelling. Students will develop and apply techniques, skills and processes to create illustrations for a range of topics and audiences, which engage, inspire and provoke.

Prerequisites: 222157 or 222158 or 222159 Restrictions: 222258

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Course code: 222268 Visual Communication Design 2.6: Transmedia and Motion Graphics 15 credits

In this course students will explore how visual language can be applied across different media to engage, inform and enable. Students will create a cohesive visual narrative to work across print and digital media. This will appeal to students interested in branding, marketing, transmedia narrative and motion design. It also provides excellent opportunities for innovative application of illustration and typographic design.

Prerequisites: 222157 or 222158 or 222159 Restrictions: 222258

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Course code: 223265 Textile Design 2.3: Intro to Weave 15 credits

Students will gain knowledge of fibre and yarn properties and create a range of woven and hand embroidered textiles. Students interested in communicating through cloth will find that the course helps them to translate intangible resonances into textile designs.

Restrictions: 223258

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Course code: 223266 Textile Design 2.4: Digital Textile Print and Application 15 credits

Students interested in digital processes for textile design will be introduced to digital print, digital embroidery processes, advanced repeat systems for textile surface design and an introduction to industry trends, market and collection building.

Restrictions: 223258

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Course code: 224265 Spatial Design 2.3: Adaptive Interiors 15 credits

In this studio course students will investigate a range of adaptive reuse and spatial planning strategies through digital and physical modelling. They will develop an understanding of the dynamic relationship between communities, built environments and their spatial requirements to design an interior architectural mixed-use space. Students will gain knowledge of building materials, codes and structures alongside skills in creating architectural drawings.

Prerequisites: 224157 or 224158 Restrictions: 224258

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Course code: 224266 Spatial Design 2.4: Material Matters 15 credits

In this studio course students will investigate materials, how they matter and their application in the built environment. They will explore materials and light to develop processes and concepts for the creation of spatial experiences. Students will gain knowledge about material specification and detailing, surface finishes, architectural lighting codes, acoustics and the conventions employed to express and communicate these.

Prerequisites: 224157 or 224158 Restrictions: 224258

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Course code: 296265 Concept Design 2.3: Visualisation 15 credits

In this studio, students will collaborate to explore and articulate the relationship between narrative and design for an animation or game design context. Students will engage critically through tone, genre and aesthetic studies, applying these through their creative responses using core concept design techniques. The final output will be a curated presentation of these finished ideas with consideration of both audience, client and medium.

Prerequisites: 296157 or 296158 or permission course coordinator Restrictions: 296258

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Course code: 296266 Concept Design 2.4 Design for Fabrication 15 credits

In this studio, students will explore the design process from concept through to fabrication. Students will critically engage with the role of designer and fabricator using core concept design techniques, methods of manufacture, digital and physical fabrication techniques, and production drawings to communicate concept intention and realisation. The design will be resolved in the form of a tangible output.

Prerequisites: 296157 or 296158 or permission course coordinator Restrictions: 296258

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Part Three

Choose 30 credits from
Course code: 198367 Product and Industrial Design 3.1: Context Specific Project 15 credits

The landscape of Product and Industrial Design is broad in application and reach. Establishing project scope informs the development of expectations of salient outputs to a design enquiry. Students establish a critical position through individual or collaborative exploration, with opportunities for varied contextual applications. Students consolidate and expand design concepts, techniques, skills and processes in the production of their design.

Prerequisites: 198263 or 198264 or 198265 or 198266 or permission course coordinator Restrictions: 198357

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Course code: 198368 Product and Industrial Design 3.2: Industry Based Project 15 credits

In this studio students will negotiate a critical position through individual or collaborative professional practices, with opportunities to apply their specialist skills to a range of contexts. In addition to advancing Product and Industrial design concepts, techniques, skills and processes in the production of design work, students will develop and apply transferable skills relevant to professional and industry facing environments.

Prerequisites: 198263 or 198264 or 198265 or 198266 or permission course coordinator Restrictions: 198357

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Course code: 212367 Fashion Design 3.1: Fashion Industry Processes 15 credits

Students will design a collection for a proposed brand and a specified consumer market, building on their fashion industry knowledge and production development skills.

Prerequisites: 212263 Restrictions: 212357

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Course code: 212368 Fashion Design 3.2: Tailoring Methods 15 credits

Students will build on their structured garment skills through design refinement and tailoring methods to realise tailored garments.

Prerequisites: 212264 Restrictions: 212357

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Course code: 221367 Photography Studio 3.1: The Photobook and Narrative 15 credits

In this course we investigate the photographic book as a vehicle for exploring visual narrative. You will develop a self-directed theme into a photographic project, experiment with materiality, and construct a photobook. Visual language will be informed by encounters with innovative published work and consideration of audience. The course covers methods and strategies for book design, material considerations and production.

Prerequisites: 221157 or 221158 or 221263 or 221264 or 221265 or 221266 Restrictions: 221357

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Course code: 221368 Photography Studio 3.2: Post Photography 15 credits

Engaging with practice-based learning informed by research and experimentation you will extend photographic technologies and their possibilities. You will creatively engage with a self-selected photographic technology, considering both historical and current photographic approaches. Digital, moving image, lighting studio and analogue technologies can all be used within individual projects. Advanced analogue photography workshops will be delivered.

Prerequisites: 22157 or 221158 or 221263 or 221264 Restrictions: 221357

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Course code: 222367 Visual Communication Design 3.1: Editorial Design and Production 15 credits

In this course students will extend skills for managing complex editorial content for a curated reading experiences. Students will find that this course helps them develop their skills in typographic detailing, document structure, grids and hierarchy, alongside hands-on format, print-finishing and binding techniques. This course will be valuable for students interested in book/publication design, and those wanting to advance their typographic skills for any medium.

Prerequisites: 15 credits from 2222xx courses Restrictions: 222357

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Course code: 222368 Visual Communication Design 3.2: Brand Communication Identity and Narrative 15 credits

In this course, students will extend their understanding of the role of branding in the context of the overall marketing and communication mix. Working with a studio group, students will create a cohesive brand narrative and apply it across a comprehensive range of touchpoints. This will be of particular appeal to students interested in branding, marketing and transmedia narrative, with opportunities for detailed exploration and application of graphic design, typography, motion graphics, photography, illustration and video.

Prerequisites: 15 credits from 2222xx courses Restrictions: 222357

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Course code: 222369 Visual Communication Design 3.3: User Experience Design: Service, Experience and Interaction 15 credits

In this course students will extend their knowledge of web, service and experience design. Students will apply a robust user centred design process to create a comprehensive digital service through experience design. This course will be valuable to those interested in advancing their graphic design and service and experience design skills through digital media practice.

Prerequisites: 15 credits from 2222xx courses Restrictions: 222357

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Course code: 222372 Visual Communication Design 3.4: Creating Visual Narrative Content 15 credits

In this course students will expand their content creation practice. Explore professional ways of generating, translating and presenting ideas and narratives into expressive and engaging visual forms for specific audiences. Outputs may include analogue or digital responses, encompassing illustration, moving image, graphic design, and digital interactive interfaces.

Prerequisites: 15 credits from 2222xx courses Restrictions: 222357

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Course code: 223367 Textile Design 3.1: Advanced Textile Structures 15 credits

In this studio course students will extend their competency of textile structures through advanced weaving and knit technology, such as digital technologies and jacquard weaving. Gaining knowledge of warp design and material testing, students will produce collections of knitted and woven textiles to address current and future needs, problems or opportunities.

Prerequisites: 223263 or 223265 Restrictions: 223357

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Course code: 223368 Textile Design 3.2: Advanced Textile Print for Collection and Industry 15 credits

Students will gain advanced technical knowledge towards large-format printing and colouration processes while innovating existing knowledge on textile repeat structures. Additional learning will include an introduction to digital visualization using various techniques. This course is a textile collection-based output.

Prerequisites: one of: 223266 223265 223264 223263 Restrictions: 223357

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Course code: 224367 Spatial Design 3.1: Regenerative Practices 15 credits

In this advanced studio course students will critically engage with spatial ecologies and regenerative practices. Through inquiry-based learning students will explore the interconnected and relational condition of communities, the built environment and landscapes. Students will consolidate and expand spatial design concepts, techniques, skills and processes in the production of their creative work.

Prerequisites: 15 credits from 2242xx courses Restrictions: 224357

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Course code: 224368 Spatial Design 3.2: Spatial Agency 15 credits

In this advanced studio course students will critically engage with spatial ecologies and the formation of agency. Through inquiry-based learning students will explore the dynamic and relational condition of cultural, social and historical concerns in spatial design practice. Students will consolidate and expand spatial design concepts, techniques, skills and processes in the production of their creative work.

Prerequisites: 15 credits from 2242xx courses Restrictions: 224357

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Course code: 296367 Concept Design 3.1 Concepting Film and Animation 15 credits

In this studio course, students will develop a proof of concept design proposal for a given text through the comparative lens of Concept for Film and Animation. Students will establish a critical position through individual and collaborative creative exploration and articulation to expand on concept design concepts, techniques, skills and processes in the production of their creative work.

Prerequisites: At least 15 credits at 200 level with a 296 prefix or permission course coordinator Restrictions: 296357

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Course code: 296368 Concept Design 3.2: Concepting Game and Location-Based Experience 15 credits

In this studio course, students will develop a proof of concept design proposal for a given text through the comparative lens of Concept for Game and Location-Based Experience design. Students will establish a critical position through individual and collaborative creative exploration and articulation to expand on concept design concepts, techniques, skills and processes in the production of their creative work.

Prerequisites: 15 credits at 200 level with a 296 prefix or permission course coordinator Restrictions: 296357

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Course code: 298367 Toi Atea 3 15 credits

Developing visual responses to the exploration of issues (social, political, environmental, global) significant to Māori people and their communities.

Prerequisites: 298263

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Choose 30 credits from
Course code: 198358 Product and Industrial Design 3.3: Definitive Design Practice 30 credits

In this studio students develop and realise a complex project to demonstrate proficiency in Product and Industrial Design. Students work within a defined thematic using appropriate practice methods to advance and resolve complex design challenges to produce high-quality tangible outputs. In this milestone project students gain independence, demonstrate multifaceted problem solving skills and showcase their design skill set and practice.

Prerequisites: 15 credits from 198367 or 198368 Restrictions: 198355

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Course code: 212358 Fashion Design 3.3: Creative Fashion Exploration and Refinement 30 credits

Students will establish their critical position as a designer and identify a context that informs the development of their fashion design outcome, using a variety of materials which may include high stretch knit, woven and non-woven fabrics.

Prerequisites: 212367 or 212368 Restrictions: 212310

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Course code: 221358 Photography Studio 3.3: Extended Photographic Practice 30 credits

Negotiating a critical position through an individual creative project, you will apply your specialist skills to a selected photographic context. In addition to extending photographic concepts, skills and processes in the production of personal creative work, you will develop and apply transferable skills relevant to creative environments. Content includes collaborative practices and output strategies relevant to future pathways. addition to advancing photographic concepts, techniques, skills and processes in the production of their creative work, students will develop and apply transferable skills relevant to professional environments.

Prerequisites: 221367 OR 221368

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Course code: 222358 Visual Communication Design 3.5: Design for Social Change 30 credits

In this course, students will develop a deep understanding of human-centered design processes that respond to the needs, preferences, and behaviours of the target audience. Students will create an innovative design strategy to address a societal issue. This course has broad appeal, offering students a high level of creative independence and an opportunity to focus on their specific area of design interest. Students are also encouraged to consider their role as a designer and how they can contribute to society in a meaningful way.

Prerequisites: 15 credits from 222367, 222368, 222369, 222372 Restrictions: 222302, 222303, 222311, 222321, 222331, 222341, 222356, 222371

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Course code: 223358 Textile Design 3.3: Studio Collections 30 credits

In this studio students will design a collection to connect with a specific audience. With opportunities for varied contextual applications, students will consolidate and expand textile design concepts, techniques, skills and processes in the production of their creative work.

Prerequisites: 223367 OR 223368 Restrictions: 223303

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Course code: 224358 Spatial Design 3.3: Advanced Spatial Practices 30 credits

In this studio course students will further develop their understanding of spatial ecologies. Students will consolidate and apply their individual spatial practice towards the design of a comprehensive spatial design proposition. In addition to advancing theoretical and practical approaches, techniques and skills in the production of their creative work, students will attain transferable skills relevant to professional environments.

Prerequisites: 224367 or 224368 Restrictions: 224352, 224371

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Course code: 296358 Concept Design 3.3: Developing Imaginary Worlds 30 credits

Students will use worldbuilding and storytelling techniques to generate an original entertainment property that examines a contemporary wicked problem through a Science Fiction or Fantasy lens. Through the development and realisation of an advanced concept design project students will develop an understanding of the culture, ecosystem, technology and inhabitants of their world.

Prerequisites: 296367 or 296368

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Part Four

Course code: 293453 Integrated Design Research and Development 30 credits

Using integrated design strategies, explore and apply methods, processes and practices through a research investigation that incorporates diverse design approaches. Students will undertake advanced research on a project of their choice.

Prerequisites: B- average over 198358, or 212358, or 221358, or 222358, or 223358, or 224358, or 296358 and 237330

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Mātauranga Toi Māori (165 credits)

Choose at least 165 credits from
Course code: 150106 Nga Hanga Whakairo: Traditional Māori Visual Art 15 credits

An introduction to the scope of Māori art with a view to recognising traditional elementary forms and their significance. Social and cultural dimensions will be considered and Māori art forms from pre-contact times to the present will be examined within the context of a dynamic and changing society.

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Course code: 150206 Ngā Momo Whakairo: Contemporary Māori Visual Art 15 credits

An interpretation of the design structures that constitute Māori art from a bicultural perspective together with an examination of the factors that determine stylistic change.

Prerequisites: 150106

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Course code: 298157 Toi Ᾱtea 1 15 credits

An introduction to the development of personal forms of expression though an engagement with the values, concepts, traditions, art/design forms and structures of the whare whakairo.

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Course code: 298160 Mātauranga Toi Māori 1: Māori Practices as a Māori Creative Practitioner 15 credits

This introductory course provides students with a foundational understanding of customary practices and values within Te Ao Māori and their relevance in contemporary Māori creative practice. Through a combination of theoretical exploration and practical engagement, students will gain insights into the cultural context shaping Māori creative expression and its significance in fostering personal and communal growth.

Restrictions: 133180 213170 197190 289150

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Course code: 298260 Mātauranga Toi Māori 2: Māori Creative Practices and Cultural Continuity 15 credits

Building upon the foundational concepts introduced in Māori Practices as a Māori Creative Practitioner, this course delves deeper into the intricate relationship between Māori creative practices and cultural continuity within Te Ao Māori. Through an advanced exploration of theoretical frameworks, hands-on creative projects, and community engagement, students will further refine their understanding of the nuanced role of Tikanga Māori in shaping contemporary Māori creative practice.

Prerequisites: One of: 298160 or 289150 or 197190 or 213170 or 133180 Restrictions: 289250 197290 213270 133280

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Course code: 298263 Toi Atea 2 15 credits

The development of individual work that grows out of the investigation of a select range of Māori concepts, art forms, imagery, values and approaches that reflect a Māori world view.

Prerequisites: 298157

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Course code: 298330 Cosmological Narratives within Māori Creative Expression 15 credits

This advanced-level course delves into the intricate relationship between Māori cosmological narratives and their dynamic manifestation within contemporary Māori creative expression. Through an interdisciplinary exploration that encompasses art, design, music, theatre, and dance, students will analyse the evolving role of cosmological narratives, connecting traditional wisdom to modern artistic innovation.

Prerequisites: 1 of 150206; 237230; 237231; 133257; 289200

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Course code: 298360 Mātauranga Toi Māori 3: Creative Innovation and Community Leadership 15 credits

This course propels students into the realm of Māori Arts Innovation and Community Leadership. By synthesizing foundational knowledge with advanced theoretical frameworks, innovative artistic projects, and community leadership principles, students will refine their skills as Māori Arts Practitioners and actively contribute to the evolution of Māori arts practices within a contemporary context.

Prerequisites: one of: 213270 or 298260 or 289250 or 197290 or 133280 Restrictions: 289350 133380 197390 213370

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Course code: 298367 Toi Atea 3 15 credits

Developing visual responses to the exploration of issues (social, political, environmental, global) significant to Māori people and their communities.

Prerequisites: 298263

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Course code: 298730 Māori Research Methodologies for Creative Practice 15 credits

Students will consider tikanga and methodologies relevant to their own creative practice, which may incorporate the use of customary and/or new technologies, innovations, and knowledge. This will include developing an understanding of tikanga, ethics and accountabilities around the use of mātauranga toi Māori, mātauranga-ā-iwi, mātauranga-ā-hapū and mātauranga-a-whānau in the development of their own creative outputs. Students will be supported to locate and articulate their own creative practice in a continuum of mātauranga toi Māori.

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Course code: 298753 Toi Atea 4 15 credits

An advanced course to focus and refine visual language and personal tikanga through negotiated projects that explore topics of direct reference to Māori people and their communities.

Prerequisites: 298367

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Photography (165 credits)

Part One

Choose at least 15 credits from
Course code: 221157 Photography Studio 1.1: What is Photography? 15 credits

How do we photographically ‘see’ the world? How does photography function in your world and the wider culture you live within? Through an introduction to the fundamentals of photography you will consider these questions and acquire specific skills and processes in digital photographic image making. You will use creative and analytical skills and idea generation to develop a practical project.

Restrictions: 221101

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Course code: 221158 Photography Studio 1.2: Introduction to the Darkroom 15 credits

How are analogue darkroom technologies employed in contemporary photographic practice? Through experimentation with materials and engagement with the wider world you will develop a practical project. You will be introduced to selected darkroom and wet-based analogue photographic techniques and consider how you will make them relevant to your practice.

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Part Two

Course code: 221263 Photography Studio 2.1: Attributes of Light 15 credits

By engaging with the attributes of light you will become articulate in understanding and influencing photographic meaning. You will develop skills in conventional and experimental photographic lighting technologies, within and beyond the lighting studio. Through photographic or moving image work, you will employ this knowledge in a self-directed project.

Prerequisites: 221157 or 22158 Restrictions: 221257

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Course code: 221264 Photography Studio 2.2: Fact and Fantasy 15 credits

You will explore how ongoing developments in digital technologies within wider visual culture affect photography and lens-based practice. Working with Photoshop and related technologies, you will apply research and experimentation to your own and others work. You will consider how an understanding of the discourse around digital photographic technologies and how photography functions as a language will impact your practice.

Prerequisites: 221157 Restrictions: 221257

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Course code: 221265 Photography Studio 2.3: The Living Archive 15 credits

Engaging with practice-based learning informed by research and experimentation you will explore the photographic archive as a cultural repository. Investigating social, political, personal, and historical uses of photography you will respond to an archive through a creative photographic project. Content includes principles of archival collection and management, film scanning and creative use of archival material.

Restrictions: 221258

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Course code: 221266 Photography Studio 2.4: Photography, Representation and the Gaze 15 credits

How can creative practitioners formulate positions on critical issues associated with photographic representation and agency? You will develop strategic and ethically based explorations for a practical photographic outcome honouring the complexities of your chosen subject. You consider issues specific to making photographs in 21st century Aotearoa, including Te Tiriti, the gendered gaze and representation of people and whenua.

Restrictions: 221258

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Part Three

Course code: 221358 Photography Studio 3.3: Extended Photographic Practice 30 credits

Negotiating a critical position through an individual creative project, you will apply your specialist skills to a selected photographic context. In addition to extending photographic concepts, skills and processes in the production of personal creative work, you will develop and apply transferable skills relevant to creative environments. Content includes collaborative practices and output strategies relevant to future pathways. addition to advancing photographic concepts, techniques, skills and processes in the production of their creative work, students will develop and apply transferable skills relevant to professional environments.

Prerequisites: 221367 OR 221368

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Course code: 221367 Photography Studio 3.1: The Photobook and Narrative 15 credits

In this course we investigate the photographic book as a vehicle for exploring visual narrative. You will develop a self-directed theme into a photographic project, experiment with materiality, and construct a photobook. Visual language will be informed by encounters with innovative published work and consideration of audience. The course covers methods and strategies for book design, material considerations and production.

Prerequisites: 221157 or 221158 or 221263 or 221264 or 221265 or 221266 Restrictions: 221357

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Course code: 221368 Photography Studio 3.2: Post Photography 15 credits

Engaging with practice-based learning informed by research and experimentation you will extend photographic technologies and their possibilities. You will creatively engage with a self-selected photographic technology, considering both historical and current photographic approaches. Digital, moving image, lighting studio and analogue technologies can all be used within individual projects. Advanced analogue photography workshops will be delivered.

Prerequisites: 22157 or 221158 or 221263 or 221264 Restrictions: 221357

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Part Four

Course code: 221453 Photography Research and Development 30 credits

Research methods, practices and processes for Photographic Design and their application.

Prerequisites: B- average over 221358 and 237330; or B- average over 221370 and 221381; or PGDipDes admission

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Spatial Design (165 credits)

Part One

Choose at least 15 credits from
Course code: 224157 Spatial Design 1.1: An Introduction 15 credits

In this studio course students will be introduced to skills and processes to design physical, temporal, and digital spatial environments. They will explore core spatial design principles of site, time, light, and movement to create a digital spatial design. Students will develop creative and analytical thinking as well as idea generation and visualisation skills for spatial design practice.

Restrictions: 197131

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Course code: 224158 Spatial Design 1.2: Immersive Experiences 15 credits

In this studio course students will be introduced to performance and inhabitation. They will investigate the relationship between individual and collective rituals and the way they shape the interaction between people, places and objects. In a live-lab environment students will engage with moving image technologies, lighting, sound and material making towards the realisation of an immersive spatial experience.

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Part Two

Course code: 224263 Spatial Design 2.1: Place and Community 15 credits

In this studio course students will explore and design spaces for communities. Through an adaptive reuse project students learn about strategies for community engagement and urban experiences to begin to understand the importance of co-design and the shared nature of public places and facilities. Students are introduced to drawing and mapping techniques for spatial design practice including site analysis, architectural drawing conventions and 3D visualisations.

Prerequisites: 224157 or 224158 Restrictions: 224257

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Course code: 224264 Spatial Design 2.2: Producing Atmospheres 15 credits

In this studio course students will explore sensory perception in physical and digital space. They will develop an understanding of the production of atmospheres and experiences through investigations of bodies, space and light. In a live-lab environment, students will work between physical and digital modalities and apply immersive technologies to generate spatial installations.

Prerequisites: 224157 or 224158 Restrictions: 224257

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Course code: 224265 Spatial Design 2.3: Adaptive Interiors 15 credits

In this studio course students will investigate a range of adaptive reuse and spatial planning strategies through digital and physical modelling. They will develop an understanding of the dynamic relationship between communities, built environments and their spatial requirements to design an interior architectural mixed-use space. Students will gain knowledge of building materials, codes and structures alongside skills in creating architectural drawings.

Prerequisites: 224157 or 224158 Restrictions: 224258

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Course code: 224266 Spatial Design 2.4: Material Matters 15 credits

In this studio course students will investigate materials, how they matter and their application in the built environment. They will explore materials and light to develop processes and concepts for the creation of spatial experiences. Students will gain knowledge about material specification and detailing, surface finishes, architectural lighting codes, acoustics and the conventions employed to express and communicate these.

Prerequisites: 224157 or 224158 Restrictions: 224258

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Part Three

Course code: 224358 Spatial Design 3.3: Advanced Spatial Practices 30 credits

In this studio course students will further develop their understanding of spatial ecologies. Students will consolidate and apply their individual spatial practice towards the design of a comprehensive spatial design proposition. In addition to advancing theoretical and practical approaches, techniques and skills in the production of their creative work, students will attain transferable skills relevant to professional environments.

Prerequisites: 224367 or 224368 Restrictions: 224352, 224371

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Course code: 224367 Spatial Design 3.1: Regenerative Practices 15 credits

In this advanced studio course students will critically engage with spatial ecologies and regenerative practices. Through inquiry-based learning students will explore the interconnected and relational condition of communities, the built environment and landscapes. Students will consolidate and expand spatial design concepts, techniques, skills and processes in the production of their creative work.

Prerequisites: 15 credits from 2242xx courses Restrictions: 224357

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Course code: 224368 Spatial Design 3.2: Spatial Agency 15 credits

In this advanced studio course students will critically engage with spatial ecologies and the formation of agency. Through inquiry-based learning students will explore the dynamic and relational condition of cultural, social and historical concerns in spatial design practice. Students will consolidate and expand spatial design concepts, techniques, skills and processes in the production of their creative work.

Prerequisites: 15 credits from 2242xx courses Restrictions: 224357

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Part Four

Course code: 224453 Spatial Design Research and Development 30 credits

Research methods, processes and practices for Spatial Design and their application through a research project.

Prerequisites: B- average over 224358 and 237330; or B- average over 224352 and 224381; or PGDipDes admission

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Textile Design (165 credits)

Part One

Choose at least 15 credits from
Course code: 223157 Textile Design 1.1: Interwoven Structures 15 credits

In this studio course students will be introduced to a range of interlacing techniques to enable exploration of surface, structure and 3D forms. Students will work with a range of hard and soft materials to develop skills in 3-dimensional ideation. This course provides a good grounding for students interested in the material intersections between spatial, fashion, industrial and textile design.

Restrictions: 197133

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Course code: 223158 Textile Design 1.2: Surface Design, Colour and Screen Print 15 credits

In this introductory studio course students will gain access to Textile studio through print processes. They will acquire specific techniques, skills, and processes through the investigation of print practice: through mark-making, colour, composition and drawing for the design and making of textiles. They will learn to discuss and evaluate their work and the work of their peers.

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Part Two

Course code: 223263 Textile Design 2.1: Intro to Knit 15 credits

In this course students will gain knowledge in knitted textiles and co-creation concepts. Students will develop a range of knitted samples and be introduced to dye techniques for wool yarns. Students interested in constructed materials will find that the course helps them develop understanding of how interlocking loops can be manipulated for multiple applications.

Restrictions: 223257

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Course code: 223264 Textile Design 2.2: Intro to Print, Colouration and Pattern 15 credits

An introduction to Textile surface pattern design and sustainable and commercial screen print processes. Students will find that this course helps them develop and translate ideas by exploring various colouration processes and textile repeat structures.

Restrictions: 223257

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Course code: 223265 Textile Design 2.3: Intro to Weave 15 credits

Students will gain knowledge of fibre and yarn properties and create a range of woven and hand embroidered textiles. Students interested in communicating through cloth will find that the course helps them to translate intangible resonances into textile designs.

Restrictions: 223258

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Course code: 223266 Textile Design 2.4: Digital Textile Print and Application 15 credits

Students interested in digital processes for textile design will be introduced to digital print, digital embroidery processes, advanced repeat systems for textile surface design and an introduction to industry trends, market and collection building.

Restrictions: 223258

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Part Three

Course code: 223358 Textile Design 3.3: Studio Collections 30 credits

In this studio students will design a collection to connect with a specific audience. With opportunities for varied contextual applications, students will consolidate and expand textile design concepts, techniques, skills and processes in the production of their creative work.

Prerequisites: 223367 OR 223368 Restrictions: 223303

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Course code: 223367 Textile Design 3.1: Advanced Textile Structures 15 credits

In this studio course students will extend their competency of textile structures through advanced weaving and knit technology, such as digital technologies and jacquard weaving. Gaining knowledge of warp design and material testing, students will produce collections of knitted and woven textiles to address current and future needs, problems or opportunities.

Prerequisites: 223263 or 223265 Restrictions: 223357

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Course code: 223368 Textile Design 3.2: Advanced Textile Print for Collection and Industry 15 credits

Students will gain advanced technical knowledge towards large-format printing and colouration processes while innovating existing knowledge on textile repeat structures. Additional learning will include an introduction to digital visualization using various techniques. This course is a textile collection-based output.

Prerequisites: one of: 223266 223265 223264 223263 Restrictions: 223357

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Part Four

Course code: 223453 Textile Design Research and Development 30 credits

Research methods processes and practices for Textile Design and their application through a research project.

Prerequisites: B- average over 223358 and 237330; or B- average over 223302 and 223303; or PGDipDes admission Restrictions: 223450, 223451

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Visual Communication Design (165 credits)

Part One

Choose at least 15 credits from
Course code: 222157 Visual Communication Design 1.1: Introduction to Graphic Design 15 credits

In this course students will be introduced to fundamental graphic design principles, understanding rhetorical approaches and building visual language. Students will explore a specific topic and develop content and compositions that are compelling and persuasive and communicate a clear and engaging message for both print-based, and dynamic interactive/motion graphic outputs. This course introduces core skills for all designers communicating visually.

Restrictions: 197131

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Course code: 222158 Visual Communication Design 1.2: Introduction to Typography 15 credits

In this course students will be introduced to typography, the foundational design skill of arranging type, exploring the interplay of content and meaning. Students will gain an understanding of fonts, the language of letterforms and the power of structuring written words through developing layout systems and information hierarchies to make information accessible and engaging. This course will be instrumental for all designers who deal with words and images for print, screen and beyond.

Restrictions: 197131, 222100

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Course code: 222159 Visual Communication Design 1.3: Introduction to User Experience Design and Interactivity 15 credits

In this course students will be introduced to interaction design, and develop understanding of user experience design (UX) through the design of user interfaces (UI) in a web design context. Students will gain knowledge of prototyping and user testing practices through designing a digital interface, learning how information can be effectively communicated in online media. This course will be useful for all students interested in graphic design for interactive environments.

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Part Two

Choose at least 60 credits from
Course code: 222263 Visual Communication Design 2.1: Graphic Design: Type and Image Systems 15 credits

In this course students will explore strategies for developing a visual language using type and image. Students will design a printed publication using flexible and cohesive graphic systems for the meaningful, logical and consistent organisation of information on a page. This course develops skills that can be applied to any aesthetic, project or media across print and digital outputs.

Prerequisites: 222157 or 222158 or 222159 Restrictions: 222257

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Course code: 222264 Visual Communication Design 2.2: Visualising Information 15 credits

In this course, students will learn narrative and data visualisation techniques to aid audience interpretation of information in compelling and accessible ways. Students will consider different audiences and produce responses across multiple media. This course provides an opportunity to apply and extend typographic, graphic design and illustration skills, and consider how interactivity and narrative can enhance the communication of complex information.

Prerequisites: 222157 or 222158 or 222159 Restrictions: 222257

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Course code: 222265 Visual Communication Design 2.3: User Experience Design in Web and Digital Media 15 credits

In this course students will deepen their knowledge of web design and digital media concepts. Students will design a comprehensive website through a user-centred design practice, including developing information architecture appropriate to a large-scale website. Students will develop their user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design skills further, integrating visual communication design principles into the online environment.

Prerequisites: 222157 or 222158 or 222159 Restrictions: 222257

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Course code: 222266 Visual Communication Design 2.4: Brand Communication 15 credits

This course explores a designer’s role in creating, developing, positioning and implementing a brand. Students will create a visual identity system applied across print, packaging and promotional touchpoints. Learn about brand positioning, audience profiling and persuasive strategies alongside processes for logo identity design.

Prerequisites: 222157 or 222158 or 222159 Restrictions: 222258

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Course code: 222267 Visual Communication Design 2.5: Illustration Practice 15 credits

In this course students will explore illustration as both art form and as a powerful medium for design communication and storytelling. Students will develop and apply techniques, skills and processes to create illustrations for a range of topics and audiences, which engage, inspire and provoke.

Prerequisites: 222157 or 222158 or 222159 Restrictions: 222258

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Course code: 222268 Visual Communication Design 2.6: Transmedia and Motion Graphics 15 credits

In this course students will explore how visual language can be applied across different media to engage, inform and enable. Students will create a cohesive visual narrative to work across print and digital media. This will appeal to students interested in branding, marketing, transmedia narrative and motion design. It also provides excellent opportunities for innovative application of illustration and typographic design.

Prerequisites: 222157 or 222158 or 222159 Restrictions: 222258

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Part Three

Choose at least 60 credits from
Course code: 222358 Visual Communication Design 3.5: Design for Social Change 30 credits

In this course, students will develop a deep understanding of human-centered design processes that respond to the needs, preferences, and behaviours of the target audience. Students will create an innovative design strategy to address a societal issue. This course has broad appeal, offering students a high level of creative independence and an opportunity to focus on their specific area of design interest. Students are also encouraged to consider their role as a designer and how they can contribute to society in a meaningful way.

Prerequisites: 15 credits from 222367, 222368, 222369, 222372 Restrictions: 222302, 222303, 222311, 222321, 222331, 222341, 222356, 222371

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Course code: 222367 Visual Communication Design 3.1: Editorial Design and Production 15 credits

In this course students will extend skills for managing complex editorial content for a curated reading experiences. Students will find that this course helps them develop their skills in typographic detailing, document structure, grids and hierarchy, alongside hands-on format, print-finishing and binding techniques. This course will be valuable for students interested in book/publication design, and those wanting to advance their typographic skills for any medium.

Prerequisites: 15 credits from 2222xx courses Restrictions: 222357

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Course code: 222368 Visual Communication Design 3.2: Brand Communication Identity and Narrative 15 credits

In this course, students will extend their understanding of the role of branding in the context of the overall marketing and communication mix. Working with a studio group, students will create a cohesive brand narrative and apply it across a comprehensive range of touchpoints. This will be of particular appeal to students interested in branding, marketing and transmedia narrative, with opportunities for detailed exploration and application of graphic design, typography, motion graphics, photography, illustration and video.

Prerequisites: 15 credits from 2222xx courses Restrictions: 222357

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Course code: 222369 Visual Communication Design 3.3: User Experience Design: Service, Experience and Interaction 15 credits

In this course students will extend their knowledge of web, service and experience design. Students will apply a robust user centred design process to create a comprehensive digital service through experience design. This course will be valuable to those interested in advancing their graphic design and service and experience design skills through digital media practice.

Prerequisites: 15 credits from 2222xx courses Restrictions: 222357

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Course code: 222372 Visual Communication Design 3.4: Creating Visual Narrative Content 15 credits

In this course students will expand their content creation practice. Explore professional ways of generating, translating and presenting ideas and narratives into expressive and engaging visual forms for specific audiences. Outputs may include analogue or digital responses, encompassing illustration, moving image, graphic design, and digital interactive interfaces.

Prerequisites: 15 credits from 2222xx courses Restrictions: 222357

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Part Four

Course code: 222453 Visual Communication Design Research and Development 30 credits

Application of research methods and processes to investigate social, cultural, aesthetic and technical issues and strategies in an approved visual communication design project.

Prerequisites: B- average over 222358 and 237330; or B- average over 222381 and one of (222302, 222311, 222321, 222331, 222341, 222356, 222371); or PGDipDes admission Restrictions: 197380 and 222451

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Schedule C: Elective courses

Course code: 197119 Coding for Creative Practice 15 credits

In this studio course students will be introduced to the fundamentals of computer programming as an art and design tool. Students will acquire basic knowledge and fundamental techniques for the creative uses of coding across a range of art and design contexts.

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Course code: 197122 Digital Fabrication 15 credits

In this studio course students will be introduced to open source and consumer software as a means to produce objects with digital fabrication tools. Through an iterative making process, students will develop an understanding of design considerations, workflows and new methods of creating using contemporary digital technologies.

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Course code: 197123 Explorations in Visualisation 15 credits

Explorations in Visualisation explores how creative practitioners comprehend, generate, and communicate ideas. The course provides students with foundational skills and techniques for representing ideas in traditional and digital media. The course will be valuable for students from any creative area who want to communicate their work and thoughts visually.

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Course code: 197124 Explorations in Materials and Making 15 credits

Explorations in Materials provides students with practices and skills to explore physical materials, surfaces and structures in their making. Students will gain hands-on creative and technical knowledge and understanding of sustainable ecologies of materials. It will appeal to students across the creative arts who want to create and work with physical materials as part of their creative practice.

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Course code: 197191 Explorations in Creative Coding and Media 15 credits

Explorations in Coding and Media explores how creative practitioners leverage computational concepts as a creative tool. Students will acquire basic knowledge and foundational techniques that can be applied across creative practice.

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Course code: 197193 Explorations in Modelling 15 credits

Gain three-dimensional literacy and confidence as you model, sculpt, 3D sketch and fabricate objects. Throughout the course you will experiment with a variety of iterative practices and processes, including sculpture and modelmaking, prototyping and testing. These approaches are applicable to a range of different creative specialisations. Throughout the course you will gain foundational skills and understanding in: • Articulating creative work and ideas as 3-dimensional objects • A range of analogue and digital 3-dimensional materials and methods. • The processes associated with different forms of 3D making

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Course code: 197194 Creative Arts Special Topic 1B 15 credits

This course focuses on a particular aspect or aspects of creative arts. Offerings change from year to year and the course may not be offered in a particular year.

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Course code: 197228 Creative Arts Special Topic 2C 15 credits

Engagement with new thinking in creative arts research through a specific lecturer-led project.

Prerequisites: Appraisal Required

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Course code: 197229 Contemporary Design Project 2B 15 credits

Engagement with new thinking in contemporary design research and production through a specific lecturer-led project.

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Course code: 197238 Interaction and Interface I 15 credits

In this studio course students will focus on issues and design considerations particular to the interface between technology and people. Principles of usability and interaction will be applied to a range of situations including hand-held, web located, environmental and spatial.

Prerequisites: 75 credits at 100 level including 198157 or 212157 or 213157 or 213158 or 221157 or 222157 or 222158 or 223157 or 224157 or 296.157 Restrictions: 198291

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Course code: 197288 Creative Collaboration 15 credits

In this course, students from a broad range of creative practices will work together to conceptualise and create innovative offerings to experience and reflect upon collaboration as creative citizens.

Prerequisites: 75 credits at 100 level

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Course code: 197291 Creative Arts Special Topic 2D 15 credits

This course focuses on a particular aspect or aspects of creative arts. Offerings change from year to year and the course may not be offered in a particular year.

Prerequisites: Appraisal Required

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Course code: 197331 Creative Arts Special Topic 3E 15 credits

This course focuses on a particular aspect or aspects of creative arts. Offerings change from year to year and the course may not be offered in a particular year.

Prerequisites: Appraisal Required

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Course code: 197332 Creative Arts Project 3A 15 credits

Engagement with new thinking in creative research through a specific lecturer-led project.

Prerequisites: Appraisal Required

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Course code: 197338 Interaction and Interface II 15 credits

In this studio course students will expand their knowledge and proficiency with specific aspects of human-technology interaction. Students will intensify their focus on areas such as small-screen interface, web-based networking, touch control, reactive environments and spatial interaction.

Prerequisites: 197238 or 198258 or 212258 or 213242 or 221258 or 222258 or 223258 or 224258 or 296258 Restrictions: 197377

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Course code: 197379 Service and Experience Design 15 credits

In this studio course students will learn and apply human-centred design processes to create a multi-dimensional response to a specific brief. Using a human-centred approach, students will negotiate the opportunities and tensions inherent in the design of services and experiences, offering original solutions that explore current paradigms (including the dynamic interplay of production and consumption).

Prerequisites: 198258 or 212258 or 213242 or 221258 or 222258 or 223258 or 224258 or 296258

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Course code: 197383 Internship 15 credits

In this course, and in partnership with the course coordinator, the student will identify an academic researcher, external group, mentor or professional to exercise and develop their creative practice while working within a direct collaborative relationship.

Prerequisites: 198258 or 212258 or 221258 or 222258 or 223258 or 224258 or 296258 Restrictions: 212326, 223326

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Course code: 197388 Creative Communities 15 credits

Students from a broad range of creative practices will work together to explore conceptual and strategic dimensions of professional practice through engagement with experts from the creative sector. Students will develop an understanding of their position as creative citizens within a broader community.

Prerequisites: 75 Credits at 200 Level Restrictions: 198481, 212425, 221382, 222382, 223425, 224382

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Course code: 197433 Designing Science Fiction 15 credits

In this studio course students will, through a process of research-informed practice, investigate design issues particular to the science fiction genre. Students will explore and expand science fiction theory and practice in the development of an original production concept.

Prerequisites: 198358 or 212358 or 213342 or 221358 or 222358 or 223358 or 224358 or 296358

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Course code: 197434 Design Awards and Competitions 15 credits

In this studio course you will develop a response to a top-level national or international design brief, award, or competition. You must apply for a specific offered module appropriate to your design specialisation or propose a competition brief to a supervising faculty member. All modules extend your skills in design research, conceptual development and advanced technical application, so that you can produce a high calibre award or competition entry.

Prerequisites: Appraisal Required

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Course code: 197435 Design for Festivals and Events 15 credits

This course focuses on developing creative work that responds to specific festival themes and locations. With a focus on practice and collaboration you will contextualise, define, develop and deliver creative outcomes for a specified festival or event.

Prerequisites: 75 credits at 300 level from the College of Creative Arts Restrictions: 197.440

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Course code: 197436 Play, Research and Design 15 credits

Advanced design research informing the meaning and methodology of play within a social, cultural or technological context. This course focuses on the development of design strategies for the formation of original Play activities, games and experiences. Students will explore ways in which Play can engage users to participate in the experience of other perspectives and challenge their worldview through active participation in a multidisciplinary Play scenario.

Prerequisites: 75 credits at 300 level from the College of Creative Arts Restrictions: 197442

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Course code: 197440 Creative Arts Project 4A 15 credits

Engagement with new thinking in creative practice research through a specific lecturer-led project.

Prerequisites: Appraisal Required

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Course code: 197441 Creative Arts Project 4B 15 credits

Engagement with new thinking in contemporary design research through a specific lecturer-led project.

Prerequisites: Appraisal Required

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Course code: 197442 Creative Arts Project 4C 15 credits

Engagement with new thinking in creative practice research through a specific lecturer-led project.

Prerequisites: Appraisal Required

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Course code: 197443 Contemporary Design Project 4D 15 credits

Engagement with new thinking in contemporary design research through a specific lecturer-led project.

Prerequisites: Appraisal Required

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Course code: 197470 Creative Ecologies 15 credits

In this studio course students will investigate how understanding “ecology” can catalyse research that may transform a current social or environmental issue. This course will engage in practices that include behavioural change frameworks, transformation design and sustainable design. A student will self-select a topic that is independently researched and results in a speculative proposal.

Prerequisites: 198358 or 212358 or 213342 or 221358 or 222358 or 223358 or 224358 or 296358

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Course code: 197471 Social Interventions Through Design 15 credits

In this studio course students will establish a critical position through theme based experimental projects exploring the intersection between diverse design practices. Students will work collaboratively and interdisciplinary to explore and combine unconventional communication design materials, methods and practices to creative interventions in public spaces.

Prerequisites: 198358 or 212358 or 213342 or 221358 or 222358 or 223358 or 224358 or 296358

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Course code: 197490 Creative Arts Special Topic 4B 15 credits

This course focuses on a particular aspect or aspects of creative arts. Offerings change from year to year and the course may not be offered in a particular year.

Prerequisites: Appraisal Required

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Course code: 197495 Creative Arts Independent Study 15 credits

Supervised independent student work on a negotiated creative arts topic involving the setting of objectives, research and /or project work and the presentation of appropriate written and/or practical outcomes.

Prerequisites: Appraisal Required

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Course code: 197499 Design Special Topic 30 credits

Prerequisites: Appraisal Required

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Course code: 198124 Explorations in Digital Asset Creation 15 credits

Learn foundational skills for creating digital 3d assets. In this course, you will be guided through hands-on creative exercises to develop the skills and knowledge required to produce digital assets that can then be inputted into various software for object-building, world-building and character building across a variety of digital platforms. The approaches and outputs in this course will benefit any creative arts students working in digital technologies. The core 3D skills you will gain include: - Understanding the creative process to make 3D assets - UV mapping – initial process of adding texture/colour to 3D work - Creating textures/colour - Digital lighting - Preparing your assets for animation Explorations in Digital Assets can be used to take your creativity to the next level - especially when paired with other Exploration and studio courses.

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Course code: 198157 Product and Industrial Design 1.1: An Introduction 15 credits

Focused on the development of product through a sustainability context, shaped by materials exploration, this studio provides an introduction to product and industrial design practice. Students develop creative and analytical thinking, idea generation, visualisation and making, central to three-dimensional design practice. Students will develop techniques and processes in critique, form-giving, problem solving, user-experience and affective design.

Restrictions: 197132

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Course code: 198158 Product and Industrial Design 1.2: Furniture Design 15 credits

In this studio students will develop three-dimensional design skills in making, prototyping, materiality, ergonomics and user-experience as they design and make furniture. Students will gain an understanding of the theoretical, historical and practical applications of these skills in Product and Industrial Design by exploring the development and production of furniture as products in one-off, batch or mass production contexts.

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Course code: 198212 Product Design Visualisation 15 credits

Introduction to visualisation techniques and processes that are used for the design of tangible products that focus on developing drawing, rendering, concept development and presentation skills across a range of software and traditional media.

Prerequisites: 75 credits at 100 level Restrictions: 198362

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Course code: 198213 Furniture Design 15 credits

In this studio course students will develop skills in the design, development and production of furniture in one-off, batch or mass production. By gaining an understanding of the theoretical, historical and practical applications of the discipline, they will produce a project for a specific design context.

Prerequisites: 75 credits at 100 level including 198157 or 212157 or 213157 or 213158 or 221157 or 222157 or 222158 or 223157 or 224157 or 296157

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Course code: 198263 Product and Industrial Design 2.1: Experiential Design 15 credits

Successful design development requires the integration of individual features and functions to achieve higher levels of design integrity. In this studio course students will explore and articulate creative responses to design challenges through critical awareness of contextual issues, elevating user-experience and perceived user benefits. Students will develop and apply core techniques, skills and processes in Product and Industrial Design.

Restrictions: 198257

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Course code: 198264 Product and Industrial Design 2.2: Dynamic Workflows 15 credits

Accelerating innovation requires strategy and implementation of a range of design activities. Students will gain knowledge, integrating digital and physical three-dimensional workflows for Product and Industrial Design, used in the visualisation, making and design of tangible products. Skills in CAD modelling, rendering, concept development, output methods and presentation are gained across a range of methods synthesising digital and physical contexts.

Prerequisites: 198157 OR 198158 Restrictions: 198257

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Course code: 198265 Product and Industrial Design 2.3: Empathy, Impact and Consequence 15 credits

In this studio course students will explore and articulate creative responses to design challenges through critical inquiry and responsible design, to examine contemporary issues relevant to Industrial design in global contexts. Students will develop and apply core design techniques, skills and processes, along with an understanding of consumer research and its consequence, within the design context.

Restrictions: 198258

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Course code: 198266 Product and Industrial Design 2.4: Manufacturing Realities 15 credits

Students will move beyond designing product concepts to realisable manufactured batch production by articulating issues and considerations particular to developing products for manufacture. Considerations include robust design, design for recovery, costing, planning and manufacturing standards. Through a design and build project students explore and apply their individual and collaborative practices as required for developing a product within a user-experience context.

Prerequisites: 198157 or 198158 Restrictions: 198258

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Course code: 198308 Industrial Design Special Topic A 15 credits

The course focuses on one specific aspect of industrial design. Offerings change from year to year or may not be offered in a particular year.

Prerequisites: Appraisal Required

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Course code: 198315 Product Development 15 credits

In this studio course students will explore and articulate issues and design considerations particular to the development of products for manufacture. Through a design and build project, students will explore and apply their individual and collaborative practices required to develop a product from concept to manufacture.

Prerequisites: 198258 or 212258 or 213242 or 221258 or 222258 or 223258 or 224258 or 296258 Restrictions: 198214

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Course code: 198320 Open Design & Digital Fabrication 15 credits

In this studio course students will utilise open design methodologies and digital fabrication tools to produce an open design project. They will explore the possibilities and articulate issues related to an open design philosophy whilst developing skills in making and digital fabrication.

Prerequisites: 198258 or 212258 or 213242 or 221258 or 222258 or 223258 or 224258 or 296258

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Course code: 198367 Product and Industrial Design 3.1: Context Specific Project 15 credits

The landscape of Product and Industrial Design is broad in application and reach. Establishing project scope informs the development of expectations of salient outputs to a design enquiry. Students establish a critical position through individual or collaborative exploration, with opportunities for varied contextual applications. Students consolidate and expand design concepts, techniques, skills and processes in the production of their design.

Prerequisites: 198263 or 198264 or 198265 or 198266 or permission course coordinator Restrictions: 198357

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Course code: 198368 Product and Industrial Design 3.2: Industry Based Project 15 credits

In this studio students will negotiate a critical position through individual or collaborative professional practices, with opportunities to apply their specialist skills to a range of contexts. In addition to advancing Product and Industrial design concepts, techniques, skills and processes in the production of design work, students will develop and apply transferable skills relevant to professional and industry facing environments.

Prerequisites: 198263 or 198264 or 198265 or 198266 or permission course coordinator Restrictions: 198357

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Course code: 198463 Industrial Design Digital Representation 15 credits

Digital design processes and their integration into design research.

Prerequisites: 198358 or Appraisal Required

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Course code: 198490 Industrial Design Special Topic C 15 credits

Prerequisites: Appraisal Required

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Course code: 198495 Industrial Design Independent Study 15 credits

Supervised independent student work on a negotiated industrial design topic involving the setting of objectives, research and /or project work and the presentation of relevant written and/or practical outcomes.

Prerequisites: Appraisal Required

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Course code: 212100 Fashion Pattern Making 15 credits

In this studio course students will be introduced to fundamental patternmaking methods through an applied 3D- 2D developmental process. Students will acquire basic skills for the creation of garment patterns for contemporary fashion design.

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Course code: 212101 Fashion Construction 15 credits

In this studio course students will be introduced to specialised apparel industrial machinery, techniques and applied processes of apparel manufacture through construction sampling and prototyping. These industrial methods will enrich understanding of design solutions for garment and product assembly and creative exploration.

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Course code: 212157 Fashion Design 1.1: Fashioning the Body 15 credits

This course introduces students to the clothing design process, exploring various technical and conceptual skills to inform and support the creative process. Students will explore the relationship between the body and cloth, and the role that clothing plays in constructing identity.

Restrictions: 197135

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Course code: 212158 Fashion Design 1.2: Introduction to Making Clothes 15 credits

This course provides students with introductory patternmaking and garment construction skills, to gain understanding of the garment development process for realising design ideas.

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Course code: 212200 Garment Block Pattern Drafting and Grading 15 credits

In this studio course students will be introduced to pattern drafting and basic size grading techniques. Through manual and digital applications, students will development an understanding of block foundation shapes and how they form the basis of garment styles.

Prerequisites: 212100 or 212257 and 60 credits at 100 level from College of Creative Arts

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Course code: 212226 Fashion Communication 15 credits

Critically explore the way in which ‘fashion’ is communicated to the world. Through creative and technical learning, and an ethical /sustainable fashion lens, students explore experimental fashion illustration, styling, fashion photography, advertising, marketing, and fashion writing through the use of visuals and text.

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Course code: 212228 Fashion Special Topic A 15 credits

A selected workshop- or studio-based aspect of fashion design. Offerings change from year to year and may not be offered in a particular year.

Prerequisites: Appraisal Required

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Course code: 212263 Fashion Design 2.3: Designing with Stretch Knit Fabrics 15 credits

Students will utilise the unique qualities of stretch knit fabrics to generate and realise fashion design outcomes. Through critical analysis, design principles, drawing and sampling processes, students will develop creative responses to a brief. We recommend that students wishing to take this course have a foundation in drawing, such as through 213155 Explorations in Drawing.

Prerequisites: 212157 or 212158 Restrictions: 212257

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Course code: 212264 Fashion Design 2.4: Making Clothing with Stretch Knit Fabrics 15 credits

Students will gain an understanding of the use stretch knit fabrics in fashion industry methods of patternmaking and construction. Students will apply this understanding to realise their designs through practice-based research and creative problem solving.

Prerequisites: 212157 or 212158 Restrictions: 212257

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Course code: 212265 Fashion Design 2.1: Design Development for Woven Fabrics 15 credits

In this studio course students will develop critical inquiry and fashion design practise from historical and contemporary topics. This will focus on fashion research, consumer markets, idea generation processes through communication, drawing and sampling using woven fabrics.

Prerequisites: 212157 or 212158 Restrictions: 212258

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Course code: 212266 Fashion Design 2.2: Technical Design for Woven Garment Realisation 15 credits

In this studio course students will develop their technical design skills using pattern making and construction processes, through design refinement and applied fashion industry methods for woven fabrics.

Prerequisites: 212157 or 212158 Restrictions: 212258

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Course code: 212304 Drape for Design 15 credits

In this studio course the student will investigate and explore creative and innovative design pattern processes through application and manipulation of fabric directly on the three dimensional form Students will expand their pattern processes through critical analysis of drape techniques with increased understanding of fabric behaviour, fit and relationship of the garment to the body.

Prerequisites: 212100 or 212257

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Course code: 212309 Contoured and Knit Apparel 15 credits

In this studio course students explore the specialised aspects of pattern development and production in the area of contoured and stretch apparel design.

Prerequisites: 212258

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Course code: 212321 Digital Applications for Fashion Production 15 credits

In this studio course students will apply their understanding of pattern production and grading methods specifically oriented to developing designs for mass manufacture.

Prerequisites: 212200 and one of 198258, 212258, 213242, 221258, 222258, 223258, 224258, 296258

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Course code: 212328 Fashion Special Topic B 15 credits

A selected workshop- or studio-based aspect of fashion design. Offerings change from year to year and may not be offered in a particular year.

Prerequisites: Appraisal Required

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Course code: 212367 Fashion Design 3.1: Fashion Industry Processes 15 credits

Students will design a collection for a proposed brand and a specified consumer market, building on their fashion industry knowledge and production development skills.

Prerequisites: 212263 Restrictions: 212357

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Course code: 212368 Fashion Design 3.2: Tailoring Methods 15 credits

Students will build on their structured garment skills through design refinement and tailoring methods to realise tailored garments.

Prerequisites: 212264 Restrictions: 212357

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Course code: 212403 Apparel Production Research 15 credits

In this studio course students will apply a research informed investigation of advanced apparel production processes. Students will expand their advanced technical knowledge through design exploration, sampling and prototyping.

Prerequisites: (212100 and 212101) or 212358

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Course code: 212495 Fashion Design Independent Study 15 credits

Supervised independent student work on a negotiated topic related to fashion or apparel involving the setting of objectives, research and /or project work and the presentation of appropriate written and/or practical outcomes.

Prerequisites: Appraisal Required

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Course code: 213150 Painting 15 credits

In this studio course students will be introduced to aspects of contemporary painting focusing on colour, surface and structure and developing an awareness of the diversity of painting mediums and techniques. While working to a brief, students are expected to undertake independent investigations and develop individual responses.

Restrictions: 213203

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Course code: 213151 Contemporary Sculpture 15 credits

In this studio course students will be introduced to aspects of contemporary sculpture with a focus on object making, the exploration of physical materials and applied processes. While working to a brief, students are expected to undertake independent investigations and develop individual responses.

Restrictions: 213204

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Course code: 213154 Contemporary Drawing 15 credits

In this studio course students will be introduced to the potential for drawing to become more than a traditional practice of representation. The course will focus on expanding students' observation skills, and modes of expression and representation, in an expanded field of contemporary art and design practice.

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Course code: 213155 Explorations in Drawing 15 credits

Explorations in Drawing introduces students to foundational techniques and practices of observational drawing, drawing as thinking, drawing for ideation. The course guides beginners and skilled practitioners alike through a variety of exercises, introducing students to practices from across the creative arts. Skills taught in this course will be useful for students in all areas creative practice.

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Course code: 213211 Fine Arts Special Topic II 15 credits

Prerequisites: Appraisal Required

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Course code: 213254 Drawing in Practice 15 credits

In this studio course students will be guided by experts, each with a focus on particular approaches and technologies of drawing. Students will experiment with these different methodologies, and critically reflect on the role of drawing within their own practice.

Prerequisites: 75 credits at 100 level from College of Creative Arts

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Course code: 213255 Drawing the Body II 15 credits

A creative response to representation of the human body through a prescribed project. Students apply a range of drawing practices and media to the development of individual work.

Prerequisites: 213155 or 197101 Restrictions: 197200

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Course code: 213256 Creative Arts Project 2A 15 credits

Engagement with new thinking in creative practice research through a specific lecturer-led project.

Prerequisites: 75 credits at 100 level from College of Creative Arts

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Course code: 213257 Creative Arts Project 2B 15 credits

Engagement with new thinking in creative research through a specific lecturer-led project.

Prerequisites: 75 credits at 100 level from College of Creative Arts

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Course code: 213258 Creative Arts Project 2C 15 credits

Engagement with new thinking in creative research through a specific lecturer-led project.

Prerequisites: 75 credits at 100 level from College of Creative Arts

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Course code: 213259 Contemporary Art Projects D 15 credits

Engagement with new thinking in contemporary art research through a specific lecturer-led project.

Prerequisites: 75 credits at 100 level from College of Creative Arts

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Course code: 213260 Fine Arts Special Topic IIB 30 credits
Course code: 213261 Contemporary Art Projects F 15 credits

Engagement with new thinking in contemporary art research through a specific lecturer-led project.

Prerequisites: 75 credits at 100-level from College of Creative Arts

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Course code: 213262 Creative Arts Project 2D 15 credits

Engagement with new thinking in creative research through a specific lecturer-led project.

Prerequisites: 75 credits at 100-level from College of Creative Arts

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Course code: 213263 Contemporary Art Projects H 15 credits

Engagement with new thinking in contemporary art research through a specific lecturer-led project.

Prerequisites: 75 credits at 100-level from College of Creative Arts

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Course code: 213264 Contemporary Art Projects I 15 credits

Engagement with new thinking in contemporary art research through a specific lecturer-led project.

Prerequisites: 75 credits at 100-level from College of Creative Arts

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Course code: 213265 Contemporary Art Projects J 15 credits

Engagement with new thinking in contemporary art research through a specific lecturer-led project.

Prerequisites: 75 credits at 100-level from College of Creative Arts

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Course code: 213311 Creative Arts Project 3B 15 credits

Engagement with new thinking in creative practice research through a specific lecturer-led project.

Prerequisites: Appraisal Required

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Course code: 213356 Creative Arts Project 3C 15 credits

Engagement with new thinking in creative practice research through a specific lecturer-led project.

Prerequisites: 75 credits at 200 level from College of Creative Arts

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Course code: 213358 Fine Arts Internship 15 credits

A negotiated programme of study that provides students with the opportunity to gain experience and practice by working alongside visual arts professionals. Students work through self-directed inquiry and collaboration (as appropriate) towards the development of a project and assigned tasks within the professional environment. Prior approval by the course Coordinator is required.

Prerequisites: 60 credits at 200 level from the College of Creative Arts Restrictions: 213412

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Course code: 213359 Contemporary Art Projects K 15 credits

Engagement with new thinking in contemporary art research through a specific lecturer-led project.

Prerequisites: 75 credits at 200-level from College of Creative Arts

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Course code: 213360 Fine Arts Special Topic IIIB 30 credits
Course code: 213411 Creative Arts Special Topic 4A 15 credits

This course focuses on a particular aspect or aspects of creative arts. Offerings change from year to year and the course may not be offered in a particular year.

Prerequisites: Appraisal Required

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Course code: 213464 Art in Context 15 credits

The course will discuss, critique and apply a range of exhibition, dissemination and publication conventions and practices within the context of contemporary art including art galleries, social practice, temporary and permanent artworks, public art, publishing, screenings and events

Prerequisites: 75 credits at 300-level

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Course code: 221100 Photography as an Agent of Change 15 credits

In this studio course students from all disciplines will gain a grounding in photographic technologies and how they can be utilised in contemporary photographic practice. Students will explore the ongoing relationship photography has with social and political issues.

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Course code: 221157 Photography Studio 1.1: What is Photography? 15 credits

How do we photographically ‘see’ the world? How does photography function in your world and the wider culture you live within? Through an introduction to the fundamentals of photography you will consider these questions and acquire specific skills and processes in digital photographic image making. You will use creative and analytical skills and idea generation to develop a practical project.

Restrictions: 221101

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Course code: 221158 Photography Studio 1.2: Introduction to the Darkroom 15 credits

How are analogue darkroom technologies employed in contemporary photographic practice? Through experimentation with materials and engagement with the wider world you will develop a practical project. You will be introduced to selected darkroom and wet-based analogue photographic techniques and consider how you will make them relevant to your practice.

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Course code: 221220 Photography and the Studio 15 credits

In this studio course students will learn controlled lighting techniques (in the studio and on location). They will develop a self-initiated lighting project in order to enrich other strands of their creative practice.

Prerequisites: 75 credits at 100 level

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Course code: 221221 Photography and Digital Practices I 15 credits

In this studio course students will be introduced to photographic digital image manipulation techniques within a broader discussion of the veracity and consumption of digital photographs. They will develop a self-initiated project in response to their specific area of creative practice.

Prerequisites: 75 credits at 100 level Restrictions: 221272

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Course code: 221222 Photography and the Darkroom 15 credits

In this studio course students will be introduced to a variety of photographic analogue processes, which they will employ to produce a body of work. Selected darkroom and wet-based photographic techniques will be explored.

Prerequisites: 75 credits at 100 level Restrictions: 221271

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Course code: 221263 Photography Studio 2.1: Attributes of Light 15 credits

By engaging with the attributes of light you will become articulate in understanding and influencing photographic meaning. You will develop skills in conventional and experimental photographic lighting technologies, within and beyond the lighting studio. Through photographic or moving image work, you will employ this knowledge in a self-directed project.

Prerequisites: 221157 or 22158 Restrictions: 221257

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Course code: 221264 Photography Studio 2.2: Fact and Fantasy 15 credits

You will explore how ongoing developments in digital technologies within wider visual culture affect photography and lens-based practice. Working with Photoshop and related technologies, you will apply research and experimentation to your own and others work. You will consider how an understanding of the discourse around digital photographic technologies and how photography functions as a language will impact your practice.

Prerequisites: 221157 Restrictions: 221257

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Course code: 221265 Photography Studio 2.3: The Living Archive 15 credits

Engaging with practice-based learning informed by research and experimentation you will explore the photographic archive as a cultural repository. Investigating social, political, personal, and historical uses of photography you will respond to an archive through a creative photographic project. Content includes principles of archival collection and management, film scanning and creative use of archival material.

Restrictions: 221258

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Course code: 221266 Photography Studio 2.4: Photography, Representation and the Gaze 15 credits

How can creative practitioners formulate positions on critical issues associated with photographic representation and agency? You will develop strategic and ethically based explorations for a practical photographic outcome honouring the complexities of your chosen subject. You consider issues specific to making photographs in 21st century Aotearoa, including Te Tiriti, the gendered gaze and representation of people and whenua.

Restrictions: 221258

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Course code: 221291 Photography Special Topic A 15 credits

This course focuses upon one specific aspect of photography. Offerings change from year to year and may not be offered in either or both semesters.

Prerequisites: Appraisal Required

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Course code: 221320 Photography and the Body 15 credits

This studio course engages with the human form as subject in photography and examines principles of lighting. It also explores the history of representation of the human form, taking in photographic portraiture and approaches to fashion photography along with the central and sometimes controversial history of the nude.

Prerequisites: 221157 or 198258 or 212258 or 213242 or 221258 or 222258 or 223258 or 224258

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Course code: 221321 Photography and Digital Practices II 15 credits

This studio course provides students from all disciplines with advanced knowledge in digital photographic technologies and how they can be utilised in contemporary photographic practice. Particular attention will be paid to colour theory, colour management and advanced photographic manipulation and output strategies.

Prerequisites: 221221 or 221257 or 221258

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Course code: 221322 Photography and the Advanced Darkroom 15 credits

Engage with the histories of photography by applying analogue processes in studio. Workshops will include cyanotype and advanced darkroom printing, as well as the construction of digital negatives. We will also visit photographic archives to study original materials. All of which will help you create an experimental final project using methods of your choice.

Prerequisites: 1 of 221222 or 221258

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Course code: 221367 Photography Studio 3.1: The Photobook and Narrative 15 credits

In this course we investigate the photographic book as a vehicle for exploring visual narrative. You will develop a self-directed theme into a photographic project, experiment with materiality, and construct a photobook. Visual language will be informed by encounters with innovative published work and consideration of audience. The course covers methods and strategies for book design, material considerations and production.

Prerequisites: 221157 or 221158 or 221263 or 221264 or 221265 or 221266 Restrictions: 221357

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Course code: 221368 Photography Studio 3.2: Post Photography 15 credits

Engaging with practice-based learning informed by research and experimentation you will extend photographic technologies and their possibilities. You will creatively engage with a self-selected photographic technology, considering both historical and current photographic approaches. Digital, moving image, lighting studio and analogue technologies can all be used within individual projects. Advanced analogue photography workshops will be delivered.

Prerequisites: 22157 or 221158 or 221263 or 221264 Restrictions: 221357

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Course code: 221391 Photography Special Topic B 15 credits

This course focuses upon one specific aspect of photography. Offerings change from year to year and may not be offered in either or both semesters.

Prerequisites: Appraisal Required

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Course code: 221456 Photography and the Archive 15 credits

A studio-based course that examines photography's engagement with the 'archive' as a cultural repository. Students will investigate the social, political and historical uses of archives through photography.

Prerequisites: 221358 or 198358 or 212358 or 213342 or 222358 or 223358 or 224358 or 296358

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Course code: 221457 Photography and Visuality 15 credits

A studio-based course that examines photography’s historical and contemporary relationships with vision and visuality. Students will discuss the impact of visual representations on contemporary life and they will develop this discussion through verbal presentations, written work and in the execution of a body of experimental photographic images.

Prerequisites: 237330 or 237331 or 221381 or Appraisal Required

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Course code: 221495 Photography Independent Study 15 credits

Supervised independent student work on a negotiated topic related to photography involving the setting of objectives, research and/or project work and the presentation of appropriate written and/or practical outcomes.

Prerequisites: Appraisal Required

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Course code: 222104 Printmaking 15 credits

In this studio course students will focus on issues and design considerations particular to printmaking. Students will acquire specific printmaking techniques, skills and processes to gain competence in this hands-on medium.

Restrictions: 222209

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Course code: 222157 Visual Communication Design 1.1: Introduction to Graphic Design 15 credits

In this course students will be introduced to fundamental graphic design principles, understanding rhetorical approaches and building visual language. Students will explore a specific topic and develop content and compositions that are compelling and persuasive and communicate a clear and engaging message for both print-based, and dynamic interactive/motion graphic outputs. This course introduces core skills for all designers communicating visually.

Restrictions: 197131

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Course code: 222158 Visual Communication Design 1.2: Introduction to Typography 15 credits

In this course students will be introduced to typography, the foundational design skill of arranging type, exploring the interplay of content and meaning. Students will gain an understanding of fonts, the language of letterforms and the power of structuring written words through developing layout systems and information hierarchies to make information accessible and engaging. This course will be instrumental for all designers who deal with words and images for print, screen and beyond.

Restrictions: 197131, 222100

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Course code: 222159 Visual Communication Design 1.3: Introduction to User Experience Design and Interactivity 15 credits

In this course students will be introduced to interaction design, and develop understanding of user experience design (UX) through the design of user interfaces (UI) in a web design context. Students will gain knowledge of prototyping and user testing practices through designing a digital interface, learning how information can be effectively communicated in online media. This course will be useful for all students interested in graphic design for interactive environments.

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Course code: 222208 Letterpress 15 credits

In this studio course students will explore and articulate issues and design considerations particular to letterpress technologies. Students will develop and apply techniques, skills and processes in letterpress typography and print production.

Prerequisites: 75 credits at 100 level

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Course code: 222215 Brand Communication 15 credits

In this studio course students will learn history and methods particular to practices of brand positioning and marketing communication. Students will apply fundamentals of brand strategy to the process of differentiating branded offerings through design.

Prerequisites: 75 credits at 100 level from College of Creative Arts or 75 credits at 100 level including 115116 or 115104

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Course code: 222225 Narrative Illustration 15 credits

In this studio course students will explore and articulate issues and creative considerations particular to narration and narrative theory. Students will develop and apply techniques, skills and processes in the use of storytelling in their creative practice.

Prerequisites: 75 credits at 100 level from College of Creative Arts

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Course code: 222232 Illustrated Characters 15 credits

In this studio course students will explore the unique area of character creation, design and production. Following an investigative process, students will develop an original character that is meaningfully placed within a social or fantastical context.

Prerequisites: 75 credits at 100 level from College of Creative Arts

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Course code: 222248 Typographic Systems 15 credits

In this studio course students will explore and articulate issues and design considerations particular to managing complex information. Students will develop and apply techniques, skills and processes in communicating through text, symbol, colour and form.

Prerequisites: 75 credits at 100 level from College of Creative Arts including 222158

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Course code: 222263 Visual Communication Design 2.1: Graphic Design: Type and Image Systems 15 credits

In this course students will explore strategies for developing a visual language using type and image. Students will design a printed publication using flexible and cohesive graphic systems for the meaningful, logical and consistent organisation of information on a page. This course develops skills that can be applied to any aesthetic, project or media across print and digital outputs.

Prerequisites: 222157 or 222158 or 222159 Restrictions: 222257

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Course code: 222264 Visual Communication Design 2.2: Visualising Information 15 credits

In this course, students will learn narrative and data visualisation techniques to aid audience interpretation of information in compelling and accessible ways. Students will consider different audiences and produce responses across multiple media. This course provides an opportunity to apply and extend typographic, graphic design and illustration skills, and consider how interactivity and narrative can enhance the communication of complex information.

Prerequisites: 222157 or 222158 or 222159 Restrictions: 222257

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Course code: 222265 Visual Communication Design 2.3: User Experience Design in Web and Digital Media 15 credits

In this course students will deepen their knowledge of web design and digital media concepts. Students will design a comprehensive website through a user-centred design practice, including developing information architecture appropriate to a large-scale website. Students will develop their user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design skills further, integrating visual communication design principles into the online environment.

Prerequisites: 222157 or 222158 or 222159 Restrictions: 222257

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Course code: 222266 Visual Communication Design 2.4: Brand Communication 15 credits

This course explores a designer’s role in creating, developing, positioning and implementing a brand. Students will create a visual identity system applied across print, packaging and promotional touchpoints. Learn about brand positioning, audience profiling and persuasive strategies alongside processes for logo identity design.

Prerequisites: 222157 or 222158 or 222159 Restrictions: 222258

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Course code: 222267 Visual Communication Design 2.5: Illustration Practice 15 credits

In this course students will explore illustration as both art form and as a powerful medium for design communication and storytelling. Students will develop and apply techniques, skills and processes to create illustrations for a range of topics and audiences, which engage, inspire and provoke.

Prerequisites: 222157 or 222158 or 222159 Restrictions: 222258

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Course code: 222268 Visual Communication Design 2.6: Transmedia and Motion Graphics 15 credits

In this course students will explore how visual language can be applied across different media to engage, inform and enable. Students will create a cohesive visual narrative to work across print and digital media. This will appeal to students interested in branding, marketing, transmedia narrative and motion design. It also provides excellent opportunities for innovative application of illustration and typographic design.

Prerequisites: 222157 or 222158 or 222159 Restrictions: 222258

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Course code: 222326 Sequential Art 15 credits

In this studio course students will learn how to create visual narratives in sequential form. The emphasis will be on visual narrative construction for the picture book, with some contextual history of the genre. Production aspects include analogue and design techniques, continuity and image and text relationships.

Prerequisites: 198258 or 212258 or 213242 or 221258 or 222220 or 222230 or 222258 or 223258 or 224258 or 296258

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Course code: 222333 Concept Design for Imaginary Worlds 15 credits

In this studio course students will learn how to represent ideas, characters, moods, scenes and scenarios which could be used in film, games or animations. Within this area of pre-production students will use both divergent and convergent approaches that will result in multiple concept options as well as technically resolved images.

Prerequisites: 296257 or 222232 or 222225 or Appraisal Required

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Course code: 222347 Editorial Design 15 credits

In this studio course students will explore and articulate design considerations particular to managing editorial content. Students will develop and apply techniques, skills and processes in communicating through advanced typographic techniques and image composition.

Prerequisites: 222158 OR 222248, AND one of 198257, 198258, 212257, 212258, 213241, 213242 221257, 221258, 222257, 222258, 223257, 223258, 224257, 224258, 296257, 296258

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Course code: 222348 Narrative Information Design 15 credits

In this studio course students will explore information design concepts and expand information design theory and practice. Complex information will be interpreted and translated into precise and accessible form for specific audiences.

Prerequisites: 222.158 OR 222.248, AND one of 198257, 198258, 212257, 212258, 213241, 213242 221257, 221258, 222257, 222258, 223257, 223258, 224257, 224258, 296257, 296258

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Course code: 222367 Visual Communication Design 3.1: Editorial Design and Production 15 credits

In this course students will extend skills for managing complex editorial content for a curated reading experiences. Students will find that this course helps them develop their skills in typographic detailing, document structure, grids and hierarchy, alongside hands-on format, print-finishing and binding techniques. This course will be valuable for students interested in book/publication design, and those wanting to advance their typographic skills for any medium.

Prerequisites: 15 credits from 2222xx courses Restrictions: 222357

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Course code: 222368 Visual Communication Design 3.2: Brand Communication Identity and Narrative 15 credits

In this course, students will extend their understanding of the role of branding in the context of the overall marketing and communication mix. Working with a studio group, students will create a cohesive brand narrative and apply it across a comprehensive range of touchpoints. This will be of particular appeal to students interested in branding, marketing and transmedia narrative, with opportunities for detailed exploration and application of graphic design, typography, motion graphics, photography, illustration and video.

Prerequisites: 15 credits from 2222xx courses Restrictions: 222357

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Course code: 222369 Visual Communication Design 3.3: User Experience Design: Service, Experience and Interaction 15 credits

In this course students will extend their knowledge of web, service and experience design. Students will apply a robust user centred design process to create a comprehensive digital service through experience design. This course will be valuable to those interested in advancing their graphic design and service and experience design skills through digital media practice.

Prerequisites: 15 credits from 2222xx courses Restrictions: 222357

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Course code: 222390 Visual Communication Design Special Topic A 15 credits

The course focuses on one specific aspect of visual communication design. Offerings change from year to year or may not be offered in a particular year.

Prerequisites: Appraisal Required

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Course code: 222408 Experiential Information Design 15 credits

This course explores ways in which complex information can be interpreted and translated into sophisticated visual language through analytical and practical design enquiry.

Prerequisites: 222358 or 222348

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Course code: 222409 Contemporary Letterpress 15 credits

In this studio course students will apply a visual research process of typography with historical and contemporary printing methods. Students will explore aesthetic and theoretical implications of hand presses, metal type, wood type and digital technologies in the creation of new hybrid visual communication.

Prerequisites: 198358 or 212358 or 213342 or 221358 or 222304 or 222358 or 223358 or 224358 or 296358

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Course code: 222417 Image and Identity 15 credits

In this course students will explore how designers lead and manage the branding process for organisations by communicating with images and words. How an organisation presents itself can be called its identity. How different audiences perceive this is can be called its image. Students research, explore, and develop a flexible design system for an organisation by creating a dynamic brand experience that can adapt to visual, interactive, and sensory modes.

Prerequisites: 222358 or 197379 or 222347 or 222348

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Course code: 222424 Illustration Art Now 15 credits

In this studio course, students will explore ways in which illustration can be ‘lifted off the printed page’, and be extended and applied to contemporary scenarios and social, personal and historic narratives via explorative and sometimes experimental techniques.

Prerequisites: 222.333, 222.326

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Course code: 222425 Illustration Studio Practice 15 credits

Advanced exploration and application of illustrative processes, methods and strategies to a range of complex issues.

Prerequisites: 222326 or 222333 or Appraisal Required

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Course code: 222449 Spatial Type 15 credits

In this studio course students will apply a research-informed investigation of typography in spatial environments. Students will explore two and three dimensional typographic solutions that may include interpretive, navigational or informational typography.

Prerequisites: 198358 or 212358 or 213342 or 221358 or 222358 or 223358 or 224358 or 296358

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Course code: 222490 Visual Communication Design Special Topic D 15 credits

Prerequisites: Appraisal Required

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Course code: 222491 Visual Communication Design Special Topic E 15 credits

Prerequisites: Appraisal Required

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Course code: 222496 Visual Communication Design Special Topic F 15 credits

Prerequisites: Appraisal Required

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Course code: 222499 Independent Visual Communication Design Study 15 credits

Independent student work is undertaken on an approved course of study involving research and/or project work in visual communication design.

Prerequisites: Appraisal Required

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Course code: 223157 Textile Design 1.1: Interwoven Structures 15 credits

In this studio course students will be introduced to a range of interlacing techniques to enable exploration of surface, structure and 3D forms. Students will work with a range of hard and soft materials to develop skills in 3-dimensional ideation. This course provides a good grounding for students interested in the material intersections between spatial, fashion, industrial and textile design.

Restrictions: 197133

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Course code: 223158 Textile Design 1.2: Surface Design, Colour and Screen Print 15 credits

In this introductory studio course students will gain access to Textile studio through print processes. They will acquire specific techniques, skills, and processes through the investigation of print practice: through mark-making, colour, composition and drawing for the design and making of textiles. They will learn to discuss and evaluate their work and the work of their peers.

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Course code: 223207 Materials Lab 15 credits

In this studio course students will be introduced to identification and testing of materials for design and performance. Students will analyse innovative, technical, and industrial materials for a wide range of design products and contexts through workshops and interaction with industry.

Prerequisites: 75 credits at 100 level Restrictions: 223206, 212206

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Course code: 223211 Fashion Textiles 15 credits

This studio course introduces the design and creation of textiles for apparel. Students will explore a variety of textile techniques and processes, and their creative fashion application.

Prerequisites: 75 credits at 100 level including 198157 or 212157 or 213157 or 213158 or 221157 or 222157 or 222158 or 223157 or 224157 or 296157

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Course code: 223263 Textile Design 2.1: Intro to Knit 15 credits

In this course students will gain knowledge in knitted textiles and co-creation concepts. Students will develop a range of knitted samples and be introduced to dye techniques for wool yarns. Students interested in constructed materials will find that the course helps them develop understanding of how interlocking loops can be manipulated for multiple applications.

Restrictions: 223257

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Course code: 223264 Textile Design 2.2: Intro to Print, Colouration and Pattern 15 credits

An introduction to Textile surface pattern design and sustainable and commercial screen print processes. Students will find that this course helps them develop and translate ideas by exploring various colouration processes and textile repeat structures.

Restrictions: 223257

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Course code: 223265 Textile Design 2.3: Intro to Weave 15 credits

Students will gain knowledge of fibre and yarn properties and create a range of woven and hand embroidered textiles. Students interested in communicating through cloth will find that the course helps them to translate intangible resonances into textile designs.

Restrictions: 223258

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Course code: 223266 Textile Design 2.4: Digital Textile Print and Application 15 credits

Students interested in digital processes for textile design will be introduced to digital print, digital embroidery processes, advanced repeat systems for textile surface design and an introduction to industry trends, market and collection building.

Restrictions: 223258

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Course code: 223301 Contemporary Wallcoverings 15 credits

In this studio course students will design and develop collections for wallpaper and wall coverings, with emphasis on creative investigation and forecasting.

Prerequisites: 223157 plus (198258 or 212258 or 213242 or 221258 or 222258 or 223201 or 223258 or 224258 or 296258)

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Course code: 223312 Textile Print Project 15 credits

In this studio course, students explore the design and development of printed textiles for a specific performance, installation or exhibition.

Restrictions: 223313

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Course code: 223328 Textile Design Special Topic B 15 credits

The course focuses on one specific aspect of textile design. Offerings change from year to year or may not be offered in a particular year.

Prerequisites: Appraisal Required

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Course code: 223367 Textile Design 3.1: Advanced Textile Structures 15 credits

In this studio course students will extend their competency of textile structures through advanced weaving and knit technology, such as digital technologies and jacquard weaving. Gaining knowledge of warp design and material testing, students will produce collections of knitted and woven textiles to address current and future needs, problems or opportunities.

Prerequisites: 223263 or 223265 Restrictions: 223357

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Course code: 223368 Textile Design 3.2: Advanced Textile Print for Collection and Industry 15 credits

Students will gain advanced technical knowledge towards large-format printing and colouration processes while innovating existing knowledge on textile repeat structures. Additional learning will include an introduction to digital visualization using various techniques. This course is a textile collection-based output.

Prerequisites: one of: 223266 223265 223264 223263 Restrictions: 223357

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Course code: 223411 Embroidered Textiles 15 credits

Students will explore embroidery and advanced technologies for the production of innovative fashion textiles.

Prerequisites: 223211 or 223358 or Appraisal Required

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Course code: 223412 Sustainable Colouration 15 credits

Students will explore contemporary design concepts using sustainable dye processing and advanced technology to colour and pattern textiles.

Prerequisites: 223258 or 223207 or Appraisal Required

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Course code: 223490 Textile Design Special Topic C 15 credits

Prerequisites: Appraisal Required

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Course code: 223495 Textile Design Independent Study 15 credits

Supervised independent student work on a negotiated topic related to textile design involving the setting of objectives, research and/or project work and the presentation of appropriate written and/or practical outcomes.

Prerequisites: Appraisal Required

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Course code: 224157 Spatial Design 1.1: An Introduction 15 credits

In this studio course students will be introduced to skills and processes to design physical, temporal, and digital spatial environments. They will explore core spatial design principles of site, time, light, and movement to create a digital spatial design. Students will develop creative and analytical thinking as well as idea generation and visualisation skills for spatial design practice.

Restrictions: 197131

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Course code: 224204 Design for Performance 15 credits

In this studio course students will explore the design and making of performances and their settings. Students will apply their investigations through the design or production of performance experiences and events.

Prerequisites: 75 credits at 100 level Restrictions: 226xxx courses

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Course code: 224205 Design for Display 15 credits

In this studio course students will investigate concepts for display and design strategies for exhibitions as temporary interventions in public space.

Prerequisites: 75 credits at 100 level Restrictions: 197205

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Course code: 224206 Visualising Space 15 credits

A focus on the development fundamental spatial design visualisation skills and design strategies to communicate relationships between space, atmosphere and time in a range of contexts. Students will experiment with a range of software workflows to explore socio-cultural, historical and technological intersections between visual representation and spatial design.

Prerequisites: 75 credits at 100 level from College of Creative Arts

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Course code: 224263 Spatial Design 2.1: Place and Community 15 credits

In this studio course students will explore and design spaces for communities. Through an adaptive reuse project students learn about strategies for community engagement and urban experiences to begin to understand the importance of co-design and the shared nature of public places and facilities. Students are introduced to drawing and mapping techniques for spatial design practice including site analysis, architectural drawing conventions and 3D visualisations.

Prerequisites: 224157 or 224158 Restrictions: 224257

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Course code: 224264 Spatial Design 2.2: Producing Atmospheres 15 credits

In this studio course students will explore sensory perception in physical and digital space. They will develop an understanding of the production of atmospheres and experiences through investigations of bodies, space and light. In a live-lab environment, students will work between physical and digital modalities and apply immersive technologies to generate spatial installations.

Prerequisites: 224157 or 224158 Restrictions: 224257

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Course code: 224265 Spatial Design 2.3: Adaptive Interiors 15 credits

In this studio course students will investigate a range of adaptive reuse and spatial planning strategies through digital and physical modelling. They will develop an understanding of the dynamic relationship between communities, built environments and their spatial requirements to design an interior architectural mixed-use space. Students will gain knowledge of building materials, codes and structures alongside skills in creating architectural drawings.

Prerequisites: 224157 or 224158 Restrictions: 224258

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Course code: 224266 Spatial Design 2.4: Material Matters 15 credits

In this studio course students will investigate materials, how they matter and their application in the built environment. They will explore materials and light to develop processes and concepts for the creation of spatial experiences. Students will gain knowledge about material specification and detailing, surface finishes, architectural lighting codes, acoustics and the conventions employed to express and communicate these.

Prerequisites: 224157 or 224158 Restrictions: 224258

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Course code: 224302 Spatial Design Special Topic A 15 credits

This course focuses on one specific aspect of spatial design. Offerings may change from year to year or may not be offered in a particular year.

Prerequisites: Appraisal Required

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Course code: 224367 Spatial Design 3.1: Regenerative Practices 15 credits

In this advanced studio course students will critically engage with spatial ecologies and regenerative practices. Through inquiry-based learning students will explore the interconnected and relational condition of communities, the built environment and landscapes. Students will consolidate and expand spatial design concepts, techniques, skills and processes in the production of their creative work.

Prerequisites: 15 credits from 2242xx courses Restrictions: 224357

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Course code: 224368 Spatial Design 3.2: Spatial Agency 15 credits

In this advanced studio course students will critically engage with spatial ecologies and the formation of agency. Through inquiry-based learning students will explore the dynamic and relational condition of cultural, social and historical concerns in spatial design practice. Students will consolidate and expand spatial design concepts, techniques, skills and processes in the production of their creative work.

Prerequisites: 15 credits from 2242xx courses Restrictions: 224357

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Course code: 224490 Spatial Design Special Topic C 15 credits

The course focuses on particular aspects of advanced Spatial Design. Offerings change from year to year or may not be offered in a particular year.

Prerequisites: Appraisal Required

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Course code: 224495 Spatial Design Independent Study 15 credits

Supervised independent student work on a negotiated topic related to spatial design involving the setting of objectives, research and/or project work and the presentation of appropriate written and/or practical outcomes.

Prerequisites: Appraisal Required

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Course code: 237117 Māori Art and Design Studio I - Toi Atea 15 credits

An introduction to the development of personal forms of expression though an engagement with the values, concepts, traditions, art/design forms and structures of the whare whakairo.

Restrictions: 197117

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Course code: 237131 Art, Culture and Contexts 15 credits

An introduction to critical thinking through key contemporary topics and debates related to the production and reception of art. Students will have the opportunity to investigate a range of contemporary art practices and texts, in order to recognise and gain insights of their own values and processes as creative practitioners. Examples will be drawn from both Aotearoa and international contexts.

Restrictions: 237102

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Course code: 237217 Māori Art and Design Studio IIA - Toi Atea 15 credits

The development of individual work that grows out of the investigation of a select range of Māori concepts, art forms, imagery, values and approaches that reflect a Māori world view.

Prerequisites: 197117 or 237117 Restrictions: 197217

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Course code: 237218 Māori Art and Design Studio IIB - Toi Atea 15 credits

Further development of individual work that grows out of the investigation of a select range of Māori concepts, art forms, imagery, values and approaches that reflect a Māori world view.

Prerequisites: 197117 or 237117 Restrictions: 197218

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Course code: 237231 Critical Perspectives on Contemporary Art 15 credits

An exploration of diverse perspectives to develop critical responses relevant to contemporary art in Aotearoa. Students will examine cultural, theoretical, political, social, and ethical issues that are contributing to the shaping of contemporary art. The understandings gained will contextualise the student's own practice in relation to local and global shifts in cultural production that have taken place over the past two decades.

Prerequisites: 15 credits from 150106, 237131, 289100, 133154, 197139

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Course code: 237317 Māori Art and Design Studio IIIA - Toi Atea 15 credits

Developing visual responses to the exploration of issues (social, political, environmental, global) significant to Māori people and their communities.

Prerequisites: 197217 or 197218 or 237217 or 237218 Restrictions: 197317

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Course code: 237318 Māori Art and Design Studio IIIB - Toi Atea 15 credits

Further development of a range of visual responses to issues (social, political, environmental, global) of significance to Māori people and their communities.

Prerequisites: 197217 or 197218 or 237217 or 237218 Restrictions: 197318

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Course code: 237331 Critical Understandings of Contemporary Art 15 credits

This course examines and appraises ideas that contribute to a critical understanding of contemporary art. Students will evaluate a range of content in relation to their own creative practice as well as the wider contemporary art world. The relation between artists and their processes and approaches will be explored through topics such as race, gender, intersectionality, decolonisation, popular culture, politics, social justice, and others.

Prerequisites: 15 credits from 237231, 289200, 150206, 133257, 197239

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Course code: 237417 Māori Art and Design Studio IV - Toi Atea 30 credits

An advanced course to focus and refine visual language and personal tikanga through negotiated projects that explore topics of direct reference to Māori people and their communities.

Prerequisites: (197317 and 197318) or (237317 and 237318) Restrictions: 197417

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Course code: 293125 Explorations in Narrative 15 credits

Explorations in Narrative introduces students to the processes of analysing, interpreting, and creating stories with the intent of realising the material through various creative practices. With the option of producing written or visual narratives, students will gain a foundation in storytelling that can be applicable to diverse creative practices.

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Course code: 293126 Explorations in Image and Meaning 15 credits

Explorations in Image and Meaning explores how creative practitioners capture, construct and manipulate two-dimensional imagery. The course provides students with foundational skills and techniques to construct and analyse two dimensional images.

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Course code: 293127 Explorations in Colour and Context 15 credits

This course provides students with the foundational knowledge and skills to understand and apply colour in their creative practice. Students will experiment with mixing pigments in analogue and digital environments and consider colour’s cultural, communicative, and evocative potential.

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Course code: 296157 Concept Design 1.1: Imagine 15 credits

In this studio course students will be introduced to creative and analytical thinking skills, idea generation and visualisation central to concept design as a practice. They will begin to acquire specific techniques, skills and processes for investigating and responding to imagined characters and stories through iterative drawing, referencing and digital painting.

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Course code: 296158 Concept Design 1.2: Worldbuilding 15 credits

In this studio course, students will experiment with creative and analytical thinking skills, idea generation and visualisation central to concept design as a practice. They will develop specific techniques, skills and processes for investigating and defining worldbuilding techniques through storytelling and the creative practice of iterative digital modelling, prototyping and digital matte painting.

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Course code: 296263 Concept Design 2.1: Character and Environment 15 credits

In this studio course, students will explore and articulate creative responses to design challenges through critical awareness of character and environment design, and production. Students will develop and apply core 2D and 3D concept design skills, processes and techniques to create original character and environment designs for an entertainment license.

Prerequisites: 1 of 296157 296158 Restrictions: 296257

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Course code: 296264 Concept Design 2.2: Prop and Creature 15 credits

In this studio course, students will explore and articulate creative responses to design challenges through critical awareness of prop and creature design and production. Students will develop and apply core 2D and 3D concept design skills, processes and techniques to create original prop and creature designs for an entertainment license.

Prerequisites: 1 of: 296157 296158 or permission from the lecturer Restrictions: 296257

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Course code: 296265 Concept Design 2.3: Visualisation 15 credits

In this studio, students will collaborate to explore and articulate the relationship between narrative and design for an animation or game design context. Students will engage critically through tone, genre and aesthetic studies, applying these through their creative responses using core concept design techniques. The final output will be a curated presentation of these finished ideas with consideration of both audience, client and medium.

Prerequisites: 296157 or 296158 or permission course coordinator Restrictions: 296258

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Course code: 296266 Concept Design 2.4 Design for Fabrication 15 credits

In this studio, students will explore the design process from concept through to fabrication. Students will critically engage with the role of designer and fabricator using core concept design techniques, methods of manufacture, digital and physical fabrication techniques, and production drawings to communicate concept intention and realisation. The design will be resolved in the form of a tangible output.

Prerequisites: 296157 or 296158 or permission course coordinator Restrictions: 296258

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Course code: 296367 Concept Design 3.1 Concepting Film and Animation 15 credits

In this studio course, students will develop a proof of concept design proposal for a given text through the comparative lens of Concept for Film and Animation. Students will establish a critical position through individual and collaborative creative exploration and articulation to expand on concept design concepts, techniques, skills and processes in the production of their creative work.

Prerequisites: At least 15 credits at 200 level with a 296 prefix or permission course coordinator Restrictions: 296357

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Course code: 296368 Concept Design 3.2: Concepting Game and Location-Based Experience 15 credits

In this studio course, students will develop a proof of concept design proposal for a given text through the comparative lens of Concept for Game and Location-Based Experience design. Students will establish a critical position through individual and collaborative creative exploration and articulation to expand on concept design concepts, techniques, skills and processes in the production of their creative work.

Prerequisites: 15 credits at 200 level with a 296 prefix or permission course coordinator Restrictions: 296357

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Course code: 298157 Toi Ᾱtea 1 15 credits

An introduction to the development of personal forms of expression though an engagement with the values, concepts, traditions, art/design forms and structures of the whare whakairo.

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Course code: 298263 Toi Atea 2 15 credits

The development of individual work that grows out of the investigation of a select range of Māori concepts, art forms, imagery, values and approaches that reflect a Māori world view.

Prerequisites: 298157

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Course code: 298367 Toi Atea 3 15 credits

Developing visual responses to the exploration of issues (social, political, environmental, global) significant to Māori people and their communities.

Prerequisites: 298263

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Course code: 298753 Toi Atea 4 15 credits

An advanced course to focus and refine visual language and personal tikanga through negotiated projects that explore topics of direct reference to Māori people and their communities.

Prerequisites: 298367

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