Agneta Ghose

Doctor of Philosophy, (Life Cycle Management)
Study Completed: 2018
College of Sciences


Thesis Title
Environmental evaluation of energy efficiency refurbishment of commercial office buildings in New Zealand

Read article at Massey Research Online: MRO icon

In New Zealand, existing office buildings consume 40 percent more energy than newer counterparts. Therefore, large energy efficiency upgrades are recommended to reduce operational energy related costs, provide better working conditions, and enhance business value. However, major refurbishments involve substantial construction work associated with the demolition and replacement of several building components, which can contribute to multiple environmental impacts. Ms Ghose assessed the environmental impacts associated with energy efficiency refurbishments using Life Cycle Assessment. Her research highlighted that although energy efficiency refurbishments can reduce environmental impacts associated with reduction in energy consumption, the overall environmental performance of New Zealand’s existing office buildings can be improved. She showed this was possible by promoting investments on renewable grid electricity generation and increasing efforts for resource and waste management. In addition, prioritising specific refurbishment measures based on building size, design and location could reduce the overall environmental impacts of the refurbished buildings.

Professor Sarah McLaren
Dr David Dowdell