Carole Fernandez

Doctor of Philosophy, (Public Health)
Study Completed: 2015
College of Health


Thesis Title
Whakawhirinakitanga Ahua: Exploring a Maori model of health service delivery

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Ms Fernandez explored a Maori model of health service delivery, Whakawhirinakitanga Ahua, developed by Best Care (Whakapai Hauora) Charitable Trust. Her research demonstrated how Maori utilise tikanga-based service delivery in the provision of care to individuals and whanau; and how non-Maori working at Whakapai Hauora utilise significant aspects of tikanga-based and Treaty principles in service delivery, in response to Maori health interests within the context of Government health priorities and social policy. This knowledge drew a distinction between client-centred care and whanau-focused care, challenging health professionals to reconsider the way in which they engage with Maori, and to work with whanau as a collective. It also highlighted the significance of health professionals having to walk in both worlds, Te Ao Maori and Te Ao Pakeha, to facilitate better outcomes for Maori.

Dr Maureen Holdaway
Associate Professor Margaret Forster


Fernandez, C., & Wilson, D. (2008). Maori women’s views on smoking cessation initiatives. Nursing Praxis in New Zealand  24(2), 27-40.