Fuafiva Faalau

Doctor of Philosophy, (Sociology)
Study Completed: 2011
College of Humanities & Social Sciences


Thesis Title
Organisation and Dynamics of Family Relations and implications for the Wellbeing of Samoan Youth in Aotearoa, New Zealand

‘Family’ plays a fundamental role in the wellbeing of Samoan youth in New Zealand. How families are formed, structured and organised influences the levels of wellbeing of their adolescent members. Miss Fa’alau explored the correlation between structural and organisational patterns in Samoan families and levels of wellbeing of youth in these families. Her research identified both ''positive'' and ''negative'' connections between characteristics of family and Samoan youths’ wellbeing. The research also highlighted the diversity which exists in Samoan family structure and organisation in New Zealand and concluded that social policy will be most successful when it acknowledges this variety in its models.

Mr Cluny MacPherson
Professor Timothy McCreanor