Nicholas Roskruge
Doctor of Philosophy, (Soil Science)
Study Completed: 2007
College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Thesis Title
Hokia ki te whenua
Mr Roskruge focused on matauranga Maori, aligned to horticulture and pedology, as the basis of an assessment model or tool for the future economic development of Maori land resources. The indigenous element, including Maori knowledge, was incorporated into the model using a triadic kosmos/corpus/praxis approach, where kosmos is applied as Te Ao Maori, corpus asmatauranga Maori and praxis as tikanga Maori. The crux of the cultural assessment tool is the quality of information used to assess Maori resources, especially from the cultural perspective. The ability to apply a cultural layer drawn from a body of knowledge, not previously included in decision models relative to land utility in New Zealand, is the tool’s key point of difference. The model is discussed for its beneficial use by Maori and how it can be continuously refined to meet the needs of Maori land owners, thus, contributing to their rangatiratanga.
Professor Taiarahia Black
Associate Professor Alan Palmer
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Last updated on Monday 04 April 2022