Hukarere Valentine

Doctor of Clinical Psychology
Study Completed: 2010
College of Humanities & Social Sciences


Thesis Title
Kia Ngawari ki te Awatea: The relationship between Wairua and Maori wellbeing: A psychological perspective

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Ms Valentine explored the relationship between wairua (spirituality as defined by Mäori worldviews) and well-being. Two studies underpinned this research. The first asked how Mäori conceptualise wairua. From this information an orientation to wairua measure was created and and used to investigate the relationship between an orientation to wairua and Maori wellbeing. Results were mixed, and suggested in some cases modest associations between wairua and wellbeing. Wairua is considered to be an important aspect of Maori health and wellbeing. Although these results are promising further research is necessary if improvements to Maori health and wellbeing are to be advanced.

Associate Professor Ross Flett
Dr Kani Kingi