Jyothsna Visweswaraiah

Doctor of Philosophy, (Natural Sciences)
Study Completed: 2011
College of Sciences


Thesis Title
Discovering links between elongation factors and general amino acid control in Saccharomyce cerevisiae

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Amino acids as constituents of proteins, execute almost all biological functions. Hence a steady supply of amino acids is essential. Cells have a signal transduction pathway called general amino acid control (GAAC) for sensing and ameliorating amino acid shortages. Since the sensing is thought to occur constantly on translating ribosomes (factories that produce proteins), the objective of Ms Visweswaraiah’s study was to investigate how both processes happen on the ribosome in baker’s yeast. Ms Visweswaraiah was able to link protein synthesis factors to the GAAC pathway. She showed that these protein synthesis factors regulate factors in the GAAC pathway. Ms Visweswaraiah’s findings suggest a novel mechanism of GAAC regulation. Thus, adding new players to GAAC’s complex regulatory network.

Associate Professor Evelyn Sattlegger
Professor Barry Scott