Zellmer, GF., Sakamoto, N., Hwang, SL., Matsuda, N., Iizuka, Y., Moebis, A., . . . Yurimoto, H. (2016). Inferring the effects of compositional boundary layers on crystal nucleation, growth textures, and mineral chemistry in natural volcanic tephras through submicron-resolution imaging.
Frontiers in Earth Science. 4
[Journal article]Authored by: Moebis, A., Zellmer, G.Read Online:
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Zellmer, GF., Sakamoto, N., Matsuda, N., Iizuka, Y., Moebis, A., & Yurimoto, H. (2016). On progress and rate of the peritectic reaction Fo + SiO<inf>2</inf> → En in natural andesitic arc magmas.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 185, 383-393
[Journal article]Authored by: Moebis, A., Zellmer, G.Read Online:
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Pardo, N., Cronin, SJ., Németh, K., Brenna, M., Schipper, CI., Breard, E., . . . Wallace, C. (2014). Perils in distinguishing phreatic from phreatomagmatic ash; insights into the eruption mechanisms of the 6 August 2012 Mt. Tongariro eruption, New Zealand.
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 286, 397-414
[Journal article]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Lube, G., Moebis, A., Procter, J., Zernack, A.Read Online:
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Lube, G., Breard, ECP., Cronin, SJ., Procter, JN., Brenna, M., Moebis, A., . . . Fournier, N. (2014). Dynamics of surges generated by hydrothermal blasts during the 6 August 2012 Te Maari eruption, Mt. Tongariro, New Zealand.
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 286, 348-366
[Journal article]Authored by: Lube, G., Moebis, A., Procter, J.Read Online:
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Breard, ECP., Lube, G., Cronin, SJ., Fitzgerald, R., Kennedy, B., Scheu, B., . . . Moebis, A. (2014). Using the spatial distribution and lithology of ballistic blocks to interpret eruption sequence and dynamics: August 6 2012 Upper Te Maari eruption, New Zealand.
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 286, 373-386
[Journal article]Authored by: Lube, G., Moebis, A., Procter, J.Read Online:
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Lube, G., Breard, ECP., Cronin, SJ., Procter, JN., Brenna, M., Moebis, A., . . . Fournier, N. (2014). Dynamics of surges generated by hydrothermal blasts during the 6 August 2012 Te Maari eruption, Mt. Tongariro, New Zealand.
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research.
[Journal article]Authored by: Lube, G., Moebis, A., Procter, J.Read Online:
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Pardo, N., Cronin, SJ., Németh, K., Brenna, M., Schipper, CI., Breard, E., . . . Wallace, C. (2014). Perils in distinguishing phreatic from phreatomagmatic ash; insights into the eruption mechanisms of the 6 August 2012 Mt. Tongariro eruption, New Zealand.
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research.
[Journal article]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Lube, G., Moebis, A., Procter, J., Zernack, A.Read Online:
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Breard, ECP., Lube, G., Cronin, SJ., Fitzgerald, R., Kennedy, B., Scheu, B., . . . Moebis, A. (2014). Using the spatial distribution and lithology of ballistic blocks to interpret eruption sequence and dynamics: August 6 2012 Upper Te Maari eruption, New Zealand.
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research.
[Journal article]Authored by: Lube, G., Moebis, A., Procter, J.Read Online:
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Moebis, A. (2012). Kurt Roth and Peter Suhr: Baruths heisse Verangenheit, Vulkane in der Lausitz. Saechsisches Landesamt fuer Umwelt und Geologie, Dresden (2007).
Bulletin of Volcanology. , 1579-1580
[Book Review]Authored by: Moebis, A.Read Online:
Moebis, A. (2012). Die Erde knallt! Vulkane in Sachsen; Begleitband zur Sonderausstellung. Museum der Westlausitz Kamenz, 2008..
Bulletin of Volcanology. (74), 1775-1776
[Book Review]Authored by: Moebis, A.Read Online:
Moebis, A., Cronin, SJ., Neall, VE., & Smith, IE. (2011). Unravelling a complex volcanic history from fine-grained, intricate Holocene ash sequences at the Tongariro Volcanic Centre, New Zealand.
Quaternary International. 246(1-2), 352-363
[Journal article]Authored by: Moebis, A.Read Abstract:
Moebis, A., Cronin, SJ., Neall, VE., & Smith, IE. (2011). Unravelling a complex volcanic history from fine-grained, intricate Holocene ash sequences at the Tongariro Volcanic Centre, New Zealand.
Quaternary International.
[Journal article]Authored by: Moebis, A.
Price, RC., Turner, S., Cook, C., Hobden, B., Smith, IEM., Gamble, JA., . . . Möbis, A. (2010). Crustal and mantle influences and U-Th-Ra disequilibrium in andesitic lavas of Ngauruhoe volcano, New Zealand.
Chemical Geology. 277(3-4), 355-373
[Journal article]Authored by: Moebis, A.Read Online:
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Christenson, BW., Reyes, AG., Young, R., Moebis, A., Sherburn, S., Cole-Baker, J., . . . Britten, K. (2010). Cyclic processes and factors leading to phreatic eruption events: Insights from the 25 September 2007 eruption through Ruapehu Crater Lake, New Zealand.
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 191(1-2), 15-32
[Journal article]Authored by: Moebis, A.Read Online:
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Zellmer, GF., Sakamoto, N., Greig, A., Matsuda, N., Moebis, A., Iizuka, Y., . . . Yurimoto, H. (2015). The peritectic reaction geospeedometer. , Geosciences New Zealand Annual Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Moebis, A., Zellmer, G.
Arpa, MC., Iizuka, Y., Moebis, A., & Zellmer, G. (2015). Estimates of crystallization pressure and magmatic water content from tephra layers of Mt. Ngauruhoe, Tongariro Volcano Complex. , Geosciences New Zealand Annual Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Moebis, A., Zellmer, G.
Zellmer, GF., Sakamoto, N., Matsuda, N., Moebis, A., Iizuka, Y., & Yurimoto, H. (2015). The peritectic reaction of olivine to orthopyroxene in natural silicates. , 25th Annual Goldschmidt Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Moebis, A., Zellmer, G.
Zellmer, GF., Iiuzka, Y., Moebis, A., Miyoshi, M., & Hui-Ho, H.(2013, July). The significance of two pyroxenepseudo-decompression paths (PDPs) in mafic to intermediate arc magmas.
[Conference]Authored by: Moebis, A.
Holt, KA., Cronin, SJ., Moebis, A., Bebbington, M., & Wilmshurst, JM. (2012). Late glacial to Holocene pollen-based vegetation and temperature reconstruction from Lake Rangatauanui, Central North Island. In
Geoscience Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication Vol. 134A (pp. 43 - 44). , Geosciences 2012 Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Bebbington, M., Holt, K., Moebis, A.
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Moebis, A., Cronin, SJ., Price, R., Neall, VE., Lube, G., Smith, IE., . . . Bebbington, M.(2011). Magma history from 87Sr/86Sr isotopes at Ngauruhoe, New Zealand.
[Conference]Authored by: Moebis, A.
Price, RC., Smith, IE., Gamble, JA., Moebis, A., & Cronin S.J., .(2011, December). Contrasting andesitic magmatic systems in adjacent North Island volcanoes, New Zealand: implications for predicting eruptions.
[Conference]Authored by: Moebis, A.
Moebis, A., Cronin, SJ., & Smith, IE.(2010). Fingerprinting volcanic glasses unravels a new volcanic history for Ngauruhoe volcano, New Zealand,.
[Conference]Authored by: Moebis, A.
Lube, G., Cronin, SJ., Procter, JN., Manville, V., & Moebis, A.(2010, December). Base surge-glacier interactions and unusual snow-dominated lahars at Mt. Ruapehu, 25 September 2007 New Zealand..
[Conference]Authored by: Moebis, A.
Moebis, A., Cronin, SJ., Neall, VE., & Smith, IE.(2009). Fingerprinting of volcanic glasses unravels the volcanic history of Ngauruhoe Volcano, New Zealand.
[Conference]Authored by: Moebis, A.
Moebis, A., Cronin, SJ., Lube, G., Turner, MB., & Nemeth, K.(2008, August). The birth and growth of a stratovolcano recorded in medial tephra- Mt Ngauruhoe, Tongariro Volcanic Centre, New Zealand.
[Conference]Authored by: Moebis, A.
Moebis, A., Cronin, SJ., Lube, G., Neall, VE., & Nemeth, K.(2008). Fingerprinting of volcanic glasses unravels the volcanic history of Ngauruhoe Volcano, New Zealand.
[Conference]Authored by: Moebis, A.
Nemeth, K., Cronin, SJ., Moebis, A., & Charley, D.(2007). Post-Caldera volcanism in the Yankahe Caldera, Tanna Island, Vanuatu.
[Conference]Authored by: Moebis, A.
Moebis, A., Nemeth, K., & Cronin, SJ.(2007). Magmatic and phreatomagmatic tephras in fine ash successions of an arc volcanic complex, the Mangatawai Tephra Formation, Tongariro Volcanic Centre, New Zealand.
[Conference]Authored by: Moebis, A.
Lube, G., Cronin, SJ., Thoret, J-C., Zernack, AV., Kellman, P., Holt, K., . . . Lecointre, JA.(2007, July). Flow observations and their relationship to the depositional record of the 18 Mar 2007 Ruapehu lahar..
[Conference]Authored by: Moebis, A.