Contact details +6449793512

Eugene Hansen

Senior Lecturer

CoCA - Maori Arts

Research Outputs


Gillam, J., Hansen, E., & Phillips, BE. (2021). The chronicle of <the archive fever dream team>. Drain. 17(1) Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Gillam, J., Hansen, E.Edited by: Patrick, M.


Gillam, J., & Hansen, E.(2021). Te Ana Ru. Auckland: Te Uru Waitakere Contemporary Gallery
[Authored Book]Authored by: Gillam, J., Hansen, E.
Gillam, J., & Hansen, E. (Eds.) (2020). Te manu huna a Tāne. Wellington: Massey University Press
[Edited Book]Edited by: Gillam, J., Hansen, E.
Gillam, JL., & Hansen, EM. (2016). Future calls the dawn. In S. Bacharach, JN. Booth, & SB. Fjærestad (Eds.) Collaborative Art in the Twenty-First Century. (pp. 135 - 140). New York: Routledge
[Chapter]Authored by: Gillam, J., Hansen, E.
Hansen, EM. (2009). Show. In J. Gillam, E. Hansen, & SHOW. Gallery (Eds.) Show. (pp. 98 - 101).
[Chapter]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Hansen, EM. (2009). Show. In J. Gillam, E. Hansen, & SHOW. Gallery (Eds.) Show. (pp. 59 - 63).
[Chapter]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Hansen, EM. (2009). Show. In J. Gillam, E. Hansen, & SHOW. Gallery (Eds.) Show. (pp. 30 - 33). : enzyme
[Chapter]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Gillam, J., & Hansen, E. (Eds.) (2009). Show. Auckland: Enzyme
[Edited Book]Edited by: Hansen, E.

Creative Work

Gillam, J., Hansen, E., & Phillips, BE. (2023) The Chronicle of < cognition >. [Exhibition] Te Tuhi, 18 February — 07 May 2023
[Artwork]Authored by: Gillam, J., Hansen, E.
Gillam, J., & Hansen, E. (2021, February 20). The Thrum of the Tide. Auckland, New Zealand: Te Uru Waitakere Contemporary Gallery.
[Exhibition]Authored by: Gillam, J., Hansen, E.
Waugh, S., Culy, H., Reddaway, R., Hansen, E., Gillam, J., Varga, J., . . . Patrick, M. (2020, December 7). Four Publications, some words. [Books, zines, photographic and other prints, live reading]. Wellington, New Zealand: The Engine Room, 7 Dec, 2020.
[Exhibition]Authored by: Gillam, J., Hansen, E., Patrick, M., Reddaway, R., Waugh, S.Contributed to by: Galloway, A.
Gillam, J., Hansen, E., & McCleland, A. (2019). Māori Moving Image: An Open Archive. (Moving Image performance) Outer Nebula Drifter: Wellington, New Zealand: The Dowse
[Performance]Authored by: Gillam, J., Hansen, E.
Gillam, J., & Hansen, E. (2018, August 8). Transposition of a river. [Co-authored multimedia artwork]. Blue Oyster Art Project Space, Dunedin..
[Exhibition]Authored by: Gillam, J., Hansen, E.
Hansen, EM., Te Ao, S., McCllellan, A., Matthews, D., & Batley, A. (2016, November 26). Kohikohiko. Toi Poneke Gallery, Wellington, New Zealand, 15 December 2016.
[Exhibition]Authored by: Hansen, E., TeAo, S.
Gillam, JL., & Hansen, EM. (2016) Hometown. [Exhibition] [Multimedia –moving image & signwriters vinyl] Dunedin Public Art Gallery, Dunedin, NZ. 9 April – 29 May 2016
[Artwork]Authored by: Gillam, J., Hansen, E.
Gillam, JL., & Hansen, EM. (2015). At a distance of forty-two days. [Multimedia installation – portacom building, cargo net, hoist, florescent grow lamps, 4 oak wardian cases, pohutukawa & kanuka plants, garden hose, unopened carton of safetywear, signwriters vinyl, plywood & glass vivarium, tablet displaying photographic images scrolling horizontally, live Clitarchus hookerei stick insects]. Te Tuhi, Auckland, New Zealand. 1 Aug – 25 Oct 2015.
[Exhibition]Authored by: Gillam, J., Hansen, E.
Hansen, EM. (2015). Rex the Click Tracks. (the ‘runouts’ at the end of records and a variety of effects units) Click Tracks: youTube
[Performance]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Hansen, EM., & Shaw, D. (2015). Rex&Dan The Drones. (Modular Analog Synthesizer) The Drones Patch# 01-10: YouTube
[Performance]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Hansen, EM. (2013). Future Calls the Dawn Chorus. (Audio, Video) Future Calls the Dawn Chorus (Inversion Mix): 107 projects
[Performance]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Hansen, EM., & Shaw, D. (2013). Future calls the dawn (Contagion Mix). (Analog Synthesizer performance 25 Minutes) Future calls the dawn: City Gallery, Wellington, New Zealand
[Performance]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Gillam, JL., Hansen, EM., & Te Ao, S. (2013, February 20). Te Hiko Hou, New Zealand Film Archive 2012. (No. of Pieces: 4) The New Zealand Film Archive.
[Exhibition]Authored by: Hansen, E., TeAo, S.
Gillam, JL., Hansen, EM., & Malcolmson, J. (2013) Future calls the dawn chorus. [Exhibition] [Multimedia installation and a live noise and video performance – bird alarm clocks, purpose built shelves, signwriters vinyl, live web -– streaming] ISEA2013 and College of Fine Arts, University of NSW, Sydney, AUS. exhibited at 107-projects 13-23 June 2013.
[Artwork]Authored by: Gillam, J., Hansen, E.
Gillam, J., Hansen, E., & Malcolmson, J. (2013) Future calls the dawn, contagion. [Exhibition] [multimedia installation + exhibition catalogue] Wellington City Gallery, Wellington, New Zealand
[Artwork]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Gillam, JL., & Hansen, EM. (2012, October 4). Remixed. (No. of Pieces: 4) The New Zealand Film Archive.
[Exhibition]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Gillam, JL., & Hansen, EM. (2012, November 22). Remade. (No. of Pieces: 6) The New Zealand Film Archive.
[Exhibition]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Gillam, JL., & Hansen, EM. (2012, May 11). Still. (No. of Pieces: 5) The New Zealand Film Archive.
[Exhibition]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Hansen, EM., Gillam, JL., Trevelyan, P., Shaw, D., Thomson, A., Heynes, M., . . . Malcomson, J. (2011) RootMeanSquare. [Exhibition] Te Tuhi Centre for the Arts, Auckland, New Zealand (26 Nov 2011 - 29 Jan 2012)
[Artwork]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Hansen, EM. (2010). City Tours Redux. (Audio installation) Included in 'World Art Tendency', Turkish Cultural Center, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina (7 Feb - 13 Feb)
[Performance]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Hansen, EM., & Thomson, A. (2010) Fieldwork. [Exhibition] Dunedin Public Art Gallery, Dunedin, New Zealand (16 Oct 2010 - 27 Feb 2011)
[Artwork]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Hansen, EM. (2010) City Tours Remix. [Exhibition] Included in 'Diagram', Engine Room, Massey University, Wellington, New Zealand (25 Mar)
[Artwork]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Hansen, EM., Dadson, P., & Buehlmann, M. (2010) Silk Road Journey. [Exhibition] Included in 'Nomadic Party', Arko Art Center, Seoul, Korea (7 Aug - 5 Sep)
[Artwork]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Gillam, JL., & Hansen, EM. (2008). Another Lovely Daze performance.
[Performance]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Gillam, JL., Hansen, EM., & Agnihotri Clark, DJ. (2008) Another lovely daze. [Exhibition] Physics Room, Christchurch, New Zealand
[Artwork]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Gillam, JL., & Hansen, E. (2007). It’s a lovely daze. Ocular Lab, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (xx).
[Exhibition]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Hansen, EM., & Gillam, JL. (2007). Lament for Glen and Bobby. Included in 'Gang Green', 11 Waipapa Road, Wellington, New Zealand (11 Feb).
[Exhibition]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Hansen, EM. (2007) Insidious pop 2 (drift). [Exhibition] New Zealand Film Archive, Wellington, New Zealand (18 Oct - 3 Nov)
[Artwork]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Hansen, EM., & Gillam, JL. (2007) Lament for Glen and Bobby. [Exhibition] Included in 'Gang Green', 111 Waipapa Road, Wellington, New Zealand (11 Feb)
[Artwork]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Hansen, EM., & Gillam, JL. (2007) It's a lovely daze. [Exhibition] Ocular Lab, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (25 Aug - 2 Sep)
[Artwork]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Hansen, EM., Syme, G., Shaw, D., Rowe, S., & Reddaway, R. (2007). Insidious pop 2 (drift) performance 1. (Multimedia Performance) New Zealand Film Archive, Wellington, New Zealand (26 Oct)
[Performance]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Hansen, EM. (2007). Electroluxxe 9 [VJ Rex]. Sandwiches, Wellington, NZ
[Performance]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Hansen, EM. (2007). Electroluxxe 8 [VJ Rex]. Sandwiches, Wellington, NZ
[Performance]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Hansen, EM. (2007). Electroluxxe 7 [VJ Rex]. Sandwiches, Wellington, NZ
[Performance]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Hansen, EM. (2007). Electroluxxe 6 [VJ Rex]. Sandwiches, Wellington, NZ
[Performance]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Hansen, EM. (2007). Electroluxxe 5-9 [VJ Rex]. Sandwiches, Wellington, New Zealand (10 Mar, 7 Jul, 1 Sep, 26 Oct, 1 Dec)
[Performance]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Franco, W., Gildea, A., Hansen, EM., Peterson, A., & Seifert, M. (2007). No Naianei. Thistle Hall, Wellington, New Zealand (23 Nov)
[Performance]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Gillam, JL., Hansen, EM., & Bennett, K. (2006). Green Belt Video Suburb. Enjoy Public Art Gallery, Wellington, New Zealand (24 May - 9 Jun).
[Exhibition]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Gillam, JL., Hansen, EM., & Bennett, K. (2006). Green Belt Video Suburb. (multimedia installation) Enjoy Public Art Gallery, Wellington, New Zealand (24 May - 9 Jun)
[Performance]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Gillam, JL., Hansen, EM., & Bennett, K. (2006). Green Belt Video Suburb - audio visual performance. (Electronic audio and video mixing performance) Enjoy Public Art Gallery, Wellington, New Zealand (9 Jun)
[Performance]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Gillam, JL., & Hansen, EM. (2006). SHOW project space: 'Making Time'; 'Of This Space'; 'Macro Fun'; 'Near Distance'; 'Karaoke Theory'; 'Deliquesce'; 'Working Title'; 'The Sumidero Canyon: Cantarell' and 'Re-Tard'. [Co-curator of 9 exhibitions]. SHOW, 12 Knigges Ave, Wellington, New Zealand (Dec 2005 - Sep 2006).
[Exhibition]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Gillam, J., Hansen, E., Parton, S., & Faris, P. (2006) Show 24: Macro fun. [Exhibition] Show Gallery, Wellington, New Zealand (9 Mar - 8 Apr)
[Artwork]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Hansen, EM., & Gillam, JL. (2006) Video Suburb. [Exhibition] Canary Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand (28 Jun - 8 Jul)
[Artwork]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Gillam, JL., & Hansen, EM. (2006) Video Garden. [Exhibition] Blue Oyster Art Project Space, Dunedin, New Zealand (29 Mar - 15 Apr)
[Artwork]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Morris, SM., Jenkins, K., & Hansen, EM. (2004). Simon Morris Three Orange Lines, SHOW Gallery , Wellington New Zealand, 10/06/04-10/07/04. I initiated this project and contributed one of three wall drawings to the installation.. Show, Wellington..
[Exhibition]Authored by: Gillam, J., Hansen, E., Morris, S.
Clark, HP., Brandon, JB., Whiting, GC., Hansen, EM., & Pfeffer, K. (2000, March 12). 4 x 5. THERMOSTATARTGALLERY, Palmerston North.
[Exhibition]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Hansen, EM., Agnihorti Clark, DJ., Gillan GL, ., & Farris, PB.Insidious pop 2 (drift) performance 2. Multimedia Performance. New Zealand Film Archive, Wellington, New Zealand (1 Nov)
[Performance]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Hansen, EM.Electroluxxe 14 [VJ Rex].
[Performance]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Hansen, EM.Electroluxxe 13 [VJ Rex].
[Performance]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Hansen, EM.Electroluxxe 12 [VJ Rex].
[Performance]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Hansen, EM.Electroluxxe 11 [VJ Rex].
[Performance]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Hansen, EM.Electroluxxe 10 [VJ Rex].
[Performance]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Hansen, EM., & DJ Sammari, .Electroluxxe [VJ Rex].
[Performance]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Hansen, EM., Gillam, JL., & DJ Prepay, .Untitled performance for the opening of scape 2006, Dont Missbehave [VJ Rex].
[Performance]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Hansen, EM., & Bennett K, .City Tours [DJ REXO LOCCO].
[Performance]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Hansen, EM., Gillam, JL., & Agnihotri-Clark, D.Another Lovely Daze.
[Performance]Authored by: Hansen, E.


Rotolo, J. (2019). The Medium is Numbers. (Master's Thesis, Massey University)
[Masters Thesis]Edited by: Hansen, E.


Gillam, J., Hansen, E., & Phillips, BE. (2021). The Chronicle of < _______ >.
[Other]Authored by: Gillam, J., Hansen, E.Contributed to by: Gillam, J.Edited by: Gillam, J., Hansen, E.
Hansen, EM., & Gillam, JL. (2013). Co-curators Te Hiko Hou.
[Other]Authored by: Gillam, J., Hansen, E.Edited by: Gillam, J.
Hansen, EM., & Gillam, JL. (2012). Inaugural Curator At Large, New Zealand Film Archive.
[Other]Authored by: Gillam, J., Hansen, E.
Hansen, EM., Gillam, J., Irving, M., & Lake, J. (2012, May). Still: Floortalk.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Gillam, J., Hansen, E.Edited by: Hansen, E.
Hansen, EM., Shaw, D., Reed, S., & Sherarer, R. (2012, October). remixed-floortalk. : The Film archive.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hansen, E.Edited by: Hansen, E.
Hansen, EM., Frengley, I., Te Ao, S., Parton, SJ., Thomson, A., & Vaofusi, F. (2012, November). Remade - floor talk. In New Zealand Film Archive, Wellington, New Zealand.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hansen, E., TeAo, S.Edited by: Hansen, E.
Hansen, EM., & Gillam, JL. (2012, June). Floor talk - Te Hiko Hou. : The Film Archive, Wellington, New Zealand.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Gillam, J., Hansen, E.Edited by: Hansen, E.
Gillam, JL., & Hansen, EM. (2010). Case study - ‘Pop Drifters – A case study of collaborative multimedia art’. Presented at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Gillam, JL., & Hansen, EM. (2006, June). Green Belt Video Suburb [floor talk]. In Enjoy Public Art Gallery. Presented at Enjoy Gallery, Wellington, New Zealand.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Gillam, JL., & Hansen, EM.Case study - ‘Pop Drifters – A case study of collaborative multimedia art’. Presented at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hansen, E.
Gillam, J., & Hansen, EM.Panel Presentation - The Wellington Collaboratorium Public Seminar. Presented at Victoria University School of Design, Wellington, New Zealand.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hansen, E.

Teaching and Supervision

Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Co-supervisor 0 1

Completed Doctoral Supervision

Co-supervisor of:

  • 2012 - Daniel James - Doctor of Philosophy
    Untitled, 2011: Hybridising Performance in Mashup Practice