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Contact details +64 (09) 414 0800

Emma Quigan BSLT, MEd, PDipEEP

Work-Integrated Learning Coordinator - Speech and Language Therapy

Institute of Education

 I coordinate all of the clinical placements for BSLT students.  I also teach the academic papers for work-integrated learning on the BSLT programme.

254102:Introduction to Professional and Ethical Practice in Education and Health Contexts

271256 Introduction to Speech-language Therapy Practice

271396 Field Work and Clinical Skills II

271496 Advanced Clinical Course I

271498 Advanced Clinical Course II

Research Outputs

Quigan, E., Gaffney, J & Si’ilata, R. (2021) Ēhara tāku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini: the power of a collective, Kōtuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online, 16:2, 283-306, DOI: 10.1080/1177083X.2021.1920434

White, A., Stagg Peterson, S., & Quigan, E. (2022). Young children co-constructing stories with teachers. In Early Childhood Folio (Vol. 26, Issue 2, pp. 13–19). NZCER Press, New Zealand Council for Educational Research.

Emma Quigan (Kai Tahu) is the work-integrated learning coordinator at Massey University for the Bachelor of Speech and Language Therapy programme. She is a registered Speech-language Therapist (SLT) and the Co-President of the New Zealand Speech Therapy Association.  Emma completed her master's degree under the guidance of Professor Janet Gafney and Dr Rae Si'ilata in 2018, investigating the power of SLTs divulging power and supporting parents to coach other parents on early language skills. 

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  • Bachelor of Speech and Language Therapy - Massey University (2008)
  • Master of Education - University of Auckland (2021)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Education with Merit in Educational Psychology - Massey University (2013)

Research Outputs


Pillay, M., Welch, D., Nicholls, D., Bjork, C., Carusi, T., & Quigan, E. (2024). Working in the Gorse: Criticality in Rehabilitation Healthcare Education in Aotearoa|New Zealand. Pacific Health. 7, Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Bjork, C., Pillay, M., Quigan, E., Tweed, B.
Pillay, M., Quigan, E., & Kathard, H. (2023). Questions of suitability: The Sustainable Development Goals. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. 25(1), 162-166
[Journal article]Authored by: Pillay, M., Quigan, E.