Work-integrated learning

Work-integrated learning , Ako Tūhono

Learn about the work-integrated learning opportunities we offer when you study at Massey, and how to host one of our students.

Work-integrated learning (WIL) lets you put the theory you're learning into practice. WIL activities can include:

  • work placements
  • internships
  • clinical or field placements and practicums
  • service learning
  • work-related projects and competitions
  • entrepreneurship and student-led enterprise.

Work-integrated learning can be paid or unpaid and be face-to-face or online.


Some of the benefits you can get through work-integrated learning include:

  • real-world learning
  • practical, hands-on and relevant work experiences
  • opportunities that are applicable to your career and professional development goals
  • experiences that increase your areas of knowledge
  • exposure to professional people, organisations and cultures
  • opportunities to develop your professional identity and competencies
  • experiences that increase your graduate opportunities.

WIL at Massey:

  • provides flexible and wide-reaching teaching and learning opportunities
  • is informed by world-leading research
  • is conducted in partnership with community and industry.

Watch our practical experiences at Massey video.

Opportunities at Massey

Work-integrated learning (WIL) can be part of a course or qualification. On completion it will be assessed against the course learning outcomes or qualification requirements. It can also give you an opportunity to gain work experience.


Accountancy work experience

The Massey School of Accountancy in collaboration with Auckland North Community and Developed (ANCAD) have developed two initiatives, Auckland Community Accounting (ACA) and Community Accounting Aotearoa (CAA). Through ACA and CAA, Massey Accounting student volunteers, operating collaboratively in teams and under the guidance of Chartered Accountants, provide valuable financial counsel and training to community organisations throughout Aotearoa New Zealand.

Contact person: Geoff Andrews (ANCAD) at

Analytics work placement

The Master of Analytics aims to give students experience solving real-world business problems. As part of their study, students complete a four-month work placement (November to February).

Contact person: Daniel Parker or Bodo Lang

Master of Analytics

Aviation management internship

The Bachelor of Aviation Management industry internship allows high-achieving undergraduate students to combine their university studies with work experience in any area of the aviation industry. The work experience helps students build the knowledge, analytical and research skills that set them up for success, and a long and successful career in this diverse and essential industry.

Students complete a 12-week internship with an aviation industry organisation.

Contact person: Andrew Gilbey

Bachelor of Aviation Management

Business administration research project

As part of the MBA and Executive MBA studies at Massey University, students work with client companies in different markets, national or global, to solve complex business challenges through investigations and top-level management recommendations. Some students may decide to add value to their own employers by working on a significant challenge at work, others work across borders or in different industries, to help develop competitive skills and competencies. It is this practical approach to management and leadership challenges that sets the Massey MAB and EMBA apart in the global market of highly accredited programs.

Contact person: Jens Mueller

Master of Business Administration

Business internship courses

115388 Internship in Business

The 115388 Internship in Business is a double-semester course which gives students practical experience in business. It allows students to integrate their theoretical knowledge with real-world practice and is supported by mentoring and supervision by business professionals. The internship in business is available to high-achieving undergraduate business students in their final year.

Students will complete 180 hours in the workplace over two semesters. The timing is negotiated between the student and organisation.

Contact people:
Auckland: Zoe Port
Manawatū and distance: Stephen Kelly

115388 Internship in Business

115389 Business Internship

The 115389 Business Internship is a single-semester course which gives students practical experience in business. Students complete a set project in a business which allows them to link theory to practice. The business internship is available to high-achieving undergraduate business students in their final year.

Students will complete approximately 100 hours in the workplace over a single semester. The timing is negotiated between the student and organisation.

Contact person: Sarah Leberman

115389 Business Internship

Communication internship

The communication internship is available to high-achieving Bachelor of Communication students in their third year. The internship gives our students great real-world experience. Internships consist of 100 to 120 hours working on projects, or a collection of communication and/or marketing-related activities, that support the work of the host organisation.

Contact person: Teresa Housel

Bachelor of Communication

Management professional practice course

The Master of Management has a professional practice course as a capstone course in a students' final semester. 'Capstone courses' are courses where students get the opportunity to apply the knowledge they have gathered throughout their study. Students undertake an investigation broadly within the area of their major.

The course is completed through either an:

  • internship or practicum
  • applied case study
  • enterprise planning practice.

Students prepare a professional consulting-style report and present their findings at the end of the course.

Contact people:
Auckland: Andrew Cardow or Darryl Forsyth
Manawatū and distance: Wayne Macpherson

Master of Management

Sport management practicums

Bachelor of Sport Management students complete two practicums:

  • a 30-hour sport management mini-practicum (second year)
  • a 180-hour sport management capstone practicum (third year).

In 'capstone practicums' students are given the opportunity to apply the knowledge they have gathered throughout their study. The practicums help students gain hands-on experience and develop the specialised sport management knowledge and skills they will need when they join the workforce.

Contact person: Kaye Thorn

Bachelor of Sport Management

Creative Arts

College of Creative Arts opportunities

The College of Creative Arts (CoCA) provides many different opportunities for multi-disciplinary work-integrated learning throughout all of its majors.

At honours and master's levels, students work with external stakeholders on real-world briefs, developing both commercially and socially-driven work.

Additionally, CoCA has two independent, externally-focused centres:

  • Open Lab – a student-led design agency, working with external clients on design projects including print, web and interactive, game, and event-based projects
  • Toi Āria – a university research centre delivering positive social change through effective community engagement projects.

Contact person: Faith Kane

Open Lab website

Toi Āria website


Dietetic professional practice

Work-integrated learning experiences form an integral part of the Nutrition and Dietetics endorsement in the Master of Science. Students are immersed in a range of workplace settings which reflect the core practice areas for the profession which are:

  • medical nutrition therapy
  • food service management
  • public health nutrition.

Partner organisations include:

  • Te Whatu Ora hospitals
  • large scale food and catering companies
  • primary health organisations
  • non-governmental organisations
  • charities.

Students also carry out consultations under the guidance of highly experienced New Zealand registered dietitians at Massey University’s Nutrition and Dietetic Centre to provide sound, personalised and practical nutritional advice for people of all ages. The clinic is located on the Auckland campus in Albany.


Nutrition and Dietetics – Master of Science

Nutrition and Dietetic Centre

Health science professional practice

Professional practice is embedded in the Bachelor of Health Science (BHlthSc) majors including:

  • environmental health
  • health promotion
  • integrated human health
  • mental health and addiction
  • occupational safety and health
  • psychology.

The BHlthSc has one specific work-integrated learning course, 250320 Work-Integrated Learning in Health Science.

The course is compulsory for the Addiction Practitioner Pathway in the Mental Health and Addiction major. For all other majors and the Non-Practitioner Pathway in the Mental Health and Addiction major, it can be taken as an elective finishing course in the final semester of study. Entry into the course is by application, as there are a limited number of placement opportunities in each discipline.

Contact person: Wyatt Page

Bachelor of Health Science

250320 Work-Integrated Learning in Health Science


Bachelor of Nursing

The Bachelor of Nursing qualification provides more than 1,100 hours of experience-based learning in various practice settings and contexts. Practice areas are selected to make sure the type of learning opportunities offered by the health care provider match the theoretical focus of the course.

The practicum experience gives student nurses the opportunity to observe and work alongside registered nurses to develop professional insights and put theory into practice.

Contact person: Kerri-Ann Hughes

Bachelor of Nursing

Master of Clinical Practice (Nursing)

Clinical placements are where theory and simulated practice come together. In the Master of Clinical Practice (Nursing) students complete more than 1,100 hours of experiential learning in a broad range of clinical placements. The placements align with the learning outcomes of each clinical course, and establish a wide foundational knowledge base for professional practice.

Contact person: Janine Palmer

Master of Clinical Practice (Nursing)

Public health praxis course

The public health praxis (practice) course within the Master of Public Health is a capstone course where students have opportunities to apply their skills and learning in an area of interest within the public health field.

The praxis involves supervised and team-based work on defined and contemporary public health issues. Students complete 300 hours of supervised public health practice with specified goals and objectives.

Contact people: Chrissy Severinsen or Gretchen Good

Master of Public Health

Social work placements

Social work placements provide students with the opportunity to integrate theory with real-world experiences. Students undertake two placements in different organisations, completing a minimum of 120 days in their qualification. Placements may be in government, non-government, iwi or Maori organisations.

Contact people: Lynsey Ellis or Kathryn Hay

Sport and exercise practicums

Sport and exercise practicums give students multi-disciplinary work-integrated learning experiences in the areas of:

  • sport management
  • sport development
  • physical education
  • exercise prescription.

Contact people: Lynette Hodges or Andy Martin

Bachelor of Sport and Exercise

Humanities and Social Sciences

Counselling professional development

Our Master of Counselling Studies student graduate with advanced professional counselling knowledge and capabilities. As part of this qualification competency is developed through supervised clinical field work. Students will be asked to complete 100 hours of counselling during the first year and another 100 hours during the second year.

Contact: David Coomber

Master of Counselling Studies

Developmental studies practicum course

The development practicum course gives students an opportunity to gain first-hand experience of being a beginning development practitioner.

For those who already have practice experience, it provides a way to gain first-hand experience in a different development setting.

Students will complete 260 hours of professional work in an approved development organisation. As an important part of the course, students will reflect on how this work can be understood in relation to current literature on development theory and practice.

Contact person: Rochelle Stewart-Withers

131708 Development Practicum

Educational and developmental psychology internship

The Postgraduate Diploma in Educational and Developmental Psychology is a one-year internship which provides a framework for supervised professional practice.

To qualify for the diploma, students need to complete supervised full-time practical work for a period of one academic year. The work needs to meet the requirements of the courses included in the diploma.

Contact: Roseanna Bourke

Postgraduate Diploma in Educational and Developmental Psychology

Learning and teaching professional experience

The Graduate Diploma of Learning and Teaching includes a total of 16 weeks of professional experience in education settings. It gives students an opportunity to develop and refine their professional skills alongside our supportive teachers and mentors.

The professional experience involves two seven-week blocks of practicum in different education settings as well as 10 days of targeted professional experience that supports individual professional growth.

Contact: Judith Donaldson

Graduate Diploma of Learning and Teaching

Speech language therapy clinical experience

The Bachelor of Speech and Language Therapy with Honours combines academic coursework with supervised clinical experience. In years two to four of your qualification you have the opportunity to work alongside practising speech-language therapists to gain clinical hours in a wide range of settings.

Contact: Mershen Pillay

Bachelor of Speech Language Therapy Honours

Sustainable development goals practicum course

As part of the Master of the Sustainable Development Goals students complete the 131810 Sustainable Development Goals Practicum course. The purpose of the course is to provide students with a practical experience in the application of the sustainable development goals (SDG). Students will complete 320 hours of professional work in an approved agency.

As an important part of the course, students will research how this work can be understood in relation to current literature on the SDG and sustainable development.

Contact person: Samantha Gardyne

Master of the Sustainable Development Goals

131810 Sustainable Development Goals Practicum

Specialist teaching programme

The Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist Teaching is a two-year interprofessional qualification designed for educators working in the area of Learning Support to become Specialist Resource Teachers. Professionals across eight specialist areas integrate full-time work and part-time study with a focus on growth, application to practice and evidence of impact. Tailored study pathways are co-designed with sector partners to align learning with the needs of the community. Portfolio-based assignments document contributions to tamariki, whānau and the education system.

Contact: Wendy Holley-Boen

Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist Teaching


Agribusiness and agricultural science work experience

You must complete 26 weeks of industry experience in the primary industry sector if you are a student in the:

  • Bachelor of Agribusiness
  • Bachelor of Agricultural Science.

Students need to complete two reports covering 13 weeks of work each as part of the 119150 Practicum I and 119250 Practicum II courses.

Students who have worked in a family business like a farm before enrolling at Massey can be given credit for 13 weeks of industry experience after completing a 119150 report.

Contact person: James Millner

Bachelor of Agribusiness

Bachelor of Agricultural Science

119150 Practicum I

119250 Practicum II

Construction work experience

218110 Construction Industry Work Experience I

In the 218110 course students need to complete 300 hours of construction industry work experience.

Students who successfully complete this course should be able to:

  • demonstrate professionalism in work placement
  • meet the employer’s requirements of a trainee in the workplace
  • demonstrate appropriate health and safety behaviour in the workplace.

Contact person: Mikael Boulic

218110 Construction Industry Work Experience I

218210 Construction Industry Work Experience I

In the 218210 course students need to complete 300 hours of construction industry work experience related to their major (Construction Management or Quantity Surveying).

Contact person: Wajiha Shahzad

218210 Construction Industry Work Experience I

Food technology work experience

As part of the Bachelor of Food Technology with Honours, all students need to complete a minimum of 800 hours of approved practical work experience.

Students need to complete two reports as part of the 228210 Practicum I and 228310 Practicum II courses.

Contact person: Richard Love

Bachelor of Food Technology with Honours

228210 Practicum I

228310 Practicum II

Horticultural science industry work experience

All students in the Bachelor of Horticultural Science must complete 26 weeks of industry experience in the primary industry sector.

Students need to complete two reports covering 13 weeks of work each as part of the 119150 Practicum I and 119250 Practicum II courses.

Students who have worked in a family business like an orchard before enrolling at Massey can be given credit for 13 weeks of industry experience after completing a 119150 report.

Contact person: James Millner

Bachelor of Horticultural Science

119150 Practicum I

119250 Practicum II

Veterinary science – companion animal rotating internship

Massey University Veterinary School is among the top 50 schools in the world and is an accredited program by the AVMA and AVBC. We offer clinical training for post-graduate veterinary students through our companion animal internships.

Our 12.5-month internship will set you up for success as you start you on your path toward specialty training. In your internship you will work with European, American and Australian boarded surgeons and criticalists, experienced practitioners and our exceptional nursing and support team.

Our program is designed for highly motivated recent graduates who wish to grow their clinical knowledge and expertise in all areas of companion animal practice.

About Massey Vets Companion Animal Hospital

Want to join us?

Contact Pauline Nijman: if you have any enquiries.

Apply for the companion animal rotating internship

If you are successful, you will be contacted directly by Pauline Nijman to set up an interview. Pre-interview question and answer sessions can be arranged at your request.

Veterinary science – Emergency medicine & Critical Care (ECC) internship

This program is focused on ICU care, primary and referral emergencies and hospitalist care. It is targeted to those individuals who are interested in pursuing a residency in ECC and would also be very helpful to those preparing for the Australian ECC membership examinations.

Our ECC Internship is as follows:

  • 24 weeks overnight primary emergency
  • 16 weeks ECC daytime primary emergency, where you’ll work alongside a criticalists or ECC resident.
  • 6 weeks of electives (e.g. surgery, anaesthesia etc)
  • 2 weeks research.

Weekly ECC physiology book-clubs and journal clubs are run by the criticalists and residents, in addition to the rotating intern learning opportunities.

Both our criticalists are highly interested and invested in research, and an ECC-based research project is highly encouraged and supported.

In additional to the clinical experience and training our internship programs includes the following educational opportunities:

  • formal – weekly departmental journal clubs and book clubs, fortnightly intern seminars run by our specialists and monthly morbidity and mortality rounds
  • rounds – weekly case-based multi-disciplinary rounds
  • presentations – research or case-based presentations
  • teaching opportunities – opportunities to aid in BVSc 1-5 student tutorials to hone your teaching skills.

About Massey Vets Companion Animal Hospital

Want to join us?

Contact Pauline Nijman:

If you are successful, you will be contacted directly by Pauline Nijman to set up an interview. Pre-interview question and answer sessions can be arranged at your request.

Veterinary science – practical work experience

Bachelor of Veterinary Science students need to complete a period of 21 weeks or more of approved practical work experience and associated reports. This includes the following three courses:

  • 227110 Farm Practical Training (1 week)
  • 227310 Farm Practical Work (14 weeks)
  • 227410 Vet Practical Work (6 weeks)

Want to join us?

Contact person: Sue Gribbin

227110 Farm Practical Training

227310 Farm Practical Work

227410 Vet Practical Work

Veterinary science – veterinary pathology residency

A residency position is available each year for a veterinary graduate pursuing a career in veterinary diagnostic pathology.

The residency is for up to three years, and includes:

  • postgraduate scholarship
  • Master of Veterinary Studies.

If you are successful, you will be expected to pursue a specialty in veterinary pathology.

American College of Veterinary Pathologists

European College of Veterinary Pathologists

Want to join us?

Applications open mid-way through the year.

Please contact the residency coordinator Fernanda Castillo-Alcala: if you are interested in the program.

Enterprise opportunities

Massey Student Enterprise program

The Massey Student Enterprise program is designed to:

  • inspire and support student start-up entrepreneurs
  • embed enterprise thinking into WIL in all disciplines and professions.

Contact person: Brad Booysen

Massey Student Enterprise website

What our students say

“The practical aspects are numerous and thrilling, and the lecturing staff are supportive world-class experts. I gained a wealth of knowledge with well-supported experiences to apply that knowledge.”
Leith Towers

Bachelor of Speech and Language Therapy

“The experience made me a more confident and well-rounded graduate. I've been able to take skills from my internship year and apply them in a completely different industry four years later.”
Gina Kelly

Bachelor of Communication, Graduate Diploma in Teaching

“I would strongly recommend the WIL programme to current students. You will be able to put what you have learned in practice in real life settings, have the opportunities to observe the experts in their field in action and learn from them.”
Andrew Xia

Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics

Become a host organisation

Work-integrated learning involves a three way partnership between:

  • students
  • workplace organisations
  • the university.

We partner with small and large organisations in New Zealand and all over the world.

WIL provides workplace organisations with the opportunity to:

  • gain the latest knowledge, research, technology innovations, and skills for their workforce
  • develop or create new programmes or projects
  • offer meaningful learning opportunities to future graduates
  • support student development of personal and professional competencies
  • establish a cooperative working relationship with a university.

Contact us to enquire about hosting students at your organisation.

Research and awards in WIL

Our staff carry out world-leading research in work-integrated learning in many areas of study. Some of the staff and areas include:


Professor Andy Martin was named a principal fellow of the prestigious Higher Education Academy in the United Kingdom in 2021. The award was in recognition of his teaching, scholarship and leadership in the field of work-integrated learning, specifically related to the development and coordination of the sport practicum at Massey University.

Read the award news article

Associate Professor Kathryn Hay was presented with the Australia New Zealand Social Work and Welfare Education and Research Field Placement Recognition Award in 2019. The award was for her significant contribution to field work learning, including introducing innovations to field work placements.

Read the news award article